Transfer talk & rumours

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Jesper, February 19, 2020.

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  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Brighton sign veltman for 900k , 28 yes old experience can play RB aswell as CB.
    Why are we napping on this?
  2. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    We are napping because we don’t have a scouting system worth it’s salt and have not had for a few years sincel Levy drove Mitchell out of the club.Other clubS seem to have people who know the foreign market while we seem to buy duds most of the time .I believe Mitchell was responsible for Son andAli while the current incumbents get us ndombele and fernandes Mark 2.There are good players to be had abroad if you know where to look.Seems Man U are now after Jimenez from wolves while we are excited about a 15 year old from Wigan and we are still bargaining about Hojbjerg.wouldit not be nice if just once Levy paid up without trying to cultivate his image as a hard bargainer.Unfortunately this demise started under Pochetino who was not strong enough to stand up to Levy.We will probably be left with players we don’t want because the fly boy wants excessive money for them as usual
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Apparently spurs are not going to sell ndombele so does that mean Mourino has changed his mind about him then and will play him if not why are we not getting the money for him while we can so we can buy some new players.If we wait and he does not perform his value will drop...I personally would love ndombele to deliver because he has the skill factor missing in our midfield but he can’t do that if Mourino won’t play him.Is this just levy being *****ic or what???
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Why oh why does he do it.rumour has it that 3 clubs have bid for Hojbjerg but he wants to come to spurs so levy offers less than the other clubs.How long before Southampton say no sale although I believe they need to sell so they can buy.If I was a player and knew 3 clubs wanted me and were prepared to pay to get me then I would think twice about joining a club who were basically under valueing me.This is why every body says that Levy is a hard bargainer but Spurs fans know he is just a penny pinching obstacle stopping our great club from progressing
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I am surprised how quiet this site has become.I know we are at the end of season but it’s only a few weeks before the new one starts.Over the past two years I have enjoyed the views and banter on here although not agreeing with them all it was fun.Now it seems that we only get about 4or5 regulars posting.What happened to the vibrant comments when we were arguing about Pochetino or Mourino??Are we waiting for the transfer window to close before having a n opinion or are we all numb from the rubbish served up for the last 12 months.Come on chaps keep the site interesting and vibrant
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The transfer window is open which means more dissapointment and disillusion , what's there to talk about ?
    Everything that we need and won't get again.
    The jam tomorrow promise of 20 years, where the ceiling of ambition is 'being competitive' is as boring as it sounds and we've just got more of the same for the foreseeable.
  7. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just watched the gooners do chelski in the cup final and realised that Chelsea who have already signed 2 attacking players and a third one on the way don’t have a clue how to defend and if they don’t sign any defenders we could still finish above them.Arsenal rely on their only world class player so let’s hope Barca come in for him
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The one and only time I saw us win the FACUP was at the time a record of 8 times winners.

    Today the worst Scum side in my life time lifted it for a record 14th time.

    And we have an ownership that has the cheek to charge top prices for being 'competitive' (the bare minimum any professional sports team should set the bar at)

  9. Big fran Guest

    Must be of a similar age to myself felon. If someone would have told me after the 91 triumph it would be over 30yrs till our next one I'd have thought they were off their heads high. It was another false dawn really a team with top players stewert gazza Lineker and youngsters coming through to build upon we sold off the crown jewels and was years of misery since really.
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I suppose I am lucky if being old is lucky but I have seen 4 f a cup wins.If you were born after 91 then I suppose you accept the current situation as normal.The people who can remember back as far as I can will remember that we did the double but still the following season went and broke the transfer record by signing The Great Jimmy Greaves.Can you imagine this board breaking a transfer record.The same club that was forward thinking when signing Ardilles andVilla and set the example for all the other clubs to follow.I don’t know when the current owner took over but I expect things have gone backwards since.In the60s we were not known penny pinchers or a pushover as we have now become.When will United be looking at cheap loans to improve their team.Unthinkable but so was the thought of Spurs doing it not so long ago
  11. Big fran Guest

    Just been receding that Thomas Partey has a buy out of only 45m. He's probably the best defense mid in Europe and a snip at that price. If the club are in fact intent on ndombele staying then this is the kind of player that could make that work. Play Partey in between ndombele and gio in a 433 system. Ake at 41m another obvious player we should look at. He'd be a guaranteed starter at spurs where at City he'd be a back up to Laporte. But on the plus side we probably just get Troy Deeney ffs
  12. Guesty Guest

    why would big name players come to us?..... whats the attraction with the Europa league early stages??
    we aren't in the CL so our transfers will be based on that.

    the 'name' of JM might help us a bit.....but DL is paying the money out
  13. Cheshuntboy Guest

    The only trophy I've actually seen Spurs win was the UEFA Cup in 1984 (I don't count the shared Charity Shield from '81, although it was a good game, and Mark Falco's second goal was brilliant), and I had the good sense to give my ticket for the '82 FA Cup Final Replay to a mate - I couldn't have stood eighty minutes of hanging-on to our undeserved lead against a rampant QPR!
    I well remember reading a newspaper report on our 1973 League Cup Final against Norwich in which Spurs were described as 'that relentless devourer of trophies', following their third cup win in as many seasons, but that was actually Bill Nick's swansong, and we were in the old Second Division within a few years, with players like Martin Robinson and Keith Osgood instead of Chivers and England.
    It's heresy I know, but I honestly reckon Nicholson failed to build on Spurs' successes of the '50s and early '60s, when we were the United of the South, and we won only a single league title (despite being the best side for four years from 1959), and never mounted another genuine title challenge in his last eleven years in charge (1966/67 being a late charge for third, after being well down the table in mid-season), the pattern of 'cup side, not consistent enough for the league' being well established by the time he quit in 1974.
    We're the ghost of a big club in 2020, the only point to debate being whether we died in 1974, in 1984, or in 2001, when ENIC acquired the corpse, and tarted it up, Private Frazer-style. Very sad for old geezers with fading memories of vanished glories, and sadder still for relative kids, with nothing but Redknapp's and Pochettino's ultimately failed CL campaigns to cheer them up as Arsenal hoover-up yet another afterthought FA Cup.
  14. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    At least cheshuntboy we have memories of spurs winning something which lots of our young supporters have never had and are unlikely to in the nearby future.
  15. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Do you want me to start moaning about how I miss Pochettino? This way you would have some fun, wouldn't you? Nothing is happening, man. The transfer window? Nothing much will be there. We acquired 4 players last summer and that didn't prevent Spurs from falling into shitewhole. Spurs will buy Hojbjerg whilst selling KWP. They will loan out Sessegnon, Skipp and Parrott. Mou will befriend with Ndombele and with Foyth. Spurs will have an extension of pre-season in form of 3 Europa games (if managed through) against a bottom of Euro barrel, unless they get German, Italian or Spanish club to play against.
  16. Cheshuntboy Guest

    The rate I'm losing my marbles. I haven't even got memories - I had a look on You Tube, and saw that the great goal I remembered as Falco's second was actually his first (but Clemence's performance on his debut was every bit as woeful as I recalled). With any luck I'll forget I'm a Spurs supporter before next season!
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    From the FACup in 91 to now , I've witnessed the 90s and then the 2000s with our 1 league cup to show for the last 20 odd years, and yet we have fans that tell us it's not about Trophies and they're not important.
    Apparently now it's the sustainable business model dream we are supposed to be in support of.
    When we announce profits or sign sponsorship deals that's what it's all about.
    Exciting times
  18. Guesty Guest

    My first game at WHL was in 1975.
    some real greats back then. Martin Chivers had sold it to me. loved watching him in the tele. And then to see him live.....
    I think Willie Young may have played my first game. He was bigger than my bedroom door..... well in my young mind he was.

    Anyway...... back to today......
    Whatever happens it needs to happen quicker now with the early EL stages. Let's try and get things done.
    the problem... as always.... DL trying to show everyone that he won the deal.
  19. THFC Guest

    There’s no point in saying who we want because we probably won’t get them.
    When we look at who is available, there are plenty of players that could improve us in conjunction with others but several are needed for that to work and we probably won’t sign several.
    The reality is that we could sign Wilson, we will probably get Deeney.
    Someone mentioned that Partey is one of the best DM in the world yet he can’t get into Athletico Madrid’s side so given with what happened with Ndombele, I’d rather swerve that.
    We are looking at Skirinar from Inter but apparently only willing to pay $25 million.
    We need to sell Foyth, Aurier, Ndombele, KWP, Lamela, Alli and Sessignon. Let’s hope Leeds, AC Milan, Barcelona, Southampton & Inter take the bulk of them and anyone willing to pay takes Alli.
    If the rumours are to be believed and JM wants Perisic and Willian then we are in trouble. Hopefully they are just rumours and he has given a list of players who will surprise us but I think the sales need to happen before we find out.
    Exciting times...
  20. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just a lighter moment.Lampard thinks his players need more time off .Have they not just had 3 months off.With this thinking maybe he will convince the players that they are tired.perhaps we will get them early and get an easy 3 points

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