Spurs need to Wisen Up

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, May 2, 2016.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So the inevitable has finally happened Leicester are Champions of England!

    A fairytale story to be told many a year from now. And well done to them fully deserved.

    Now on to Spurs.....

    We actually were in a title race that stretched beyond the Christmas period. Although seemingly never really that close to ever toppling Leicester.

    We had plenty of opportunity/opportunities but in true Spurs Style we mainly blew every single one of them.

    Best defence, Most goals, Top Scorer, you name it- coupled with a total collapse of the establishment, all the ingredients to finally claim the big prize for 'plucky' Spurs but alas when we needed the results we were found wanting and have blown a fantastic chance.

    Now this will probably get some abuse as there are and have been a number of positives to be taken but we still end up the nearly men. And looking rationally at things have we progressed that much?

    Points wise? Not really
    Trophies? Nope

    We have CL football which is a plus but again external factors have brought that more than anything.

    We need to wisen up in many games. 13 draws have cost us, at least 8 of them we were by far the better team. Plenty of games we should've had done and dusted only to struggle to put it to bed and then drop points.

    Tonight at 2 up at half time what exactly did we do any different to close the game off?
    In fact in any game this season when did we adapt to how the game was panning out?

    The loss at Sham, the gifted draw for a 10 man Scum, flat accepted draw v Brom and whatever that second half display was against Chavs can only be percieved as failure imo.

    We play some good stuff for spells but too many times it goes stagnant and then we have no idea how to change the game in our favour.

    We've a young side so theres room for improvement but we need to learn how to get the 3 points our dominance deserves.

    We surrendered the title.

    Has it been lack of tactics?
    Has it been lack of options?
    Is it lack of bottle?

    Maybe a mix of all over the campaign.

    Like i said there have been many positives to the season, i am just bitterly dissapointed we blew it and gave the Chavs just what they wanted.

    Feel free to slate or agree.

    Nervously watching Scum on our coat tails now just to add the icing.
    Bazza47 and Jonesy like this.
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Well-Known Member

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    Have to agree with a majority of your points here Felon and the truth hurts.

    I've said on numerous occasions that we have drawn too many games this season. Frustratingly many from winning positions. Some will disagree, but 0-2 up at half time to result in a draw was a failure tonight; simply can't happen when ur hunting down a title.

    So what needs to change for next year then? Ability to find a Plan B, close out games and to get some much needed cover for Harry.

    Citeh will do the Goons the wkd no fear. Bottom line, we have to beat Soton and can then actually forget about the others!
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Spurs have a good English core. Yes, we need to add and get rid of some players but we will challenge for the title next season. Poch is still young as a manager and of course he has made some mistakes but he has turned players who were mocked week in week out into title challengers.
    We can all be fed up that the title has gone but the reality is we have to win out next game and we finish 2nd.
    We have qualified for the Champions league.
    Yes, we could and perhaps should have won the league but we haven't.
    Lest get behind the team.
    Bazza47 and Nomadico like this.
  4. Cheshuntboy Guest

    I've just watched the so-called highlights, and I'm amazed that we only got nine yellows - Walker, Lamela, Dembele and Dier (at least) deserved reds, and what the FA will make of the referee's report, God alone knows - we'll be lucky if we can put out a team against Southampton. Pochettino has been praised to the skies for supposedly eradicating 'spursyness', but results like tonight's (and recent dropped points against WBA and Arsenal) suggest that it's still there, and the barely controlled aggression which our coach seems to encourage is no remedy - games are won by skill, intelligence and courage, not by kicking anything that moves.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The hunger and pride in the badge is there which seem to have over shaddowed this exact point.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  6. Ilovespurs Guest

    I understand where you are coming from but this is a tad harsh on what has been a fantastic season. In 2 seasons we have gone from being a team in 6th with no clear ideas or focus to a team challenging for the premier league title. Yes it is fact we have drawn way to many games but we have have improved our defence from last season, we have a better goal difference- we are harder to beat- we have beaten United at home, beaten City and psychologically this puts us in good stead for next season. We are young and slightly inexperience but we are making our own experiencences and learning from them. We have played a lot of football- Kane needs help- that is a fact and I know we will address this in the summer- we will be in the champions league next season which will be great especially for us as supporters and we can test ourselves against the best- renember that Leicester have players 40 games all season which is rare- the more competitions you're in, the more you're lickly to drop points and draw more- we were in 4 till January. Don't let tonight take away from the brilliant season we have had.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  7. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Sorry - if you mean that the players are over-compensating for losing leads or failing to close down games, by being too aggressive, then I agree, but perhaps I'm missing the point. Some backbone at WHL is certainly good, but becoming the new Crazy Gang is taking things just a bit too far, at least for me.
  8. Jim Guest

    Anyone defending that tonight need to take a long hard look at themselves. That wasn't passion or fighting for the team, that was indisciplined, thuggish, loutish behaviour, something you'd associate with Chelsea and Costa. Dembele poking Costa in the eye, Lamela treading on Fabregas's hand, Walker flying into tackles with complete disregard for the consequence and finally Dier escaping the second booking. It was pathetic and anti football. If Chelsea are happy to cheer the disgrace to the game that are Costa, Terry and others then that's their disgusting prerogative. That's not, and never has been the Tottenham way. We aren't Bolton or Stoke. We play the beautiful game. That wasn't failure with a sense of glory, that was sickening. We'll be lucky to get a team out for a Southampton team that destroyed City yesterday. Dembele will be banned at least. 2-0 up against that mid table dross and we throw it away. There's been so much to be positive about this season. There is massive potential but we can't capitulate into thugs. This season will be a failure if Le Scum overtake us. We aren't the Argentinians from there 1990 World Cup, we are Tottenham.
    Bazza47, Nomadico and Felon82 like this.
  9. Carb Harman Guest

    I'm sure your piece is purely a swift bitter reaction to the way the match went tonight. Yes it was frustrating to give up a two goal lead to those classless tossers. But can you really complain about this season? You honestly think we've made no progress? I'm sure that in a couple of days time you will look back at what you've written and think again.

    When I looked at our squad listing at the beginning of the season I saw the most mediocre Tottenham side for at least 10 years. Even if you told me that City would be ****, Arsenal would be their usual selves, and Chelsea would implode, I still wouldn't have seen Tottenham finishing in the top four, never mind the top three. Yes - that point tonight, although not what we wanted, was enough to guarantee us a top three finish. I don't give a fook about how other teams have performed. I only care that we have managed to ensure we will play in the Champions League again, a remarkable achievement when I think back to that squad list in early August. And although I believe Leicester deserve to win the Premiership I honestly believe that we have been the best footballing team in the league this season. I see a team that is hungry and playing for each other. A team and not a group of individuals. I see passion. And most important, I see a structure. Hopefully they are not the finished article but even now they are probably the best Spurs team I've watched in the last twenty five years. Possibly the best I've seen in my 40 years of regular visits to the Lane. In all honesty I don't think we ever really challenged for the title. Leicester had some weird football magic driving them this season. They deserve their glory. But this young side was better than everybody else I've seen. It's a shame they didn't win anything. Maybe we should have played a full team against Dortmund in the Europa League, and given them a better game in a trophy we could possibly have won. But if we manage to finish second I will forgive Poch for that decision. Because it will be the first time they've done so in my lifetime. And the first time we've finished above Arsenal in 21 years. And, unlike previous seasons where it looked as though we were making progress, I does not feel like this team will disintegrate as bigger clubs cherry pick our players. Hopefully this is the beginning of something different. It certainly feels different to me. And that's coming from a cynical old b'std!
    Nomadico likes this.
  10. Del Guest

    congratulations to Leicester well deserved champions! As for us what a season, proud of the players apart from some incidents in tonight's game there gonna be a couple of bans I'm sure but overall great season, still gotta finish above the goons and I'm sure this season will make our young team hungrier than ever to challenge next season and seasons to come... Yep feeling gutted about tonight but I'm certain we will be the ones celebrating in the near future when it's our time so COYS
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I wasn't condoning the thuggish behaviour last night at all, what i meant was that Poch's influence on the team is to have them fighting for the cause compared to the lack luster attitude of seasons past.
    But this has been overhyped like we are streaks better than ever before when in reality were not as good as people would have us believe when you look at results, points etc.
    To put things into perspective after having all the positives i spoke about and then looking at the shocking season the Scum have had yet they are only 3 points behind us.
    Thats how Super weve been.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Not a Complaint as such, more an observation and leveller.
    I have said there are lots of positives but these have been talked up all season where as the stark reality is glossed over.
    The worst League in living memory, hardly a Challenger in sight, we have the best GD etc yet were on about the usual points tally, having bottled every chance we had of making something of the season.
    And if the establishment had had their usual campaigns then we'd still be struggling for 4th.
    Thats not a complaint its just reality.

    The 1 dimensional approach to everything no matter what has cost us and the point i was making is we need to wisen up to whats going on in each individual game and adapt to secure what we need 3 points not a draw through exhausting plan A.
  13. Tottenhamlover

    Tottenhamlover Member

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    Soooo disappointed but yes, we must wisen up. The reason Leicester are champions is because they can grind out results, we must learn to close off games like this and WBA
    yesterday again highlighted the need for game changers off the bench, when Chelsea were in trouble they brought on Hazard who changed the game, and who did we have to change the game? Ryan Mason
    Felon82 likes this.
  14. guesty Guest

    awful night in terms of how we played into the Chavs hands. teams at the top are always given a rough time.....we have to get used to that...and quite simply be better at handling it
    yes the Chavs wanted to beat us.....but so will Southampton and so will the barcodes.

    having said that.....it was an important 1 point in the end.

    And to come away from the bridge and be disappointed with only a point shows that we have progressed. next season our progression will be to stop dropping silly points....especially from winning positions.
    West Brom and the Chavs have seen us drop points that we should not have dropped
  15. trevor Guest

    we will win the premier league next season and the following season the CLeague
  16. SpursInPlymouth New Member

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    Before the Chelsea game I said to my mates that this is going to be ugly and it was. The disappointing thing for me is that we couldn't channel the inevitable intimidation better -we did lose our cool. Having said that i can only imagine how hard it is to deal with such **** i would probably explode…. Only JK Rowling could invent an alternative that is so 'good' at the dark acts. Chelsea are horrible - virtually all their trophy's over the past 10 years or so have been won playing ugly. Don't get me wrong i think there is something good about us not being intimidated and standing up to this but unfortunately we couldn't manage / channel this well enough and we have too - we'll get this in Europe at times and if we are seen as not handling it other teams will exploit it. Channelling that fire is key and i hope that Poch takes this seriously as improving our discipline in these games is critical whilst still being 'hard' and determined. I think there is a stat that shows that Alderweireld has given away only 9 free kicks and has 3 yellow cards all season and he is class……….

    Given the way results have gone recently it was going to take a miracle for us to win the league. Congratulations to Leicester . Our target should be 2nd and that is unbelievable - who would have really thought that possible 10 months ago? Yesterday needs to be a big learning curve; we are a young team with a great manager and great potential for the future. Our last season at the old White Hart Lane is coming and we have the chance to experience the Champions League - how class is that.

    There remains a lot to be positive about and we have to make sure the team feel that especially at home on Sunday - a win there will mean the Gooners cannot finish above us (our goal difference is too good) and we can have our own party - which we all, the fans and team deserve.

    Come on you SPURS!
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  17. HGJASGK Guest

    Spurs fans on this site love the sound of their keyboards. I loved everything about last nights game. I refuse to condemn tactics, attitude or anything else for that matter. A sculpture creates a form then works on the detail. None of you know what it takes to run a football team and you can only imagine the job that Poch has. The season started with the majority of fans predicting Poch's exit and now you pick holes in how he manages this squad and how he sets the team up to play football. Don't bother going to games (if you do at all). Nothing pisses me off more than twats calling themselves Spurs fans.
  18. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Did you cheer when Hazard equalised?
  19. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Well said Jimbo.
  20. HGJASGK Guest

    Did you cheer when Hazard scored? Now why the **** would you say that? Come on explain yourself...

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