We've plugged a hole

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, July 4, 2019.

  1. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    Eriksen's contract situation is very upsetting. A player of his caliber, should never be allowed to run down their contract. The time to offer him a large contract was about 2 years ago, at that time...200k or even 150k would have been a large upgrade from the 80k he's making. If they are adamant that they won't be signing, then you have to sell them.

    Levy has left Poch in a tough place, without Eriksen...this season won't be going anywhere. Selling him for 40/50 mil, that's also ridiculous. This is the kind of thing that the Arse(s) are used to, we shouldn't be trying to replicate their stupidity. Think we'll have to bite the bullet, hold on to him and hope that he signs and that he can help us achieve something this season. It'll depend highly on his character, which I feel he has and will work hard for the team. However, next year...we'll be taking a few steps backwards. You don't just replace the kind of player that he is; nobody else on our team can do the things that he does.

  2. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Breaking News!!! Felon82 got into GENETICS!!! The science is in good hands finally!!
    Look, there is nothing wrong with Spurs DNA. Furthermore, if we played Wednesday's Pool we would have won in regulation. With injury ridden squad of the last season end.
    We lost last June cause Klopp parked the bus, as if it was the Mourinho's team. We could not change our game plan, which was set for counter attack. So both teams were sitting back and the game was terrible to watch.
    As I have predicted already, Spurs will finish above Liverpool, in 2nd place and Chelsea 3rd. LFC will have a setback, they do not look good having only 5 players - one CB, one left back and three forwards.
    Last edited: August 17, 2019
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Spurporter moves into reading the future....

    I shall hold you to this prediction
  4. P reed Guest

    What is spurporter on I want some.Liverpool have suddenly become a poor side?.I am watching Man City toying with us and Poch doing nothing.Llamela scored the goal with our only shot but can anybody explain what he actually brings to the team.Walker showing Walker-Peters how a full back plays.poch needs to do something drastic at half time.Why is our best defender on the bench and let’s see our new signing on the pitch.
  5. Haha there he is! The resident half-time genius! Keep it up P Reed, you never fail to entertain!! :)
  6. P reed Guest

    How did I know that a rose coloured Demi roussos would jump because we were so superior to city in second half.I bet I was not the only one who feared a thrashing at half time only difference is I am not afraid to say so.Any self respecting spurs fan knows we were so fortunate to get away with a point and only VAR saved us at the end.Unfortunately the only time people like Demi post is to knock people who are prepared to give an opinion and not always a fawning one.I suppose he thinks we will win the league and Liverpool will finish fifth
    Felon82 likes this.

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