Archway step up plans to block stadium

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, October 3, 2014.

  1. big fran Guest

    Not sure about the conspiracy theorys think its just a case of Josef realizing he has something that the club badly need and want and is trying to drive the price up and who
    could blame him even more so if he's a goon! Look I'm sure the stadium will happen but the club also have a duty of care to drive the price down. Its called business. If I live in a house and I'm happy there I don't just wasn't the asking price do I? I'm likely to want a substantial amount extra to move on... People cannot expect people to say just sign 25m check over- that's a monstrous amount of cash on anyone's level..its not loose change is it? I don't believe its not in ENICs interest for the stadium not to happen or to move to a smaller stadium for a season whilst paying rent and fees.
  2. colin Guest

    Why dont we just move to Enfield Picketts lock and be done with..Ive been a Spurs fan since the 60's and to be honest N17 is a dump ..
  3. Rob Guest

    I work for Slovak government and we had a partnership with Archway and I remain in contact with Josif Josif. I can tell you for a fact that the family are Spurs fans and did have a box at the club!
    This whole thing believe it or not comes down to a parking issue! When we purchased the surrounding land Archway asked if they could park their cars there to save them getting damaged on the street, we said they could but at a cost! Josif Senior had a fall out with Daniel Levy and this has carried on ever since. About 3 years ago Josif Josif said to me that they would dig their heals in and take this as far as they can but they don't believe they can win, he said its a matter of principal and that Levy upset his dad so they will upset him!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  4. johnnyhrvat Guest

    I saw areas along the Yangtse where millions of people were being moved from 'slums' (I saw inside one or two) to 'better' living conditions for most. Not everyone was happy, but it was progress forward and it happened to a strict timetable.
    What is a little steelworks compared to that?
    Nobody can really argue that the development will not improve the local area so at the end of the day it comes down to money. The local government should sit both sides down with an independent arbiter and thrash out a figure which appeals to both sides or is imposed upon them.
    The longer this goes on benefits nobody, certainly not the local community, THFC, Spurs fans and probably not Archway.
  5. Stuart Guest

    What is needed is for local people and businesses to boycott Archway buy elsewhere. They are selfishly standing in the way of the redevelopment of N17, so hit them where it hurts - in the pocket.
  6. Guest Guest

    It takes far longer to build a stadium that way as builders have limited access and have to make the area safe twice a week fr matches to take lace. The cost therefore would be astronomical and the gate would be reduced with a reduced income for the club over a longer period.

    Playing elsewhere for a season is the sensible option.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  7. terry New Member

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    Rob, so your telling us that Archway are refusing to move because of some personal vendetta against Levi and the club because of a parking issue and that's why they won't move? How ****ing petty can you get! They are causing Spurs fans grief by being so childish and stopping our progress going forward and to call them Spurs fans is a joke! they are after lots of money to move more like and are chancing there luck for a nice big juicy pay day! they will lose in court because there is too much support for the new plans and re-generation of the area for them to turn around and say no we will keep a little sheet metal firm there and turn down a massive rebuild and uplift of a deprived area and all the revenue and investment it will bring into the area! hopefully it will cost Archway a lot of money in court cost's when they lose!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  8. dantheyid Guest

    For those of you wondering. This saga could last til 2018 wiv not a brick layed. If the next step goes in our faither there is still 3 other courts the business could go to to get it stopped. This is if an article I read was true. The good news is if the stadium cant go ahead and its made official enic will sell up.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Decoys Guest

    On the land owned by Spurs, could they not re situate Archway would save a lot of money
  10. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The issue appears to be that the relocation offer is away from the current area and that as a business, archway would lose match day revenue. That is what they have said on their current Facebook page.
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The petition has now got 424 signatures which is still hardly going to make much of a stir. The stadium will still happen , but wouldn't be surprised if we are looking at 2020 before we play a game in it.
  12. gaz Guest

    It would be very relevant to know what it will cost archway to move and lost revenue, against what spurs are offering, of course there should be an amount for inconvenience as well but nothing over the top, let us see if they are the greedy buggers we all think they are who care little for the community or is it levy being his usual tight wad self?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  13. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    And these are the questions that we should be allowed to know about.
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    2020 patience Matt, what are you some sort of instant success glory hunter?
    I doubt by 2020 wel need a new stadium with our amazing Academy producing the best players in the game.
    Hopefully by then the money saved from never having to buy another player or fund a stadium we could build a giant statue of Levy Standing over Archway with his Golden accounts book
    Mattj78 likes this.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Felon, you make me laugh...if only you wern't sadly very close to the truth!!!
  16. John White Guest

    Why are you publicising Archway's petition and keeping commenters updated on how many people have signed so far? What's in it for you?
  17. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Nothing, at all. It is a brief update on what they are doing. Some of us are interested, others less so. The whole stadium issue is a big chapter in the history of THFC and ths is a subject worth discussing. I am trying to be as objective as I can and therefore both sides of the situation are being expressed. Being one sided would be pointless.
  18. John White Guest

    Exactly what is Archways' point, apart from not wanting to accept the CPO? We know why the local authority have requested and been granted a CPO. What is Archway's argument against this apart from "Don't want to"? You have reported their assertion that they have been in business for fifty years, but the company only started in 1991 ,and the Registered Office was in Archway until 1999, so where is your objectivity? Why did you fail to comment that their assertion was demonstrably untrue?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  19. Anon New Member

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    According to reports the industrial land was owned by a few landlords who sold to ENIC thus making the business's occupying the land move on. These landlords, being expert in these areas, would have known the rental income and sale value of these plots of land and it appears every single one of them agreed to and indeed did sell.
    The offer to AS is a plot of land that is much larger than the one they occupy, the reasoning is that they could sell/rent out the extra land that they don't use and get the money needed for building in that way. This offer would have been in line or to the same value as the others that were made and accepted, so why is it the AS are digging their heels in, it can't be the value of the offer so there must be another reason ? ? ?
  20. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Their argument is weak and I doubt anything will come of it, but understand that I do not want to be accused of slander! I am a Spurs fan and if you read my interaction with them on Facebook, you will see that I have got some good information out of them and they have now gone quiet after I challenged the reasons for them trying to block the redevelopment.
    They are either digging their heels in for more money or there is some other unknown reason. Once the court case comes about, I would hope it is all sorted very quickly.
    Nobody knows all the facts but I think between us we have a good idea that this all a very petty quarrel.

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