Sunderland 0-1 Tottenham post-match thoughts

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Ramos43, September 14, 2015.

  1. Chris #2 Guest

    Eriksen has created quite a few big chances already this seasons (like the long pass to Chadli, giving him a free run at goal). Personally I think its been obvious what the team has been missing without Eriksen.

    I think many ppl consider Eriksen missing if hes not on the ball dictating the game. Try keeping an eye on his off-ball game next time spurs play - he generally positions himself very well, opening up room for players and runs - something that can open up games, and something we have been missing for the last few games.
  2. Ramos Guest

    It IS me guys. Just having a few technical problems with my laptop so I'm going to have to get bk to ya tomorrow. ;)
  3. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Listen guys, EVERY system will have it benefits and flaws. The job of the manager is ultimately to pick one that he believes is better suited to getting the best out of the players, at his disposal.

    That said, I believe that a manager should have a CLEAR idea of how he wants to approach each game before/when he joins a club, PROVIDING he is able to make the changes he requires to the squad.

    I think what is clear is that Pochettino is STILL moulding this team/squad/club in his own image. The amount of players sold this summer should tell us that!

    Add that to the fact that Pochettino has yet to sign a (out and out) striker, had brought in only 1 midfielder before the last window AND has only just begun to sign in offensive minded players (in Njie and Son) despite being at the club for over a year and you can see Spurs are at the BEGINNING of a process.

    Personally, I enjoy watching us play but maybe that's partly to do with the fact that I can see the method behind it. Of course there are days when I wish I supported Barca but EVERY team has it's off days. Am I saying that this is as good as it's ever going to get under Pochettino in terms of consistency in performance or results - No.

    But like I said we are in a process.


    Would I have made some of the choices Pochettino has in regards to team selection/ substitutions/ player roles? No
    But then again I probably would NOT of started Harry Kane in the EPL when MP did or Ryan Mason.

    And, to be perfectly honest, I was BEMUSED by the idea of playing Dier as a DM, in the hustle and bustle of the EPL, but up till now he has been a revelation (although he still has MUCH to prove in that role against top level operators, and for me is FAR better off at CB).

    Look,as a manager you will get some decisions right , some wrong and other times your players will just let you & themselves down. It's as simple as that!

    I guess the secret there is to try to make more good calls than bad, and ensure you keep the players on their toes by being a ruthless little so&so and letting them know that NOBODY'S place is safe.


    Bazza, You ol' charmer you! What you after, then, eh?;)

    I agree that by playing Townsend on the right you are encouraging him to step in onto his preferred foot and strike at goal. But I don't see that as a bad thing! Townsend has an EXCELLENT shot on him WHEN he sets himself properly so trying to place him in a position that allows him to utilize this ability is good management, imo.

    Listen, I was NEVER one of those people who subscribed to the idea that Andros shoots too much and doesn't look for a pass so I don't see the problem with him being prepared to take responsibility and having an attempt at goal.

    It's too simplistic (and also very naive) to say having players deployed 'on their natural side' will result in an increased level performance from an individual, or better balance within a team.

    You only need to see the the performances of the left footed Mahrez, playing on the right, to understand that.

    Or what about the likes of Ronaldo, Messi, Robben, Pires, Ribery, etc,etc who have all enjoyed HUGE success in their careers despite playing in an 'unnatural' position.

    Balance is NOT simply created by playing people in positions according to what foot they are more comfortable using. It's about all types of things such as:

    • The understanding between players as a collective.
    • The understanding between players and their direct partner (i.e. LB/LM, CM/CM etc,etc)
    • Having a rounded variety of components/ skill-sets within a team (.i.e Pace, Strength, Height, Vision, Creativity, Experience, etc, etc)
    • Playing people in roles they are familiar with, and positions which allow them to maximise their own potential and perhaps even help maximize the performance of another.

    From what I have observed, Kyle Walker and Andros Townsend, Just as Rose and Chadli on the other side, have struck up a VERY good understanding, and platform from which to build upon. Why not develop that?

    I am NOT saying that Townsend shouldn't playing on the left ever again. I'm just saying that playing him over there because he is left-footed, or because you believe that it will give a better balance to the side, will not necessarily guarantee an improved performance from either the individual, or the team as a whole.

    Besides, the way Pochettino wants to play dictates the 3 behind striker will NOT have set roles, anyway, once the game begins - making the whole conversation about wingers fairly pointless.

    MP wants fluidity, dynamic movements and regular interchanges between the WHOLE of his attack/ team. Meaning that if Kane drops deep, someone else will recognize that, and instantly fill the void left, and so on.

    So, in theory, Townsend should get an opportunity to play anywhere across the attack, depend on how the game is going.

    Frustrated Fan

    Great! Another one? You've come to the right place, my friend! ;)

    I keep reading all of this talk about the tempo to Tottenham's play - from you guessed it 'frustrated fans' :rolleyes: - but I was reading an article on the SkySports website before the Sunderland game, which stated that after 4 games - Spurs had created the MOST amount of CLEAR CUT chances in the league.

    Yes, more than City, Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arse. Even, more than sides like Leicester, Swansea and Palace, who have all been getting praised for the way they have started this campaign.

    Now had Spurs converted all/most of those chances, would you still be frustrated at the perceived lack of tempo in the side? Probably not.

    So perhaps the issue is more to do with the lack of goals, rather than a lack of tempo - which is a different subject entirely!

    One thing I can assure you of though is that Pochettino will ALWAYS want his teams to play with a high tempo whenever possible/ suitable!

    PS. Just for the record, I have NEVER wished to support ANY other club ANYWHERE across the globe. I am Spurs, and probably the proudest Spurs supporter you will ever meet. I have loved EVERY moment of following the clubs journey over the years and am deeply excited by the direction THFC is heading in.

    So if you don't know, now you know...
    Last edited: September 16, 2015
    Spurporter likes this.
  4. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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  5. burnt Guest

    Tottenhamlive has its very own Brendan Rogers i.m.h.o ... Both have the same records when it comes to predicting how new players and youth players are going to turn out .... And for some reason others just lap it up and totally forget how 99% of their recent predictions have turned out .. Football fans and amnesia , it never tops amazing me ...

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