
Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, June 2, 2019.

  1. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    Clearly Felon you've won all that there is to win. It's been said before, but maybe this isn't the right team for you to support; since money isn't thrown at every problem. It's easy being a loud mouth of criticism, we got to the final on the CL and instead of acknowledging it; like some fans chose to focus on the was luck.

    The answer isn't always buying and selling, if it were United these last couple of years wouldn't be struggling. Some fans have become delusional, if you're unable to see the progress of the team under know nothing of the game. Go on Felon, why don't you tell us whom you'd really like to'd rather buy an award than earn it.

    If you've played sports, you can understand that players go through loss of form or confidence...if that's combined with injuries it's even more challenging. Usually most fans choose to be positive and cheer on the team.
    Spurporter likes this.
  2. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    What we want, what we know and what we fear....

    What we want - is for there to be some serious spend on new players, quality players, capable players, ready-made PL level (at least) to transform the team.

    What we know - that for several seasons now the playing side - fees paid and wages paid - has been on a shoestring relative to the other top teams, and even some of those who are not top teams.

    What we fear - that with the added excuse of huge stadium cost over-runs, we're unlikely to see the Club make any big ticket acquisitions this summer.

    Sure we've fallen away from the 2016-17 levels of performance. Teams don't last for ever, we've been lucky to have acquired so many players of good quality for no money (as well as spunking loads of dough on second rate players).

    As for what to expect. Well look at the Wan Bissaka situation. Sure we'd like him. £40m bid by MU already, starter for 10. Our chances, when he'll fetch in excess of £50m....Sweet FA.

    In truth I do think that the players have struggled progressively with the schedule since the World Cup. I watched the highlights of the Everton/Spurs 6-2. We were sharp, incisive, fit, clinical. Now we're not. Kane, Dier, Dele, Eriksen's form has all dipped - injuries, knackered, wanted to move on, whatever.

    Where does this ramble all lead - who the feck knows - a bit like our close season. Enjoy the summer you all.

    Spurporter likes this.
  3. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    This is not incorrect, yet it is a misleading statement. We are 3rd club in England, only LFC and MCFC are higher rated teams. We are the best team in London. We are not a mid-table team we used to be. There is no need to win useless cups to prove those facts.
    Just look at larger than Spurs clubs the Aston Villas, the Newcastles of the world. We could be one of those. Yet we aren't.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Right let's pick the bones out of this , do u think I don't support Spurs because I want more for them ?
    It really is a bizarre pov , I seem to be 1 of a select few that actually want us to win Trophies , wants us to stop making excuses , wants the board to put today's money into the football club that of the level that may not be quite City Chavs Utd but most definitely around the Scum West Ham Everton level yet that constitutes to me wanting us to buy Success?
    No it just means put better resources into the Team instead of this constant plead poverty routine to give us a proper chance.
    It's literally crazy those that can't get enough of failure have the audacity to call others negative , just think about that for a moment.
    If you genuinely think our performances this season really warranted a CL final then u are sorely deluded, it was great for drama but actual conviction we got through by the skin of our teeth.
    And now if we are on this upward trend and journey (if you believe that so) then you will be thinking a couple of big signings wel be back to claim it next year like Liverpool will you not ? Or will you admit our ambling about in the final was a serious 1 off for the foreseeable?
    Earned ? Or Circumstantial ? You can't have it both ways.
    And on your point of 'you'd rather buy an award than earn it' , what's the point of the new stadium and increased revenue if not to attempt to buy success like all the winning clubs do?
    You must've been over the moon with the last 2 windows with that mentality.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Seriously it pains me to say it but we are not the Best club in London when Chavs finished above us, have more European Cups than us including the biggest, Arsenal have more trophies than Chelsea , both have won more League titles, Arse hold record for FA Cups etc.

    Your Delusion knows no bounds!

    Sport is about Trophies , it's not Stadium/Training facilities Trumps.

    How on earth do you gauge what constitutes success that makes us best in London ????
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Jeez the delusion is off the scale today
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Careful Bazza you're in danger of being negative here , might have to support someone else ......
    Bazza47 likes this.
  8. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    It was in the past. Spurs made more money from UCL than Chelsea from Europa Cup. Money determine the success, not medals. Arsenal is in deep hole still. The next season may be different and I sure will join you in the ramblings about the owners, if we decline further, but as of today no one can deny the success Poch had. Luck or not. Football is a game. Luck follows those who deserve it, therefore. Otherwise, Barcelona should have played Ajax in Madrid and this article would be unnecessary ( I appreciate your authorship).
    Last edited: June 10, 2019
    Bazza47 likes this.
  9. palmover Active Member

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    86pts, 77pts, 71pts, spurs Pl points total over three seasons, it is obvious the team is regressing.
    Mp inherited a core of 7 top players and added 5, since that time the core players have aged, a few have left and at least one Ce, looks like he has played his last game for spurs.
    The Cl run to the final was out of this world, however, the performance in the final made me wish Ajax had qualified to the final as they play the type of football i appreciate.
    Mp is a lucky manager, i think his fitness based football is limited and don't think he has it in him to win a trophy with spurs either big or small.
    I don't have confidence that Mp will build a team to rival that of 2016/17, however, i do believe he can keep spurs in top4. Coys
    Felon82 and Spurporter like this.
  10. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    There's no argument about the levels falling away, but....if you don't refresh when all around you are, you will regress. Whilst Poch makes mistakes, he's not been supported by DL in anything like the level needed these past two years.

    I do fear for our ability to stay in touch for the next two seasons, before we pay down some of the stadium debt from the extra revenues. We should be "risking" £150m on at least three new players, regardless of our ability to move on the surplus will unwind in due course.

    However......will DL change the habits of a lifetime..I can't see that, can anybody....??

    Felon82 likes this.
  11. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I doubt it, although like Poch says in football anything is possible. Levy has a plan. He might have adopted it from AFC. Yet the market for talent is quite different than 20 years ago with transfer costs are beyond imaginable. All I know MP is on par with Wenger and can deliver on the plan. The difference in it that Spurs will avoid engagement in domestic cup competition, viewing winning there as a fringe benefit, since they carry no money currently compare to what it was for Arsenal back then.
    Levy had a big setback with revenues because of stadium delays. He can only blame himself for it, he missed fire protection entirely, assuming it can be done later. But now he is free and should dedicate himself to the team this window.
    After all, it is possible to conclude by now that Bale had been sold for the betterment of the club. Now the Eriksen sale may be as beneficial given that Poch is quite experienced and most important Spurs play in UCL.. The head of Spurs scouting (name escapes me) was retained, which is a good news.
    I don't think that this summer will tell the club future, because whoever will be acquired may only show off a year or so later. For that the core of the team will be kept for next season at minimum.
    Last edited: June 11, 2019
  12. Big fran Guest

    We seriously need to get in on this Wan Bissaka deal that's for sure..
  13. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Remember when Liverpool were runners up in the CL final and they went and bought a WC keeper & CB and some adequate squad members then the following season they finished runners up with 90+ points and winners of the CL ?

    Is Poch back from his holiday yet???
    Spurporter likes this.
  14. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Spurs are NOT couple players away from being a winners. We don't require a full blown rebuild, but re-tooling is due for sure. MUFC need exactly what we do. Plus more. They will beat Spurs at any bidding with ease. Except the goaltender, but to push Lloris out the door or even to the bench would require some nastiness from Poch. There is no clear choice G on the market.
    Have to be thankful that Chelsea and City are impleaded this window.
    Nothing will be done before Eriksen resolution, I suppose. We are in for the long summer. Again.
  15. Big fran Guest

    Let's have it right lads..
    We've been sold another big fat lie. The stadium was going to be a game changer. The money was there in the last two transfer windows and unspent so will be made available in this year's war chest. Club record revenues last year, world record this year. The window opens and what? Nothing!! Offering 50m for a player valued at 70m. Offering 40m for a player with an 88m euro buyout. I always thought we would know as soon as the window opened if we meant business or not. If the project had gone up a notch. A change in transfer policy.
    What happens now? I'll tell you what. We wait to try and sell all our useless deadwood that we can't even give away before we get active. We wait till someone hands over the paltry 25m for Toby. We try and negotiate top dollar for eriksen with only one year on his deal left on the back of an appealing end of season dip in firm where he downed tools and openly admits he wants out. Trying to get the same money as hazard are we for real. A proper match winner who just won the Europa league on his own even though he knew he was leaving for booger better things. We will settle for what Madrid want to pay and at the end of all that go and pick the bones out of the carcus of which is the transfer market leftovers from the real big boys. Then sign the sessagnon brothers and Daniel sturridge on a free.
    Same old same old.
    Bazza47, Felon82 and Spurporter like this.
  16. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    What big boys? Real Madrid? I have never expected Spurs to compete with Los Blancos. It lines up for us this window, though. It will be long in the sense Levy has to wait out on Madrid selections. If Zidane gets Pogba or Ndobile, Eriksen stays put. If they go after Eriksen, that is bad, but it will bring some clarity into situation. Without Eriksen decided one way or another, nothing can be done. Entire Europe is waiting for whom Zidane grabs for his MF. If He gets Pogba, Spurs will sign Ndobile and will keep Eriksen. If Ndobile is taken, then Levy will have to get Lo for what it takes or check if Barcelona grabbed Rabiot, sign him, if not, unless MU will come with offer. Once the largest signing is made the others, like Grelish or Sessagnon may be gone after and possibly RB to be signed. Bissaka is not going to happen, IMO. I am pissed that there is no G links for Spurs. We need un upgrade at goal.
    Last edited: June 14, 2019
    Bazza47 likes this.
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Not me Fran mate , ive been warning of this for years
  18. Big fran Guest

    Struggling to decipher much of that if I'm honest but GK is probably the last position that will be looked at.
  19. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Well, do you replace Eriksen or compliment him? It depends on Real Madrid. Do you replace Trippier or keep him and just replace Aurier? I expect Skipp and Foyt to become regular. Edwards may be up coming as well. They should plug some holes.
    Bottom line: No one will buy first and think later, something that Felon82 wants. We are not Real Madrid. Selling first, then figuring who will replace those sold will remain. Levy will spend much more, but he will not reverse that order.
    That is the reason for Spurs being quiet The reported bidding is exploratory, not a real intent to purchase at this point. I agree, there may be nothing left to buy later. That is how we were late two windows in the row.
    Last edited: June 15, 2019
  20. Big fran Guest

    In normal circumstances I would tend to agree but given we haven't spent in two previous Windows we can't afford another fruitless window especially given likely departures of 2 first eleven starters. Also add to that two back to back record profit figures the last being a world record there should be money to make the first two key signings at least. Strengthen in the area most necessary which is of course cmid.
    The sales of GKN CCV janssen and maybe wanyama ain't really going to bring in much £ worth waiting around for in all fairness.
    I say get the deals done for the two centre mids done ASAP then replace eriksen Toby and trippier when and if applicable. On eriksen I'd set a realistic figure than a pie in the sky one and a deadline for clubs to do the deal. If he stays then yes fine he will be useful squad member if not he goes with our blessing and alli plays in the no10 role and will flourish. The 60 to 70m then gets reinvested on a pacy attacker who will add goals such as werner pepe or reus.
    In respect of Toby like it or not sanchez will be his replacement so the 25m will only really be spent on a back up centre half of young promise or experience. Personally I'd go all out for maguire as he can play both left and right side so could eventually replace Jan.
    Spurporter likes this.

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