Now prove you mean business Mr Levy!

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, November 27, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    It is not exactly a hidden fact that my love for Daniel Levy is pretty much non existent. Currently he is being very quiet whilst the team are doing well, but in January he could face his biggest tests yet, and should he come through that unscathed, in the summer of 2016 he will have to prove once and for all whether he truly does, as he says, have the best interests of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club at heart.

    With Harry Kane in great form and Dembele showing what a class act we have always known he is , it is hardly surprising that the media are already putting our best players up for sale. Chelsea are rumoured to be interested in Harry Kane and Dembele , whilst a host of teams are looking at Alli, Eriksen and Vertonghen.
    Now, the reality is that if we sold those players we could buy an entire new team, but if we did, all of the hard work Pochettino has been doing would count for nothing.

    Whilst it may be getting over excited to talk of Spurs winning the title this season, I see no reason why we can't talk about winning the title in the next 3 seasons. We have a young core of players who are playing for each other and most importantly are playing for the manager.

    The academy is continuing to produce talent and over the next 5 seasons I fully expect to see another group of players hitting the big time at White Hart Lane- well, the new White Hart Lane.

    That is exciting and in Pochettino's hands, the youth coming through must be thinking about a having a bright future in the premier league with the real possibility of playing for a trophy winning Tottenham Hotspur.

    In the tenure of Daniel Levy, he has consistently sold our best talent, usually to the detriment of the squad and the prospects for the club on the pitch.
    He seems to have finally found the perfect fit for Spurs in MP and he is allowing him to build a team that should have longevity.

    We all know that Mr Levy considers himself a master deal maker, but when it comes to the current crop of players, he needs to send out a statement of intent right now that they are not for sale. None of them.

    Players have their heads turned by big money offers from the likes of Chelsea, City, Madrid etc. But usually those moves end in tears. Look at Sinclair, Rodwell, Delph as recent examples of players with exciting careers ahead, only to move to so called Bigger clubs and see their careers come to shuddering halt.

    The current squad has to be kept together if we want to move into a new stadium as a team capable of winning major trophies.

    I have never , and still do not trust Daniel Levy and ENIC. BUT, now is the time for him to prove me and the other Levy out brigade wrong. If he makes me eat my words and keeps our best team in years together, adds to it and keeps Poch in charge for years to come, I for one will be over joyed.

    It's over to you Daniel. Don't wait. Get the chequebook out, get the contracts signed and tell anyone interested in our current squad to take a long walk off a bridge. Preferably Stamford Bridge.

    As ever, Come on you Spurs!!
  2. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    I agree about Levy but I fear it will not be him that buckles but the player,Modric,Bale,Berbs,all went on strike to get the move,our team are very young and at an age where the wrong agent can get into there heads and pull them away and Levy can do nothing.....
    Stay firm...
    Mattj78 and Ramos43 like this.
  3. spurs70 Guest

    Haha! Levy hasn't got to prove anything to you. Let's face it, he only sold players that demanded to be sold, & you can't lay the fault with him when times are bad, but not when the times are good. Grow up.
    Mattj78 and Ramos43 like this.
  4. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I am still no fan of Levy, as I clearly state in the article. You are right that he sold players that demanded to be sold, but he now has the opportunity, right now, to make a statement of intent in regard to our players. I am fully aware he has not got anything to prove to myself and I think you'll find there is a little irony in my statement regarding that.

    I , as all Spurs fans, want the very best for Spurs and regardless of success , I still don't believe that ENIC are really interested in success on the pitch.

    But what they can do is prove the doubters wrong by backing this current squad and the manager to the hilt and should they do I will be very happy if we get the success I believe we can achieve with this current squad and manager.

    As for growing up, i gave up on that years ago, I find keeping a youthful outlook on life is healthy.
  5. big fran Guest

    I don't envisage any sales in the near future and in particular this window. Maybe summer time utd may be looking at lloris when de teaiinevitably leaves for Madrid. I'm sure clubs will be interested in Kane as if expected he scores another 20+goals and continues to show maturity in leading from the front. But realistically how much could spurs demand for a young striker hitting 20 goals a season with his all round game,hold up play,leadership, work rate and popularity up and down the country. Add to that he is English proven in the prem so low risk adapting to a new club? U would be looking at 50m upwards..
    Mattj78 and Nomadico like this.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I'd rather 5 more years of Kane at Spurs than 50 or 60 million quid and no Kane.
    Mick, John Pitt and Nomadico like this.
  7. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Matt if you were attempting to smoke me out into the open, by writing this piece, I suppose we can say it's mission accomplished, eh.;)

    Listen, people ALWAYS make out that Levy ENJOYS selling our best players in order to make a quick buck, but, the FACT of the matter is, he has ONLY ever sold our top talent when the individuals in question make it (abundantly) clear that their hearts/ heads are no longer invested into what The Chairman/ club is trying to build, at WHL.

    And in that scenario, he sells - on HIS terms - and rightly so!!!

    Lets get it straight, the MAIN reason Spurs are enjoying this recent run of form is because we have a squad of young, talented and ambitious individuals who are ALL, as a UNIT/ COLLECTIVE, buying into the managers ideas, and the direction the club is heading in, wholeheartedly. It's as simple as that!!!

    Now, if for whatever reason someone within the squad decides they DON'T want to be part of the clubs present/future and cannot be persuaded otherwise, then, REGARDLESS of who it is, I would FULLY expect Levy to do what is best for all concerned and ship em out (preferably abroad) to the highest bidder.

    No player is ever bigger than the club. And Big clubs should NEVER treat them as such.

    Besides, selling your best player/s is NEVER an excuse for any club to stagnate.... as stagnation is usually caused by (poor) player recruitment.


    That's my mantra... and it appears that it is Levys too!
    Last edited: November 27, 2015
  8. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Hugo will only leave if we do not get CL, As for Kane he will stay for now,Ali is the one I worry about,hot headed at times hence the bookings he is full on and needs a steady hand so we can continue to benefit from his energy,strange but I am happy he is out of sundays match as Oscar and cronies would get him a red..
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Not so much smoked as kindly invited my good friend.
    I feel we have stagnated under Levy mostly but hopefully now we can get on with winning things again.
    The true test will be if we have a few sticky results. Levy had an itchy trigger finger. I just hope for now he keeps it in his holster!!!

    Good to hear from you again Ramos. For all the disagreements, you always have my utmost respect.
  10. burnt Guest

    This has been done to death really , i don't remember him ever selling anyone that didn't want out and if anyone in this squad wants out then he's right to f**k them off to the highest bidder i.m.o .... Cant see anyone wanting out while things are going well but that will change for sure if we fall back into the pack and don't fulfill the early promise we,ve shown so far .. What ever hopes a team have of holding onto homegrown local lads like Harry because they have an affinity with the club the reality is the foreign dudes have no real connection to these clubs and as soon as a more attractive package comes along 90% of the time they'll want out .. We don't seem to see the fact that we all try and buy the best players from teams we believe to be below us in the food chain .. You think the likes of Southampton want to sell all their best players to the Spurs or the Scousers or whoever after all the work they put in but thats the nature of the beast im afraid and the teams at the top of the food chain will always try and pluck the Jewells from those they believe to be lesser Clubs and when it comes to Barca and Real M. then every club in the world is a feeder club of sorts to them at the moment .. Of course there's exceptions to every rule but in the main thats the way it is and the way it will continue for the foreseeable future ........
    Mattj78 likes this.
  11. MikeySpurs Guest

    My main problem with Levy is not so much the selling as the lack of spending when we absolutely need to. How many January windows have we seen with a chance of top four but missing out on a player, usually a striker, because he leaves it late or quibbles over a couple of million.

    Forget selling anyone in January. That's a non-story. What is absolutely ESSENTIAL is to bring another striker in as cover for Kane.

    And PLEASE can we have a discussion without the abuse especially from the 'how dare you criticise our great chairman' brigade.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  12. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    To be fair, the comments tonight are fairly light hearted. I've had much worse than grow up said to me after one of my articles!!!
    Broad shoulders my friend, broad shoulders!!
  13. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Listen, Matt, it is well documented the love I have for all of you guys, but lets cut the ****, eh!... (lol) ;)...

    I mean, isn't calling for Levy to be strong in his resolve if/ when we go through a difficult spell a bit rich, given that you have hardly been the most stout in your support of individuals, at the club, under similar circumstances?

    (And that's WITHOUT having to carry the weight of expectation from millions of Spurs supporters across the globe!)

    Look, I'm NOT trying to dig you out here, but I thought you more than most would understand Levy's quest for the 'perfect blend', given your own expectations and frustrations with the recent 'going-ons' at the club, over the years.

    Because like I ALWAYS say, we can all call for The Chairman to show patience towards a manager when things are going well, but it's when results go against us that our commitment to that notion is REALLY tested.

    Until that day comes, and the opportunity arises for you to show YOUR BACKING for the management, team or an individual player, your insistence that Levy shows his support just sounds like another thoughtless cliche.

    After all how can you condemn/ criticise someone for something that you readily do yourself?!
    Last edited: November 27, 2015
  14. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I understand the quest but the constant hiring and firing of managers over the ENIC years has been nothing short of embarrassing. It brings in to question the man at the tops ability to select the right man.
    Time will tell whether he has finally got the right man after nearly fifteen years of trying!!

    At the moment we don't have too may massive egos which is a good thing and the person with the biggest ego at Spurs, other than your good self Ramos, is currently keeping quiet. And that's the best thing he can do. He has interfered consistently with managers but now, at long last, has perhaps learned his lesson.

    Going back to the comment from another contributor about 'abuse', what always makes me smile is the fact that often it comes from those who have never written a blog themselves!!
    I don't mind people not agreeing or liking my comments, it's all part of what a blog site is about. Difference of opinion is all good.

    I'm not always right and try to show humility when I'm proved wrong. Not sure if Ramos has ever come across the word humility though?
  15. big fran Guest

    I've been as critical as most about Levy and the hierarchy in the past especially in missed opportunities in certain windows. Selling players however that wanted to leave I cannot blame him for when clearly they wanted to leave and aastronomical valuations met.
    Think its time to concentrate on the here and now for all concerned.
    While I feel two big signings would be nice I'm sure all agree keeping our better players together is the main necessity in the forthcoming window.
    However if we can take a good haul of points in December and the match on Sunday this can dictate what level of player we should target whether it be to seal a top four or more unrealistic option two top top players to challenge for a major title.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    We certainly need another striker. If Kane was to get injured I have no doubt that Son could get goals but it's a heck of an ask.
    Title talk is said to be premature but if you look at the teams at the top, is that really the case.
    On present form, which team would you say can beat Spurs?
    Possibly only Leicester on current form.

    Spurs should remember Alan Hansen's words.
  17. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    The biggest test this season will be the character of the players. Nobody's tired when you're on such a winning streak, but there will be some very tired legs should we get knocked out of the EL in the depths of deepest darkest Russia with a midtable team the following Sunday.

    Referring to the article, similarly I have never been won over by ENIC. But I have to say, Ramos alone is starting to win me over - but I have to give Levy some credit. We are unable to spend £100mill in a window. I don't want us to. We are able to spend £5mill on players like Alli, £20mill on Son, as these are investments in our club in the long term. I love this.

    Bring on a very difficult Sunday afternoon.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  18. MikeySpurs Guest

    I repeat another striker is essential, not just 'nice'. Why not have the ambition to win the league? Why do we always assume finishing fourth is the most we can aim for? It's wide open this year but we need the man up top to show ambition. Speculate to accumulate Daniel. We were apparently willing to spend £20m on Berahino so go and spend it. And do it on Jan 1st. Not the 31st.
    Felon82 likes this.
  19. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Listen, your allowed to have a massive ego if your as good as The Ram is... And we should ALL know by now, that The Ram is VERY, VERY good. :cool:

    But, hey, humility ( I think that's how you spell it :confused:) has NOTHING to do with this particular conversation My Dear, Matthew. You see, this is purely about highlighting how short-sighted, uninformed and fickle we can sometimes be...especially when we are emotionally involved in the topic of debate.

    Lets not dwell on such things though, eh!

    Instead, why don't we look forward to an exciting future under the tutelage of a manager who is tailored made to deliver on The Chairman's, and MY own, vision for the club.

    Because, make no mistake, this is just the beginning...

    Mattj78 likes this.
  20. Will Guest

    I think the biggest point worth making is that under Poch the cl7b culture has changed. Every player knows tgey have to work hard and they have to work as a team. Don't and there is someone ready to take their place. Do and you'll play on merit.

    If any players want to leave then i think they will with the blessing of Poch. You're either part of the solution or a cultural problem aka Ade.

    As far as Levy hes not stupid he gets the best deals he can once a negotiation is agreed upon by Poch. As far as buying definitely an improvement on previous regimes.

    I cant see any of our top players wanting to leave and if they do then Levy get the most you can for them. We have 3 irreplaceable players at the moment in Kane Lloris and Dier. All are committed to WHL.

    Glory COYS

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