Why Spurs shouldn’t sign Harry Kane back-up

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, January 30, 2019.

  1. Not sure how you see me asking people to get active and discuss a positive good result is having a hissy fit but each to their own!

    Bizarrely this "hissy fit" seems to have got people including you actually discussing a few footballing points, obviously your compliments are always backhanded though-"Sissy is good"-yeah-shows how bad Dembele was "verts is good"-yeah shows how bad the others are. You are a funny fellow but hey you are our own funny fellow-The Victor Meldrew of the spurs forums!
    As I've said before I see the positives,you see the negatives and that is fine, just make sure you don't confuse me trying to get a conversation going with it being about you-it's not!

    I probably agree with Burnt- verts and alds are a superb CB combination. If it weren't for an injury Rose would have played on the left and I think he would have got some success there as well. I think he is back to his best and Davies is now the lower ranked one.
    In a few weeks time-a full strength team of Hugo, alds sanchez verts, rose winks sissy,ce, kane deli and son looks pretty solid and can hold their own against anyone
  2. Big fran Guest

    Is that with sanchez at full bk? Quite fancy that option myself..
    burnt likes this.
  3. palmover Active Member

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    Verts has always had the ability, however, he had slacked under Avb and was going through the motions. Mp has got him to play at the level he is capable of consistently.

    With the ball Verts is the best Lcb in the league and has been for a few seasons now.

    Rose is a top LB the problem is when he isn't fit, for big games (like Fa cup semi finals) I would rather play Verts than son or davies at Lwb, if rose is not available.
    burnt likes this.
  4. palmover Active Member

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    I really like the way the midfield has evolved. I am not a fan of the 2 DMs pivot that Mp has mainly used. i like the way Winks plays the anchor role lots of ability on the ball
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Nothing back handed at all , it's quite obvious that when your CB is a better full back than every actual FB we have on the books then there's issues in that position.
    Sissoko isn't as technically good as Dembele but he's way more effective.

    Tell me that's wrong?

    Seriously VoR for someone who only sees the positives you search hard for negatives in what I say.

    Your hissy fit was all the 'Sorry didn't know it was Felons forum/Get over yourself ..." Nonsense.

    Nowhere did I try to enforce or police you in anyway about what's said , I was as I always am encouraging of differing opinions especially those (like you) who love to have a dig at the articles and how they're written plus also your dissapointment at the lack of positivity when we win to write yourself, instead of bitching at me and others because we haven't or have a differing view.

    As I've had to say to you before let's keep it to football VoR instead of the petty sniping, I'm happy to talk football all day but this tit for tat sh;te is just embarrassing.

    Sort it out!
    Last edited: February 15, 2019
    bruski likes this.
  6. Big fran Guest

    As a pair they've Don really well. Sissoko In particular a revelation. A lot don't rate dier and I can understand why.. He has limitations for sure but I rate him as a square peg in a square hole. Wins headers and tackles and keeps his shape and keeps his passing simple within his range. Wanyama at his best is an asset but his injury seems to be slowing him down. Skipp another prospect. We are well stocked. However as well as they've all done its still an area upon where we are lacking and needs strengthening ASAP if we are to compete against a midfield of fernandinho de bruyne and silva(s).. Control the midfield you win the game and set the tempo more often than not. That's where Dembele was key if you know and understand football looking past stats goals and assists.
    If I were in charge I'd be looking at this area first and foremost even before a CF come the next window. Then I'd address the right bk scenario. Make a decision on aurier or Tripps to sell and a season loan for kwp with a new full bk to come in.
    burnt likes this.
  7. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Oh the irony! You’ve made my weekend.
    Have a good one everybody
  8. palmover Active Member

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    Dier has always looked like a CB, even Mp said he thought it was his best position. He might win headers, however, he gets bypassed too easily and switches off a lot. I prefer winks as he is a much better footballer and plays the role fairly well.
    Bazza47, burnt and voiceofreason like this.
  9. voiceofreason Active Member

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    I agree. I used to consider Dier as one of the first names on the team sheet. Now I see him as a good utility player and as someone to use when we are closing up to protect a lead. I think Poch will use him in the return leg
    burnt likes this.
  10. burnt Well-Known Member

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    2 different styles and both have their merits . A combination of both with a bit more quality is what's really needed . That's the dream . And to think of some of the stick Winks was getting not so long ago as an inexperienced youngster . Deff a lesson there regards Skipp . The Sissoko situation was different , he was a fully fledged international when he joined and he just looked like he couldn't play football . I was never a fan myself and not in a million years would I have predicted the impact he's made this season . Astonishing stuff really to think the two of them have carried us like they have . Kudos to both is all I can say ..
    Last edited: February 16, 2019
    Bazza47 likes this.
  11. burnt Well-Known Member

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    Some of the Dembele bashing , I don't get at all . I can understand people that think there was so much more in there or that he never fulfilled his potential . There was definitely something missing , drive or something because i.m.o he had enough ability to be one of the top midfielders of his generation . Jeez he couldn't even get on the team in front of Mason and the likes before Poch came in so there was deff something not right but that shouldn't mask what he did bring to the table for 2 or 3 seasons . His strength and ability to keep the ball and keep control in that area was priceless . We miss that so much to this day . I loved that Dembele , Wanyama midfield that season they were both fit and firing . There weren't many that got the better of them . They had their limitations for sure but it was a hell of a powerful base to start from . For all our ability in front of them , it just wasn't enough to knit it all together at that time . The Son of today would have made some difference there i.m.o . Look at the Scousers midfield over last few seasons for instance , id have Dembele , Wanyama before any combination of their central midfielders ....
    Bazza47 likes this.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    And that's exactly why Burnt.
    For me anyway he epitomised the reason we don't/can't win Trophies , no real drive or desire to do it despite having enough quality.
    bruski likes this.
  13. palmover Active Member

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    If spurs were to win trophies MP would get most of the plaudits and rightly so, conversely if spurs don't win trophies who should be held responsible?

    I will always maintain that MP has had enough talent and opportunities to have won trophies by now. The fact that he hasn't won a trophy is down to his personality. In the past he came across as being very stubborn and very rigid in his team set up. This lead to players being played in positions that didn't suit their skill set.

    This season MP has done as well as he could have, i think injuries to Dier/ Dembele actual helped the team as the players replacing them Winks/ Sisoko have helped the team evolve and both cover the ground better than the players they are replacing.
    Felon82 likes this.
  14. Big fran Guest

    What I do not understand is this. The same people who come on here say the players we have aren't good enough, the players coming thru aren't ready or good enough. There is zero investment in buying players who are good enough or next level players.
    So on what planet are you on to suggest that we should be competing for major honours???? Then blame the manager for not being good enough. You can't write it can you. Blame the top order being so poor the only reason why we are consistently in the top 4. Despite city being one of the top ranked sides in world football and record prem league points scorers.. Liverpool reached CL final last year. Chelsea league winners 18 month or so ago. Man utd Europa league winners 2 yrs ago. Can't write it really could you.
  15. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So our 1st 11 when fit and firing is probably as good as any in the country barring 1 or 2 weak links/areas with relatively very little spent in acquiring them, could we be better in certain areas 100% we could, do we need better depth 100% we do as has been proven.
    Should we be putting more into the 1st team damn right we should.
    Just because against the enforced odds we are doing well does not mean we shouldn't be striving for better.
    All this be happy with what we have, punch above our weight, we do things differently BS may be ok for the moment but by the end of this season when City or Pool stroll off with the league and (barring a miracle) we meet a proper European heavyweight in the CL all this let's see how Skipp gets on in 4 years time nonsense , let's see if Lamela can improve after 5 years of patchy play and injuries will mean we will have again blown the huge opportunity we have found/fought our way into again.

    I'm fed up with this nearly , nice try sh;te, I don't believe success is measured by how much the club makes but doesn't put back into the side , and for the added cost to us as fans for the pleasure.

    Are you happy with winning nothing and buying no players?

    Trophies and Medals are measurements of genuine success anything else is loser talk and finding positives that no one else cares about.

    Should we not bother now that weve reached top 4 status ?
    Is this the bar now ?
    Whilst others spend and try this position we sit in is always in the balance we basically got away with it this season , which credit where it's due goes to Poch and the players despite the complete negligence of the transfer windows and stadium debacle but standing still is never a sensible option or one that we should be over the moon with.
  16. Big fran Guest

    So why is poch a failure given your agreed restraints
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Final & numerous Semi finals lost, some from winning positions some from stubborn 1 dimensional play/lack of game management.
    The fact if as he says he has money to spend to buy players but can't find any while showing absolutely no interest in anyone barring a nobody like Grealish.

    Is he a complete failure no of course not but is he the maestro/genius our fans paint him to be ? No.

    The point of the Top 4 being weak is and has been a huge help to us because rewind the clock 5/10 years there were at least 3 clubs that were unshiftable from the CL spots such was the monopoly with only 1 place we may have a slim hope for.
    Due to big successful established Managers leaving, a certain moneybag owner being outspent and losing interest, a new money club and Liverpool finding itself again the landscape has changed currently so much so it was possible that Leicester won the league.
    Pochettino has on his squad the best Striker in the League, with 2/3 quality forwards supporting, the best CB pairing in the league and 1 of the most settled squads of the lot after 5 years.
    Damn right he should be in the top 4 when you look at the state of Arsenal/Chelsea and how Utd were performing all 3 currently in Transition.
    Jeez Utd had to sink low enough to have Mourinho sacked and they're still above Scum and Chavs that's how p;ss poor they all are.
    Last edited: February 16, 2019
  18. palmover Active Member

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    For me it's about taking opportunities.
    Lester won the league because they took an opportunity.
    The Chavs under conte won the league because they took an opportunity.
    Both teams weren't the best in the league but had the opportunity to rest their players due to no Europe and won the league.
    Conte won the cup even though he failed to get top4.
    I don't expect miracles from MP, however, he has had opportunities to win something and due to his own decisions hasn't been able to win anything.

    This season there hasn't been any opportunities so i would say a top4 finish is fine as i don't expect spurs to win league or cl this season. Coys
  19. voiceofreason Active Member

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    I do get the desire to win a cup and it would be great. However I missed our last league championship by a whisker and that is the holy grail for me

    FA cup wins were great back when they meant something but now they are little more than a distraction - it needs to have a place in Champions league as the carrot to get it back where it was.
    Even more so with the league cup, milk cup whatever it is now - don’t really see the need for it

    Blimey- they even planned a royal wedding on fa cup final day- that would never have happened before!

    For me the champions league and the premier league are what it’s all about now, I love the fact that we have ten or so « cup finals « now which are our games against the top 5. Winning a cup and finishing mid table would be a disaster as would finishing outside the cl places

    We were always compared with Everton and the plucky team of the season ,Bournemouth etc as the « next best ». Now we are seen as the definitely the big 6 and slowly pushing arsenal and Chelsea out to make it big 4

    I don’t think supporting spurs has ever been as exciting as it is now , we are fighting against clubs with silly amounts of money available which makes that final bit all that harder- you never know maybe this season we will be the Leicester of the champions league- only 4 teams to beat!
  20. burnt Well-Known Member

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    I hope Poch and our boys were watching the Game tonight and see what happens when you don't play into Liverpool's hands . Liverpool are set up better then any other team to punish teams that push up the pitch and leave acres of space in behind which most teams especially the better ones do in this day and age . Too many times we've played straight into there's and City's hands . We really do lessen our chances by doing this . We have to be cuter when we play these top sides . Even City learnt their lesson and were a lot more conservative when they played Liverpool both home and away this season . I didn't see that coming from Pep , I taught he'd be too stubborn and have too much belief in his own system but there you go . I'm not saying we have to park the bus as such , just drop off a few yards more then usual and get the full backs to be more conservative . There's a time and a place for backwards and sidewards as Bayern showed this eve . There'll still be times in a game when you can be more adventurous , you just have to pick your moments . At the end of the day you'll only need to do it a handful of times in the Prem Lg over a season but it's something that could be of huge benefit at times in 2 legged knock out champions league games against quality opposition ...
    Josh Bolton and Felon82 like this.

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