We've plugged a hole

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, July 4, 2019.

  1. P reed Guest

    I would say I’m getting worried that all we have done so far is sign a replacement for Dembele but if I do I expect Hail levy to pounce on me for not toeing the party line.We have at least unloaded the accident proneTrippier and it appears Rose could be on the way as well.We now need 2 full backs a centre half another midfield player and a striker in the next5 weeks unless Ericsson and aldy decide to stay.It seems arsenal are competing with us on a couple of players and it seems Levy is doing the precise trick again.wouldnt it be nice if we had a team in place before the last day of the deadline
  2. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Why? The lad will get a better pay he deserves. Will play for England. He will not miss a snow covered pitches there in Spain. Spanish language may only be a problem for him.
    Levy will now have to sign Steven Sessegnon as a replacement for Trips as well as his twin brother Ryan, as a replacement for Rose, who is expected to be sold soon.
    Foyth looked rock solid out there in Brazil playing for Argentina. Very much classic stay-at-home right FB he was. If Poch is to switch to 4-3-3, Foyth is a good option as defensive defender.
    Last edited: July 17, 2019
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    With 22 days left of the TW , 1 signing to fill a self imposed gap that's it.
    Good luck to Trippier had a dodgey last season with us which was a shame as he was the only FB we had with any decent service even if his defending left a lot to be desired.
    So we are now down a FB and a 2nd Striker.
    Foyth is more in the Corluka mould than a cavalier Carlos so if he is gonna be square pegged into Pochs wing back role expect more stagnant turgid football.
  4. Big fran Guest

    Worrying times been a decent player at times. Three of our back four seemingly on their way out added to walker a few years ago which made up the best defensive unit in the league by far. The back ups either not good enough and /or too inexperienced..putting together a back 4 in the space of six wks near on impossible.
    The word is poch isn't looking at replacing Tripps with foyth his preferred option who to my mind has started around 5 senior games at full back. Backed up by KWP who at 22 yrs old less than 20 senior starts at looked awful last year and the error prone injury aurier ffs.
    On sessagnon I like the lad and feel that as a versatile left sided player could be a good understudy to Rose in years to come not a replacement. He had an uninspiring season last Yr and under 21 tournament to boot. Its unclear as yet his best position under 3 managers last season so how poch can be convinced his best position I know not. Steven sessagnon couldn't get a game for love nor money at rock bottom Fulham who had the poorest defense in the league. Again more questions than answers. My only reasonable assumption is that the money isn't there to cover all the bases hence we are having to cash in and take risks with rookies at the back in order to strengthen further upfield. Risky strategy for me selling regular starters without replacing and or indeed upgrading.
    Spurporter likes this.
  5. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I think you're correct. But how else would you give the youth a chance, which is a MP's trademark. If Trippier retained, then KWP must be sold. No sense to sell the lad before giving him a chance. And what can be had for someone who appeared briefly and sporadically? Yes, it is a risk, but we have gotten Poch for that among other things. He is to evaluate talent. I can only hope he did his due diligence there. I don't think he parted with Trippier without giving it good thought. He already made two mistakes selling Sigurdsson and Walker .
    Last edited: July 18, 2019
  6. Big fran Guest

    I'm all for giving youth a chance and would love to see it made compulsory to do so. However Big clubs targeting trophies rightly or wrongly don't do hence situations like jadon sancho. Sarri was forced into playing Hudson odoi and Phil foden being phased in really slowly at champions City who are able to do so. The above 3 all being super extraordinary talents which KWP has shown little sign of unfortunately. Last season would have been a better time to get his chance with the option of bringing him out the firing line for Tripps if he struggled. What happens if a month in he's struggling? Then what?? Putting another rookie in or worse still aurier.
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Well unless 2 proper full backs are signed ready to start and of CL standard or ability to perform the wing back role at a high level then somehow we are worse off than when this window started by the looks of it.
    Only at Spurs.
    6th year of Pochs project and 19th of ENICs still not a proper functioning squad in sight or any silverware.
  8. palmover Active Member

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    Rose refused to sign a new contract, so it's probably the best time to see if there's any interested clubs. The plan was probably to keep rose while Sess beds in and it could still work out like that. If rose is sold Davies/ Sess doesn't look strong enough.

    Trippier was too predictable and selling was the right decision. I am hoping that at least one of Serge, foyth or Kwp is good enough to become a solid RB, if not the Jan Tw.

    I think Toby might see out his contract and go on a free next season. Ce will get his move to Rm for around 40m. Spurs will get Lo celso for around 55m and Sess for 35m. I am hopping spurs get bale on a one year loan. Spurs haven't been linked to any CF so maybe Lorente for another year or use whats already at the club mainly Son/moura in that role.
    Gkn and Jansen will be sold/ loaned.
    Wanyama maybe sold.
    Spurs still need to make at least two signings in the next 3 weeks, which i think they will Ses/locelso. Looking at the players spurs are after i think Mp will go with the diamond, in terms of the team getting weaker or stronger i am not sure, however, on paper the players and squad probably suit the diamond formation more than last season.
    A bench with: Moura, Lamela, Sisoko, Lorente, Toby and Davies isn't that bad, it could be improved with the signing of bale on loan and werner, but i don't see that happening. Coys
    Bazza47 and Spurporter like this.
  9. Big fran Guest

    Probably the start 11 for villa
    Lloris foyth sanchez Jan Davies ndombele sissoko winks alli son kane. Much weaker than last year. Bench kwp sessagnon dier lamela moura aurier. Again much weaker than last year. Going backwards feel sorry for ndombele been sold a lie already. Spurs will post a profit ti's window I guarantee Tripps 20m Rose 20m eriksen 65m alderweireld 25m wanyama 15m plus all the gobshites and save millions in wages.. In poch we trust.???
    Spurporter likes this.
  10. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I agree with both palmover and Big fran above, although they are either too optimistic or way pessimistic. Poch is no Mourinho or Guardiola and Spurs only strive to get close to large clubs. We do not buy superstars, we sell them after developing. Spurs do not need Bale, it is no longer 2013.
    How come selling Trippier and Rose is making us weaker? I would agree about Eriksen, but he is not what he used to be. EPL is too physical for older players. Let them go to Italy and Spain.
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Because when on form they're the better 2 full backs of a limited bunch.
    With out them we are weaker, that's why we need upgrades.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Looks flatter than a burst tyre , badly lacking in pace and width.
    Doesn't look anything like a title challenging 'squad'
  13. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    By that logic Levy should buy Adebayor from Bashaksehir now. When in form he was a good striker.
    Last edited: July 19, 2019
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    How you've managed to come up with that analogy is beyond me but each to their own.
    Last edited: July 19, 2019
  15. palmover Active Member

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    Big fran there is no way Levy could get away with selling Ce without a replacement, even the happy clappers would be in melt down. Lo celso is meant to be very close, so he is the Ce replacement, as i think Ce will leave.
    Sess, Foyth, Lo celso and tanguy would be replacing Rose, trippier, Ce and sisoko. It looks like the start of a new project so don't expect to challenge for title, gaining top 4 is the initial aim, hopefully spurs can play some attractive football as last seasons pl style of play was boring to watch. coys
  16. Big fran Guest

    Got top 4 with that squad last year so replacing them to aim for top 4 again would be illogical.. Unless of course we turn a profit. Which I'm sure we will. Rose 25m Tripps 20m janssen 8m eriksen 80m Toby 25m
    Incoming ndombele 60m locelso 55m sessagnon 25m and will all be on lower wages than those leaving.
  17. palmover Active Member

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    80m for ce with one year left, not sure spurs will get that much. if Spurs got 50m at this stage it would be better than letting him go on a free Imo.
    Spurs have spent nothing for 2 windows so a net spend of 45m works out at 15m a window, i know fellon has net spend figures and spurs are almost zero net spend, being 50m over this time around is making up for the time spurs didn't buy anyone.
    I like Rose and Toby and hope they both stay as their experience is something that can help the new players settle. If Ce stays and spurs buy Lo celso it would make the squad stronger, however, Ce looks like he will leave.
    Whether we like it or not spurs are in a transition replacing older players with young ones, hopefully it's not too painful and spurs can at least maintain top 4, and play better football than last season. Coys
  18. Big fran Guest

    Madrid paid that for hazard and he's 2 yrs younger..
  19. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Hazards a proven winner though not a hide n seek specialist
  20. Big fran Guest

    Hid for a year when he got mourinho sacked tho

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