The Curious Case of Lewis 'Out of Favour' Holtby

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by dnoll5, August 18, 2014.

  1. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    I have long been an admirer of Spurs midfielder Lewis Holtby and that’s why the recent rumblings of an exit from Hotspur Way make absolutely no sense to me.

    The Daily Mail believe that Holtby is “surplus to the requirements of the squad” while the Gloucester Citizen believes Holtby to be “out of favour” with Pochettino and Spurs management.

    Whether there are any truths to these supposed rumours or if it’s more fodder for page hits and paper sales remains to be seen, but the evidence on the pitch in Saturday’s win at West Ham seem to point at Holtby being a fixture on the pitch this season with Tottenham.

    Here’s why:


    No one currently wearing Spurs colours buzzes around the pitch the way that Lewis Holtby does. His energy is non-stop, he tackles with ferocity, and he gets back defensively. These attributes were seen on the field on more than one occasion on Saturday (and through the entire preseason for that matter) and resulted in Spurs getting the ball back or play being held up long enough for defenders to regain position.

    Plus, in Poch’s preferred system with consistent high pressure, a player like Holtby seems to be the perfect match.


    I love the fact the Mauricio decided to move Eric Dier to right back and slot Etienne Capoue in centre-back instead of substituting out a player for another central defender.

    In cases like these, Holtby is the perfect player to come into the game (although he only played one minute when Spurs were down a man) to either win balls and pressure up field or defend like mad in front of a makeshift back line.

    This had to be Mauricio Pochettino’s thinking when he took off Erik Lamela and brought on Holtby. Players that can adapt as a game changes and play effectively in multiple positions (Dier and Capoue as well) are valuable assets. You’ve got to think that Spurs will be in a similar situation again this season, and having an option like Holtby, either on the bench or as a starter that will willingly change positions and style out of tactical necessity, is a valued commodity.


    When the game is flowing, Holtby is arguably the best passer out of the options in midfield, even if Christian Eriksen has something to say about it. Lewis is always looking to go forward and will occasionally make a pass that takes your breath away. There are not many in the Spurs squad that you can say that about.

    When the players whose teams made deep runs in the World Cup return, much of this changes, but I still think there are better options to offload than Lewis Holtby. Even with their eminent returns, do any of them possess all the attributes listed above?
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  2. big fran Guest

    Must admit I have seen little much from holtby to suggest he is good enough for where we want/aim to be. He's had a few bright moments but few and far between for me. He really needs to progress for me and quickly or another loan deal will beckon.
  3. All knowing Guest

    It would be crazy to let him go. He was our best player this pre-season and is our most versatile midfielder. Maybe not an automatic starter but can replace an attacking mid or defensive mid equally well.
  4. NYSPursFan Guest

    It is very curious, and I agree. If anyone in the squad is a Poch-style player it's Holtby. I can't wait until the Transfer Window closes so that these stupid articles will just stop.
  5. Simon Guest

    Mason is our best passer of the ball and should be playing as a number 10 because he scores a lot of goals.
  6. Gazza Guest

    Totally disagree. Yes he is energetic and races around but very little final product and often resembles a headless chicken. I have nothing against him because he clearly gives his all but I dont think he is in the Spurs mould. Think back to Hoddle, Ardiles, Hazard,Villa st al. All flair players.q
  7. X-factor Guest

    What Top 6 club would Holtby start for? None
    I can understand how people can love him, becasue he loves Spurs.
    Problem is that he is too slow and has no standout skills at all...
    He'll move on at some point and Levy will make money on him and we will never hear of him again....
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Hes no mata, hazard, silva, fabregas, modric etc and hes no toure, gerard, oscar etc hes just another average player a number of our fans talk up coz he posts pictures on social media.
    I like holtby, you cant fault his effort but he fits in to the long running theme of the current Spurs player doesnt do a lot and isnt great at anything in particular.
  9. gary fox Guest

    I like Holtby and he is a better player than given credit for. No-one gets to captain Germany U21 if they are just a ball-chaser. But AVB didnt use him much, Dim sent him on loan, magath criticised him and Poch seems to want him out. Can all 4 be wrong? I hope so but signs arent good. Pity.
  10. Ray Guest

    Holtby is a decent player and industrious but I can't see him being ahead of Paulinho, Dembele or Chadlie when they are fit to return. The boy obviously loves being at Spurs and it would sad to see him being shown the door irrespective of his good showing in pre season games but maybe his day at the club are numbered. Players come and go, we move on.
  11. Leo Guest

    Holtby knew the problem
    His wages is 67,000pounds a week higher than a lot of players
    That's it
    He is obviously a very good plays but we bought him so cheap and offer him a good wage
  12. philobavoire New Member

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  13. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I am a big fan of Holtby. I like his energy and his ability to chip in with an odd goal makes him a great player to have in the team.
  14. Daraman Guest

    It is a Daily Fail story. Thought up by a journo reading the s**t on his toilet paper.
  15. Trigspur Guest

    I would have thought holtby fits in with the high pressing game we are supposed to play. Something that was conspicuous by it's absence on Saturday!! I thought he was our best player pre season and I wouldn't criticise any player that comes through the German youth system. Like a lot of our players I don't think he's been given enough game time on a consistent basis to see his true ability. What will be will be but I 'd rather see paulinho go than him cos he was garbage at the World Cup and no great shakes for us last season. On a more positive note we kept a clean sheet and kept going. Not a brilliant performance but 3 points and that'll do for starters. Tottenham till I die!!
  16. Mr. Greaves Guest

    It is a fact that the player we were "promised" before his arrival never actually showed up. However there's a lot to be said for a player that looks like he wants to play for us, as opposed to the large number of mercenaries we have bought in the last two seasons.

    Since we have had Baldini inflicted on us by that idiot Levy, we bought good players who weren't even close to being the players we needed, and have so many midfielders it hurts - any of them could really star for us (including Holtby) IF we were set up to play in a way that suited them.

    I have no idea how MP will utilise the players we have but this pre-season he was genuinely exciting to watch. What I do know is that I would sell and Dembele (a huge disappointment over a number of seasons) and Paulinho (a huge disappointment all last season) miles before I thought of selling Holtby.
  17. chip Guest

    I agree with Matt. Another thing in Holtby's favour is the fact that he's a team player & will pass the ball to someone who is in a better position. Most won't
  18. Chris cc Guest

    He might not be as technical granted but he at least brings our spurs motto to life to dare is to do...1.5 million , seriously give him a chance he loves this club like a fan.
  19. Spurs oldie Guest

  20. Spurgatso Guest

    I can only assume that he has upset someone in the Spurs hierachy,he's to useful to let go .I'd rather keep him than"golden boy "Eriksen who only seems to keep out of the way of the action.

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