It's a New Dawn .......

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, November 20, 2019.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So that's it then end of an era, Pochettino shown the door after a dismal run of form, losing the dressing room and performances that simply weren't good enough.

    "The greatest manager we've ever had" I've seen being touted by Poch FC worshippers -
    The Greatest Manager to have won absolutely nothing. 'Runner up Champion' is an accolade no one celebrated ever (apart from bedwetter Spurs fans)

    People seriously need to get themselves in check, Sport is about winning it's not about endless Journeys, Buildings, Projects and whatever else people that don't win anything get excited or crow about.

    Where was Poch going with this team other than backwards?
    He spoke of bravery, doing things differently and rebuilds then hid everytime it was time to back it up.
    He's managed to alienate half the squad, the other half look totally spent and out of ideas it was just a complete shambles in the end.

    Now I'm not saying Poch was rubbish (as I hear the sound of many a pair of knickers twisting at the mere suggestion he wasn't a God) his 2nd and 3rd years with us were his peak and we played some really good football with pace, energy, aggressive front foot football, this was the Poch Philosophy when it worked.

    Unfortunately unless you cut losses, speculate to accumulate and learn from your short comings not only are you destined to miss out again but the comfy nature creeps in and people start to lose belief in the regime/methods (of which I called at the time) this is what caused the downfall.

    Levy and ENIC are just a life and money sucking parasite on the host that is Tottenham Hotspur their shenanigans over the past 4 years haven't exactly been the most helpful or inspirational and are just as equally to blame as Pochettino for the downward slump which was becoming a free fall.
    But Pochettino has to take his share of responsibility. His disappearing acts in big games, disappearing acts during Transfer Windows, his arrogant/delusional defence/excuses, poor squad management, persistence with serial underachievers, negative statements before big games, belittling of cups and utter nonsensical drivel he spouted was just too much in the end especially seeing as the results/stats/performances were stacking up against him.

    His forever happy compliance with his squad was his biggest failing, perhaps had he been more gutsy things could be different, or perhaps he just couldn't see the problems.
    If he gets his move to a bigger club we'll be able to see if he really is what some people make him out to be, personally I think his best is past him and he'll get spat out by a Madrid or Utd but I wish him all the best anyway.

    Thanks for the Title Challenge, the unbeaten at the Lane final season, the CL Semi Final and finishing above the Scum.

    So the new dawn is here-

    José Mourinho if anything this is going to be a roller coaster and I can't wait.

    I'm not his biggest fan but he is a serial winner with the winners mentality who doesn't set the bar at having a decent try.
    People who are anti him all come with the he buys success/parks the bus talk seem to miss the fact that some of his best achievements have been with sides that haven't been Giants financially and also when he's got his formula right his team's have had record breaking goals and points in seasons.

    His last couple of jobs have not ended great and he has cut a figure of a has been but I think he has a point to prove, he's had a good break, he has a capable squad that will surely be inspired by a manager with the reputation he comes with.

    What I like most is that Mourinho doesn't suffer fools gladly, there'll be no room for underperformers or sub standard players, no let's give them another 5years they don't deserve contracts, no show ponies with no substance etc for Mourinho you are expected to perform not coast.

    I think he's the kick up the backside that the players and board really need.

    Whatever happens you can guarantee it's going to be entertaining and it's certainly a New Dawn at the club.

    If we can't win with José then surely there's nowhere else for Levy & ENIC to hide.

  2. Cheshuntboy Guest

    If you wanted a reason for Spurs' seemingly endless trophy drought, then the widespread bleating about the supposedly unfair dismissal of Pochettino certainly provides it. Five years in which we flattered to deceive, blew a golden chance to win the PL in 2016, lost all our really big games more or less tamely (and the CL run was sheer fluke, ending with an abject display in the final), and are now back where we were in the Ramos era, and yet it's 'best manager we ever had', 'he'd have turned it round', 'careful what you wish for' - are we are big club with big ambitions, or not? The really big clubs don't tolerate failure or stagnation on or off the pitch, but a serial loser is celebrated and lauded at Tottenham - no wonder we're twenty years into the 21st Century with one league cup to our name, with fan expectations set at zero. Mourinho may or may not be the answer, but better to find out than continue the rudderless drift under the last bloke - what was his name again?
    Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  3. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Well, at last Mou got Toby he wanted so badly. I wonder if he will be able to re-sign the "elders". If not, I can easily foresee the calls for Levy/ENIC out from the same group in here. The only way to get in UCL for next season is to win it this season or get relegated to Europa and win it there. Let's see if Mou can deliver. I wish him well.
    I think the entire coup-d-etat was a big mistake. Spurs are not a big club. We are the medium club with large stadium overachieved under tutelage of the talented and loyal coach.
    Last edited: November 20, 2019
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I've been calling for that the last decade
  5. Ian Stanford New Member

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    This is going to be interesting in how long you show your support for José Mourinho or will you still find time to blame ENIC or Levy when it doesn't go how you wanted......... actually, on second thoughts it wont be interesting at all !!!!

  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Ian You've found time to read and comment though haven't you.

    Thanks for your kind words of support
  7. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Tottenham and Jose Mourinho are trying to lure Lille sporting director Luis Campos to the club, sources have told ESPN FC.

    Campos and Mourinho are close friends having worked together at Real Madrid and the Portuguese manager is very keen to hire the former Monaco sporting director at Tottenham.
    The pair have remained in close contact, with Mourinho regularly watching Lille at Campos' request.

    After joining Monaco in 2013, Campos recruited Bernardo Silva, Tiemoue Bakayoko, Benjamin Mendy and Fabinho before selling them for large profits.

    He then joined Lille in 2016 and has been key in finding unknown gems including Rafael Leao, Nicolas Pepe and Zeki Celik whose arrival has coincided with the team returning to the Champions League.
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  8. palmover Active Member

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    The way it was going under Mp, not changing manager now was more or less writing the season off. The team were going through the motions and i doubt spurs would have won anything or made top4.
    Mourinho, ticks all the boxes, he knows the league, lives in london, speaks good english, knows how to win, and will command the respect from the squad. Spurs have a good squad mourinho plays 433/4231 so hopefully for the first time in years wing play will be back. Coys
    Bazza47 likes this.
  9. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Why does Spurporter keep on deriding the club by saying we are medium. Does he not know the history or the club .first English team to win European competition and first team in modern era to do the double and we have won the fa cup. Seven times the league cup twice and the uefa cup twice not bad for a medium club and all these without the genius pochetino in charge.
  10. Guesty Guest

    Huge call from Levy to bring in Mourinho
    .....but I have an honest this first 'real' proven winner manager Levy has brought in?

    Who could have come in bigger and with more medals/trophies than Mourinho??
    I disliked him at Chelsea....but was that because he is a winner and he wanted Chelsea success above everything?? .....yes he can be moody and arrogant....and can give his own players a hard time.
    But I think we have players who can reach a much better playing level. Maybe Mourinho is just the person for that.

    He might only give us his usual 2 year trip......but it will be interesting

    Waiting to hear what the players think

    Bazza47 likes this.
  11. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Size of the club is not determined by its history, or former glory days or size of it trophy cabinet. It determined solely by the accountants based of its cash flow. It could also be determined by how much the particular club can be sold for. In other words, it is the VALUE that determines the size. The fact that Spurs successfully thrive to become a big club, doesn't mean they already are. Still in the process of growth.
    Hiring Mourinho may postpone the necessary rebuild. It will end up in tears anyway, but could bring one or two trophies before that. I support Spurs long enough to understand that there is no destination in football. Only a journey exist. Tears spoil journeys.
    So far the best time I had was under Harry and Mauricio. Neither won any trophy. I am fine with that. To me Spurs are the best regardless where are they in the table. I am way past bragging rights.
    Last edited: November 20, 2019
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    It fits the plucky spurs punching above our weight happy clap narrative , completely swerves the top 10 richest clubs in the world list which we are in and steadily rising......

    But we are a medium sized club lucky to be in the Premier League finely teetering on not doing a Leeds
  13. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Amazing how quickly the 'experts' and pundits change their tunes. For years, Pochettino could do no wrong for the BBC, every reference to him invariably stressing his brilliance in bringing on young players (?), his tactical astuteness and his ability to walk on water, but the group on tonight's 606 were unanimous in their opinion that he had to go, that he'd lost his ability to motivate the players, and probably should have gone after the CL defeat. They were absolutely right, and the quicker the die-hard Poch fans see sense, the sooner the club can move on to better things - they surely can't be worse than the aimless drift we've been in for the past year (fingers crossed!).
    Bazza47 likes this.
  14. Flawless Guest

  15. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Spurporter are Juventus Milan intermilan and athletico Madrid not big clubs ???Especially Milan who have won the champions league on more than one occasion because they are behind Tottenham on the rich list where we are tenth.Do Celtic and Rangers have world wide following even though they can’t compete financially with the premier league.I think you need to think again about what a big club is and try andtell the gooners they are not big as they are ninth on the list
  16. Thomas Member

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    Seriously, I don't really care about how it ends except that it ends when it should. I am more concerned about bringing trophies on the journey. Lack of trophies and success during the journey brings me tears.:)
  17. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I am sorry, Thomas, but I firmly believe that supporters like you must be ignored. For the sake of the club it is. Domestic cups are worthless and they are not the reason Mourinho is hired, although I am positive he could deliver FA Cup even this season. Mourinho is hired to make it easier for ENIC to sell the club with Mou at the helm. People with money may buy Spurs better with familiar to them name, although, IMO, Mou is washed up by now.
  18. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Arsenal record in UCL is same as Spurs. The were runners-up once. Nottingham Forest won twice the UCL. Forest are a smaller, whilst Arsenal are the big club. Spurs follow Gooners footsteps. I hoped Poch could be another Wenger.
  19. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    You aren't going to win us over. If Mou succeeds, it would be Poch who has built the proper foundation for him. I don't have to tell you what will be said should he fail. If his presence helps ENIC to sell the club, that would be the only positive contribution Mourinho is able to make at current stage of his career. Levy has to be prompt for that, as things could turn ugly any given time, starting next fall.
    Last edited: November 21, 2019
  20. Thomas Member

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    I am very sorry but apparently you are the one at odds with most fans here. Try not categorizing fans and pretend that you know what is good for the club when you change your opinions randomly and like what you said yourself, don't expect facts from you. I treat this as non-factual and groundless comment as well. Hope that the fans you ask to ignore me are happy with a diet of ridiculous and foolish suppositions.:D

    What a great move by Levy, bringing in a "washed up" guy who managed to win 25 trophies and some trophies recently compared to a forever "up and coming" manager who has won nothing and who look totally lost.

    I think it is a smart move by Levy bringing in a manager who can deliver trophies. It will help to attract players and retain players who might want to leave in search of trophies which some fan deem not important.

    Can't imagine him going to Real Madrid and promising the players success when Zidane with the trophies he's won is under pressure. What a scene it will be.

    Some simply cannot understand that the only loyalty the fans owe is to the club, not to any particular player or manager. We are called Spurs supporters foremost. Pochettino has long since betrayed the club and his players but some still think he should be given more time. Pochettino thinks that he has outgrown Spurs when in reality, he needs t o make way for the club to move ahead even without the disastrous run of results.
    Last edited: November 21, 2019

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