Why fans are right to question the club’s transfer approach

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, July 27, 2018.


Where do you stand on Tottenham’s transfer activity so far?

Poll closed August 9, 2018.
  1. Not good enough, we need new signings

    11 vote(s)
  2. Fine, our current squad is good enough to achieve what we want

    4 vote(s)
  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    If you’ve found yourself scrolling through Twitter in recent months, you could be forgiven for thinking you had stumbled into an alternative plot for Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. As for this transfer window Matthew, Spurs fans are going to be: dividing themselves into two factions, hurling abuse back-and-forth, thus igniting— in 280 characters — a war of words, with social media the designated battleground.

    On one side, campaigning for change, stands Team Rogers; vehemently urging Daniel Levy and et al to fire-up fax machines and loosen purse strings so our very own hero, Mauricio Pochettino, is properly stocked for the season ahead. In the other corner is Team Stark, more unbending than the former; placing unimpeachable trust in the hierarchy’s transfer prudence, while slamming their counterparts for not supporting the club via a misguided sense of entitlement. OK, so I’m spitballing here. But you get my drift.

    It’s a (not-so) civil war repeating itself every summer as if it were experienced on loop by Pittsburgh weatherman Phil Connors. As Team Rogers (Team: Sign Some Players, Spurs!) jeremiads a lack of incomings, like clockwork, Team Stark (Team: Trust The Process) leaps to club’s defence — offering the parting shot their opposite number should display unconditional faith in the club or go and support another team that “buys success”. (This is utterly incoherent by the way; just because you support the team doesn’t mean you can’t hold the club to account for its mistakes.)

    In summer 2018 this conflict has come to the fore like never before though. This is because we’ve hit a turning point; the driving force behind Spurs fans’ desire for new signings has changed tack. In previous windows this desire manifested out of insatiable greed; signings longed-for the sake of it — only to add excitement to the dull months of summer. It used to be that no matter how many Kanes, Alis, Eriksens, Vertonghens and Sons we had on our books, some foolishly saw it as not enough. Now though, the fools are those who believe reinforcements are not required.

    Let’s clear the air: wanting Spurs to sign players is not to underappreciate what an exceptional group we already have, but rather an astute observation that with two or three well-considered additions the team can make the final leap towards honours after falling short in recent years. Detractors will argue that spending doesn’t guarantee success, and they’re not wrong. But how can we come to that conclusion when we haven’t even put that theory to the test — not under Pochettino, at least?

    Contrary to popular belief, those who want fresh legs at Spurs aren’t demanding world-class players for astronomical fees. For the grounded among us, there is a proud acceptance that Spurs already have world-class players in abundance; what we’re lacking however is an extra smattering of quality to the overall squad.

    The signing of Fernando Llorente last summer, despite not working out as planned, was along the rights lines in terms of Spurs attempting to do “smart business” for once. A 32-year-old was bought on the basis he was Premier League proven, added a different dimension to our game, and would provide suitable back-up to Harry Kane. On the same tract, signing players this summer isn’t about sparking fans’ serotonin levels, it’s about finishing the window stronger than when it opened.

    Of course, there is the issue of a new stadium to pay for — but that doesn’t mean all incomings are to come to a halt as a result. And besides, hasn’t our approach to transfers been this way since before the new stadium? But let’s be positive for now: with 13 days left of the window there’s still enough time to assemble a Spurs squad stronger than the one we saw last season. Just imagine that; now that would be something to truly Marvel over.
    Last edited: July 27, 2018
    DangerHereDuce, Bazza47, Mick and 4 others like this.
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    For me the 'go support another side' argument is as embarrassing as those that cheer failure so highly.

    There is Faith and then there is Blind Faith.

    For those that want to continue talking about patience and projects after 17/18 years of this drawn out process there has to be a turning point surely?!?!?

    I've said many a time that being happy with taking part and cheering on glorious failure is a huge part of the problem at Spurs , the Board/Manager/Players don't feel they have to win to be lauded and put on pedastals or to even justify their places/wages.
    With such an ingrained ethos at the club they're allowed to get away with Nearly Performances as some sort of success.
    They're allowed to not show up for cup games.
    They're allowed to show little to no interest in the transfer windows.

    All while they announce profits and up ticket prices/merchandise/food etc you name it.

    The Theatre of Cheese has been a millstone around the club's throat for almost a decade and will continue to be for the foreseeable all while being used as a tool to not Spend on the promise of Jam tomorrow.

    As the Metal Monstrosity rises to (late) completion then so should expectation.

    The bleating on about best Training Centre and Stadium (at our expense) in Europe means very little if you don't have the best Squad to go with it.

    Anyone that gives many alternative meanings to success in sport other than Trophies are delusional it's not a game of building Trumps it's Football!
    Last edited: July 27, 2018
    bruski likes this.
  3. Andy 7 Guest

    I am puzzled why you think we have loads of world class players.

    I would call Alderweireld and Vertonghen world class.

    Kane is close to being world class, but I thought apart from scoring some penalties at the world cup, he was poor. Saying that, the service to him from Alli, Sterling and Linguard was appalling. The England team was massively hyped as usual. Trippier and Maguire were the only outfield players to come out with credit.

    I am hesistant in even calling Lloris world class, because I don't think his all round game is good enough to be called that.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  4. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    Oh dear, If I have to explain to you why I consider Harry Kane world-class, I’m already fighting a losing battle...
    Bazza47 and bruski like this.
  5. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    Being critical of certain facets of the club doesn’t make you any less of a supporter.

    Not holding the club and it’s individuals to account when they are in the wrong is dangerous territory: see Liverpool fans’ unwavering support for Luis Suarez despite being found guilty of racial abuse.

    Obviously it’s nothing like that at Spurs, but, as you’ve mentioned before, some season ticket prices this season went up by £1,000 (I think) — it’s not your duty as a fan to then **** it up and not complain you worry it would undermine your support...
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. billyboy Guest

    there are world class players at spurs but last 2 years showed we need a couple more to proceed . grealish is a step backward once will fall short and miss out on top 4
    bruski and Felon82 like this.
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    There are indeed some world class players at Spurs but evidently not enough, beyond the 1st 11 the supporting cast are very weak and this leads to fatigue and inflexibility in tactics which over a long season always costs us.
    Bazza47 and bruski like this.
  8. Big fran Guest

    Leicester won the league with zero World class players, Chelsea only two in hazard and kante. Roma almost reached CL final with zero World class players. Liverpool reached it with probably just one in salah if one season can be regarded as such.
    World class players aren't the be all and end all. It's having strength in depth and signing winners and game changers.
    Just two maybe 3 very astute quality signings. Not ones of potential or he's a bargain at that price with a resale value or commercial value nonsense.
    Bazza47, Mick, bruski and 2 others like this.
  9. Pickleman1967

    Pickleman1967 Member

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    I find it hard to pick sides here. Without a shadow of a doubt we are enjoying a revival, the best Tottenham team since 1987? We have a "proper" manager, we are no longer in the shadow of Arsenal, and apart from City we beat all the top teams in the league last season. CL football three seasons on the bounce, from the bad old days of mid table mediocrity the team has undeniably made progress.

    That said, I find it hard to see how Spurs can challenge for the title next season without the addition of two quality players at least. Dembele, Toby and Rose to leave, who is going to fill their boots? Of course fans are right to pressure the board in any way they can to invest in quality, we are not here as cheerleaders, we will not clap mindlessly regardless of what we see on the pitch. That isn't being negative, just using the grey matter.

    Hoping the board surprise us all before the start of the season, they have bought well in recent years. COYS.
    Felon82 and Josh Bolton like this.
  10. Andy 7 Guest

    As I said, he is close to being World Class, but I still think he needs to turn up at a major tournament for England, or contribute to Spurs winning a trophy. He may have won the Golden Boot, but 3 of the goals were penalties, one he knew nothing about, one was a tap in and he scored one decent goal with a header. The rest of the time, he went missing.

    He is still young and has plenty of time on his side.
  11. Big fran Guest

    Imagine taking tap ins and penalty kicks off Ian Rush, Gary Lineker and Gerd Mullers tally. Pub players lol.
    Maybe if Kane signed for Madrid tomorrow he would be world class. We've had all this nonsense with bale and modric before now haven't we??
    In all fairness if a guy who scores 25 goals a season in one of Europe's top divisions, top goalscorer across Europe in all competitions and top scorer in a world cup isn't deemed world class I'm not too fussed as he's more likely to stay with us until he proves himself properly..
    Remy Uwilin, Felon82 and Josh Bolton like this.
  12. PompeyYid New Member

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    So many opinions, so far apart, typical of us Spurs fans, to me "Our Arry" is world class, 25+ goals 3 seasons on the trot in maybe the toughest league in the world, so not bad eh! In the WC 6 goals = Golden Boot, some say 3 of them were pens, so! there is almighty pressure to take them, esp' on the world stage, I could go on.
    Remy Uwilin and Josh Bolton like this.
  13. PompeyYid New Member

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    Thought maybe I should introduce myself, I have been a Spurs fan since 59/60, am old haha, guess what happened the following season, anyway "I have been everywhere man" done and seen it all with my beloved Spurs.

    The thing is, as you can guess I have seen a massive change in the game I love since the 60's, some of you will not even understand or want to, the change in style/ideas/money mostly is massive and has affected us greatly, so there has been loads of ups and downs along the road of being a Spurs fan, but now we are getting there, so on the up. We are Spurs.
    Glint and Josh Bolton like this.
  14. Andy 7 Guest

    Ian Rush won the league with Liverpool five times, the FA Cup three times, the League Cup five times and twice won the European Cup.

    Gary Lineker won the Copa Del Rey, European Cup Winners Cup and the FA Cup with Spurs. He was also runner up in the Ballon d'Or and won the World Cup Golden Boot.

    Gerd Muller won the Bundesliga four times, The German Cup four times, the European Cup three times and the European Cup Winners Cup. He also won the World Cup and the European Championship. And to top it off, he won the Ballon d'Or.

    As I said, Kane has plenty of time. He will continually improve and I have no doubt that he is very close to reaching a world class level. I just think it is a bit early to give him that status already.

    English players are so over hyped in general. I hope you don't think Dele Alli is world class too - that would be delusional. He was very poor at the World Cup and doesn't deserve to be picked for the England team.
  15. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Agree with this , he has the occasional flash of brilliance but they r far too few and in-between , reminds me a lot of Chadli who did nothing until he popped up with a goal here and there.
  16. Big fran Guest

    Wow great knowledge I wouldn't have known a lot of that without running off to Wikipedia if I'm being honest so hats off there then..
    On what basis is Jan and Toby World class. Winning the Dutch league or a bit part player at athletic? Yet lloris a world Cup winner doesn't make the grade lol.
  17. Cheshuntboy Guest

    I've just been reading an article about the funding of the new stadium, and it raises some worrying issues, even though it's on an Arsenal site. No naming rights, and the NFL franchise (if that's the correct term) under threat because of the Wembley sale scare - the Doomsday scenario gleefully painted by 'She Wears a Yellow Ribbon' seems all too plausible to me, and I wonder whether Levy is going to be remembered as the destroyer of Spurs rather than the saviour his admirers so fervently believe him to be. Selling Alderweireld or buying Martial doesn't seem quite so important when the financial abyss is yawning in front of us, but I suppose we can always sell Kane and the rest, and go back to square one - it's the Spurs way, after all.
  18. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Jan's last 2 seasons have been world class imo , I wasn't a fan of his attitude previous to that.
    Alderwerild transformed our defence which was haemorrhaging goals before he arrived and is a world class defender.
    Eriksen has world class ability about him which I think at times is hindered by Pochettinos stubborn work hard philosophy , certain players imo are there to create not chase and press.
    Kane has been top scorer twice and was just pipped last season by Salah who had a wonderful season. Breaking record after record for all manner of goals consistently and considering he's had to play no matter how fit or injured he is the numbers are second to none. There's not a team/club on the planet that he wouldn't instantly improve.

    After them shouldve been Dembele who technically on the ball is probably better than all the above just lacks the balls/drive/ambition to do anything with it. (Imo let's not get bogged down on that 1 again haha)

    We then have some solid better than average players propping up the rest of the 1st 11, Sanchez potentially world class.

    But beyond them it's a bunch of bang average misfits that can't string 2 memorable performances between them to even make a case for 1st team selection, which unfortunately gives us no options and provides a very comfy life for all the above no matter in form or not.

    And I'd even question our world class players resolve when it comes to that winning drive/mentality.
  19. Andy 7 Guest

    Your sarcasm is to be admired. It is just my personal belief that to be called World Class is a combination of ability and what you have achieved in the game. I believe that Alderweireld and Vertonghen are deserving of that title and Kane is almost there. Kane is a lot younger and less experienced than those two players, which is why I said it is a bit early for him to be called World Class quite yet.
  20. Andy 7 Guest

    Spot on with all of your comments. Excellent summary of the situation.

    I would also describe Dembele as our most naturally gifted player, but sadly he lacks the creativity and goals that would make him unstoppable.

    I also like what I have seen of Juan Foyth. He has great technical ability for a defender and could even potentially play in midfield. We also have the 17 year old Oliver Skipp who is showing a lot of promise, at a young age.
    Felon82 likes this.

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