Tottenham to make late move for Pochettino-perfect forward

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, August 7, 2018.

  1. antony Active Member

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    An I have say Cheshunt I'd buy one!! This ain't about Poch. Sure he can go and rant and rave behind closed doors and demand new signings and for all we know he has and what we do know he has backed our current crop and been influential in keeping them by supporting their new contracts. So if you see any of those t-shirts knocking about let me know! But I ain't prepared to pay over the odds!!
  2. Mick

    Mick Member

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    Sorry but i do not buy into all this pessimism of previous posts. We have not been bullied by manure over Toby, we still have the players that have finished 3rd,2nd and 3rd. Even manure with all their money have had little success in this window. I can't think of a player transferred in this window who i wished we had bought and realistically could have afforded. Lot's of purchases by Everton,Wolves and West Ham etc but no one i feel sorry about not getting. I only want quality additions not buying just for the sake of it. I want to see winks,walker peters,Amos and others given the chance to progess if good enough
    antony likes this.
  3. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Truth is not being a great watcher of other leagues, I don't have view of who of those coming into the PL are worth and whether they were worth having. What I do know is that we do not have squad depth, and others at the top have strengthened, two worrying negatives for me.
    Grealish would have been a prospect, but I've seen enough to know that he has the potential to improve, with Poch being good at doing just that, and not a massive price in current terms, even if we fell short. Would he have been worth £30m, to add to our young English core, personally I think so. Young, brave, raw, from the lower leagues, fiery.....reminds me of somebody....mmm let me think.
    Gordon Mc likes this.
  4. Mick

    Mick Member

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    Fair point about strength in depth but at end of day Grealish was not for sale debatable point whether we should have acted sooner but who thought Villa would be saved like they were,hindsight is always good
  5. antony Active Member

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    Said half a dozen times already, like the vast majority of spurs supporters I thought at least 1 stela signing (60-70m) was on the cards and I think the wide/attacker who could have played through the middle when called upon was that purchase, to at least help us maintain our current top 4 status, but it ain't happened!

    We have done well to keep our elite group with improved contracts that has to be applauded but I really don't think the value of a top quality signing can not be underestimated not only for what he would have bought to the pitch but also a little nudge to our starting 11 not to feel to assured of their place and more importantly imo what a stela signing does for the terraces and by not adding one how fragile those terraces can be and volatile they can become if we don't start well this season!

    I hope my feelings are poo-pooped and my continued belief in the squad is rewarded!
    Bazza47 likes this.
  6. antony Active Member

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    The best thing Enic (DL/JL) can do now imo is to come out and explain the complexities and lack of a stela signing or 2 in the attempt to maintain our top 4 status!

    I believe with their expectancy of us to pay increased ticket prices they should show some appreciation of our loyal support over the decades and we have every right to expect some sort of explanation.

    If they have been unable to placate us in terms of signings then this imo is the least they can do!

    Be carful Enic by treating us supporters like clunts! We might actually turn on you and behave like clunts! Nothing worse for tv revenue and player performance than a half empty brand new stadium!

    Explain yourselves and do it now!
    Bazza47 likes this.
  7. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    The thing is Mick everybody sells at a price (like Waddle did) and in a rising market the seller gets the benefit - if we try in January he will cost more - that makes no sense to me. We bid £25m because we wanted him, so up to £35m would soon be forgotten in the "Project" spreadsheet....
    Gordon Mc likes this.

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