PLAYER RATINGS: Spurs 1:2 Newcastle

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by James McC, October 26, 2014.

  1. butler Guest

    Once again no Hart no passion no desires no clue another manager that's not up to the job players that couldn't give two shits. Kaboul,capoue,vertongan,adeybayor,lamela,chadli are not the players we need could not give two shits, but then there is our glorious chairman what a prick when redknapp come in he dragged us from a pile of **** to the champions league no director of football was needed and we were going along nicely then his gone director comes back and 3 mangers later here we are a total joke of a team and club . Nothing my will change but I will say we as a club need a English manager lets hope Harry comes back or hoddle cause this foreign **** ain't working .
  2. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Dier is tiered. Dier was tiered. And he will be. It is a mental tiredness. As a defender he has to stay concentrated, but it is not possible with work load he gets. No problems for his 20 y/o body, yet mental tiredness is mush more difficult to recover from. Someone else must have started today. Two right backs are out injured, so one of the CB (Vlad or Fazio) should have been assigned. Lamela cannot keep up with EPL physicality, as such he is a defensive liability. As a result Spurs lost balance as our right side showed obvious weakness. After 2 goals concession Kaboul was shifted to the right and more or less patched the holes, but his overall poor showing was not something to write home about. Jan was not disinterested, but was cool and collected, projecting , perhaps, a wrong image of himself. I agree with the rest.
    After spending all the money they made, Spurs do not have enough depth at some very important positions. Very sad situation indeed.
  3. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Dier had a bad day at the office but I feel for the kid, he's done very well to slot straight into the team mostly playing out of position at RB and his attitude and commitment has been exceptional but how is he meant to defend and keep teams back with no protection at all from the missing Lamela. Even when he does get back to help and put in some defence he has been absolutely atrocious not to mention giving the ball away over and over. Im sorry but Erik is becoming a massive liability. We all have backed him to come good and have wanted him to be the player that we want him to be but not only does he contribute nothing going forward at the moment other than to try to dazzle with his showboating skills and get in the way, he's also costing us goals with his defensive mishaps. He needs to be dropped to the cups for a while where he can flatter to deceive and im also not buying into this best goal ever bollox, nice goal but best goal ever ? **** off. He tried it and luckily it worked, nice bit of skill but it was speculative at best, sort of stuff you see playing five a side. Lets start seeing some real goals against real opposition.

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