Why Spurs need Schneiderlin

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, August 17, 2014.

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  1. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Nice comments Harold, but bringing up those great names of the past is just toying with our emotions, lol. The one thing I do disagree with in your comments is that Capoue was invisible. For me he was prominent in the first 20 minutes or so when we looked good on the ball and then played more than an hour in a CB position and was a complete rock. Stats aren't everything and don't always tell the story but he completed 72 passes at 88%, 3 interceptions, and 6 clearances and 0 errors. I wont bore you with the same stats for the other defenders but its not even close.
  2. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    John you don't think that overall the team looked better when Holtby and Townsend came on ?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. Good points there, and it was good to see Poch didn't cave with his lineup after the ridiculous red card.
  4. Hey, what can I say? I left England in '57, saw a couple of cup finals on American TV, got the weekly news 3 weeks late during the season from the papers my aunt sent, saw Spurs in Baltimore in 1968 against WHam, as I recall (contrary to Spurs press releases that they'd never played there before when they played Liverpool a couple years ago) and now have seen them live in New Jersey, Baltimore and Chicago and every chance I can on tv.

    I didn't recognize Capoue on my laptop stream, so I may well have missed his early contributions.

    notnats likes this.
  5. Brian Guest

    Please stop with this negative narrative. It was one game we were down to ten men early, the first game for our new coach, and we showed a champions mentality to overcome everything and secure three points. COYS! All you negative talkers, go be Gooner fans!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  6. Bazza1947 Guest

    Well it's that time again to air and share views on the team.....like we've never been away!

    So we won and benefitted from poor WH finishing and great keeping from Hugo, but that's where the good bit ends.

    As long as we have a team of 11 that includes Naughton, Kaboul, Bentaleb, Rose and Lennon we will fall short of all our expectations. It's same old, same old.....need a top quality rights sided centre back, a left footed midfielder and a 20 goals per season striker. Until that happens we'll struggle. We shipped 25 goals against the top three last season and took only one point from 6 games. Personally I cannot see how we will move forward without the 3 key slots being filled. Pochettino may be a good manager, but he needs to trade out as many of the above plus Paulinho and Soldado, in return for funding heavyweight replacements to the squad.

    We're told he favours a squad of 26 or so..let's see it then.

    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  7. big fran Guest

    Its a great result in a results based industry! Hopeful that performances and style will come later. Like I've said previously I'm predicting a big season for Townsend so I'm hoping he has now pushed for a starting berth next WK. Depay would be an interesting signing rather than Schneiderlin as he would push Townsend and lamela for a start and at a reported 17m be better value with his potential to improve vastly. I'm sure
    a deal for a centre half will be done soon but iI don't expect another CF
  8. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The whole point of this site is to give opinions and analyse matches! Had you not noticed that in so much as after each game, bloggers are asked to provide their review of a match and score the players performance based on their "opinions"
    As stated in my article, I was actually very pleased with the three points and felt that the team looked much more coherent when Holtby and Townsend were on the pitch.
    As a fan, supporter, follower, lover of Tottenham Hotspur football club, I don't see any issue with being unhappy with how players perform and would gladly like to ask Kaboul directly why he simply can't be bothered showing any passion when he plays for Spurs. It doesn't need an expert to see how poor Kaboul was but overall, we got the first win of the season and as I said, it is the result rather than the performance that matters most on the first game of the season.
    There were plenty of positives, not least winning the game when we had to battle for an hour with them having an extra man.
    In terms of passing rates, I tend to agree with what Ramos has said in the past about this. Stats are okay but you can have a 95% successful pass rate! but if those passes were all within two feet! they don't always tell the full story.
    I am a big Holtby fan and think he should start the next league game.
    In regard to lamela I think he will be excellent this year but he did get out muscled on Saturday when he had the ball. Not an experts comments, simply my opinion based on the game and how I perceived it.

    This site is about opinion, analysis, and passion. As for being decked, not something that would worry me too much, the compensation would very welcome!,,

    COME YOU SPURS!!!!!!
    notnats likes this.
  9. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Perhaps we all just NEED to calm down just a bit, eh (and take a few deep breaths)? After all, the team have only played ONE game, for Pete's sake!

    Matt -I'm really not sure what the point of this article is/was, other than a desire on your part to share your concerns/fears, regarding the team, with rest of us . Now, that in itself is fine. It is your prerogative, I suppose. But after ONE game, it just comes across as a bit of a knee-jerk, and slightly self-indulgent, reaction to a difficult display, if truth be told.

    The thing I find surprising though, is after reading you bang on about the importance of Levy giving the new manager time and support, that you write a piece talking about your 'frustrations' and what you 'expect to see in the next match' after the 1st game of the new campaign. Because if those comments, and others you've made since the game against West Ham, aren't designed to shine a torch, and put pressure, upon the new regime already...then I don't know what is!

    There were plenty of positives to take away from the game on the weekend, most of which can be used as a tool for Pochettino to use in the weeks and months ahead.

    The teams fitness was a point for example that hasn't been touched upon. Despite playing with 10 men for the best part of 35-40 mins, the team seemed to get stronger the longer the game went on. Especially after the referee had leveled up proceedings with the sending of James Collins. From that point, I thought that if anyone looked more likely to win it, it was Spurs.

    We also saw that the manager is able to use his bench/substitutions EFFECTIVELY when the need arises, which wasn't always the case last season.

    The introduction of Holtby and the excellent Townsend definitely helped give the team added impetus, and threat, going forward. But if those substitutions seemed obvious, at a time in the game where the 10 men of Tottenham needed fresh legs in order to secure a result against an aggressive and well-drilled challenger, than Pochettino decision to bring on Harry Kane, instead of a Spanish International in the shape of Roberto Soldado, was anything but.

    And as it turned out, that decision proved inspired with Kane slotting a fine through ball for the match-winner Eric Dier to latch on to.

    A manager that isn't afraid to make the BIG calls, eh? Sounds like another positive to me...

    the term 'need' can be a overused, and misleading, word in football...especially, in regards to the buying and selling of players.

    I agree that Morgan Schniederlin would be a fantastic addition to the squad for many reasons, most notably because of the relationship/understanding/admiration he has with the manager, but to suggest the team/club 'needs' the Frenchman in order to be successful is a bit too limited/simplistic, for me.

    Whatever happened to DEVELOPING/IMPROVING the players you've got, eh? With the money that's come into the game, coaching has become a bit of a dying art in a lot of the top clubs/leagues around the world with the temptation to adopt a 'quick fix' policy greater than ever.

    Now call me crazy, but I think Pocettino was brought in to Spurs with the concept of player development very much at the forefront of his role. I'll be the first person to say that MP WON'T be expected to work with 'another mans squad', and WILL be given money to spend, but given the quality he already has at his disposal within the squad, I believe the ONLY thing Mauricio needs to do is identify which players he can trust, and improve. And which of his current squad are stuck in their ways, and rigid in their thinking.

    The good thing is that MP still has 2/3 games, and a numerous amount of training sessions, to find those things out!

    Is that, yet, another positive? o_O....;)
    Last edited: August 18, 2014
    notnats likes this.
  10. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    As I have said, I noted a few concerns in certain players attitudes that seemed not to have changed from last season.
    I also praised the introductions of both Townsend and Holtby and said that they changed the game.
    There was no comment from me that I thought we would struggle this season, my stance since the end if last season and the appointment of pochettino has consistently been one that sees a top six finish and a trophy as being our aim.
    I hardly think my comments are going to put pressure on the current regime! I think spurs will do well this year but just saw some players not pulling their weight.
    As for being self indulgent, my only respone is.....coming from!!
  11. JSpurs Guest

  12. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Lol...Hey, there's a difference between being self-assured, and self-indulgent...:cool:

    Besides, if I could ever be accused of being such a thing, it would NEVER come at the expense of my football club! As far as I'm concerned, the club/team comes first...

    All it takes is one ill-advised swipe to stir up a hornets nest!

    And if you cannot see the influence, and responsibility, you have here as a blogger/writer for a website that posts it's articles on the two biggest social media outlets in the world, then PERHAPS you should think about exactly what kind of message you would like to convey if you were able to speak to all the Spurs the world over, and word your pieces accordingly.

    Never underestimate the impact of what you choose to project, can have within your own experience (and others)... That is why it is important that you choose your projections wisely.
  13. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    We discuss football here, not writers.
    Everything is pretty democratic too, if you are a fan with a strong opinion - you can easily share it. People can freely exchange views here, just keep the disagreement impersonal by not you-ing your fellow Spurs fans.
  14. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Spurs will do well this season and I think the fact that the media are not overly interested in us currently, ( which makes a nice change ) will help us sneak up on other teams!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  15. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I'm beginning to understand how poor old Mario felt. lol

    Everyone knows that I will be the first person to hold my hands up if I offend anybody, but to be honest, I don't fair think I've been unfair at all.

    I have NOT been disrespectful, insulting or abusive as far as I can see, which leads me to wonder exactly why you (Admin) have felt the need to include me in your post... Especially when others appear to comment as they wish WITHOUT interference/intervention.

    Matt knows the score. I consider us to be friends. And sometimes with your friends there are moments where you are in a position to be able to 'call a spade a spade'.

    My questioning of the article was based upon 2 things:

    1. The fact that Matt has stressed on a number of occasions HIS desire to see the new management be given time by the powers that be.
    2. We are one game into the season and already he is already using (fear based) terms such as 'frustration', and 'expectation' with regards to what he wants to see in the next few games.

    Well, my point is, WE are power part of the power that is, and that patience, understanding, and support, MUST come from us first!!!

    Now, if Matt didn't mention in the past that he wants these things be evident within the clubs structure, I would NEVER have said anything. But since he did, I pulled him on it...Like any good friend would do.;)

    We are all grown folk on here, and as such, we should be able to stand by the comments, posts or articles that we write/display if questioned on it. Lord knows I have had to, on many, many occasions.

    Matt is in a fortunate position to be able to influence, and spark thought, within a sizable section of the clubs support. If he wishes to see the new management team be given time to implement their ideas, and build a team, by the powers that be, then PERHAPS it would be wise to make that clear in his writing.

    That's ALL I was respectfully saying. ;)
    Last edited: August 18, 2014
    Mattj78 likes this.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I stand by the fact that I want the manager to be given time, as I have always said that I feel the trigger happy approach over the last ten years has not helped us to build any long standing consistency.
    I did use the word ' frustrated' and this was used in regard to the way, at times, we were a little too slow in going forward.
    When referring to 'expectancy' there is no intention for that to be taken as telling the manager how to do his job, as he is far more qualified than I will ever be.
    I can see where schneiderlin could add to the squad, but pochettino, as I have said throughout the summer will choose who he wants and he will also get the best out of players who perhaps not up to scratch.
    In regard to Kaboul, my concern was purely based on his performances last season and he did look sluggish on Saturday, but again, Pochettino will surely get the best out of his players throughout this season.
    Whether it be one game or twenty games, there will always be players who can add something to the team and I just happen to think that Schneiderlin would do that, but don't expect everyone to agree with me. I also think that Delph would be a good addition but as stated many times, there are a number of players that need to be sold. That is not being negative, it is simply that we do have a lot of players and reducing the wage bill will always be practical business sense, and for all my feelings about Levy, I have always stated that he is a good businessman, and there is no danger of Spurs having any financial issues with him at the helm.

    I agree that we are privileged to be able to write on this site, but I do not believe that everything we write has to conform what the club itself may want us to say or hear.
    All blog sites are a place where we can agree and disagree with each other, but more importantly, raise issues that generate debate at many different levels.
    It would be a dull world if all we agreed with each other and supporting Spurs has divided opinions for years, partly due to generational differences, but often due to different perceptions.

    What is absolutely certain though is that everyone who writes on here wants success for the Football Club, we just go about it in different ways.

    As I always end with, COME ON YOU SPURS!!!!!
    notnats and Ramos43 like this.
  17. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Fans can freely praise, criticize, support, voice concerns and even ask for a change. In fact, combination of different opinions is what we after!
    If YOU disagree with any opinion, please don't question author motives for sharing it - simply offer different opinion or ignore it.
    If you really REALLY feel you can offer a precious advice on a personal level - please use private messages.
  18. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    'Precious'...all of a sudden seems like quite an appropriate word! lol

    Forgive me if I am mistaken but doesn't your use of of the term 'democratic', relating to this forum, suggest that EVERYONE is entitled to have their say/share their thoughts?

    If so, why is my opinion/view any different?

    I mean if I was being disrespectful, insulting or abusive I could understand your point.

    But why can't I 'question' somebody else's comment's or motives? And, why can't somebody question mine? It is NOT a new occurrence/practice on this site.

    Like I said, if we're old enough to post our comments/thoughts on here, we should be old enough to stand by, and explain, them (if need be)!

    Isn't part of the reason that people use the 'quote' button, for the exact purpose?

    I don't think that anyone using this forum (who I have shared interactions with) is opposed to that concept, so I am not entirely sure why you are.

    If someone is 'questioned' by another, surely they have the right to answer/reply, no?

    And if they don't wish to clarify their position the individual in question can simply ignore the comment, as you say.

    There isn't ONE person on here that I have ANY kind of (personal) issue with. In fact, I like them all. Some of them I HAVE had strong words for. Some have had strong words for me. But at the end of the day I think we have all learned that forums are not for the faint-hearted, and as far as I'm aware, we don't take the things written on here personally.

    I actually reckon most would agree that the needle/ banter/ heated debate/ sharing of strong opinions/ battle element, is all part of the fun.

    I have nothing but respect for EVERYONE on here, including your, good, self. But given the tone/nature of some of the comments, that seem to go unnoticed, on here, I can't help but feel you are policing the wrong part of town, my friend.
    Last edited: August 18, 2014
    notnats likes this.
  19. big fran Guest

    Pull up a chair boys this is getting interesting lol...............;)
    All about opinions and if we all had the same ones life and this page would be very dull.
    Mattj78, notnats and Ramos43 like this.
  20. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    My dear Ramos, **** now im doing it! I couldn't have said it better myself.
    Ramos43 likes this.

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