Failure to learn or improve

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, October 28, 2019.

  1. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    No, I don't. I liked them all and was even sadden by Sherwood dismissal, although he was the least capable of the last 3 before Pochettino. I just hate manager firing. They all talk rubbish, fans do not understand and never will what they say in Spanglish or in perfect English. This is because they have entirely different mind set. They are not Spurs supporters, nor they should be ones. Supporters cannot manage. Levy was one when he started and that cost the club dearly.
  2. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Thanks for the civil response, and apologies for my previous rudeness - my linguistic skills are confined to 'please', 'thank you' and 'beer' in about four languages, so I certainly shouldn't be criticising anybody else's, not even Pochettino's!
    Bazza47 likes this.
  3. P Reed Guest

    My normal pre match rant having seen poch selection again for today Aurier playing again when sessengon Dier and Foyth are on bench.De celso on bench but Ericson and Ali playing.No Kane even on bench injured or being saved for Europe ????Does the man not remember the the last two performances???
    Bazza47 likes this.
  4. P Reed Guest

    Kane has a virus apparently
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Jesus , Gomes leg break looked horrific hope he recovers well and soon.
    That's gonna effect Son by the looks of it for a while.

    I hope someone else writes a match report/summary because the game was once again so atrocious that i can't be bothered.
    We are by far the worst side to watch in the division were it not for Alli taking our 1 and only chance we'd of lost this and on balance of play no matter how poor Everton were they were robbed imho.
    Gordon Mc likes this.
  6. Jesper Guest

    Another poor performance, that is what I expect when I see Eriksen playing. Lo Celso looks like a good player.

    Strange starting line-up, strange substitutions.

    Hopefully Poch will be recruited by someone soon, the season looks like it will continue to be bad as long as the team-selections and substitutions are under the control of whoever is in control.
    Gordon Mc likes this.
  7. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Yes guys - another WOEFUL show and, as Felon says, Everton could surely feel robbed. VAR ?? If the "experts" didn't see the Dele incident as a penalty then two things: 1) Zillions of spot-kicks previously given should not have been and 2) no more should similarly ever be given. Anyway, back to the performances - bad, worse and dreadful over the entire side - Gazzaniga and perhaps Sanchez (except for allowing that donkey Tosun in to equalise) and Aldo apart I saw nothing from anyone that suggests any improvement. Everton are a bucket side, dreadful, and this was a game we should have gone at as if we wanted to win it, not fannying about with no apparent purpose. Chr*st - we can't even hold a lead against a poor side with only 4-odd minutes left. Again - Eriksen defies belief with his performance, Dele, goal apart was anonymous once more, Son & Moura the "pace" of the side never got going..... where does it end? On the apparently horrific injury to Gomez - get well soon son, my heart goes out to you, at times like this we should realise it is only a game but a sometimes dangerous one.
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  8. P reed Guest

    Must agree with felon it is becoming boring commenting on this dross.Firstly let’s wish Gomez a successful recovery but once again VAR has it wrong and costs us a point.Sons tackle was a yellow but the damage to Gomez was due to the way he fell.Now to the match once again the hapless Ericson was totally useless couldn’t control the ball couldn’t clear the first defender from dead ball kicks but stays on till 5 minutes from the end.why was sessengon not playing from the start and de celso.why buy these players and not use them.once again we concede at the end due to to not having a proper right back and Sanchez losing his man in the middle.Lots of people post that Moura should start but I have argued before that he is a brilliant sub but totally missing when he starts especially when played at centre forward.This cllub and players need new ideas desperately but I can see us sticking with poch until it’s too late.We are behind the worst arsenal and man united teams since the premiership began and 10 points behind 3rd and 4th.Please levy grow a pair and do what must be done
    Bazza47, Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  9. Happyclapper Guest

    The less said about the game the better it resembled what it was a game between two sides low on confidence more concerned about not losing rather then winning lots of fans want the new signing to start but today showed that Tangy our record signing will struggle when he isn't getting time on the ball as for the other two Lo Celso looks very lightweight and Sess will be okay IMO Poch built the side around Eriksen and it worked for a while most of the squad legs and minds seemed to be burnt out it will be interesting to see where Liverpool and Leicester will be in a few season if they are stupid enough not to refresh the squad with a couple of signings every season this season is almost write off already but who knows that's the joy of being a yid it's the hope that kills you
  10. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Happyclapper - It used to be, being a Spur that it was "the hope that kills you" but right now I'm completely all out of hope. Where to from here ? This season is certainly a write-off anyway and I almost laughed today when Jamie Carragher said that we've been poor so far at this early-season stage. Early season Jamie ? Dear me man, we're 2 games off a third of the season down, not two games into it. For the first time since I-don't-know-when I can't wait for the season to finish and we start over. I'm hoping......... Oops
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  11. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    A mate has just sent a photo of what he says is the injury to Gomes. Don't know if it's gen or not, but if it is then it's a shocker.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Was horrific , really hope it's not career ending.
    Son was late but it wasn't the initial contact that done it , it was the next step as he collided off balance with Aurrier.
    Son looked traumatized
  13. P reed Guest

    I see Bayern Munich have sacked their coach after getting beat 5-1 with ten men.The same team that spanked us 7-2.Wonder who they will come afterMourino??? Unfortunately the horrific injury to Gomez has taken the heat for a short time off pochetino and Silva who must be vying for the sack.Having watched pochetinos post match ramblings I wonder if he watches the same game as me as he said we played well even if once again we had no shots on goal in the first half.How can a team win7-2 and sack their manager and the manager of the beaten team keep theirs.Is there anybody out there who thinks we played well??
    Gordon Mc and Bazza47 like this.
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Bayern who are currently 4th and only 4 points off top ........

    Where are we currently?
    Gordon Mc likes this.
  15. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Just love your equating of Bayern to Spurs, Felon82...
    The game was dreadful, as it should. Spurs should have gotten the result, but Son was sent off and that was it. Poch got wrong all his subs. It wasn't a good time to introduce GLC and RS, we needed to preserve a fragile advantage. Eriksen should have been left on the pitch. The Dane was terrible up front and unable to pass the ball, but was good defensively. Spurs also needed Ndobele for his defense. Moura was blunt, I guess now we know why Poch hasn't been starting him earlier. Dele was an improvement, hope he will keep it up. Son was the best Spur up until. The nightmare continues.
    Last edited: November 4, 2019
  16. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    No equating just a comparison on how a big club behaves compared to a circus pretender club.
    Although I know you equate us to a Villa or Everton (whilst also being better than Liverpool remember) so I'm sure your very content with the dreadful performance and result yesterday.

    Each to their own as they say.
    Last edited: November 4, 2019
    Gordon Mc likes this.
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    It's understandable I think most people are sick of our Football too.
  18. palmover Active Member

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    MP really doesn't know how to set up a team why is he playing moura at Cf and ali on the left son's fav position and son on right, no wonder the players are not performing when the manager plays them in positions that will not get the best out of their skill set.
    Ce is playing awfully, he's first touch is so poor it reminds me of Sisoko when he first joined, a pass to the opposition. He's passing is also very poor so now spurs have a player just running around the pitch not holding his own.
    In the days of Dembele and Walker spurs could carry players as these two physical beasts could cover the gaps with strength, speed and skill. Spurs don't have that luxury anymore every man has to be able to hold his own and Ce is just not doing that at present.
    Spurs didn't deserve to win and could have lost so a draw is just about a fair result. I hope Bayern come in for MP.
    Gordon Mc and Bazza47 like this.
  19. P reed Guest

    I really am struggling to know what Spurporter sees when watching spurs.He thinks Ericson should have been left on for his defensive qualities .He should have been off at halftime.At least he agrees that poch subs were totally wrong as usual and yet he still thinks he’s the man.Spurs did not deserve to win with no shots on target in the first half and only Aldy came out of the game with credit.The unfortunate accident to Gomes has taken away the fact that the game before that was absolutely dire with Spurs showing no desire to win.How bad must de celso be in training for Ericson to be preferred to him.I expect about 5 changes at least for Wednesday and I also expect a defeat or sloppy draw.Spurs now have the worst away record over the last 3 months of any team in the premiership.
    Bazza47, Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  20. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Any more of this combination of Poch's shite selections, watching CE in a Spurs shirt and the unmitigated disaster that is VAR, and I will walk away.

    VAR has so spoilt the game - watching that tosser Anthony Tailor trying for three minutes to decide if Dele hand balled it just drained the life blood from me.

    How, how can Eriksen be picked. How bad has he been, a disgrace to the shirt. Watching it was sapping the will to live from me.

    The Gomes/Sonny thing will run and run. We're going to appeal the card I hear, and rightly so, otherwise every similar tackle is a red card. So sad for Gomes. Poor Sonny, I think this will affect him for a very long time.

    Having watched MOTD this week, we are amongst the worst of the PL teams right now and until Poch goes will remain so. Why no Lo Celso, Sessingnon. Why?
    Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.

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