Why only Spurs, Mauricio. Why only Spurs...

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, May 18, 2014.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    But Liverpool stopped Suarez leaving...
  3. jim Guest

    Pochitino out!! Completely unqualified with an empty cv. How can he even be on the list let alone top of it. The reason nobody else wants him is simple. He is ****. When are we going to stop hiring the worst candidate and go for a respected proper manager?
  4. Trigspur Guest

    Blind acceptance is a sign of stupid fools who stayed in line. For the so called un educated of us on here. Will someone please give me an honest answer. How many more flaming managers is Levy allowed to appoint and fire before more spurs fans question his ability to get things right on the football field. Don 't even use the financially well run bullshit and look where we are now cobblers!! I was there watching the shite unfold before my eyes dreaming of better days. Well things have improved but think about this for one minute!! People have come on here at various points in time when things don't go well on the pitch. Even when redknapp got us into champions league people were saying he's taken us as far as he can!! Well as levy has overseen the clubs fortunes going backwards over the last two seasons hasn't he taken spurs as far as he can!! Tottenham till I die.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    This whole stadium nonsence is ridiculous if its the stadium that counts then Newcastle and Sunderland should be 3rd and 4th every year and sheffield wednesday and leads should be 10th and 11th with us in 12th. Its all excuses and smoke screens. Atletico madrid won the league against 2 dominant teams that have stadiums nearly twice the size, and have also had to sell their star players. Difference being when they sell their best they replace with the same caliber of players ie torres forlan aguero falcoa costa etc we dont and go backwards.
    Its poor leadership covered up by excuses and scapegoats.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Spot on! We do need a new stadium to increase revenue but the FACT is that to say it stops us challenging is just an excuse and a bloody poor one at that. ENIC use more smokescreens than a bloody government policy. Of course, my point about the stadium is evidently not valid, but your point has just proved otherwise! Cheers.
    Felon82 likes this.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Erm, yes, they are valid. See later post regarding Atletico Madrid.
  8. stevethespur Active Member

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    According to the Forbes list spurs are have moved up to being the 11th richest club in the world, previously being at 12th and 14th for the past decade ! Tottenham are a fairly rich club and we fans deserve a team that is competetive and good to watch. Moneywise many european clubs further down the list have won more in recent times. If we can get the right management and player formula theres no reason we shouldnt be more succesful. Coys.
    Felon82 likes this.
  9. Alex in NY Guest

    If only money can buy one success... it doesn't work that way, otherwise there would be no sport.

    Chairman is supposed to care about money, the football director - about player personnel, head coach - about game plan... it doesn't work like that either.

    As a result of things not working the way they could, we have this conversation. Thank you all for good read!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  10. sam-spurs Guest

    Listen, when Arsenal won the double they had the french world cup winning squad posing as arsenal and the rest of the teams in the prem at the time with the exception of Man-u, wern't any where near as good as they are now, so not really a good example. Spurs need consistency and need to get results against the teams lower in the division after all arsenal only won three more games than us by being a little more consistent with these team but were just as bad with teams at the top as we were. I think any manager with an ounce of savvy should be able to recognise this and easily put it right.AVB didn't play his best side and left key players like ade and defoe out, proven goal scorers who I yhink would've put away a few of the soldado misses and things might've been different had we won those extra three games.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Well, nine managers seem to have failed to see that so let's hope that changes soon. Well, Redknapp excepted.
  12. Matthew Guest

    I really think considering the upheaval mid season with avb (ironically if he had played adebeyour from the start he prob wouldn't have got sacked!) our 6th placed finish is ok, even without the managerial change we can look at this season as transitional. Intergrating 7 signings of internationals into a new team in a new league speaking a new language is far from easy (drogba was poor in his first season in pl) that's one player but 7!! I think they will all be much better next season for the experience. Bale wanted to go atleast levy gave us all the money to spend for once!! (Not like the previous couple of seasons when we we're really well place in the league at Christmas then he refused to get a striker in jan we were crying out for remember which ultimately cost us a CL place, mistakes have been made! Avb wanted hulk and Moutinho and ended up with Dempsey and sigurdsson. Avb's football was tight and edgy, Tim released the shackles but not with too much of a plan, every team that beat us he tried to adopt their winning tactics for us in our next game, I really want to see a manager that can come in with good ideas, simple enough for the players to understand, every player having a tactical role to play which they know well with a good understanding with the other players 2 great players for each position that can be rotated like for like. Use the cup competitions and Europa league to play everyone. If pochettino comes in with his southampton template for pretty possesion football but with the better quality of players that we have I can see it being succesful and easy on the eye to get him asap and have the whole summer to implement it (apart from the World Cup) sign either Jackson Martinez, Benteke, bony, Lukaku or doumbia to rotate with Ade as the big loan striker. (Bring soldado on when playing 2 up top) Poch should get the best out of his compatriot lamela who will play in the jay Rodriguez role supporting the striker from wide and Erikssen in the lallana free role, paulinho as the supporting attacking central midfielder with dembele and sandro sitting deeper. Would be amazing if we could get Shaw as our new lb with Vertongen and hopefully poch could sign a tough argy cb like Garay from benfica with walker and lloris. I am very optimistic about the upcoming season, we have a very talented squad just need someone to get the best out if them! Coys
    PaulC likes this.
  13. THBN Guest

    It may be that he just needs a chance with a bigger squad of quality players. Who a manager is linked with is irrelevant, AVB was thought to be brilliant, then flopped at Chelsea and Alienated everyone at Spurs.

    Brendan rodgers on the other hand has done well at Liverpool so his appointment is a 50/50 gamble.

    Frank de Boer is a Champions League winner who has to win at everything he does, even a game of cards as the Dutch players say. That is the mentality we need and having achieved more consecutive titles than any other Ajax manager from a side that hadn't won the league for 7 years shows there is something about him. His development of youth is proven.

    He is a gamble in such that he has no Premier League experience but to my mind less of a gamble than Pochettino.

    This article on May 15th looks at the three candidates and who supports them upstairs at Spurs.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  14. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for putting the link, certainly an interesting read. I think it is an interesting point that the article says the interviews are about the candidates vision. The mistake that levy and the board have made nine times so far, is that they have told the candidates what they want and the candidates have just nodded and said, yup, I can do that. This is precisely why levy must allow the candidates to explain what their vision is, what they can bring to Spurs and not just be a case of him saying what he wants. Levy needs to drop his ego and do the right thing.
  15. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Lol....And I suppose you sat in the 'NINE' interviews with Levy, and heard EVERY demand he made of the managers, did you? What was/is your role in the process of hiring a manager again? Lol...

    Unless you are the boss of a company, Matt, you are ALWAYS going to have to follow somebody else's vision, are you not? If you WANT the job, it then becomes a question of whether you can help deliver on that vision, and how.
    Last edited: May 21, 2014
  16. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    People often use phrases like ticks all the right boxes, but you have to wonder what sort of criteria is looked at when Levy looks for a potential manager, I might expect attributes like vision and potential to be there but are they higher in priority than a proven history of managing a successful club and winning things ?
  17. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    AVB was a successful manager who had won things (and to be fair did a good job at Spurs in his first season). Juande Ramos was another who came with a trophy winning CV, and won another cup with Spurs too. But ultimately both managers will be viewed, wrongly or rightly, as disappointing acquisitions.

    The criteria DOES go beyond potential and vision (but I won't go into that now), when appointing a manager, but I would suggest those things are EQUALLY important, if not more, than what somebody has won in their past.

    I do touch on that subject in my article, referring to a NUMBER of HIGH-PROFILE managers who received opportunities, which they in turn grasped and proved themselves, WITHOUT having ANY NOTABLE achievements on their CV's prior to their appointments.

    Indeed, many consider 'Arry to be our most successful manager in recent times and he came into the job after 20years (or so) of management, with ONLY an FA Cup.

    So you see, there is a LOT to be said about going for someone who 'fits' or 'matches' your clubs vision and/or tradition.

    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  18. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Have to agree that there are a lot of factors in choosing a manager but ultimately he has to be the right fit for the club. AVB is a very good manager but unfortunately was never the right fit for spurs. Although I still believe he should have been given the rest of the season I never thought he was the right manager for spurs. At the time my first choice was Martinez who arguably had the lesser CV in terms of titles and european success but more EPL experience because for me he was a better fit for spurs. Its still FDB for me, a proven winner, proven vision and ambition. if there are boxes to be ticked then he ticks them. opportunities to get in a young manager of this potential and calibre dont happren every day, cmon Danny get him now. The future of this club is at stake, get it right.

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