PLAYER RATINGS: Spurs 1-0 Southampton

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by James McC, October 5, 2014.

  1. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Ah, Steve, it is ALWAYS a pleasure and NEVER a chore as far as my interactions with you are concerned, my friend!

    I agree with the idea of wholesale changes for the Cup games as the majority of the squad must be utilised. But the Cup games are few and far between, relatively speaking. Most players want to play regularly, and if that is not to be the case, they at least want to feel as if they have the opportunity to do so should they apply themselves correctly.

    I suppose it is the same as any other employee in any other field of work (is that a pun? ;)), people want to be treated equally, and also be rewarded/recognised for their efforts.

    The common/general perception surrounding the big teams in the division, is that the early stages of the cups (with the exclusion of the CL) is about giving 'squad members' opportunities to play matches, with the manager usually moving the goal posts, with regards to team selection, the deeper into the competition his side goes.

    Approaches such as this can give the impression of some players being good only when they are needed to make up the numbers, as opposed to being good and valued members of a squad. With that comes the idea of there being a defined 'A team' and a 'B team' within a squad and that can lead to disharmony.

    The key to maintaining a happy and motivated squad is to allow all it's members (or at least those you intend to keep hold of) to feel as if they are competing on a level playing field. If you perform your duties to the level expected or above then you are given opportunities to play whether it is from the start, or the bench.

    Listen, it is ONLY 7 games into the new campaign and I'm sure a lot will change/develop in terms of tactics, systems and use of personnel over the forthcoming weeks and months, ahead, all I am doing is flagging up the importance of maintaining a happy and healthy home in what promises to be both a challenging, and exciting, season.

    As far as Harry Kane goes, I like the a 3rd choice striker.

    Because while Harry has been in impressive form since the tail end of last season, and the beginning of this, he hasn't really shown me anything that I didn't already know he had.

    • He is an intelligent mover off the ball, in and around the box.Always seemingly finding a couple of yards at least to manoeuvre.
    • He is technically assured.
    • He has a great strike with both his left and right foot.
    • He is decent in the air.
    • He can score without direct assistance.
    • He is more of an instinctive finisher than a composed, cold-blooded, one

    To be fair to Harry, the thing that has surprised me a little is the quality of some of his link up play which at times has been simply breath-taking!

    That is one area of his game that has definitely improved for me, because while he has ALWAYS been good at bringing others into play, he seems to have added more variety, composure and consistency into they way he now finds his colleagues.

    There were times in pre-season, where his vision to spot a team mate, AND deliver the pass, were truly outstanding, as at times I thought he would have needed eye's in the back/side of his head to see the play.

    He also appears stronger and (slightly) more mobile than has previously, which helps him to hold on to the ball a bit better, and allow his team-mates time to join him in attack.

    Look, the top and bottom of it was that I was happy this summer to hold onto the kid and keep him around as 3rd choice striker on the premise that he gets his opportunities to play every now and then, and should he prove himself in those games he gets a run in the team if our other two strikers are struggling to make telling contributions.

    Well, Ade, for me, has been good (in general) without being better than that (i.e scoring the goals), so far this season. The biggest problem for Ade, at the moment, is that he doesn't REALLY look like scoring at the moment despite him having chances. Confidence is obviously low within the Togolese forward and perhaps he could do with a breather for a few weeks.

    And Soldado hasn't had anything like a regular run in the side since probably the middle of last season, so for me it should be him and not Harry that is next in line to play.

    Listen, one difficult season in terms of scoring goals doesn't make you a bad player and given his past exploits, general quality of his play and the huge price tag, I think Spurs owe it to the man ( and themselves) to give him a fair crack of the whip and start him in a run of consecutive games.

    Roberto is a class act, and a world class finisher, of that much I'm sure. What he needs now is the managers trust, and a team that is designed to get the best out of him and I'm convinced he will show us that he has learnt an awful lot from his first season at the club.

    His attitude since being left out has appeared superb, and the way he has FULLY embraced playing for Tottenham Hotspur is something that I will always love him for.

    The guy so desperately, and obviously, wants to do well for the club, so why not give him the chance to.

    Because as much as Harry has impressed me, especially this season, I still remain unconvinced by:

    • his ability to finish when given time and space to think about it.
    • his ability to regularly lead the line for a side aspiring to qualify for the CL, in one of the best leagues in the world
    • his big game mentality, although again Harry's mentality appears to be one of his biggest attributes.
    • his levels of experience in dealing with international and world class defenders/goalkeepers.

    In short, the kid is showing promise and his confidence appears at an all time high,but IF he is to ever make as a (regular) Tottenham Hotspur striker, which is still very much in doubt, for me, given what I see as a general lack of composure in front of goal and the fact that competition at the club in that role will not get any easier, then he will need time and patience to develop his game further on the fringes of the '1st team'.

    So, I do like the kid, but only as a 3rd (not 4th) choice for the time being!

    Should I take it your a fan of his Steve? And if so, why?
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I take the point that squad rotation is needed in a long season and it gives everyone a chance to shine. What I don't agree with though, is the need to chagne the entire team from cup to league. Winning breeds confidence and so does consistency.
    As for Kane, when he has come in, no matter the competition, he has scored. He is a striker and that is ultimately his job, and for me, he has shown me enough to be given a chance to start. Adebayor has done okay so far, but he is not scoring, or looking like it either. Give him a rest and see what Kane can do. City know Adebayor too well and will not find it hard to defend against him. Let's see Kane given a chance.
    That is what I was, and still am excited about with the new manager, giving youth a chance when they earn it. In fact, Kane has done more to earn a place than Mason in fairness.
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Only at Spurs could we have our top scoring striker as our 3rd choice with people umming and arring about him. Then persist with a proven bad apple in Ade and want to play a 'fox in the box' soldado who is clearly not suited to the premier league and doesnt have the players around him or the physical atributes to play the system we want over a young hungry powerful producing Striker.
    notnats likes this.
  4. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I take both your points (Felon and Matt) and they are well made.;)

    I don't think anyone could say, if Kane was to be given a run in the side, that he hadn't earned it, the kid has done well. But I still believe that Kane has a lot to do to prove he warrants the title of being '1st (or even 2nd) choice' striker at a club the size of Spurs, on a regular basis.

    Because, whilst he has been impressive in the majority of games I have seen him in recently, he has also missed as many good chances (probably more) than he has actually scored!

    Mentally, Harry looks ready to dip his toe in the deep end. His performances on the pitch, the way he conducts himself off it, and his self-belief at the moment, like I say, seems at an all time high.

    But whether he is ready to be PUSHED, or indeed DIVE, into the deep end is another matter, entirely. Especially when there are so many unanswered questions, with regards to his overall game/make-up, at this level.

    Look, I'm all for giving youth their opportunities in the 1st team, but unless you believe that they are EXCEPTIONAL talents, which I do not feel that Kane is, it is important to be careful with them, as regular inclusion in the senior team can actually do them more harm than good if it turns out that they are not ready, especially at a club the size of Spurs.

    The truth of the matter, at least how I see it, is that Kane still has PLENTY of areas where he can still improve his game, and still has PLENTY of questions still to answer. Mainly:

    • How does he cope with the pressure of leading the line in big game situations?
    • How does he respond to missing good chances in games where Spurs do NOT make a load of opportunities?
    • How does he react, in terms of his performance levels, when he endures a spell where he is not as confident as he is now and struggles to find the back of the net?
    • How does well does he overcome the adversity of being dropped for a prolonged spell?
    • How does he do against the likes of Cahill, Terry, Kompany and the leagues other top defenders?

    I mean, I could go on here, I REALLY could, but I'm sure we all catch my drift.

    At the moment, Kane probably feels as if he can walk on water, and so he should, he has done very well, so far, this season. But unless he goes on to finish as Spurs' top scorer (by a distance) than he will suffer moments where he MUST deal with adversity, and it will be 'how' he copes with that which will decide how far he can go in this game, and indeed whether he is still at Spurs in a couple of years time.

    Federico Mecheda, Neil Mellor, John Bostock and Dean Parrett, anyone remember them?

    All good talents, who were once highly regarded at their respective clubs, but struggled to cope when they were pushed into the spotlight of the main stage before their time.

    Where are they now? Well, I'll let YOU google it!;)

    But the point is sometimes you have to develop youngsters before simply throwing them in the team because they show a bit of promise.

    What happens if Kane is given his big chance to lead the line BEFORE he is ready, plays a run of 7/8 games on the bounce, scores none, Spurs lose 5 of those matches, 'The Bandwagon Brigade' decide to set-up a national tour in his honour and he is demoted back to 3rd choice striker? It could potentially kill the kid off... completely!

    Next thing you know Spurs go and sign another striker who is PROVEN at a higher level and poor ol' Harry ends up playing for QPR in the Championship/league one!!!

    Listen, at the moment Kane is still cutting his teeth at Spurs as a '1st teamer', and Poch is handling him well by giving Harry the cup games, as well as a few selected appearances 'here an there' in the league. My guess is that Poch likes the kid, like I do, but is still unsure of his actual capabilities (in the Big Time) and therefore is taking his development seriously and acting responsibly with him.

    Is he ready to surpass two International players of he calibre of Adebayor and Soldado, and become Spurs' leading light? Not unless he has become a young Ruud Van Nistlerooy/Alen Shearer since the last time I saw him play!

    The kid is progressing well, lets not rush it with any RASH decisions, eh?

    Going back to Soldado, for a moment, and I think it is EXTREMELY premature to suggest that he isn't suited to the EPL on the back of one difficult season. You would think some people would learn about making snap judgments, right?

    There were those who probably thought Luka Modric and Gareth Bale weren't suited to the EPL, after their respective starts to life at Spurs, either, and look what they went on to achieve in the English game.

    More recently people have suggested that Rose and Naughton were up to the task of playing in the EPL, let alone for Spurs, with the former, especially, now going about making an absolute mockery of those remarks!

    People were the same with Chadli last season. And this term he is the clubs top scorer.

    Younes Kaboul was 'past it' and 'never a captain' only a couple of weeks ago, before putting in an OUTSTANDING display of class, courage and leadership in the face of an onslaught (in terms of possession, territorial advantage and attacking intent) at the Emirates in Tottenham's last away game. Now he looks pretty good in that armband!

    The fact is, Roberto has NOT been given a chance to show us what he has learnt from last season, and/or what adjustments he has made in prep for this.

    For what it's worth, I actually believe that Spurs are better equipped to supply Soldado this term given that are more aware of his in game habits, and have also introduced another couple of clever passers of the ball, with good vision, in the form of Lamela and Mason, into the fold, this year.
    Last edited: October 9, 2014
  5. stevethespur Active Member

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    Also thought that Soldado should be given a run the team, but his performances of late in the europa have been really toothless. He doesnt seem to want to get in the box at all. Ade doesnt look like scoring at the mo but he does have alot of quality. I'd start Ade in the epl and have Harry to bring on if we're chasing a game or to replace Ade with 30 mins to go. Ideally i would like to see Ade and Kane play up front together in certain games. Harry looks like he has goals in him whereas Soldado doesnt. I just think Harry Kane should be more involved in the premier league games. Our striking options aren't ideal for club of our stature. We missed out or passed up on Remy, Welbeck, even Demba Ba went for a song. As it stands i feel Harry earned the right to be the 2nd choice striker at the club. Coys
    notnats likes this.
  6. big fran Guest

    For my money wholesale changes and over rotation of a squad in my opinion is a kop out and the worst form of management. It gives the manager the chance to distance himself from saying this is my 11 and if your not in it then you need to play your way in it. Come May the top four or five sides who all will have strong managers will be there due to not only having the best players but a tean that has a consistent spine and core of 7 or 8 players. Any idiot can pick 11 names out of an hat each week . As well as Kane has developed let's see if he's the real deal before letting him lead the line!!
  7. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    I don't think anyone gets any satisfaction in saying that Soldado isn't suited to the EPL or this club and the style we play, or in simply saying that he is just not good enough. Its very frustrating watching a player like Soldado, he's a likable guy and I think we've all been willing him on and at times he has also looked frustrated and disappointed with himself but I also have to ask the question, is he really doing enough ? to me he just doesn't look at all hungry enough when given games this year, nor does he look like a player fighting for a place. We've said it over and over, he needs to adapt to this game, and at this point in time he has not done that. yes he is good on the ball but I don't see a very good work rate or a willingness to really impose himself on a game, he wants it the way he wants it. unfortunately it doesn't seem as though he has much more to his game other than as a goal mouth poacher and that is simply not enough. Personaly the only way I see him in the team is if and when we play two up front but other than that does anyone really think Poch is going to change the style to suit Roberto ?
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Some very good points re Kane and cant disagree that Poch has a responsibility with the development of this young player and of course that he is indeed progressing well and that rushing him in could be a bit rash at this time although I don't think that giving a player like Kane a few games should necessarily see him as being promoted to first choice as such, its obviously not ideal at times to fast forward a young player but if we are going to have a policy of playing two teams then there should be opportunities for rotation based on form. No ones complaining about 20 year old Dier playing every game while Walker is out, Mason also looks like getting regular starts, his first against Arsenal, and although he's not necessarily first choice, he is getting some valuable first team games and im not sure why anyone would think that Harry isn't ready for a similar opportunity, he's shown incredible maturity and composure in front of goal so far. Ade looks like he needs a spell and not only that he'll be of to the African nations too so we need an able replacement. Give him a few games now, Kane is able....
  9. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Andros *sighs* the kid is pure dynamite.... It's as simple as that!

    Even if he didn't start against Arsenal, bringing him off the bench would have meant that there would've been every chance that he could have popped up with a piece of individual inspiration just like he did for England tonight.

    Because it doesn't matter who he comes up against, whether it is Chelsea, Arsenal or Man City, or the size of the occassion, Andros' approach is ALWAYS the same and that's why I'm such an admirer of the guy.

    The kid has a relentless drive and a fearlessness that ONLY the very best talents in the game possess. He is a leader within ANY group. He thrives on being the 'go to guy'. The one that other players look to, to make something happen, and for someone who is so inexperienced at EPL/International level that is such a rare quality.

    He revels in taking responsibility, and although he is NOT the finish article, there is SO much there to work with in terms of talent. He also seems like a kid who just wants to play football too which is great to see from a young man who is highly paid, and living in one of the most vibrant, temptation filled city's in the world.

    Attitude, mentality, talent/ability and impressive physical qualities, Townsend has EVERYTHING it takes to be a superstar. All that's missing is some guidance, be it from Poch, or the footballing guru that is Ramadan!

    Personally, I would NOT swap AT for ANY other young talent (23 and under) in the game, and I mean! Instead, I would choose to spend hour after hour on the training pitch with the kid harnessing what is already a extremely impressive skill set.
    But to be fair to Townsend, I think most of the work he needs to do can be done in the video room, because once he becomes a bit more intelligent in his play then the world would truly be his oyster.

    We can all say Soldado doesn't look up to it in the English game, and/or question his commitment, but anybody who saw pre-seaon would have a guy who was playing more like a youngish Wayne Rooney rather than a dejected, uncommitted Spaniard , in terms of his appetite and desire for the game. The Spaniard was EVERYWHERE, tracking back, making tackles, linking play, contributing assists and scoring goals. He was superb.

    And given that he played so well, especially in the tour of the States, he probably thought he would get a decent crack of the whip this season, which in truth hasn't really happened thus far.

    Of course it is still early days, but players such as Soldado need to feel that they have their managers full support in order to flourish, and at the moment he is probably thinking it's Ground Hog Day.

    Remember we are talking about a man who was THE star for his team in Spain, and who had developed a habit of scoring goals for fun. So to come to England and endure the kind of 1st season he had in terms of scoring goals (and by the mid/end of the season getting match time) MUST have feel like a HUGE come down.

    Soldado enjoyed an excellent pre-season under a new manager where his hope of more opportunities within the team was renewed, only to find he was back on the bench come the opening game of the current campaign. I mean the poor guy probably doesn't know whether he is coming or going, at the moment.

    He scored against Forest in the Cup, and although Kane scored the goal, up until he was substituted (wrongfully in my view) he was the best Spurs player on the pitch vs Besiktas.

    Listen, only Poch knows whether Roberto features in his future plans, and if he doesn't than it probably wouldn't be that wise to play him (depending on how you look at it). But if he does have a part to play in the long-term future of Spurs (beyond this season), I wish we would see him get a chance to prove he can replicate his form in Spain on English shores, as I have very little doubt that he can, given the backing and support from his manager.

    A Soldado who gets a run of games and a couple of goals to improve his confidence is a stone-cold, blooded killer in the 18 yard box. And right now, I reckon Spurs could do with one of those.

  10. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Ade is a bad apple who blows hot and cold when hes good he is handfull but when he is not he hamstrings the team- and is the latter more often than not.
    Soldado had a good record in spain, but was bought with absolutely no consideration to how we play and how he would fit the team or be equipt for the EPL.
    Kane back end of last season and the beggining of this season has improved a lot and at least offers a target, link up, power and most crucially goals. Also he is a team player wether it good or bad we dont carry kane unlike Ade or Soldado, and that would be my reasoning for starting him more frequently.
    The Crux of the matter is that while weve watched other teams buy up the proven delivering strikers we have done nothing and that is why we have a Toothless attack. Not just this summer but the last 5/6 windows and in total failure to do so is what has caused a lot of the problems we are in currently.
    The reality is we are talking up kane as our first team striker because hes showing more end product than our 2 senior strikers, and were supposed to be a 'big team' aiming for 'top 4' its embarrassing it really is!
  11. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Nice goal from Andros, well taken, pity we havn't seen that in a Spurs shirt yet, I dont see it as enuf to see him get a start at Citeh but who knows, good player off the bench to have as an impact sub.
  12. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I know who City defenders would rather play against out of Eriksen, Lamela and Townsend!

    Eriksen and Lamela tend to play IN FRONT of the defence, usually dropping deep to collect the ball, or looking for a pass into feet.

    Well, Townsend not only offers the team those options, but he is also willing to run beyond the oppositions back 4 offering a target for the ball over the top/through the gap, as well as being adept at taking his man on etc,etc, etc

    City's defenders, especially their full backs, will FEEL far more comfortable playing against the likes of Eriksen and Lamela who, although both are extremely talented, are FAR more predictable/limited in their playing styles.

    There is a MYTH amongst certain sections of (uneducated) Spurs supporters that say Townsend can't shoot, or shoots too much, but the truth of the matter is, Andros has a SUPERB shot (with both feet) WHEN he is well set/balanced to take the shot on, which isn't always the case.

    That is another thing I would talk to him about given the opportunity. 'Making sure he is properly set before taking shots on.'

    Whether he plays against City, or not, is up to Poch , who will ultimately do what he feels is best for the TEAM rather than any one individual.

    But Like I said, I won't be losing any sleep if either Lamela or Eriksen come back from international duty with a slight knock!;)
    Mattj78 likes this.
  13. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Some good news for Roberto Soldado and his lovely wife, a new addition to the family with birth of their son. We all have differing opinions on Soldado the player but on a personal level, and what he has been through, im very happy for him and his family. Well done
    Mattj78 likes this.

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