Report: van Gaal said NO to Spurs

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by COYSnoise, April 22, 2014.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Well all this progress is seeing us finish a place further down the league each season now with everton overtaking us. In your own words a fractured/fragile squad and we will yet again be selling our best players while trying to find yet another manager. All looking great and working out well. Love your optimism
    Mattj78 likes this.
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Blind faith then. Sure, let's have another 13 years of attracting top players and then sell them. Yes let's do that. Levy's ambition is about making money and nothing else. If we could have levy just doing the books and a chairman who knew about football, then, yes, maybe that could work. Levy hired Baldini to scout us the best talent in Europe and we got seven players who, apart from erikesen, have done naff all.
    It makes me laugh all this about the new stadium. It is not hard to see that there is more chance of a new sainsbury being built than THFC being in a new stadium 2017.
    Levy is a master at spinning webs of deceit. He sold Berbatov with seconds to go so we couldn't get anyone in and then did the same with Modric. That brought in money but how does that help the players on the pitch?
    Levy sits behind his desk, pushes the buttons and God help any manager who goes against him...Harry!
    The reality is, as I keep saying, levy has done a good job in stabilising the finances off the pitch, but on the pitch, while we are no longer mid table fodder, we are now stuck in a rut. Ramos is correct that the training ground is one of the best in the world, but if the players who train on it are always being sold, it doesn't matter. Whether they train on grass or clay.
    Levy is ambitious, you are right. Ambitious to line his own pockets at every chance. Levy invests in money from players improving their trade and then selling them for big bucks. Yes, great for profit, but for the good of the team, which, just in case Ramos forgot, is what football is about. It is funny how people are allowed to have their own views unless you are Ramos, who every single post tells the rest of us we are clueless, poisonous and wrong.
    No one on here is wrong, we all have strong opinions and love the club, but we all see things differently. Levy has done lots of good, but after thirteen years, you sometimes have to look at what is next, where the club is going next and in my opinion, the club is currently going nowhere.
    Levy won't be going anywhere, but once the new stadium comes along, which by the way I predict will be in about ten years if we are lucky, ENIC will be office a shot. Time will tell, but let y and ENIC are about levy and ENIC. My sole interest is in Tottenham Hotspur FOOTBALL CLUB.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Consistency, with all players buying into the ambition of the club, a manager that doesn't say 'hopefully' we can make top 4, investment, and improving the standard of players is the recipe for success.
    We have absolutely no consistency, players are not commited to spurs they are using us as a stepping stone, none of our managers have brought the winning mentality we will do this atitude just accepting failure and making excuses, actual investment has dried up we only buy from sales, after selling our best players we have never replaced adequately with the same caliber of player which has bloated the squad but weakened the quality.
    This is not ambition, the fact that we are going backwards down the table now and about to again lose our best players who aren't actually as good as the last bunch that went this is not progress.
    We sit in a very dubious position at present
  4. Ramos43 Guest

    There is a BIG difference between FACTS and OPINIONS, guys. The thing about what MOST of the 'Levy Out Brigade' say, happens to be based on short-term/selective MEMORY, EMOTION and THOUGHTS OF GRANDEUR... Where are the FACTS??? Where is the EVIDENCE???...ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE!!!

    Instead, you just KEEP wheeling out the same EMPTY sound-bites, and POINTLESS expressions. It appears that the majority of you are CLEAR that you stand against Levy, but your NOT entirely sure why... So you continue to spout all this NONSENSE about Levy 'being interested in only money'....How imaginative!!!

    Where was Levy money grabbing when he spent £15m on Bent, £12m on Pav and £17m on Bentley? Or what about when he reinvest ALL of the money recouped from the sale of Bale? Or when he signed off the development of a new training ground?

    What other team with a 36,000 cap stadium spend like Spurs have in the Levy era and can STILL say they are financially stable/affluent???

    You guys deserve a Peter Ridsale (Leeds), Peter Storie (Portsmouth), Mike Ashley (Newcastle), Vincent Tan (Cardiff) or Hicks and Gillet...You REALLY do!!!

    But like I said, bitch, whine and complain till your old and grey for all I care...I shall not give this debate any more energy...But what I will say is, following a football team is supposed to be fun/enjoyable...Think about that, or not....I'm done with this particular conversation.
  5. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Well said fella. Spurs have signed top players before Levy. Gazza and Lineker signed before the days of Levy did they not? To say that just because of Levy, we have signed top players is just rubbish and clutching at straws for what Levy has done good for the club. Financially we are stable yes, and I do think Levy has done some good things, but it is hardly just because of Levy that players have signed. I didn't like Sugar but did Klinsmann sign for Levy? No. Did Sheringham sign due to Levy? No. Did Dumitrescu sign because of Levy? Erm, no again.
    Levy has allowed players to come to us and then sell them and he has known they would not stay from day one because he wants to but a players, hope they do well and then shift them on for a business profit no matter what the detriment may be to the team.
    Ramos says the one thing that Tottenham have is a chairman with the ambition to make the club great again. Okay, so in the last 13 years, other than being in the top four twice, but mainly fifth or sixth, what is exactly so great?
    Liverpool, may I remind you Ramos, were not in the Champions league this season or the tin pot Europa League and their star player wanted to leave - quite openly wanted to leave, but Liverpool dug their heels in, told him he was under contract and he has gone on to be player of the year (probably) and scored 30 goals. Before this season, Liverpool were finishing below us yet they have given a manager time to build HIS own team, on HIS terms and are about to win the league.
    All of these points make an absolute nonsense of what Ramos has said today and keeps on saying I am afraid. Facts and research are great but the facts are that Levy has bought good players, sold them and re invested in what can only be seen as poor imitations.
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I must admit to being really proud when Levy sanctioned the signings of Pav, Bent and bentley. I mean, I really thought they were the type of players to take Spurs on to the Title!! Ahh well.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    A shame Ramos has left this conversation as I was waiting for him to reply to the FACTS, not OPINIONS that I have just presented.
    Never mind folks - The Levy in brigade will be the ones to suffer in the long term - mark my words.

    I am very clear and have presented facts regarding where I stand on Levy. Thanks all the same.
    Last edited by a moderator: April 23, 2014
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Ok were not a feeder club, we dont sell our best players, were not going down the league, we wont be looking for yet another new manager in the summer?
    Mattj78 and Deggsy56 like this.
  9. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Short term memories? How is that then. Over thirteen years we have moved from 10th to 5th. Five places. Billy Nic said that even is losing, there is glory about Tottenham Hotspur. If Bill could see Tottenham now and how we are run, he would be gutted.
    There is no glory, no ' daring to do' and no passion from the top to succeed. When Levy arrived in 2001, he had a five year plan. 13 years later and we have 1 league cup, 1 season in the champions league, 10 soon to be 11 managers and a new sodding Sainsbury supermarket.
    That is not short term memory. That is not being a sheep. That is living through every moment with the football club and I assure you that my feelings regarding Levy come from what I have seen, what has and what is happening.
    You can call us the ' levy out' brigade, the ' sheep' or whatever you wish, but do not state that we are not using facts. We are using facts. They are clear to see. Everton and Liverpool are now ahead of us and they have kept top players. Suarez stayed. Baines stayed. Those players, in particular Suarez stated very publicly they wanted to leave but their clubs said 'no', you have contract and you stay. Levy lines his own pockets. These are facts, not opinions.
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  10. big fran Guest

    Did anyone on here with half a brain really want a 62 year old semi retired football mercenary who has only ever managed big clubs with big egos and a transfer kitty with the pulling power to boot. In two Years whether he was successful or not he would be looking to retire or another pay day. We need a young ish manager with a knowledge and track record of the EPL like the route taken by Liverpool and Everton. Someone who can fathom out a best 11 and give the fans the type of team we want to watch so for me its between pochettino Moyes ancellotti hiddink
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I have said before that I thought LVG would be a bad move for spurs. I agree we need a younger man to be given time and create a quality team. Sadly that will not happen under levy.
  12. Ramos43 Guest

    Agree Big Fran...I think Spurs may well of dodged a bullet with Van Gaal. Talented Manager but PERHAPS the last thing the players need after the 'Sherwood experience' is another eccentric manager...even if he does come with a VERY good track record.

    What the dressing room NEEDS now, in my opinion, is someone who is FOCUSSED solely on his work at Tottenham (without having 1 eye on the job vacancy pages, or the distraction of preparing/participating for/in a WC), COMMANDS RESPECT and who is an EXCELLENT MAN-MANAGER who can get the entire dressing room pulling in the same direction. Someone who has the AMBITION, TALENT and DESIRE to grow/build something special at WHL.

    The FACT that the MOST successful manager Spurs have had in recent years (in terms of EPL position) has had a firm grasp of the English League, and culture, also leads me to believe that Spurs SHOULD take that into consideration when short-listing candidates.

    Rodgers and Martinez KNEW exactly what was required of them once the moved to their new clubs, both in terms of the type of signings/players that could cope with the demands of the EPL, and playing styles/ tactics that can be effective in our league.

    Anchellotti looks set to stay at Madrid for at LEAST another year, Hiddinks replacing Van Gaal as Holland manager and Moyes NEEDS a break after the united ordeal...Which leaves Pochettino.

    Instead of picking big names for the sake of it, Spurs NEED to pick someone who has a philosophy that matches the clubs, and has a proven track record of implementing it (preferably in the League in which they are being asked to manage).

    Pochettino ticks all of those boxes, and so MANY more...With one year left on his contract, the Argentinians appointment should be a NO BRAINER....
  13. Deggsy56

    Deggsy56 Active Member

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    Pochettino? So what has he achieved then and the fact he needs an interpreter???

    How about Brian Laudrup for us and I still dont know why Swansea sacked HIM??
    Last edited by a moderator: April 25, 2014
  14. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    I liked what LVG had to offer in terms of experience, football knowledge and that confidence that comes with a winning mentality but I have to conceed that it could only ever have been a short term appointment to build some foundations but if a manager isnt fully commited to the cause then I dont want them at our club no matter how glowing thier CV. so we move on in to the great unknown, altho im not convinced that LVG would be an ideal fit at manu, impressive CV yes, but not for the long term. Manu are reporedly ready to spend big on a long overdue squad overhaul and where will there new manager be till mid july. anyway that will be there problem not ours, I just hope we sort out our new manager sooner rather than later.
  15. John Cahill Guest

    I think Levy should think outside the box here.I would go for Uri Rossla the wigan manager and I'll tell you why.He hasn't had one full season at Wigan and in that time he's beaten Man city,very nearly beat Arsenal and looks like he could well bring Wigan into the Premiership.
    He's played for Man City so know's what the Premiership is all about,he's done his manergerial aprentership in scandernavia and at Brentford,who I might add in two seasons very nearly got them into the championship both times.
    And here's one to think about.David Welan know's a thing or two about spotting a football manager after all Brendan Rogers at Liverpool and Roberto Martinez at Everton have'nt done to bad for themselves have they?
  16. John Cahill Guest

    Levy should think outside the box here.Why not go for Uri Rosler the wigan manager.He's an ex Man city player so know's the Premiership well.He's done his his manergerial apprentership at Lillestrøm in Norway with two fourth place finishes and two cup finals ,ok he lost both but he was just starting out.Then Rosler went to Viking also in Norway finnishing third in there Premiership.
    Next he had two seasons at Brentford finnishing ninth and just missing out on automatic promotion to the championship.He's now at Wigan and hasn't had a full season yet.In that short space of time hes got them from near the bottom into a play off place,beaten Man City and lost to Arsenal in the FA cup.
    David Welan know's a thing or two about finding good football managers,after all Roberto Martinez hasn't done to bad for himself has he.
    I worked as a steward at Brentford and believe me there not cloggers and I know Rosler would have spurs playing the type of football the Tottenham faithful would drool over.
    Do we really want the next Brendan Rogers or Roberto Martinez to slip through our fingers,a young manager with pedigree who has expressed a desire to manage in the premiership?
  17. Ramos43 Guest

    I like the idea of thinking outside the box, but after a turbulent season where the players have looked like they have struggled to ENJOY their football, I think whoever Levy appoints has to APPEAL to, and INSPIRE, the players.

    Uwe Rosler is hardly going to convince the likes of Lloris and Co that the club is moving in the 'right' direction, is he???
    Look, I am NOT saying that Rosler is a bad manager, but hiring someone who from a lower league, who has NEVER managed in the top flight, with the personalities that comes with it seems like a HUGE risk....especially given the apparent unrest in, both, the terraces and the dressing room.

    The truth is, Levy's next appointment is going to be MASSIVE in terms of the clubs development. The world and it's mother seems to sticking the boot firmly into Tottenham's guts and it's VITAL that the board:

    -Appoint someone who APPEALS to, and EXCITES/INSPIRES, the players.

    - Recognise the need to hire a man who gives EVERYONE around the club a CLEAR indication of the direction the club wants to head terms of philosophy, playing style and public image.

    -Understand the NEED to give the club (players and supports) a MORALE BOOSTING appointment after a difficult season.

    -Hire someone who has worked within the clubs chosen structure, and hopefully bring someone in that understands the English/British football culture.

    Whoever Spurs choose to bring in MUST make a statement which projects/represents ALL of those things, in my opinion. It does NOT necessarily mean that the next guy at the helm has to be a 'BIG' name, just someone who represents/embodies the criteria I have mentioned above (to show the club have given REAL thought as to who the next manager of Tottenham Hotspur is going to be)

    Again, for me, Pochettino ticks MOST, if not all of those boxes.

    - The players will ALL respect and admire the job the Argentine has done with S'hampton and will no doubt EXCITE/INSPIRE the dressing room with the (modern/en-vogue) brand of football he likes his sides to play...with his style already PROVEN within the EPL.

    - His appointment would INSTANTLY give everyone a CLEAR indication of the direction Spurs are heading in terms of philosophy, playing style and public image.

    -Again, I think it would be hard for anyone who understands what the Argentine represents, and appreciates his working CV/credentials/reputation (in England, Spain and Argentina) not to feel boosted/excited by his potential arrival.

    - He understands the culture of his environment...(i.e. the mentality of the players, fans and opposing teams playing styles/tactics)

    Mauricio Pochettino DOES speak English to his players, and only uses an interpreter when speaking to the media to avoid any misunderstandings. I recently saw a post match interview the Argentine conducted, that was in English and was slightly surprised by just how good his grasp of the language was. So DON'T expect him to have an interpreter by his side next season should he choose to stay in England.

    People also keep questioning the fact that the Argentine has yet to win any thing, yet. But what had Brendan Rogers ever won (bar the Championship play-offs) and yet we stand on the brink of him lifting the EPL title. And Martinez is another who is relatively inexperienced when it comes to winning things, but he is currently in the process of masterminding a Everton CL qualification charge.

    The point is, given the right circumstances and environment, potential is realised and something tells me that WHL could very turn out to be that place for Pochettino.
  18. Ramos43 Guest

    If that isn't enough, imagine the little face of our Argentine record signing at seeing his fellow countryman appointed as boss. What better way to get Lamela settle and produce his best football than to hire a young, ambitious and intelligent Argentinian coach/manager that has a FIRM grasp of the English game/culture???

    Pochettino's appointment would also help our other South American players (Sandro and Paulinho) with the culture similarities, and potential communication difficulties. And who better to unlock Roberto Soldado's FULL potential than someone who would be VERY familiar with the players skill-set from his time in Spain...You see, when you think about it, the Argentines appointment is a NO BRAINER.
  19. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Have to agree that the next manager must be someone respected enough to bring back the confidence in this club needed to attract top players as well as retain those senior players that may be heading for the doors due to the erratic and destructive behaviour of the previous manager. tottenhams reputation and aspirations have been damaged this year, weve lost ground to teams that have recently appointed very good and talented young managers if we dont get the next one right we will lose even more ground. pochettino? maybe, im not completly sure but not against it either just not sure if at this time if he has the ability and experience needed to deal with Levy or if he's done enough at this level to suggest he's any better than say Laudrup.
  20. Ramos43 Guest

    I like Laudrup too. But the LAST thing Spurs NEED, at this moment in time, is to appoint another manager that has just been sacked (alla AVB) which in my opinion would/should rule out Moyes, Laudrup, etc.

    There is ONLY so many times (especially consecutively) a club the stature of Spurs should be hiring managers that have 'failed' to deliver their objectives at previous clubs...Think about being one of Spurs' players, and seeing the likes of Moyes/Laudrup walk in to the dressing room next year, with the task of delivering success after the TORRID seasons both men have endured. It's hardly going to INSPIRE confidence or excitement, is it???

    The club NEEDS an uplifting appointment. What is remotely 'uplifting' about signing a manager that has just been sacked from his last post? How are the fans supposed to get EXCITED about the hiring of another teams cast-off's?

    That being said, I understood the hiring of AVB. A young, talented coach who came to England with a growing reputation, and seemingly struggled to cope with the HUGE task of managing a club like Chelsea and the politics that come with. Having made, and hopefully learned from his mistakes, Villas-Boas was believed to be better equipped to take on a EPL club AFTER his sobering experience at Stamford Bridge.

    But there is only so many times you can repeat that trick in quick succession, without appearing as some sort of rehab centre for the down and out (of employment).

    What the club SHOULD be looking to do,is acquire a man whose stock is on the RISE. Someone who symbolises the direction the club wants to head in.Someone who has the potential to grow with the club, and laid down long-lasting foundations with Tottenham Hotspur.

    Players don't ONLY sign for clubs on the basis of a managers name/reputation, CL football or the size of their pay packet...They also sign for the AMBITION, PHILOSOPHY and VISION a club is capable of selling to them. This is something Spurs have managed to do EXTREMELY well in the past....without always delivering where it really matters.... on the pitch.

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