The Iceman Cometh... again

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, April 14, 2014.

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  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    £100 Million pounds spent, our best player gone and only one is going to come out of this season with any sort of praise. Christian Eriksen.

    It has taken him time to settle in but in the last month or so, we have started to see what a quality player this lad is.

    His movement, his passing and now his goal scoring are all hallmarks that point to Eriksen already being someone who will end up being a true fans favourite.


    Mr Sherwood has come out and compared Eriksen to an Arsenal legend in Dennis Bergkamp. In fact, the word used was ‘Bergkampesque’

    When a player of the class of Eriksen comes on to the scene, there are always going to be comparisons to players who play now and those that have gone before, but I am not sure that Tim using and Arsenal players is a wise move.

    Considering Tim’s apparent links to the Woolwich wanderers, his statement is either another example of his immaturity, or another way of him saying he knows he is going, so he will say what he wants and when he wants to say it.


    In my opinion, I thought that Eriksen’s goal against West Brom reminded me of one of our own greats. Jurgen Klinnsman. The way he stopped and turned was something Jurgen used to be adept at and if we are going to make comparisons about the goal itself, that is where my comparison will be, not with a rival team’s legend.

    In some ways, it is sad that we even have to compare players all of the time. Perhaps what we should really do is look at the unique talents that Eriksen has and praise him for those.

    He is thoughtful and has a slight of touch that can leave other players standing, and he is now proving that he can score goals as well and if you want your team to be a success, you need midfielders who can create things that others do not see, and take the chance to put the ball in the net whenever the opportunity arises.

    In Eriksen, we have that player and must now nurture him and utilise him to deliver glory back to Tottenham Hotspur.


    Okay then, even though I have said that we should not compare players all the time, I suppose I should still put in my two penneth worth about who Eriksen is most like. The player I would see the most similarity with would be Modric. The way he runs and passes are similar but the one thing Modric didn’t do a lot of was score goals for Spurs.

    In fact, his assists were not always as high as one might think.

    The future

    Bergkamp, Modric, Klinsmann. People can and will compare Eriksen to whoever they want but ultimately, Eriksen is Eriksen and showing signs of being a World Class player who Spurs need, no, MUST build the team around next season and beyond if we want to be in the top four and challenging for Trophies.

    Eriksen is our number 23. Let us just hope that he remains so for many years to come.

    As ever, Come on You Spurs!!
  2. JJface135 Guest

    The guy is class and I sure this is just the beginning.

    Onwards and upwards there is always next season.

  3. big fran Guest

    Interesting for TS to say this as I never seen bergkamp play left midfield so not sure where he's at with that comment...
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Another season and Levy will sell him so dont get too attatched. Were the only non selling club that sells all its best players. But its ok because were ran extremely prudent.
    COYS !
  5. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    spurs player of the year, best buy of all the newbies by a long way. have to say tho he doesn't remind me of a modric type at all except that he gets pushed out of position on the left the same way that luka was. Hopefully the new manager will play him in his best position next year and build the attack around him. Im not always against starting with two strikers but give Eriksen the number 10 next year and he'll probably bag close to 20 himself not to mention a few assists. Would love to see him pulling the strings in a 4-3-3. And also he's not going anywhere just yet, he's stated over and over this year and recently that he's happy at spurs.
  6. johnnyhrvat Guest

    Best of a bad bunch of new recruits. He needs to work harder defensively, Anfield 1st goal as an example, and he needs to improve his corner taking and free kicks (which are not just outside the area), then he might be worthy of the praise that he is getting.
    Totally different type of player to Modrić who didn't score many, didn't get many assists, but the TEAM were on fire when he was playing.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    In some ways, the fact that the team were on fire when Modric was there makes Eriksen stand out even more. Perhaps he does need to work harder defensively but then people said that about one of our other legends. Hoddle. Eriksen is still young and if we build the team around him, the future could be very exciting.

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