Pochettino's costly plea to Mr Levy...

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by James McC, August 15, 2015.

  1. Rome are welcome to him (Lamela), he'll bugger up your team and get your manager the sack!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Poch has no tactical nouse at all. Yesterday, Stoke were being well beaten and not playing at all well. Of course being Tottenham we still and have never had the ability to kill teams off. That hasnt changed in the thirty odd years of supporting the team.
    But what Mark Hughes did was make tactical changes to change the game. Poch made changes that made no sense at all. You take off Kane, and if he had taken a slight knock, fair enough, but put Dembele up front? He hardly does anything right in the position he is supposed to play!!!
    And why the hell has Lennon got no squad number when Lamela has? I know there are some who don't like Lennon but he offers pace and he works hard. I think the way Poch has treated him is disgusting, I really do.
    We now have the new striker and it looks like Berahino too, but Poch will still play one up top because he has shown he is a tactical dinosaur.
    And where is the so called pressing game. Last season, I saw it against Arsenal and Chelsea at home and also against someone or other in the UEFA kids cup. In over a year he has FAILED to get his players doing what he wants them to do!!
    Let me set one thing straight here, I am not calling for Poch to go - not yet anyway. I don't see what good that would do and who would we get in anyway? Does anyone really believe that someone like Klopp would jump at the chance to become head coach at Spurs? It's fantasy.
    BUT , if Poch is going to succeed, he MUST show diversity and flexibility in his tactics.

    Yesterday was about one manager showing tactical awareness to change a result and the other committing tactical suicide. We came away with a point so its not all doom and gloom and at the start of the season it looks like the standards are falling again with defending non existent.

    In all honesty, the current squad is very weak. With new strikers, things could start to look up but only if Poch changes his tactics. Kane up front worked last season but it wont this season because our opponents have see that tactic and know how to deal with it. Stoke showed that yesterday.

    Leicester are next and they are playing well, with confidence so will not be an easy game.Poch must start showing he can change games. I am far from convinced but for now will allow him a chance to prove the doubters wrong.

    He needs to be careful though. Daniel Levy doesn't do patience. EVER.
  3. If we do not get some decent attacking players and a midfield general and a defence midfield, and apply wide players, then Poch will be sacked Sept/ Oct.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  4. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Levy always sacks em at that time of year.
    still, we are financially stable off the pitch and football comes second.
  5. Yes that's right, and the pace of our play in the 2nd half yesterday was too slow, and Poch's use of subs was diabolical.

    Financially stable!! as they are planning to put up our season tickets by £600!!! - ref. their consultation of us.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Sorry I was being sarcastic. The Tottenham Trust are culpable in that. They are in Levy's pockets.

    Under Poch our play has been slow, lethargic and lazy.
  7. Thanks, if the Tottenham Trust has being culpable in that - did they suggest to Spurs to put our season tickets up by around £600 (top price tickets) in the new Stadium when it is built and in use? Why those inflated figures, when the money the Premier League will receive in 2016/17 for the next three years will be x £5 Bn than the current deal?

    Poch must improve tactics, speed of play, fitness, and use width rather than inverse wingers, otherwise he could be out around Sept/ Oct.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  8. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The club and Supporters Trust only care about one thing. Their own pockets.
  9. Yes, thats right. Daniel Wynne once chairman of the Trust, for the last few years works for the club re. DVD commentary. Poacher turned gamekeeper!

    But they really should be more realistic in their season ticket pricing for the new stadium.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. maguaswilson12 New Member

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    At some point today we apparently had 72% of the possession and it counted for what ? not much really. Pass the ball back and sideways often enough and they can go off and have a cup of tea. Paul Scholes once said that if he passed the ball sideways too often Ferguson would threaten to drop him.

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