
Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, October 26, 2014.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    What is also worrying is that the new manager is already questioning the mentality of the players as you will see in the above interview following the defeat to Newcastle.
    Sherwood questioned it last season and it is shocking to think that very little seems to have changed. It appears there is an inherent problem at Spurs with players attitudes.
    Southampton fans on here and on radio phone ins yesterday were rubbing their hands in glee laughing at Spurs and why? Because they saw that poch was a decent manager but he had no plan b. When things aren't going well as a manager, you need to be smart with your substitutions. Bringing them on with only eight minutes left is shockingly poor judgement.
    Surely we can't change our manager yet again, but Spurs look devoid of any direction and a complete lack of any leadership on and off the field.
    After a couple of decent games, Kaboul was back to his very worst yesterday. Diving in, playing pointless long balls and when the second goal went in, the Spurs players just look at each other with no one taking the blame.
    The whole situation looks a complete mess at the minute and it is hardly surprising that attendances are falling and as for the atmosphere....what atmosphere?

    Yesterday was supposed to be about Sir Bill. In the end it turned out to be about a football club that long since forgot his legacy or what football is supposed to be about.
    PochOut likes this.
  2. Dace Member

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    Sorry to say but this has hit the nail on the head...
    Again I agree totally.
    Cannot for the life of me understand what was seen in Poch..
    We are in for a long long long hard season..
    Champions League... thankfully we are not in it, imagine what Real Madrid or Barcelona would do to this team..
    We will, I think, miss out on the EL next season, we may even miss out on the PL if we carry on playing like this ! So we will be back to mid table football no European football and an overstocked squad of players who simply don't appear to care !
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. SA Spur New Member

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    This has already been mentioned but why does the idiot consistenly revert back to the 4231 formation, even on home games against poor oppostion is he too afraidto express himslef with some attacking football, Kane scores a hat trick and is rewarded with a bench, i would understand this if Adebayuseless was knocking in the goals every league game but i ask you what he did after he scored a goal that 'Arrys old lady could have finished. Please tell me what Poch is seeing when he watched the game and a striker that does not know how to score anymore. Listening to the commentary yesterday it seemed obvious to everyone but the coach that changes needed to be made early. Its absolutely crazy and infuruating watching this guys tactics. So 1 win in 7 , Chelsea around the corner, losses against two teams cementing the bottom of the table, does anyone see it getting better with the same structure in place. Enough already, do we wake up when were sitting in 15th spot. I shudder to think.
    Felon82 and Deggsy56 like this.
  4. N.Brady Guest

    I think POCH will be given at least until next season to see how it goes their is still a lot of deadwood to sell, And then when he signs a whole new squad it will all happen again when the next coach thinks the players are not good enough. You would wonder what they were thinking getting rid of SIGG you only have to look at the start he has had at Swansea. Maybe a sneaky bid for DEFOE in January might help because Soldado has to go and I reckon ADE has lost interest aswell.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  5. Kane was on long before lennon butwhy is lennon on the pitch anyway this is a man who does not know how to kick a ball correctly does not take corners or freekicks will never score a goal one goal in 34 appearances last season and 10 crosses one every three games lennon is useless and should never be picked again.
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. PochOut New Member

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    I agree with every one of the many posts on here that are doubting our manager's capabilities and past successes.
    Firstly, I have to say I was absolutely flabbergasted when Levy chose Poch (I shall refer to him as the clown) absolutely stunned to say the least. What was he thinking when he overlooked De Boer for a clown who won just 37% of his games at Espanyol having got them into the bottom of the league before getting sacked, and had 1 season finishing 8th with a better squad of players than Koeman has now and they are 2nd!!!!
    This clown has been our worst manager since ramos but even gross would give us a better chance of actually winning a game than Coco the clown.
    How can we get the players (who I shall refer to as overrated wasters) to get excited about playing for Spurs when he looks just as clueless and depressing after scoring a wonder goal than when we are losing. This clown has the ability to look more depressing during a game than Tony Hancock (who was a manic depressive).
    Whoever makes the decisions on who we should sign needs to be sacked today as he hasn't got a clue. This summer we had the chance to improve the team but even knowing we were poor up front and in defence and needed a midfield powerhouse we went out and bought players who have rarely featured in the team in the PL. Why? What was the point in buying these players if they weren't bought to fit straight into the team to improve it? We have spent over £150m over the past 2 seasons on utter useless wastes of space who have taken us backwards!
    Rose, kaboul, naughton, chiriches, capoue, dembele, paulinho, lennon, lamela, ade, soldado are all useless and have to be sold.
    We struggle to get a shot on target every game and have no players in the box even on the rare occasions we have actually threatened and got a cross in.
    Game after game we play useless boring slow football losing the ball to the opposition with wayward passes or getting caught out in possession that's not when we're actually gifting the opposition a goal which we're good at doing.
    I will predict that with this clown leading our overrated wasters we will finish the season with over 15 losses in the PL shipping in over 50 goals but scoring less than 40 to end up in 11th...below the might of west ham, stoke and Aston villa...winnibg absolutely nothing for another year!
    If Daniel Levy is reading this I have just one final thing to say...it's all your fault for giving us the clown and not a manager who actually achieved something in his career before being gifted the job!!!!
    POCH OUT!!!
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Wow!!! Strong words but I have to say you make valid points. I felt that Poch was a good choice but I now think I may be very wrong indeed.
    His tactics seem very naive and he and levy are a good fit. Clueless.
    PochOut likes this.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I said at the close of the window we had failed and were no better off, i was met with a resounding 'your negative, we had a great window, we were clever, weve strengthened in all the right places' well not 1 of the new signings has made a blind bit of difference.
    I wanted FDB but i was/am willing to give Poch a chance so im not for Poch bashing just yet, he is just a puppet in Enics flawed plans.
    The whole recruitment of players needs a massive overhaul. Its like weve lost the idea of what buying new players is about- 1st and foremost to improve the team. Potential is fine but 2 or 3 tops not all over the team and in crucial positions. We seem to cling on to serial let downs and for what? We ignore glaring defficiencies every window.
    It simply is not good enough and is an insult to us the fans!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Iver Biggen Guest

    The trouble is Spurs lack pace in the middle of the park big time. We probably have one of the slowest group of midfielders I have ever seen in any era.

    We lack a genuine goal scoring midfielder. Its easy to blame strikers but any striker will rely on the service. instead its all narrow stuff ,no width and no pacey outlet. At worst Poch can do is to play Davies and Rose on the left. Rose is a left winger originally and will provide the cover desperately needed on the left back. Same goes for Lennon who always helped his right back consistently as well as he has been our best outlet for quick counters.

    Eriksen and Lamela can not and shoukd not play together. One ball winner is enough the second midfielder should be an attacking one. Chadli should play behind the striker if he must. Then his weakness is he lacks that ever so important pace.

    I couldnt see any point in allowing Holtby to leave and bring in Stambouli who cant even make the bench at the moment.

    To top all that now we are on the verge of signing Lassana Diarra for a free. He is another defensive midfielder.

    Poch needs to shift some talent in January but I have no faith in this guy. It seems to me that we are losing talwnt and keep signing mediocre players which is Pochs level to be honest.

    Before our squad is filled up with more mediocre players and we just go back to 10 years ago I think Levy has to look at the mirror accept he made a **** up ONCE AGAIN and bring in De Boer.

    Even Harry would have done well with this squad.

    Lamela needs a yard of pace and must learn to play for the team. Carrying the ball too long only helps the opposition.
    PochOut likes this.
  10. OldjdubLloris New Member

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    I've been saying this on several formats but sheer frustration brings me to repeat it.
    A chairman appoints 9 successive managers in a little over a dozen years. He also appoints someone to go and find talent. So far, out of these 10 appointments, 8 have gone, all after short periods of time. The only 2 left are the current manager who has only been at the club for a few months and the " talent spotter ". Where else would the person responsible for these appointments still have a job? Only in football, where he is omni self important. He is a businessman with no footballing background, who continues to preside over appointments despite what must be the worst record of employing managers ever. Also our so called "talent spotter" hasn't covered himself in glory either as he? Ok he's given the club a new training ground and perhaps one day in the distant future he may provide a new stadium. But at what cost? Playing in a wonderful half filled new stadium whilst languishing mid or even bottom half of the premiership and cosseting millionaire already pampered players is not what the fans want.
    I would suggest that a much needed change at the club needs to start at the top.
    The club also needs a massive overhaul of the playing staff. Let's face it, we will probably loose Lloris, Vertonghen and anyone else who has Champions League ambitions, but we need to clear out the deadwood. Too many players are coasting on the odd performance and even those who initially showed promise, appear to have stalled in their progress. Walker, being a perfect example of this. Let's hope his return from his unfortunate injury reinvigorates his enthusiasm and progression. Until the players realise that just turning up will not be tolerated and there is no god given right to be at the club, we will not stop these disastrous performances and continued mediocrity.
    PochOut, Mattj78 and Felon82 like this.
  11. There is an old saying that ends 'you can't fool all of the people all of the time'.

    Levy is at fault and if you don't get this you're prejudice and have an agenda.

    He hired Ramos (a good coach) and then sold Berbatov and Keane out from under him and left him with Darren Bent. He was the person that did not strengthen the side when Spurs qualified for the Champion's League even though Redknapp implored him.

    He sold Modric the man with a 6 year contract and wouldn't replace him.

    He sold Bale and this is the biggie: He bought the players.

    Levy likes to buy and sell the players. That is the problem. He won't hire a manager give him a budget and let him sign his own players - If you don't trust the manager enough to do this job then you shouldn't give the man the job and really you should role up your sleeves and do it yourself.

    I'm a Spurs supporter of over 40 years - Levy's reign is a massive improvement on Sugar but we're now in a mess of Levy's making.

    He is now the problem. And supporters in growing numbers have figured this out.
  12. big fran Guest

    We lack pace power creative and as a team cannot defend! Put together this is a dangerous recipe that could lead the club towards the relegations zone. Avb and now poch
    both set up ttheir teams to first and for most not to get beat. But when you are poor defensively and we are!! - this quickly becomes a concern especially when you do not have the players at the other end to break quickly and find the net. Think we need an old school British manager to come in now and steady
    the ship. Pulis could be ideal on a short term basis . He will stop us conceding and pick players on form . He will be his own man and not a yes man buffer to levy and baldini. It may not be pretty but he will get results by hook or crook. The players will be fitter mentally tougher and certainly know their roles that are expected of them within a more clearly defined formation and playing style. The fans will receive more honesty and clarity from a manager who can shoulder more blame when the team underperforms!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  13. Yidio Guest

    Poch is ****,clueless knob,fdb should have been the only candidate,levy is a knob,fdb said he would have accepted the job IF offered,inverted wingers does not work,one striker does not work,Kane is well overated just because he's homegrown,ade and soldado should start upfront together,dembele has to play in midfield with his presence alone the boy mason is not ready 4 anything physical hence sissoko doing as he pleased and getting man of match,Kaboul as captain is another complete joke,just glad Danny rose signed a new contract best player on the team recently and a lot last year too,a lot of so called fans wanted him out pmsl...COYS
  14. Burnt Guest

    A lot can see us getting sucked into a relegation battle , i don't think we,re that bad myself but its a deff possibility the way things are going at the min .. The problem with this is if we do then we are in serious trouble because they,re one gutless , spineless bunch of players and thats the main ingredient needed to get out of that situation .. Very worring situation we,re in thats for sure .. Who knows how this is going to end ..
  15. rph Guest

    No doubt levy has a lot to answer for but reading these comments...seriously people!

    Southampton will not be top 4, its juat jot gonna happen....weren't burney top 4 at the start of the season once?

    Those saying koeman didint need time, have you ever thought that might be because he inherited a squad that was well trained by poch?

    Dont get me wrong poch has made mistakes but remember he did try and sign players but didn't get them in the summer. Expect changes in jan
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Most of the squad poch had at saints was sold! It is not so much mistakes that poch is making as the fact he is missing glaringly obvious things such as making dubs with only eight minutes left of a game we are losing. The similarities with avb are worrying.
    As for levy, the man is a charlatan.
  17. Ah, hell hath no fury like an anguished Spurs supporter! I'm sharing many of the same thoughts s Ryan and others.

    So here's my thing. Can Poch not pick the best 10 field players to suit his style and go with them so they are truly in sync with each other's tendencies and moves through practice and game experience?

    Being older than probably most or all of you, I started thinking about what Bill N accomplished. Suppose we slotted in today's bunch into the old, old 2-3-5. Dier/Walker and Rose would be your non-foraging fullbacks.

    Kaboul might be center half, flanked by Dembele and Mason. Up front, you could make both wingers UNinverted, with Lennon on the right and Townsend/Chadli on the left. Lamela and Ericksen would be inside forwards and Kane/Soldato at center forward.

    What would happen if these 10 played together regularly as Nick's boys did?

    Okay, so you don't see Jan or Capoue in this mix. And if you switched to a 4-4-2 or 4-3-3, Jan would probably go in the middle back line with Kaboul.

    Did I miss something, or was the pitch widened and maybe even lengthened? Either that or the grass is dying really quickly this year. Anyway, if it was enlarged, Poch better take advantage of it. I wonder what Cliff Jones and Roberts mush have been thinking as they watched this 2nd-half meltdown.

    Oh, and considering the damage that Ericksen can do from a free kick, how come his corners are so bloody 'orrible?

    Oh well. I'm pretty certain we'll steamroller our midweek cup foes, then go back to the same nail-biting, hair-pulling experience on Sunday.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  18. Spurgatso Guest

    In my opinion Sherwood was far better than this twonk ,get him back we scored goals and won a lot more.Saints fans must be pissing themselves,we stole Poncho and are 11th Liverpool took most of their so called stars and are well behind them.
  19. Jerome Yid Guest

    Reading these comments for the most part makes me incredibly angry. Yes we've played terribly this season in games. Yes we ought not have lost to a very weak Newcastle team. But calling for Mauricio's head is utterly *****ic.

    We need stability right now and sacking Pochettino would mean losing this season and likely next season as well to transition. Pochettino was brilliant at Southampton and Espanyol only failing as his key players were sold from underneath him. I'm not a Poch fanatic, but he has to be given time.

    You 'fans' have very short memories, everyone was lauding Poch after Arsenal away and the Southampton match.

    Back the manager and reassess when he's had 18 months to build his own team. Then if were stil underperforming we need to consider other options but unless relegation threatens we need to not a moment before

  20. Jerome Yid Guest

    I'm sorry, I thought I'd finished but re-reading the comments I couldn't help want to come back for more. No doubt some valid points here. But they're very difficult to find through the shite. My top 3;

    1) Redknapp would be doing better with this squad. Ah yes the man who failed to get us in the champions league in successive years with a squad containing Modric, Bale, Van Der Vaart, an inform Ade and a fit Parker. I'm sure he'd work wonders with the riches of paulinho and soldado.. I mean it's not like he relegated a fairly strong QPR squad..

    2) Ramos, the and I quote 'good coach', sacked by everyone who followed us and is now managing the European giants of Dnipro of Ukraine.

    3) From several fans 'these are the players I'd get rid of tomorrow' *proceeds to name half the squad*. Including often players like Capoue and Rose who have been our best players this year arguably.

    Special mention to those bigging up Sherwood. Funny how you're saying that now, you probably booed him as well last year as you'd be booing Frank De Boer if he'd had a couple of defeats on the trot.

    Plastic fans, all you want to do is criticise, please **** off and support the Arse, they love a good manager out campaign.

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