Term 'Spursy' just an excuse to hide an underlying problem

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, October 26, 2014.

  1. rob vas Guest

    I'm so glad it's not just me that's mad about the situation..
    baldini really has to go, it's not that the players we bought are bad players or not good enough , surely we could have got better for the £ we spent. quality not quantity !
    poch has lost me with his decisions , play Hugo in the Europa , why sign vorm not bony. a captain who shouldn't even be in the team, a forward who doesn't score or assist ! keep soldado then don't play h wtf is he doing, fix up or F off !!!!
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The Spurs faithful need to wake up and make a stand against Levy & Enic, who have well outstayed their welcome.
    We are going backwards at an alarming rate, the only excuse is a total lack of ambition.
    It was clearly evident we needed a major upgrade in players from the utter humiliations recieved last season and total inept strike force. We were described and applauded by some as 'clever in the market' for not making big changes etc yet how can anyone be suprised that were no better/worse than last season?
    Any self respecting club gets rid of the passengers the under performers the sub standard the bad atitude players- not us though we offer them captaincies, vice captaincies, new contracts etc and use every excuse available for failure.
    Any self respecting club aims for progress not total stagnation, it gets players in to do the job required and if they dont meet the requirements they are moved on just as fast as they would leave us for a CL team.
    In a results based buisness its all about end product, to many people touting patience but where does patience get us? A few seasons of hit and miss performances then move them on when/if they finally come good? Its totally and utterly flawed and just spells mediocrity for us long term.
    The whole club needs a shake up from top down the ' leadership' is totally detrimental. You cannot inspire success if the board is happy just tottering along doing nothing.
    To many excuses not enough bottle, action, ambition, investment etc.

    LEVY & ENIC OUT !!!!!!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. jason.t Guest

    RE. jlospur...."Southampton must be rolling with laughter"........absolutely we are ! :)
    Mattj78 likes this.
  4. Chris Guest

    All those reminiscing about Harry, do remember that he had Modric at the top of his game, Lennon when he was still a footballer, a blossoming Bale, King. VdV and several others, yet he blew a huge lead two seasons on the bounce.

    As for his alleged man management skills, one need look no further than QPR to see where his level is. He walked into a club in crisis when Ramos was sacked and took the embryo of a top four team, nurtured it to the level below its potential and then came undone. Yes, there was great football, excitement, atmosphere, but if you gave that squad to MoPo, AvB or even Sherwood, they would have achieved as much (if not more).

    The problem, as I see it, comes from the squad. We aren't big enough to keep our best players and we go through cycles. When we had Keane and Berba, Mod and GB weren't world beaters. As they matured, we lacked firepower and a decent keeper. Once the Lloris came we lost Modric, King retired, Benni forgot how to play and Ade spat his dummy out. When Bale left, we were left with Lloris. When he goes in the summer, we'll have nobody of note.

    We are a 4th-7th club, we aren't entitled to the top four because there are two clubs far better than us and at least four of similar stature and capability.

    It doesn't matter who we appoint to manage the club or who we buy. In the 2-3 years it would take players to flourish and move us on, their heads will be turned by the big clubs, they will leave and the process will begin again.

    There's a pecking order in football, and we're not high up on it. Players see us as a shop window, somewhere to ply their trade and earn a move somewhere bigger and better. Sad, but true.
  5. Howard Guest

    You could say the same about Everton! There's more to it than just cycles - they get more out of their squad.
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. Jim Guest

    What do some of you lot think happens, that we click on a website and find a new owner and chairman? ENIC OUT? Please! I'm not sure why some fans are sticking up for Poch. So we play well and come out second half inept. That's the managers time to speak to the players. He obviously either says nothing or completely the wrong thing.

    Time? ! I'm sick of this word used again. Time to do what? continue to pick the wrong players? How did Kane not start? Seriously, how? It's not like we were playing Citeh and needed experience up top, it was Newcastle. And they are awful. Kane had just scored a hattrick. He's our top scorer without starting a league game. What exactly was there to lose by starting him? Kaboul as captain is a joke. Inverted wingers is nonsense. High defensive line is wrong.
    Dace and Mattj78 like this.
  7. john Guest

    Poch selection all season has been baffling, why was harry kane not playing? Poch is out off his depth time,for raffa benitez who knows the permier league.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  8. Jim Guest

    I'm not defending Levi, he's clearly made lots of mistakes and has a capacious ego but you can't say ENIC OUT. That isn't going to happen. And we haven't got a bottom half of the table squad, therefore this is the managers fault.
  9. Martin Guest

    Why do players with big reputations come to Tottenham and shortly afterwards disappear?Paulino was not so long ago being touted for a big money move,where is he now he can't even make the Europa squad.Do they have to move on to reestablish themselves as Sigurdson is so effectively doing at Swansea.As previously stated we have deceived ourselves for years even before Bale left,how many games did he single handed salvage in his last two seasons?enabling all and sundry to forget how inept the performance had been.We have a glut of very ordinary players at the moment however so do Southampton,Swansea and West Ham.Why do our players constant under perform?I never thought I would ever feel this low again at the standard of our performances and no good old Harry is not the answer.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. Tottingham Guest

    Reading the anger of our suffering over-milked cash cow fans is understandable , as at least last season we got walloped by the Big Guns , now we are fodder for relegation fodder.

    Unless ENIC or Levy do a Man Utd ( Lavish 150 million without a Bale windfall ) on an unproven and yet unconvincing tactician in Poch , we will be midtable but losing our few star player(s) , well Hugo and Verts (?) , and attracting more mediocrity.

    We cannot blame the players as they are what they are and do as they are asked or are replaced . We do have a big squad of players , most are internationals, apparently.

    The Lamela bashing is unfair as no player is helping him play not even an attacking fullback at the moment, except Hurricane who cannot get a an EPL start. This is why we played well against Tripoli , as Harry plays inside right and centre. Ade plays the left channel ( why ? ) so the midfield are orientated to our right to receive the layoff ball. Lamela is left running into a wall of doubled up players thus encouraging attacks on Hugo down our right. This happened with Townsend but without the few assists and goals by poor Lamela, who tries hard and has something to be polished.

    We need striking options for the midfield to aim at. A finisher who can create space by running at and behind defenders We need a quick fix before we lose Hugo, Verts , Erikson ( maybe ) and anyone else who can play.
    We need to spend big and wisely in January , or i will apply to support MK Dons or something . Is there a legal form for this ? I have been Spurs for 40 years so Lord help me, Lord help us all.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  11. OldjdubLloris New Member

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    So after 9 managerial changes under the same chairman isn't about time the club had a change at the top? Any company chairman that made 9 unsuccessful appointments would either at the very least be asked to explain himself or be removed. Oh and don't forget he also appointed Baldini. So that's 10 appointments of which 8 he has overseen their demise.
    I'm sure he will point to the new training ground and that elusive proposed new stadium as his legacy but what fan sings about a new stadium or training ground. It's good attractive winning football that all fans want not fat bank balances and flashy surroundings.
    For too long the club has failed to strengthen in the areas where they have been deficient. Ask any fan where we need new players and they'll give you the answer but the men responsible at the club either fail to see this or are so money orientated that they fail to pay up when a player to fill our needs becomes available. Just look at the wasted £100m last season and the dubious purchases in the last transfer window.
    All 8 previous managers can't be wrong, the only constant is the chairman, so isn't it time we heard from him and the club started to sort itself out from the top down?
    Hotspur24, Mattj78 and Felon82 like this.
  12. WeeBigMan Guest

    What did everyone expect when Enic took over, for those that weren't aware they are an investment company. They specialise in asset building, it's what they do, what is difficult for every Spurs fan to understand about that.
    All we ever were to them and still are to them is an investment. It is an open secret Spurs have been for sale since planning permission was granted for the new stadium.
    Let me tell you this, they have no intention of building the new stadium, this on going situation about one business holding out against the compulsary purchase order suits them to the ground. So, what if it cost them a couple of million more to pay one firm to get out, the benefits of building the place sooner and have 20000+ seats more filled, naming rights, and whatever else would far out weigh the initial extra cash paid to this business, they do not want to spend the money building the stadium end of.
    The plan was buy the land, get the planning permission, keep the football side of things rolling by wheeling and dealing in transfer market ( the model for this being buy players with potential, if some come good, sell for a big profit and buy the same again, actually investing no money at all, which is exactly whats been happening) and trust you can sustain a decent enough run of form to get in the Champions League, since Spurs are a big club, and bingo you have an asset worth a huge, huge profit on the initial investment, this was the plan, they were just using our club and brand as the product to exploit an opportunity they saw coming in the football industry.
    How do you think Lewis made his money, he is a speculator, a commodities trader, he saw the potential to make money in an industry which was about to explode and took it, it was never about winning trophies, and never will be.
    The reality is that Enic made a major miscalculation, that is the last part of their formula, the football and sustaining a run of form and getting into the lucrative CL on a regular basis, it's screwed up everything for them, and now they have tried throwing all the Bale money at it, and brought in the so called new golden boys AVB and Poch to try and get a quick fix, and try and find a buyer, and it isn't working.
    They are now faced with the prospect of having to raise hundreds of millions of pounds to actually deliver the stadium, and that was never part of the plan, why do you think the date keeps getting moved, or some new reason appears, they are trying to buy time.
    This whole thing is collapsing around their feet, and they don't know what to do, this is why we keep ending up with Baldinis, AVB's, Redknapps and Ramos's, they actually forgot the football had to be successful for their plan to work.
    Face up to it people we are in for a difficult time on and off the pitch, unless we get as lucky as Chelsea, or ManCity, or find the next Ferguson or dare I say it Wenger to change our fortunes.
    Hotspur24, Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  13. Any manager who includes the totally useless lennon in his squad and brings him on should be sacked if he hasnt realised that lennon has not got a clue as to how to kick a ball correctly in the time he has been at spurs than i despair.I cant see us winning another premiership game.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  14. Coys 61 Guest

    One thing that is inexcusable is lack of passion and pride in the shirt.
    Poch is also to blame for niave team formation. . Needed width as central midfield clueless.Lennon came on too long late to make an impact.
    Thank QPR for being around or we are the worst London team in premiership
    Dace and Mattj78 like this.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The new play is too slow and kaboul was a joke yet again this day.
    Dace likes this.
  16. john purkis Guest

    You get promised a new stadium seven years ago-still nothing,You get rid of the two managers who get us into europe and our highest league placings since the late 80s-Jol and Redknapp and replace them with a catalogue of foreign managers who fail.We have signed a list of players since 2002 who Alan Sugar would label "carlos kickaballs" think postiga,toda,acimovic,atouba and more recently who authorised the money to be spent on Paulinho and Chiriches surely two of the worst players at spurs in a generation,who signed Fazio(the new Ramon Vega)and where is Strambouli?I think it is time for Mr Levy to bid us farewell.
    Mattj78 and Felon82 like this.
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Shows how dull our position has become that usually id dread a relegation battle but at least it would give us something to play for this season, coz this hopeful and happy at finishing 6th is so defeatist its shameful.
    There is zero inspiration to anyone setting the bar at 6th and celebrating how financially stable we are. Woopy doo!
    Its gone on way too long the Stagnation has killed the football club. Levy & Enic need to be made aware that enough is enough change is needed if were ever to progress from this endless 'transitional' thats gone full circle!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  18. PluckySpur Guest

    This season is an even worse write off than last!! At this point, I am tired of hearing Poch talk about 'mentality' and 'lack of concentration'! We get beat every week by teams of ALL levels of quality - it doesn't matter what system they play or what system we supposedly play - we still ****!!!

    The types of teams that we can consistently beat are the second tier European teams that play at a much slower pace and without as much physicality.

    I have always liked to pull for the underdog, but this team is a dead dog - and it is really stinking!!!

    In the end, this HAS to be Levy's fault!!! You can't have this many coaches and this many good players - and NEVER figure it out!!! Levy's management of the club has made watching Spurs painful and tiresome. Next match, I'm going to use that time getting my crown replaced - at least, I want be in as much pain!!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  19. Dace Member

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    Have to agree with all this..
    Added to SteveS.Coys ... comment about managers wanting to play a certain way but not having the players...this points to very poor management, infact the kind of management that may well see us in a relegation dogfight.. We most certainly do not have the players for that eventuality..
    Long season ahead !
    Mattj78 likes this.
  20. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I agree. These are professional bloody footballers for goodness the sake. If the players can't embrace what the manager wants, the players either have a real issue with the manager, or the manager is not getting his methods across.

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