Why Pochettino must be given time

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, February 27, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    As disappointing as our Europa league exit may be , and as surprising as it may be to hear this from me, the abuse of Pochettino on social media is ridiculous.
    I have questioned his management at times but I firmly believe he is the right man for the job. And that doesn't necessarily mean glory, glory times any time soon.

    We all want success at Spurs and I am confident we will get some on Sunday at Wembley.
    What we don't need is another manager being sacked and replaced yet again with the "man who will take Spurs forward" to quote Mr Levy's last ten new management appointments.

    For all the poor early performances, the players look fitter and more prepared to fight to win. We dominated Fiorentina for much of the game but it was mistakes that cost us, along with poor performances from certain players.

    Let's not forget that Pochettino's is also working with highly paid players that were bought before he arrived.
    I have heard people saying that Koeman at Southampton was the man we should have got. What people forget is, that although Southampton sold a lot of players, that allowed Koeman to bring in his own choices.

    Pochettino has not been afforded that luxury, and he may not be this summer either.

    I wrote before this season started that a top 6 finish and a trophy would be a great first season for Pochettino and he is still on course to deliver that.

    Europe is over, but our season is not. Sunday is a massive game and we can win it.

    Get behind Pochettino and COME ON YOU SPUUUUURRRRRSSSSSS!!!
    The Cockerel and Barry WHYTE like this.
  2. Barry WHYTE

    Barry WHYTE New Member

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    Excellent observation he is indeed the man for the next 10 years at least
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The whole No-hoper league campaign was abysmal it has to be the most boring football competition on the planet!
    Pochettino can only be applauded on playing youngsters who are actually willing to bust a gut for the cause, other than that i see little to no upturn in our play, weve fluked plenty of results where we havent been the best team by far especially when playing poorer opposition, a freak result v Chavs and our only good performance v Scum and the test has been ordinary bordering on dull.
    Our defence is an utter Shambles sloppy and unproffessional, if Kane hadnt emerged as he has can you imagine where wed be?
    Effort and Fitness are the 2 basics of any sports team they are the bare minimum to expect from a proffessional football team.
    Break it down is Poch really getting the best out of players like Adebayor, Soldado, Dembele, Capoue, Kaboul, Townsend, Lamela or paulinho etc or has he just put the youngsters in because they run about more?
    Im far from convinced but i spose its difficult when you have so many substandard players to pick from and the chairman wont give you the money or the reigns to buy what or who you actually want.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  4. big fran Guest

    Feel a little sorry for poche on this one as he was between a rock and a hard place. Damned if u do and damned if u don't with the cup final looming. If we win he will be a hero and if we lose its been a disaster of a week but all eyes will be on a top four finish which we are capable. However he made a mistake not going strong enough in the first leg and maybe taking a lead into the second leg and affording a weakened side last night as a result of that. Also a mistake is that right from day one u have to make ur mind up whether we are taking the EL serious or not. If the answer is NO then u may as well exit early doors rather than dragging half the first 11 all round Europe every other week and subsequently dropping points the following Sunday. The best purpose of the competition is that it highlights the players not good enough to which there are many fazio stam soldado paulinho adebayor to name a few which is a positive I suppose. The second string ain't good enuf which ain't MPs fault I'm guessing bar the fazio signing maybe.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    And this is exactly it Fran-

    Every season what is the clubs main priority/priorities?

    CL is where the big money is, the big games, the big players etc the club talk about it alot and we had 2 routes into it this season.
    Did we take Europa seriously? No we played reserves and rested players.
    Did we drop points after EL games? Yes which is detrimental to finishing top 4.

    Again weve put out 2nd string teams, got found out in the FA Cup and have fumbled our way to a cup final probably the most mickey mouse of all, think wel all be very suprised if we actually beat Chavs but its most likely we wont.

    So then that will leave us with the League which is a tall order considering the laboured and slap dash performances were prone to putting in.

    Its the same every season, its poor strategy from the top down, half hearted attempt at all masters of none.

    We had a chance in January to strengthen our case we done nothing even though we all know there are far too many passengers and wage thieves at the club.
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  6. Cheshuntboy Guest

    I was doubtful about Pochettino's managerial abilities from Day One, and nothing Spurs have done so far this season has caused me to change my opinion. We've had a string of lucky/undeserved wins, we've reached the League Cup final courtesy of home draws against lower league clubs, and without Kane's amazing run of goals we'd be absolutely nowhere in the league. Before last night's game, Pochettino even said that it would be unfair if he was blamed for us not progressing in the EL, or losing on Sunday to Chelsea - what does he think he's paid a seven-figure salary for? Isn't he in charge of team selection and tactics? A win against Chelsea is essential if this season isn't to tail off into mediocrity and failure, but with a demoralised and tired team, largely because of the manager's - sorry, 'head coach's' - failure to prioritise, I very much doubt we'll be celebrating on Sunday night.
  7. A/town spur New Member

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    After a shaky start to the season poch is starting to get the team playing he's way he would of thought we would of beaten woolich and chelski with teams from season past enough of this sack the manager sack baldini
  8. Hotchpotch Guest

    No team with top 4 ambitions wants Europa. Especially when your hampered with weakened squads with substandard players.
    Felon82 likes this.

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