STOP PRESS!! I have some optimism!!!!!

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, August 29, 2015.

  1. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Not a bad overall team effort and like others I thought Dier was immense at breaking up play and bossing the middle, he seems a quiet lad but he's definitely got some beast in him and with the return of Danny Rose we looked energetic and robust, even Jan had a much better game, Toby also another solid display. So I think on a positive note the defence looks much more assured with Dier holding, something that has been missing and glaringly obvious from last seasons woeful defending, we also seem to be not playing the high line as much so credit to Poch for finally making a decision. However, we still lack the old cutting edge and creativity in attack, Mason looked ok and gave his usual energetic display and got himself into some good positions but he lacks finesse and doesn't own a pair of scoring boots and ultimately is just wasteful. Talking about wasteful Bentaleb should not start in front of Alli, this kid looks like he's ready to step up and is actually capable of doing something with the ball. Looking forward to seeing Son and Ninja and maybe a bit of pace and enthusiasm going forward, that is if Poch allows it. If not then mid table mediocrity looms, oh and a striker too.
    What about Eriksen ? does anyone else think that his omission of late is sus ?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  2. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Harry should have scored, game would have ended 1:0 and no one would say nothing but praise for this performance.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I have a feeling Eriksen is off.
  4. gary fox Guest

    We coped well against two powerful forwards. Dier was superb. We lack pace in midfield at present but Son and Clinton solve that. Yet again the opposition keeper was man of match and to be honest we gave him the chance to be as well as missing the target 3-4 times when a good chance arose. Its annoying that our search for a striker has extended into last two days of the window....."saving" £5m in fees makes no sense if it costs us £30m in lost points. Two final points.....I was at the gamevbut watched it again on Sky. Could they please stop using Niall Quinn in commentary? Its so anti-Spurs its laughable. And the refereeing was abysmal. Too many decisions not only wrong but baffling.
  5. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    So I sit down quietly to watch MOTD last night, to see if it was as I'd remembered it...not a great watch. To be fair the highlights looked better and Howard was MOTM....

    We were last...Never a good sign. I finished up feeling just as I have for a long time now. I watch Palace take it to Chelski, just like Swansea did, West Ham mullering Liverpool and know that we just don't play that winning full court game. You ask yourself if you're being too critical and you know what - you're not.

    We're four games in and nowhere in terms of getting a good enough and settled enough team and squad. That is simply Criminal. Incompetent for sure. Fecking about on tours to the States, when we should be playing locally and only in Europe, with the players that we've acquired in the summer, getting attuned to one another. Did we do that. Did we f**k....

    It just doesn't make any sense. So we're a point behind Cheski, so what. With Nice but Dim at the helm I'm not feeling great about the season.

    Mattj78 and Felon82 like this.
  6. johnnyhrvat Guest

    Eriksen is a luxury player - you expect something briliant from him at times but you don't expect him to do much work. Unfortunately the brilliance has become less frequent but fans still imagine he is the player he was a year or so ago.

    The Woolwich took three points yesterday by scoring with a shot that wasn't even on target (deflection). We just couldn't get that bit of luck yesterday but it was much more promising.
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Bazza your not alone in thinking this, i watch Spurs and then see other teams and its like we lack all urgency and coherent attacking sense.
    We very rarely if ever take it to the opposition, when we finally do get near the opposing box play seems to just stop or fizzle out.
    This has been a problem since AVB and is still prominent in the side.

    Is it desire/hunger that is the issue?
    Is it lack of quality/experience?
    Is it inept tactical coaching?

    For me it just isn't clicking the system/philosophy doesn't work, ok we played decent yesterday but there was no real conviction in our play.
  8. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    watching the football pre game show last night and Robbie Slater made a comment that for me rang true, it was that a team will reflect the thoughts and character of thier manager, I felt this was something that was evident in Manu under SAF and also Chelsea under Maureen, so ehat does that say about Spurs ?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Josh g Guest

    Two major concerns.

    1 .). What happens when HK is rested or injured? Why are we going into a season with only one target man / reliable goalscorer? (And Berahino, even if we got him, is neither).

    2 .) Why the apparent certainty that N'Jie and Son will improve Spurs? They have less impressive credentials than did Lamela, Bobby Soldado or Paulinho when they arrived.

    Hope for the best, regardless. What else can you do?
    Jonesy likes this.
  10. Worst Spurs start to the Premier League in 7 years! This reminds partly reminds me of the run we were on when Ramos was sacked in 2008!!!
  11. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Yes - as season follows season without progression, I find myself as clueless as Pochettino about what to expect from Spurs. With AVB you got exactly what it said on the tin; dull, robotic and ultimately doomed, because football is about flair and excitement, not method and 'philosophy'. With Pochettino, the tin says it contains high-pressing dynamic football, but the contents seem to have settled in transit, because it's been little more than thick sludge so far - a reflection of the real Poch perhaps? We've got yet more new players to try to integrate into the team, and while other clubs and managers seem to manage it without racking-up yet another 'transitional' season, the omens aren't good. We had the 'Famous Five' back in 1994, and much good it did us (or Ossie Ardiles), followed by the 'Magnificent Seven' two years ago (and we don't need to be reminded how well that turned out) - I have no idea whether we'll stop at five this window, but it's time we realised that a recipe isn't improved by endlessly adding ingredients if the basics are wrong (and the basics in this case are certainly Levy/ENIC and probably Pochettino).
  12. Mick

    Mick Member

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    It is only 4 games let's not despair. The team is changing rapidly. Who would of thought that Eric Dier could play give such a strong performance after only a handful of games at dfm. So well done to the manager for seeing his potential. With the arrival of Son and Njie in a few weeks the team is going to look completely different. Possibly no Bentaleb,Mason,Lamela,Chadli and maybe even Eriksen. Yes we desperately need a out and out striker. To be honest I would settle for a mid table position if we can move forward and integrate the new players and some of our outstanding young players into the side for next season. I hope I am wrong but top 4 looks highly unlikely this season and do we really want to qualify for Europa League. I know it is always jam tomorrow but good sides take time to build so for once let's not panic and stick with the manager. Remember Keith Burkinshaw was relegated as Spurs manager but went on to build one of our best teams
  13. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Finish mid table???? My god how many of you have been brainwashed by Levy???
    Jonesy and Felon82 like this.
  14. Unfortunately, right now it looks that way (mid table finish). We are in a transitional season more than other past seasons. Whilst we have improved our defence, the attacking side of the team leaves a lot to be desired. Kane is unfit, or carrying an injury. We are lacking width, moving forward in numbers in a menacing way, and more than one player who can score goals!!!

    Hopefully Son, and N'Jie will improve us in the attacking department, but we must buy a few more attacking players, and x2 midfield generals before the transfer window closes on Tuesday. COYS.
  15. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Exactly Felon.....we have a problem in the club and Nice but Dim is part of that. I look at players that have left us, there are three at Swansea on the box now - I never see them have a bad game, but they struggled with us and even if the crowd didn't help there is something sadly lacking.
    West Ham have Bilic, a legend and a fanatical WH supporter...we good rid of Timmy........ffs

    and even if it's not players who have left us, when did we last purchase an unknown player for a reasonable fee who turned out to be a gem.....where are the hungry, physically strong and/or pacey players who we so desperately need - come on Mr Mitchell................
    Felon82 likes this.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    We have Baldini, Mitchell, poch and levy.

    Modern day neros fiddling while our Empire burns!!!!
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. Right now the Empire is burning due to as lack of attacking tactics, and more importantly a lack of more than one player (Kane who is unfit) who can score a lot of goals. Unless we start to win some games, we will hover above the relegation zone, and if we fail to win games Poch runs the risk of the sack around Oct!
  18. burnt Guest

    In the last 25 season,s our best finishing position in the league has been 4th twice , strangely enough both achieved under Enic,s ownership ... Is this the so called great Empire yee are on about or am i missing something ... This is not a pro Enic post , this is the reality ...
    Mattj78 likes this.
  19. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    The optimism from this performance was our defense, despite Walker's mistakes. Dier playing that cdm role is really settling well. Mason impressed as well, going forward. Once Njie and Son are fit and Eriksen is back, hopefully that creativity we're missing in the final 3rd will come. I do hope Kane will find his form soon, he's doing all the right things; just needs his confidence back. That illusive first goal will come!!
  20. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I take your point and under ENIC we have made some progress. I have never disputed that fact. The issue is that we got to fourth and have then gone backwards. That's the issue with levy and ENIC. Interesting that Joe Lewis was at the game yesterday. Maybe he is starting to think how we push on.

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