Nacer Chadli criticised for having 'no bite'

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by GarethMcKnight, March 8, 2015.

  1. SpursEd Guest

    Before we lend too much weight to comments made knobs like Steve Claridge, let's do ourselves a couple of favours. First of all Google him, he was a **** player. Second of all, have a little look into Chadli's stats (more goals and assists than Coutinho!). I do think that Chadli could improve, which I'm sure he will but I don't believe he's holding back.
    We are on the up. We're doing things that we've prayed for for years. We can win games from losing positions, we don't stop working till the games over. We used to lose games in the last 10 minutes, now that's when we're most likely to win them. Give this manager, team and Chadli time and watch how well they do. In the meantime, ignore the **** that's spouted by people who wish they were as good as Chadli.
    Mattj78 and stevethespur like this.
  2. As I was about to write, I didn't scroll through all the comments, but I didn't see any that might acknowledge that sometimes the defender has something to do with the opponent's performance. Just as much closer attention is being paid to Kane and possibly affecting his production (thank you for your brace on Saturday, 'arry!) so, too, the quality of our player must be weighed against that of his marker. Inasmuch as I always thought we should keep Caulker and dump Naughton, Chadli's play on the right meant he was matched up against Caulker, and that could help explain Saturday's efforts.
  3. I think you've nailed the reason Chadli might have been quieter against QPR - Rose allows him the freedom to cut in. It also gives him the freedom to "roam" as well. He's a great player when used right (my opinion).
    Mattj78 likes this.
  4. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    He has scored goals for us and will continue to do so. All these people having a go at Chadli yet going on about how Soldado is a decent chap!!!!

    The mind boggles.

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