Saints go marching on to Spurs

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, July 28, 2014.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Following hot on the heels of reports that Vertonghen is set to stay at the Lane this summer, even more exciting news seems there be appearing in regards to Pochettino's former players.

    Schneiderlin and Rodriguez

    For much of the summer, Morgan Schneiderlin has been a rumoured target for Arsenal, but it appears he is keen to link up with his former manager at White Hart lane and I have to say that this prospect really excites me. He is intelligent, powerful and would fit right in at the Lane. I am sure this signing would mean the exit door opening for Sandro, Paulinho or Capoue, but I think he is a signing we could all get excited about.

    Rodriguez looked the part in the Premiership last season and it was only a shocking injury that stopped him boarding the plane to Rio this summer. With him, Soldado and Lamela in the squad, I am sure those wanting more attacking options will be delighted.

    It is still to be seen how Rodriguez is holding up fitness wise, but Pochettino knows him well and I would trust him to select the right players for Tottenham.

    Sensible soccer

    Although last summer, the signing of seven players had certain quarters getting really excited, I think in hindsight we can see that signing that many new players to replace one, was misguided. Pochettino is unlikely to sign that amount of players but if these two do come to fruition, I have a feeling that may be that for this summer and I for one would see it as excellent business.

    Getting the best from what you have got

    Pochettino has taken on a team that underperformed last season, but he has been left with a talented squad who just need playing in the right positions and the possibility of both Rodriguez and Schneiderlin joining up, increases my optimism for the coming season.

    And as ever, COME on you Spurs!!
    notnats likes this.
  2. NYSpursFan Guest

    So our ambition is to become Swansea and Southampton? Is that it? I understand the strategy of cherry-picking the best young established players in the league. It's financially prudent, and we know they can play. But I'm worried that it brings the squad quality down a notch.
  3. big fran Guest

    Exciting news if true I would expect Sandro to move on to my disapointment ... Would also expect a centre half but u have to wonder how many more saints can afford to
    sell have we entered the fire sale to late. RRodriguez really excites me and can cover up top. Exactly what we need a versatile player who scores goals adds pace and English..
  4. Big Fan Guest

    Think both would be great additions, and like the article suggests think would spell the end for Sandro. My worry is more in CB area, Dawson is by no means the answer any longer. Vertongan can not carry us through and we will be found out. I believe 1 CB and we are a very decent squad. Lamela is like a new signing as is Capoue. So I believe things could be bright this season. COYS
    notnats likes this.
  5. spurgatso Guest

    Saints will just dig into their academy and bring out another bunch of talented young players and made a lot of money to boot.
  6. When real Madrid bought bale it's not because they wanted to become tottenham come on chat sense will ya!!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  7. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    So far I havnt been too bothered with the Schneiderlin links but they seem to be gathering some momentum so maybe there might be something in it, although Poch was brought in to build a team with the current squad, which as we all know is somewhat bloated in the MF, maybe Poch wants to cut a few already and bring in a few of his own. On players that might be looking at the exit doors id add Dembele to that list along with Sandro, im not sure that Moussa fits MPs style. I think that when Poch is assessing the players he wants in his team he would be looking at various factors such as abilities, strengths, attitude and also suitability to his style. With all his ability im not sure that Dembele fits, he often runs with the ball going around players instead of looking for a pass and although this looks good it mostly ends up with him going about it the long way only to end up making a short pass that only slows down the play. I think Moussa will have to work extremely hard to fit into MPs team
  8. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Im not so sure it will be that simple for the saints, theyve really been torn apart this window and unless they spend very cleverley and very quickly they could well be favourites for the relegation zone. As much as I feel a bit sorry for the fans it really is the clubs own fault by letting it happen.
  9. AmGers Guest

    Really hope this is true, Rodriguez would offer something different in the striking department, whilst also providing pace on the wings. And Schneiderlin would be an ideal replacement for Sandro. It will be sad to see the beast go, but he's played a part in the departure of 2 managers now, and has proven that he can not take being benched for any reason. MoPo would be wise to sell him, to avoid any disturbances, and he knows Morgan well.
  10. Jim Guest

    Yep, because Schneiderlin and Rodriguez couldn't possibly be upgrades on the returns we got out of Soldado, Sandro, Capoue, Dembele, Lamela, Chirches, Dawson, Lennon (I could go on) last season!
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Well, it looks like this rumour has now come to a halt. The Southampton chairman has made it clear that these two players are not for sale at any price. Mind you, a chairman not too far from us seems to have said that before so, it could still happen. I wouldn't be surprised to see either of these players handing in transfer requests as why would they want to stay at Southampton when they have just seen their team mates leave for better clubs and Spurs clearly have an interest.
    It will be interesting to see how this one develops.
  12. kelvinator Guest

    The Saints chairman (freddie) Krueger has put the mockers on this one. He is quoted as saying he does not want to sell any key players; so it's fine to flog your best players to Liverpool, Man Utd and even The Scum are grabbing one today! I just hope Schneiderling and Rodriguez can jump ship before Chairman Freddie can hook them back at Hell St. Marys
  13. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Strong words from Morgan, this ones getting very interesting. Ive read reports that Schneiderlin was very keen to link up with his former boss and that personal terms have been agreed and promises had been made to the player. If I was guessing id say that Freddy is reniging to save some face against severe critisism and maybe after agreeing on personal terms with the player and then only needing the clubs to agree on a fee,and perhaps, and there is a slight chance, that Levy's offer was so low and so fecking insulting that the saints have been forced to pull the plug, although I dont think this one is over just yet.
  14. big fran Guest

    Can see this one coming off with the player clearly wanting to come but it was Rodriguez I was more excited about. Not sure Schneiderlin is anything better than we have possibly just a diff type.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I must admit, Schneiderlin is a good player but I too was more excited about Rodriguez as I could see him working well with Soldado and Lamela with Lennon in a free role. I still think both may sign as player power rules these days, something that Spurs fans are only too well aware of!!
  16. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I get why Pochettino could want Rodriguez (because he already familiar with the managers demands, and was successful playing under his guidance) but personally, all things being equal, I don't think the Englishman gets into Spurs' A or B team.

    This move, if it happens, just sounds like Levy trying show his manager that he trusts him and as a result is doing everything in his power to make this reign work, by trying to give Pochettino exactly what he wants.

    I mean does anyone think DL would sign an INJURED/UNFIT player, for potentially big money, otherwise?

    The Chairman wanting to show his support to his manager is no bad thing, but I can't see where Jay would fit in within the current set-up unless someone leaves to accommodate him. And I WOULD'NT swap him for anybody on the Spurs roster.

    Given the fact that Dembele can be pushed further upfield if need be, I really just think Spurs would be better off keeping the powder dry, and just bringing in Morgan who there appears to be a more natural place for.

    The only thing I can think of, other 1/2 players in forward areas leaving is Ade going off to the ACON, and Rodriguez could offer cover up front.

    Jays versatility, understanding of what's required and admiration for the manager mean that I DON'T think that his signing would be a bad thing. I just question whether Spurs should leave any potential deal until January, giving Rodriguez (or, perhaps, Benteke) a chance to prove their fitness/form.

    Schneiderlin seems like he would be a straight replacement for Sandro, although a VERY different kind of player to the Brazilian, so that would make sense. And given he would represent the type of deep-lying playmaker I believe the team has been missing in recent times, I think that would be a good move.

    Personally, I would leave Jay for Liverpool to have and give the current crop until Jan to impress. If things need changing once the window reopens then look at that situation again if he is still with S'hampton (as well as Benteke, Remy and Bony), and then make a well-considered/informed decision.
    Last edited: July 30, 2014
    Mattj78 likes this.
  17. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I think waiting probably would be prudent, but perhaps, as you say, DL is simply making sure the MP knows he has his full backing which is not a bad thing, I still believe the current squad has the ability to be winners if managed correctly and I am confw MP is that man
    Ramos43 likes this.
  18. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I would also like to see Schneiderlin keep his head down and be professional. Yes, hand in a transfer request if you wish, but keep your talking for those who can actually influence any potential deal, instead of using twitter and the papers to put the adverse pressure on a club that is still paying your wages.

    Just show a bit of class, and set an example, really. Football players lead VERY fortunate lives in regards to their careers. They get paid loads for doing a job most people would consider a hobby.

    Money isn't everything, but I assume most players are doing something they love/enjoy, and are getting huge rewards for doing.

    So, sometimes, players don't get exactly what the want. Well, I say, what about digging down deep, appreciating your blessings and earning your way out, by continuing to prove your quality on the pitch.

    Obviously if promises are made behind the scenes that's different, but watching footballers appear to throw their toys out the pram any time their club decide to hold them to their CONTRACTS hardly paints them in the best light.

    ESPECIALLY when they are unwilling to forgo payments/payoffs by handing in a transfer request.

    Listen, I am NOT against players chucking their toys out of the pram from time to time. I just think it would be nice/refreshing/inspiring to see a player keep his face out of the media, communicate with his board, hand in a transfer request and, yet, still do his talking on the pitch, if need be.
    Last edited: July 30, 2014
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  19. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Absolutely. I don't like seeing players having the power they have because I am old fashioned and believe players should honour contracts, but also understand that money and agents have a lot of influence. According to Sky, Schneiderlin has handed in a transfer request today, so it will be interesting to see what happens, although if the Saint's take a leaf from Levy, they will push his transfer value right up. If they do that though, levy will either pull out or offer them some of our dead wood.
    Certainly one to watch with interest over the next few days.
  20. big fran Guest

    Rodriguez would fit the bill perfectly cannot remember the last spurs player to get 15 goals in a season apart from bale from a wide mid berth or central for that matter and are we saying we have that in the current squad. The squad as a whole lacks goals more so than the ratio we concede at the other end.! Agree we don't believe in player power but I believe players should be able to play where they like as long as transfer fees are met as much as I was sickened when berba modric and bale left its the way of the football world. Can't blame Schneiderlin when all have been sold off around u and have been theglue right from the start of it all..
    Mattj78 likes this.

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