
Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, June 2, 2019.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    In the politest way possible you are severely deluded.
    It took 72minutes to make their keeper work (a catch from a looping chip).
    It was a lethargic and completely inept performance take the rose tints off.
    1 of the biggest problems with this club is fans fawning over what is essentially another massive opportunity missed and how proud they are about it.
    There was nothing in that performance to be proud of last night , dominated possession in completely non effective areas , controlled the midfield yet did nothing with it and lost 2-0.
  2. thespy Guest

    i will always be a fan, but that's not the point. we have to learn to acknowledge the facts of life. we're just not good enough. to continue with the group of players we currently have will not get us trophies. top 4 finish (if we're lucky) is the best we can aspire for. we need a major shake up. it's about time levy. no more excuses. stadium is built, money should be more than available, spend it for the name and for the fans.
    watching the final was torture. spurs seemed scared. all the sideways and back passing was and always is with us is just a waste of time. sure, we dominate possession, but that doesn't win games. the only stat that counts is the number of goals scored and we didn't. we saw it many times during the season, we play teams we should easily defeat on paper, they play bunker, we can't penetrate and they score against us because our defense is weak.
    honestly, will any of our current players will be a starter for either man city or liverpool? that should give levy the answer that we need to pay for top quality players and not lose them to our higher paying rivals!!!
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  3. Steve neal Guest

    This is a great and true article.
    And maybe its time for the owners of Spurs fc to really consider whats best for the ckub long term. As its clear that enic aka Joe lewis & Daniel levy will not or don't have the finances to continue this club. To compete on the world's stages clubs need depth in there squads and quality.
    And as we showed last year we dont have depth and players were dropping like flies.
    Its time to say thankyou and goodbye Enic and Co and welcome in some serious financial investment so Boss Poch can continue to take spurs further than Fergie took man utd.
  4. Abu Dhabi. Guest

    Poch. Lacking in balls to drop HK, Eriksen, Ali, Dier, Trippier and Lloris. Judgement, what judgement? Proactive, =no. Reading of game, laughable. Well there his good points. Fed up with this project now. Not got really close to winning a trophy even when we get the final. A change is needed. Six years is long enough. Coys.
  5. Alanh Guest

    Wow, true to form the worst fans in the world. Who would want to play for a team with fans like this.
    voiceofreason likes this.
  6. I have never seen so much drivel from supposed fans. Levy doesn’t have the finances, Pochettino out, players don’t care. You need to show some respect instead of ripping apart the team we love.
    Yes we’re all disappointed about the result of the final, going a goal down in the second minute completely changed the course of that game. We immediately knew we needed a goal against an extremely dangerous, high pressing team. If we’d just gone for it and they’d hit us on the break it could have been 4 or 5 nil.
    Look at the way Liverpool have played this year, we matched them in the final, yes we didn’t register a shot on target until the 72 minute, but Liverpool registered three for the whole match. It was a poor game which really could have gone either way.
    If we completely take emotion out of it and break it down....those calling for Levy to sell up....around 20 years ago when he bought the club we were averaging about 10th position, 15 years ago averaging about 8th, 10 years ago 5th and now we’re consistently top 4. All this has been done while maintaining the financial integrity of the club, it’s run the way a football club should be run. Unless you have a sugar daddy like Manchester City or Chelsea success doesn’t come overnight. The implications of overspending are potentially huge, look at Leeds Utd.
    Add into the mix world class training facilities and an incredible stadium and Levy has set up our long term future, I have no doubt his priority will now turn to investment in the team.
    Those calling for Pochettino to go....unbelievable! Look at what he has achieved under such adversity this season, no investment, no home ground, we beat the best team in Germany (at the time), the best team in England, the best team in Holland and just fell short against a team who are probably playing the best football in Europe at the moment. The squad was not prepared for that level of success, the players were noticeably exhausted for large parts of the season, we lost key players at key times but Pochettino still got us where we needed to be.
    I think if we got offered a champions league final and a top four spot at the start of the season we all would have taken it. I would LOVE Pochettino to become a Tottenham legend like Wenger at Arsenal and Sir Alex at Man Utd. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
    Finally the players....there are players that have to go, there are players that need to be downgraded to squad status and there are players that we need to ensure don’t leave, I’d only really put Son, Sissoko, Vertonghen and Alderweireld in that bracket though.
    This team has overachieved this season, they’ve achieved more in Europe than Juventus, Barcelona, Paris SG etc. The financial windfall from getting to the final and finishing 4th will definitely improve us if spent wisely.
    Liverpool supporters felt the same last year as we do this year, the club made a few changes in personnel, kept the team spirit and came back fighting this year.
    We can do the same. Get behind our club.
  7. Lilywhites1 Guest

    Completely agree last post. I remember days of really poor quality, lucky to finish top half, ground not looked after or improved. Investment is needed for the next level and some selling. Keep your perspective and remember where we have come from since 1998!
    Bazza47 and voiceofreason like this.
  8. voiceofreason Active Member

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    So I have had to wait a while to reply since my knee jerk reaction would have been moderated!

    “Pathetic”., spot on. Yes this is a pathetic piece of drivel from a plastic fan I can imagine you have been salivating to get this piece out!

    I’ve been around watching spurs for far too long and can remember previous successes but I have never before had the fortune to see spurs reach the champions league or the European cup as it was called in the over 60 years it has been going

    60 years! And we had never reached the final. Yet this year we did reach the final but unfortunately it wasn’t to be. We should be shouting from the roof tops about this achievement against the serious issues of no home ground, no spending, competing against multi billionaire clubs and poor injuries during the season

    Yes to make that next move we need to shake up some things and I don’t doubt we will make changes this summer but ffs against all the problems we had we ended up top 4 and champions league final!!

    Whether you like it or not , that was a huge success, not the ultimate success, but guess what, we aren’t the only team trying for the accolades and I definitely don’t want to chase it in the way of City or Chelsea

    Yes I know you will reply with “this is the problem that too many are happy with mediocrity “ but you know what? there are only a handful of clubs around Europe who wouldn’t swap to have our level of success this year and most of those , whether we like it or not are on a level above us with resources to pull in mega stars and pay silly money

    Well done Daniel,Mauricio and the whole team , what a great season, we reached the mo fo champions league final for the first time in our history. Take a deserved break onwards and upwards and for God’s sake let’s be fans that get behind our team rather than jump all over any setback

    Looking forward to next year with a full season in the best stadium in Europe

    Remy Uwilin and Bazza47 like this.
  9. Stephen Guest

    If I see another spurs defender turn away from a tackle with his arms behind his back watching the ball hit the back of our net I will throw the tv control right through the screen.
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Tottenham4life New Member

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    i total agree as much i would never want our club to sell out to people who dont care about the club and just want to make money the time is right to sell and start spending crazy money to bring glory days to the lane
  11. Dan Guest

    Disappointed by the poor play from both sides but Liverpool adjusted their game plan and took advantage of Spur's conceding an early goal. Unfortunate for Moussa.

    I'm torn. We have massively overachieved this season given challenges on multiple fronts - injuries, stadium uncertainty, lack of squad depth, etc. I don't think it's realistic to splash cash like the big boys (Citeh/'Pool) and not threaten wage structure and team chemistry.

    But I would hope we can get back to the football of 16/17 vs. the turgid play of last night. Poch is a very good manager but he has weaknesses - too much loyalty to his favorite players (e.g., Kane), late substitutions, lack of in-game adjustments that change outcomes, and insufficient ruthlessness sometimes. Our style of play is not as exciting or fearsome as it used to be. I don't want to see DESK broken up but I really wonder about Dele, Kane seems to lack mobility/pace, and his playing as a withdrawn forward has not worked in spite of his playmaking, i.e., less goal threat. We need players with desire, ambition, & competitiveness. So puzzled by Dele & Eriksen last night (comparisons to Ozil fair??) and feel sorry for Lucas & Sonny.

    I think initially right back and multiple midfield positions are the priority and then backup striker maybe. I really believe in the team but there is just something missing in terms of consistent performances & big-game mentality - although I think we have progressed in shedding the Spursy label this season. I look forward to some progress in the transfer market and a frank acknowledgement of the weaknesses in our team & performances that need addressing. Liverpool really accomplished a squad renewal and it benefited them hugely. They did it with big outlays but also integrity (not oil money), and they deserve credit for incredible performances in EPL & Champions League. I'd love to see us beat them in competitions next year but it will take investment and learning lessons from this season. COYS
    Bazza47 likes this.
  12. Guesty Guest

    Liverpool spent £75m on VvD to overhaul their squad.
    .....we aren't doing that
    But keeping Aldi will be worth a chunk of that.

    I'd take the big money for Kane. When he plays the rest of the team struggle.
    I'd also consider money for Alli.
    Or good player swaps.

    We need a proper RB
    And a proper defensive CM
    And a top class striker.
    All of whom have to fit our style/system

    Sell Kane and Alli we'll have money to play with

  13. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I find it amazing that people still bring Leeds up and don't forget Portsmouth 2 clubs that spent recklessly and went bust as the Damnation for us spending any money.
    It's amazing how every other club and I'm not talking about the big boys here I'm talking about the footballing might of Bournemouth, Everton, West Ham, Wolves are all out spending us regularly and don't seem to be on the verge of collapse.

    Now you could argue that despite us spending considerably less than these clubs look how much better we're doing but then you can't be bemoaning having a small squad with little depth and claiming how unfortunate we are that we can't compete when it's a self made problem through lack of investment and proper scouting at levels we should be able to afford realistically.
    You might love this shoe string budget , 1 hand behind back routine whilst melting with pride by punching above our weight but it's all self imposed and is blocking us doing something actually credible.

    If you think Top 4 was anything more than a fluke that Scum and Utd went on a bigger kamakasi run than us then you seriously see things rose tinted.
    We've gone backwards in the League it can't be argued, the displays have been next to awful also.
    The CL run was great for drama but was more a freak run of luck getting us to the final than anything else and of course wel take a route there however it comes but once your there at least leave it all on the pitch.
    There is no way in this world that was a side or performance that gave it everything it was pitiful.
    A good pal of mine who's a pool fan said all through the second half he was waiting for a Spurs onslaught but was amazed in the end how relatively easy it all seemed in the end which suprised him because hes always found us good opposition.
    So it's not just mine and plenty of other fans who were in the ground that felt this.
    It was a shocking inept display that showed very little belief or desire.
    You've got to ask yourself if they can't get up for the CL final then what sort of mentality is in this club.
    But they know it's ok because they're serial failures and a huge chunk of our fan base who are on 'journeys' literally cheer them to the rafters for it.
  14. Graham Wood New Member

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    Yesterdays final will be remembered as a game where both teams played extremely poorly. Clearly the advantage Liverpool were gifted so early on destroyed our game plan. Heads went down and effort from so many players was clearly lacking. My mind went back to the Burnley game where we were soundly beaten by a lesser team who showed way more fight and spirit. Kane came back to us from injury that day also and was a clear hinderance to the side that was struggling to maintain their form. Harry Kane has not been himself since that early first injury and time will tell if he ever recovers that scintillating form that made him our deadliest striker.
    As they say in American football we can all be Monday morning quarterbacks but to be truthful the glaring selection errors have been there for months. Poor Moura, our semi final hero, got benched in favour of our hit and hope poster boy.How Pochettino could have done that to him is unthinkable given that our other wonder boy, Deli Alli has been playing on fumes for months offering little or no threat to opposition defences. Not sure we can expect Moura to have much faith in our manager or team after that colossal snub. All in favour of sub par players. How can we rectify this mess? Certainly Eriksen should be shown the door after yet another lacklustre appearance. As many of us have observed, he actually has been missing since January , perhaps his head got turned by foreign interest? For me Deli, Trippier, Aurier,
    Janssen, Erickson, Davies & Llorente can all be sold to make way for upgraded replacements. Obviously we must upgrade for recognized talent and not just more projects which may or may not pan out. Too many of those clutter our books at present. Rose and Lamela must be commended for effort shown when they are selected. Rose played his heart out yesterday with not much support. Heaven and earth must be moved to retain Toby and Jan, our two defensive stalwarts. Now we must wait and see if management truly has vision or is it all smoke and mirrors to support our giant shopping centre. Time will tell......
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  15. Cheshuntboy Guest

    As usual, the pro-ENIC/Levy/Pochettino brigade has to make its case by re-writing the club's history to paint the worst possible picture of life before 2001. Yes, Sugar overdid the parsimony in reaction to Scholar's disastrous regime, but we still had great players (Ginola, Sheringham, Klinsman, to name just three) and actually won a couple of trophies in the supposedly dire '90s, in contrast to ENIC's solitary league cup in eighteen years (and counting).
    Yes, we've finally got the stadium planned and promised back in the days of New Labour, but the team playing in it is in clear decline, a pale shadow of the 2016/17 runners-up, and full of under-performers that our managerial maestro seems unable to motivate, but still we're told that not only are we 'progressing', but are actually ahead of schedule, as if Levy has a wall chart marked 'jam today' (May 2024) in place of the pre-printed 'Jam Tomorrow' versions ordered every year since 2008. In football as in life, success comes from taking opportunities when they arise, not planning for an unforseeable future, and we can add 2019's CL to 2016's PL as a missed boat, possibly a once in a lifetime chance blown by poor management, on-field timidity and all-round 'spursyness', the label that just won't be shaken-off.
    Felon82 likes this.
  16. P reed Guest

    I can't believe two posts on here still praising the performance in the final . and over the season.We were so lucky to reach the final and robbed city in the quarters.We robbed the TV audience of a competitive game.Do these supporters not know we lost 13 league games last year which was more than teams below us.How many games did we play without a shot on goal until the last 10 mins. .I for one do not go with the general opinion that Pochetino is god and does not make mistakes because he does and he does have his favourites.I was surprised that Klopp made the same mistake as pochetino in playing someone who was not match fit but he soon remedied it whereas poch left a poor Kane on the whole game.Lets hope we do get a good transfer window or these rose coloured specs will have to change their tune
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. palmover Active Member

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    I am gonna cut Kane some slack, spurs won two league games vs huddersfield/ brighton in his absence, lost 3 and drew one that is hardly coping in his absence. He still managed to score 17pl goals finishing 5 behind the winners even though he must have missed 10-12 games.
    Spurs are the only club in top six not to have won a trophy in 5 seasons Mp has been at the club. I am not saying get rid of Mp, however, i don't think spurs will win anything unless he changes his philosophy
    Felon82 likes this.
  18. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Anyone who's followed Spurs or England over the past couple of seasons can see that Kane has never fully recovered from his premature return to action in Spring 2018, prompted by his desperation not to lose the PL Golden Boot to Salah. He was embarrassingly immobile in the World Cup, and seems to have changed his style of play to compensate for lost sharpness; his passing and intelligence can be a joy, but he's not the terror of defences that he was a couple of years ago, and I think Shearer's PL scoring record will be safe, even if Kane sees-out his career at Spurs. Can we manage without him? I wouldn't like to say, but if anyone really is willing to pay the sort of transfer fee being talked about before his injury record became an issue (£150 million-plus), we'd be mad not to consider it, especially with the team crying-out for fresh blood. Buy Kane, get Alli free perhaps (though that would probably discourage more clubs than it would attract, based on his abysmal performance on Saturday and for most of the last couple of years - if Pochettino's such a great coach and motivator, why are so many of our stars of 2016/17 shadows of their former selves?).
  19. burnt Well-Known Member

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    It was always going to be this way if we didn't win . If Kane started , then he shouldn't have and if he didn't start then he should have . I would probably have started Moura myself but I would have started him instead of Ali not Kane but let's be honest here , how many good games has Moura had this year . Bar the semi , one would have to say he's been non effective more often then not . Our problem was collective , none of our match winners played well at all . Erikson , Son , Kane , Ali , they all struggled . The early goal allowed Liverpool to sit in , they kept their 3 midfielders just in front of their defence and it made life even more difficult for us . Would this have happened without the early goal , one can only speculate . The reality is , neither side played well at all . They struggled as much as we did to get their big guns motoring and it made for a piss poor final . I don't think the 3 week break did either side any good , the intense heat on the night didn't help either but all these things are irrelevant now . Would there have been the same collective melt down if we had nicked the game 1-0 , with the game panning out exactly the same way except we scored the penelty ? I'm as sick as anybody else over it , a chance in a lifetime goes a begging so meekly but the way the game panned out whoever lost was going to have that feeling ... Unfortunately it was us , again .....
    Bazza47 likes this.
  20. YiddoN Guest

    I'm split down the middle on this one...

    Yes I can appreciate that we've done exceptionally well to get to the CL final based on our budget and circumstances this season. It's a massive achievement and I see it as the next step in what has so far been a remarkable progression under Levy. I'm proud that this progression was the result of hard work and an intelligent plan played out over a number of years, rather than the overnight success symptomatic of a buy-out from some soulless billionaire. And yes, I'm very proud of this team, many of whom signed new contracts despite the dangling of fame, trophies and doubled wages at other clubs who have historically been much bigger and better than us. It shows character, integrity, loyalty, love of the beautiful game and all the magical things which have been lost in the modern game. Maybe I’m a romanticist but I think we have a lot to be proud of at this club. It is a project, we are doing things differently. In many ways we are the envy of the footballing world and many are already trying to replicate our model because of the impossibility to crack the big 6, of which we are now a firm part.

    However I do agree with many of the things written on this blog. I was caught up in the route to the final buzz. Particularly in the Dortmund, Man City and Ajax games I saw flashes of the 2016/17 brilliance, the never-say-die attitude and even the papers said that Spursy was dead. If we did lose I expected to go down in a blaze of Glory!
    So roll-on match day and what happens? With a few exceptions no one plays to the best of their ability. Yes I’m sure the penalty in the first minute didn’t help but our comeback-kings had 89 minutes+stoppage time to correct it. It appeared to me at the time that Liverpool were below par but having watched it again they simply played it safe. With the experience of losing last years’ final fresh in their memories and with the best defence in the league they sat-back and protected their 1-0 lead and made it difficult for us to create. In these games you need imagination and flare and our go-to players did not produce the goods. Possession does not win matches and anyone suggesting that we outplayed Liverpool or deserved to win because of this statistic is delusional. When we did finally produce some shots they were weak and easily dealt with by the likes of VVD and their £70 mil keeper.

    To say that we didn’t perform our best is an honest assessment of the match and we should not be branded as non-fans for saying so. It feels cruel not just to lose the biggest prize in Europe but to wonder what could have been if all the players had turned up that day. Knowing the players as we do and having seen their reactions in the build-up and following the match, we can safely say that the desire was there. Maybe it was the nerves, the heat, the inexperience, seasonal fatigue, Liverpool’s tactics or that Kane was playing instead of Moura. We will never be able to pin it down, we can only learn from the experience and move on. I do believe that experiences like this are necessary to build the winners mentality which is required for these big games and the pain will spur them on to win things in future.

    The pain of being an almost-team for some years now is excruciating and the players will be feeling it too. What happens next is the most important. Levy needs to use this platform and momentum, back Poch in the transfer market and take us to the next level. He needs to finish what he’s started. Poch needs to commit to the club and stop doing this ridiculous dance with the media and other clubs which is unsettling not only for the fans but must have rattled the players as well. For all his talk about loyalty and love of the club actions speak louder than words. That has actually really p1ssed me off this season.

    I still am proud of and believe in the ability of many of the players, there’s not many I would offload. But if we strengthen and have competition for places, are able to rest and support them where necessary and have a decent bench with attacking and defensive options, then that to me will be the difference next season. These players are still superstars to me and I would love to see them rewarded for their hard work and loyalty by winning something together. COYS!
    Bazza47 likes this.

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