Friendly fire

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, August 5, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    As Spurs get ready to face AC Milan this evening and another set of players get a run out, I want to ask a question. What are people's thoughts on the amount of friendlies that are now played in pre season?

    I fully understand the need for gaining match practice, gaining fitness etc, but is there not a point when we play too many friendly games?
    This pre season , Spurs have been to America to further sell our brand and are now in Germany with just three days until the start of the new Premier league season to go.
    I don't know about anyone else, but to me that strikes me as madness. We will play some more players this evening and then we fly back leaving Friday to either train or recuperate. Okay, so Germany is hardly a million miles away, but is this getting players fit or is it overkill? Ultimately I know it's about money, but does anyone else share my view that we are in danger of burning players out before the season has begun?

    I talked in my last article about some of the positives I have already seen, but judging by your comments, there are some negative vibes as well out there.
    In pre season, Kane has, for the most part looked absolutely shattered. He is dropping very deep to get the ball and then no one is running beyond him. He cannot play that way for a full season. Against Madrid last night he worked his socks off but the Madrid players had clearly seen videos of Kane last season and played him out of the game. Only a friendly of course, but it does cause me a small concern.

    And then there was the interview after the game with Bale. Bale said he was impressed with Spurs who at "times played good football" but his ex team mates were " weary."

    That sounds alarm bells to me. Weary? With 3 days to do to the United game. Weary? How can you be weary before a ball has been kicked in anger?

    Friendlies have their purpose. In the modern game they are more about financial gain for the PLC's and advertising the "brands" but if players feel weary before the real stuff starts, surely someone, somewhere needs to think about priorities. Being ready for the season is one thing. Being knackered before it even starts?it's madness.

    So, do you think we play too many friendlies. Do you think there is no need for concern or do you think we are in danger of too much football before the football starts??

    As ever, COME ON YOU SPURS!!!
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    More purpose in this evenings game. Much better tempo and thankfully we looked less weary. The youngsters again showing that they will be the ones to carry Spurs forward in the Pochettino era.

  3. johnnyhrvat Guest

    I thought the same at first but actually it is probably a nice team bonding experience before the big kick off.
    We should also be getting used to playing Real Madrid midweek and Manure at the weekend - good practice for next season.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  4. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Now that's optimism!!! I suppose Madrid could end up in the Europa league!! Lol.
  5. Yeah , totally agree about this per season being overkill. Especially this Audi cup;two greulling games against some of the best teams in the world in two days. The commentator today suggested that Kane wasn't playing because of a 40m bid from manure. What he didn't consider was that poch may have been resting him after playing 90 mins day before. Good performances today from Trippier , Chadli ,and carrol in solid 2-0 win. Good to see Hugo andRyan playing again
    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. S-P Guest

    I agree.

    And in regard to the number of pre-season games - I believe it was less than usual, just that these last two are extremely close to the season opened, where we just happen to be the curtain raisers with United in a 12:45 kick-off.
  7. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    I think that with this season starting abnormally early to accommodate Euro 2016 fixtures, the preseason seems a little rushed. I'm not sure why the Premier League starts two weeks before Spain and Italy. Is it because of the addition of an extra competition (the League Cup) that England and France are starting before? Still doesn't make any sense considering that England doesn't take a winter break and France does. Whatever. When you take into consideration the two weeks plus that Spain and Italy take off, it's like an extra month of playing for EPL teams.

    That said, I think most preseasons are paced better than this one. That run to the US would usually have a stop and game in one or two more cities but we did it only for publicity this time around.
  8. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Today's game was not as much about the result as much as it was about giving the 'squad' a run out, and being able to leave this high profile competition with our heads held high.

    Well, Spurs managed to achieve both, and in quite WONDERFUL fashion, putting on a performance that had me cracking open the champagne after just 5 mins.

    Friendly or no friendly, this was a TEAM display of the highest order as a patched up Spurs side, made up mostly from players who will know that they are unlikely to start the game on the weekend, put on a show that no doubt will have won PLENTY of admirers from those in attendance/ watching the game.

    If the Madrid game was more about caution, strategy and game-management, then the showing against AC was all about flair, fluidity and functioning as a single operating unit.

    Some of the football played, both on and off the ball, by Spurs today was simply EXQUISITE, from a group of players who seemed DETERMINED to impress The Poch.

    I mean, the way young Luke Mcgee FREQUENTLY played the ball out from the back, challenging his defenders to deal with intense pressure from the AC forwards, was, although at times VERY risky, also VERY impressive, as 9/10 times the back 4 and midfielders dealt with those situations expertly -turning defence into attack with a drop of the shoulder or teammate showing (for the ball).

    The point is EVERY time a Spurs player had the ball, there was ALWAY 2/3/4 options for a pass, as opposed to just one or two.

    It was great to see. And the crowd at the Allianz were loving it....Make no mistake about it, the standing ovation at the end of the game was largely afforded to the team in white...and yes it was very much merited!

    Trying to single players out from a performance like that is extremely difficult as everyone to a man played their part.

    Nacer Chadli continues to exhibit the unlimited nature of his potential, scoring a SUBLIME 25 yarder with his WEAKER foot to get the ball running. And the scariest thing about Nacer is, THERE IS STILL SO MUCH MORE TO COME!!!:eek:

    Put simply, the guy can be anything he wants in the game, due to his mental, physical and technical skill set.

    Tom Carroll buzzed around the pitch with REAL purpose, invention and menace throughout, hardly wasting a pass. His goal, again, was a thing of beauty!

    Bentaleb marshalled the midfield with aplomb, going a long way to making up for the sloppy, blind square- pass that lead to the Bale goal the night before.

    Lamela improved markedly the longer the game went on, and could easily of had a goal and assist to his name.

    Kieran Trippier looks like he is relishing being surrounded by a better quality of player and Fazio was solid, reliable and impressive throughout.

    Seriously, EVERYONE played their part. Including young Josh Onomah and Harry Winks who came on late for a brief cameo.

    Pressing, team shape and team balance. Interchanging positions, filling in for others and 3rd man runs. Speeding up and slowing down of the tempo, incisive passing and clever movement. This Performance had it ALL.

    Listen, the little things that were happening OFF the ball. The things that most people would have missed. The things that have so clearly been worked on in training. The way in which Davies and Vertonghen swapped positions in order to allow the Belgian to foray into the oppositions half. The way the lads were aware of when to press and when to get back into their shape to draw the opposition on...The list goes on. It was all excellent.

    How many times over the past couple of days have we seen two or more Spurs players converging around a single member of the opposition, blocking off all avenues for a pass?

    And, pre-season or no preseason, these are all VERY encouraging signs that Pochettino FINALLY has a group of players AND minds that he can FULLY mould!

    It was the kind of display that would get the likes of your Jese's, Shaqiri's or Niang's believing that Spurs deserves SERIOUS consideration for a potential move should they wish to try their hand in the EPL.

    The kind of display that will get the German fans following THFC result/games just that little bit closer to see how this young side develops over the forthcoming season.

    And dare I say the kind of display that would have the likes of Pep Guadiola acutely aware of the potential and depth of talent a club like Tottenham possesses.

    Pochettino and the entire squad would have left the Allianz arena with a spring in their step, and an sense of excitement about what this group of players can achieve (with 2/3 additions).

    They would of felt proud to represent Tottenham Hotspur FC, and began VERY much looking forward to kicking of the season against Man Utd on Saturday.

    All these things mean that the Audi Cup has been an ENORMOUSLY worthwhile competition for Spurs to participate in, and hopefully we get invited to relive this experience again in the not to distant future.

    I dreamt/dream of seeing Spurs compete with the best teams around the globe. And being in this cup has given me another opportunity to live out those dreams.

    Regardless of what happens on Saturday, the results/performances over the last week have shown me more than enough to suggest that Spurs are heading in the right direction.

    Can you tell I'm excited???

    BRING ON UTD!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: August 6, 2015
    notnats and Mattj78 like this.
  9. Much better today. 1st team played for safety yesterday. Today's team was out to show the boss what they can do. Big difference.

    Now to see if there's energy for Saturday.
  10. Dace Member

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    Perhaps some of the tiredness could be appropriated not only to the number of Friendlies but also the now Summer schedule of a World Cup, European Championships and whatever occurred in South America ( sorry cannot think of the name of it !! ) this close season, these event effectively shorten the close season where players can rest. Not to mention the Bi annual ACON .
    We then get the start of the season with breaks in September October and November for pointless friendlies and even more WC, Euro qualifiers .
    Thanks to the CL and the EL now being a mini league even more games.
    Little wonder players are weary, even being 21 cannot keep that at bay for long .
  11. guyestyme Guest

    we looked confident last night. you could that by the number of options availbale to the man on the ball. made the simple passes easy. everyone wanted the ball.
    we need to continue on that.....but I will say that we need to be more clinical in the final third. The PL will not allow you to overplay. At times I'd still like to see one of the 3 behind get ahead of the forward. ask questions behind the defensive line. draw the CB's into positions they don't want to be in. create spaces between the back 4. A lone forward cannot do that on his own.
    But plenty of positives. I'm all for playing the youngsters and giving them time to gel into a seriously good squad.

    Mattj78 likes this.
  12. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Im starting to think that Chadli is a decent shout as a striker/n 10, he's a bit of a waste out on the left wing and his best contributions come when he drifts over to the right and/or loiters around the box. This guy has all the attributes needed and could be a revelation as backup/ partner to Kane and lets face it, if we're not buying a striker then he's a definite improvement on Soldado who will never make an impact for this club no matter how many balls are put on a plate in front of goal. Chadli sometimes goes missing but put him in or around the box his goal scoring instincts take over.
    I like Austin and I think he's achievable but nothings happening and without Harry the only players we have that have goals on them is Chadli and Eriksen.
  13. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Lol Ramos, nice post as usual and just like your good self im very excited for the new season but im not so sure ill be cracking open the champagne just yet.
  14. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Not exactly sure where all this talk of tiredness has come from but I have to say I find it ABSOLUTELY ludicrous!

    If we are seriously talking about fatigue BEFORE a ball has even been kicked then we really are on a hiding to nothing this year.

    The players haven't looked the least bit tired to me this week, judging by their performances.

    If there is any slight hint of fatigue though I would suggest that it is a result of MP's training sessions which are designed to break you down before ultimately making you stronger.

    But again I have NOT seen ANY signs of fatigue thus far. In fact it's been quite the opposite as performances generally look they are becoming stronger and more polished.

    Lets not forget this is a side who GREW into matches the longer they went on for and this was in the midst of a full blown season. So, it seems an utter nonsense to suggest the boys are waning after a few 1st class flights and 45-65mins cameos here and there.

    These are a bunch of young boys we're running around with here... not Dads army!

    So leave it out with all the tired talk, please, lads!;)
    Mattj78 likes this.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    It came from Mr Bale stating that the players were weary but I agree they did not look tired last night. The main thing is that we must not overplay. The possession football is great but we will not get that amount of time on the ball Saturday and hopefully the manager has learnt that from last seasons mistakes.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The curse of Tottenham strikes again. Spurs have been heavily linked with Mirallas and Mcarthy at Everton. In fact Poch had even stated his desire for these 2.
    Spurs come knocking and what happens? They both sign new contracts!!!

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