What have we learned?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, August 21, 2017.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So this was our 1st proper 'Home Game' of the season at Wembley vs who else but our old friends the Chavs.

    Let's face it, a Club that since they won the lottery have used every opportunity to rub our noses in it, from nicking our Champions League place to stealing our players, putting us out of cups and pipping us to titles, with very few victories for us in return.

    Again, we are left licking our wounds as Chelsea did what they do - dug in, made it difficult and took their chances and all 3 points.

    And Poch can wheel out his 'we were the better side' line (once again), but the fact is we lost to them again. Moral victories do not make Champions I'm afraid.

    Every year we hear "we're building, we've learned from last season, we're growing", but what I saw yesterday was same old same old.

    Huffing and puffing, but unable to blow the house down followed by a gift or 2 that were dually gobbled up.

    Chelsea were even missing a lot of their 1st team, so had a make shift side with new players and there we were with our 'settled-don't rock the boat-we don't need any signings side' unable to get the better of them.

    It's early doors, but it would've been a great start to be 6 points ahead of them, it's the type of opportunity we had to really give them some internal issues/problems that a shaky start can bring, instead in true Spurs fashion we've given them a confidence booster and in turn have given Wembley and the media a brand new roof one made of glass a huge magnified one.

    What have we learned? Well that's simple - Nothing!
    Still doing the exactly same thing ,we've not improved in fact we've kind of stayed the same if not a bit slower.

    The boys in this team need to grow up and the experience needs to take some responsibility and drive the team forward when we need that bit extra, unfortunately this team is lacking big game mentality winners.

    We will continue to hustle and run, we will over run teams that don't turn up or who aren't up for the fight, we won't get a hammering, but we also will not be winning a trophy or the title this season as we simply lack the killer instinct and have done nothing to address this.
    71yid and colificus like this.
  2. Will you give it a few games..huddersfield is second in the table.get a grip and stop being so manic
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Tell us what's changed then?
  4. Davo Guest

    They played with 6 defenders basically and 2 defensive midfielders so any team would of struggled to get through with them packing the midfield but we played well having 70% possession because they were playing anti football tactics, we got sloppy after we equalised and got caught in midfield thats all, if we would of got a draw which is the least we deserved nobody would be going on about hoodoos and this and that, they got lucky but whats important is that we learn from this, Hugo has to be more careful with his distribution, Wanyama got caught but did he get a shout? we deserved at least a draw but were playing a team that were reverting to dirty tactics and stopping us playing and wasting time so they must have been worried about us, having all new signings in place before the season kicks off is important i feel, Trippier was like a player just coming back from injury and it showed so why have we still not signed a new right back? levy never learns...Coys!
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. I was waiting for this !

    We won the first game but I expect you will say "it was only Newcastle and with ten men" but I can almost see you getting excited once we lost so you can post and have a moan.

    Some games you lose even if you did play better, have more shots, more shots on target etc but it just doesn't happen, especially with a team doing The old Chelsea boss proud in parking the bus.

    If Hugo had been on his game we would have been ok - he should have saved both - even the free kick he was badly positioned to start with. Would have helped if Victor , one of our best players last year didn't keep giving the ball away as well!
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Well it seems no one wants to post when we win Voiceofreason so why not dazzle us all with your positivity next time aye?
  7. Fair point.

    I would just like to see a positive post from you occasionally - you do make good points but the glass just seems to be too often half full!

  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    When we start winning you'll see a different side to me, I'm just tired/fed up with the Excuse culture at the club and the silver linings in failure being lauded

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