What Effect could the WC have?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, July 11, 2018.

  1. Big fran Guest

    I'm hoping all the England boys come back full of high spirits. While the football hasn't been great and the manner in which we failed in the semi we went far further than predicted and expected. Trips comes back probably one of the most converted right bks in world football, Harry more than likely a golden Boot winner, dier very fresh given he barely played and having a huge wake up call after a poor spurs season cost him his England spot and maybe captaincy, alli with a lot to prove but still young and lastly Danny Rose finally showing glimpses of his form of old.
  2. Jam Guest

    I had an unsettling thought some time back that Pochettino was going to replace Dembele with Winks and Grealish

    Maybe that's what he meant about being brave..
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    27 days left of Bravery

  4. antony Active Member

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    Quick prediction!

    Out: N'Koudon/Onomah/Dembele/Toby. =100mill+
    In: Grealish, Malcom and Martial as part of the Toby deal.

    Danny boy to stay.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Gotta say Fran you have some high hopes there, all I can see is 8 players returning shattered from the world cup still all clueless on how to win a Trophy and hold their nerve in the big matches.
    A few of the above not clear on if they're staying/going/committing and again complete snoozure in the Market with absolutely no ambition to kick on/improve/make the next step.
    antony likes this.
  6. antony Active Member

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    I am convinced its a D.N.A thing!
  7. Big fran Guest

    There's a lot more than 8 who return without knowing how to win a trophy that's for sure. Toby and Dembele certainly won't return. Grealish looks a cert to come in and winks will replace Dembele. I'd anticipate 2 signings one being a versatile attacker and the other being a right sided centre half
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I think the similarities between this World Cup Campaign and Spurs in the last few seasons is massive.
    After years of Dross and false dawn's suddenly a young manager steps in and raises spirits, builds a togetherness and instills a team bond and work ethic.
    Meanwhile all around them the top Nations/Teams all have a massive Identity crisis and the team begins to put some results together doing things like ie actually winning a penalty shootout/winning away at the bridge, qualifying for the knockout stages/CL etc.
    Giddy fans who've been so starved of anything to Cheer lauding Southgate/Pochettino for reinventing the game as we know it and getting the best out of every player they've ever trained.......
    Then when it's broken down properly you realise that they've made best of a time when the Big Boys all wobbled and still when it came to the crunch were lacking , tactically unable to nagate the crucial games , lack the winning talent and options to affect games at the highest level when it counts , continued to play favourites regardless of their piss poor performance and being carried by others , Running their star man into the ground and ultimately blowing the chance of a lifetime.

    We will now hear about the projects, where they are, how they've learned and it's all a learning curve- then what we will see is more of exactly the same while other Nations/Clubs improve and sort themselves out.

    But because we've never had it so good we should worship them , people actually wanted to give Southgate a Knighthood for essentially flunking the easiest route ever to a World Cup , il at least give Gareth his due least he wasnt telling everyone how great it would be for Croatia or France to win it before kick off unlike our illustrious leader who doesn't think Trophies are worthy of his philosophy backed up by his Company PR press conferences where he says what fans know should happen and want but then does what the silent dictator wants him to do ie dissappears all summer head burried in the sand without a plan.
    DangerHereDuce likes this.
  9. Cheshuntboy Guest

    At a time when Spurs need all the positives they can get, this World Cup - after such a promising start - looks like eroding the confidence of all but Trippier from our England contingent, while we've got to hope (from a Spurs perspective at least) that Lloris doesn't choose the biggest game of his life to make one of his all-too-frequent blunders - a demoralised keeper would be the icing on the cake. The initial hyperbolic praise for Southgate and the team already seems to be diminishing, and while I've got little sympathy for Alli (whose stock must have plunged when his poor WC is added to a poor season for Spurs), Kane didn't deserve the sniping he suffered over the Stoke 'goal', and if he gets scapegoated for England's mediocrity, it might just be the final straw for a justifiably proud man. Whatever he and Southgate say, he MUST be carrying some sort of injury, because his current immobility and lack of sharpness is otherwise inexplicable - if he can't get it together for a World Cup semi-final, how's he going to do the necessary on the proverbial rainy evening in Wolverhampton (back to Stoke if/when they return to the PL)?
    As for Spurs, Pochettino is a career football man, player then coach then manager, and looking after number one is obviously his priority, so he'll say and do whatever will further that objective. At the end of last season there was speculation linking him with the top jobs at Real Madrid and Chelsea, and he used it to extract a three million pound pay rise from Levy. He was savvy enough to see that Levy's own self-awarded massive pay rise had not gone down well, so a few cryptic words about 'bravery' were uttered to keep the fans believing that the direction of the club mattered to him as much as lining his own pockets, but absolutely nothing has so far happened to back up those words (which could have meant anything or nothing, so lacking in specifics were they). The days of one-club loyalists like Nicholson or Paisley have long vanished, so please don't believe that Pochettino's commitment to Spurs extends beyond the precise terms of his contract (and Nicholson famously didn't have one) - he'll say and do what Levy wants him to, and if a manager has resigned on a principle that wasn't basically about money, I can't name him.
    Gordon Mc likes this.
  10. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    What was he thinking ?!?!?!

    Luckily for him it won't effect the end result but if that was tight game he's just blown it. Worse than shocking
    Gordon Mc and DangerHereDuce like this.
  11. DangerHereDuce

    DangerHereDuce Member

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    There's been noticeable rumblings of discontent building around Lloris (from fans and neutral pundits) for most of last season, but now I think it's time we add a new keepervto the shopping list and all:eek:
    Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  12. antony Active Member

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    All I will say is percentages! Most quality keepers are have erratic moments! Its in their D.N.A and that's why they are goalkeepers.

    For every mistake or crazy decision Lloris makes he counters it with 10 brilliant saves/decision in my book!
  13. antony Active Member

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    De Gea and Courtois. Other than these 2 who would you have currently plying their trade in the epl over Hugo?
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Kasper Schmeichel, Pickford, Butland.....

    Personally I think Hugo has become a massive liability
  15. DangerHereDuce

    DangerHereDuce Member

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    Personally I think Hugo has become a massive liability[/QUOTE]
    Looking outside the EPL, Courtois has been making eyes and talking about moving back to Madrid for a while now and with the new coach at Chelsea, he might decide now is the time to make a change. It would be a bit of a stretch, but maybe Jan Oblak, if he was surplus to requirements at Athletico?

    You might be right Anthony, maybe we're being too harsh on Hugo, he does make some great saves nearly every game. I just felt, nearly every time I watched Spurs last season, there were plenty of times I thought Hugo could have done a lot better (e.g. Chelsea home and away, Stoke, Man City)
  16. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    He's been brilliant many times and - as with all other 'keepers - dropped a clanger or two and it does seem he's becoming more erratic. However, that said, I remember John Hollowbread, Barry Daines, Mark Kendall, Ian Walker (yes, he did have some 'mares too), Bobby Mimms and more recently, dear old Heurelho Gomes. Chr*st - there were some heart-stopping moments among that gang. Hugo has a bit to go yet to join them and on his day he's still up with the best.
    antony likes this.
  17. Jam Guest

    Congratulations to our own Hugo Lloris.. World Cup winning captain

    Leading your country to World Cup glory is indeed the greatest accomplishment any footballer can achieve

    For Hugo it has been thoroughly deserved

    Not only is he France's most capped goalkeeper ever.. he is also their most capped captain.. remarkable achievements in themselves.. and a testament to the man himself

    For Spurs he has been exemplary.. not only a top class keeper.. but an excellent club captain.. intelligent.. articulate.. calm.. a model professional.. his quiet and thoughtful demeanour clearly commands respect wherever he goes

    I would not swap him for anyone.. we are in fact lucky to have him

    The World Cup has overall been a positive experience for us.. fatigue will be a concern with the high number of players going deep into the tournament.. hopefully the club will manage that wisely heading into the new season
    voiceofreason and antony like this.
  18. antony Active Member

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    We (Spurs) have had the best defensive stats for 2-3 years now, possibly longer? Hugo has been partly responsible for that. Toby might be off, but I would not want to see that defensive unit broken up just yet!
  19. Cheshuntboy Guest

  20. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Yet again, pressed the wrong button (so how can I criticise anyone else? But I do!). Back to Lloris, who's been a decent keeper for us, but was never a serious contender for best in the PL, except in the fevered minds of the rose-tinted specs brigade. The problem is that the occasional clanger has now become all-too-frequent, and there was pre-World Cup talk in France that he might lose his place, because he's done it for France as much as for Spurs - whether the euphoria of winning as captain will make up for perpetrating the highest profile keeper ****-up in the history of football remains to be seen, and we'll just have to hope that he shrugs it off before it becomes a Gomes-style albatross round his neck.
    I can't see that the World Cup has been a positive for Spurs; Kane shows every sign of being physically and mentally shattered, Alli's already poor reputation (and perhaps confidence) has suffered further damage; Rose and Dier officially became squad players rather than candidates for the first eleven, and only Trippier did himself any good - there's every chance that our traditionally slow start might be rivalling Ramos's legendary 'two from twenty-four' if the monkey glands aren't injected liberally and soon. None of our foreign contingent excelled either, so it's down to the likes of Lamela, Sissoko and the other international rejects to show that they can rise to the occasion - let's make that one from twenty-four. On the other hand, Levy might be about to reveal a clutch of signings so brave we'll all be gobsmacked; Crouch as well as Grealish perhaps.
    antony likes this.

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