Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

  1. Bingbong Guest

    The problem with the pro-Ange crowd is they can’t take any criticism. I like Ange and want him to succeed. I love that we are fun to watch again. Yesterdays match was lovely BUT this season has been occasionally very frustrating and wanting better game management/tactical flexibility does not mean wanting a return to the park the bus era of Conte and Mourinho. Can’t there be an in-between? Can we be a side that wants to dominate possession, outscore and outshoot our opponents while also recognizing the moments to dig deep and hold onto a lead? City did this to win the Champions League. They learned how to get more solid, be compact when they had to. We’re gonna have to learn how to do the same. Ange did that yesterday and it worked great. This season has been frustrating for a number of reasons, injuries, bad luck, not putting away chances, lacking that extra bit of quality in the final third, and also Ange’s tactics and lack of game management has been exposed. This is a chance for him to learn, improve the squad, and hopefully win a cup for us.
    voiceofreason likes this.
  2. I am pro Ange and think that everything you have said below is right. I would only say that while we are getting the squad right and developing the system we should expect there to be some off days. I think all the things you have said below will be things we will end up doing as existing and incoming players understand the expectations and style of the system and the system becomes second nature. You can’t do well in F1 because you can drive a car and the problem I see is far too often our fans want someone out too quickly. It happened with Nuno, Conte and Jose but they were playing some of the worst football styles we have seen in order to win. We are now playing exciting football, often risky but it is always good to watch and with the right squad additions it will lead to more wins than losses. We have just been severely impacted by both injuries and lack of chance conversion from our forwards but that will change as the squad improves, confidence grows and players become available.

  3. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Great post bing bong .i agree with your comments and it’s why I get frustrated with people thinking I only see negatives when I just want Ange to manage games better as he did last night.Its not rocket science
    voiceofreason likes this.
  4. voiceofreason Active Member

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    This is too zen for me- no idea what you are saying here? I’m pretty sure you have to be able to drive a car before anyone would think about giving you a position in F1 :)
  5. Lalalalamela Guest

    Haha, let me explain. F1 drivers, drive the same laps, of the same circuits, thousands of times to master their art. Just because you can drive a car doesn’t mean anyone with a driving licence could race in F1.

    Ange is attempting to change our culture and losing mentality by trying to install a way of playing and that means the players need to buy into it, practice it and implement in games. As we have seen, with the right players in the right positions it works, we just need time to build a squad capable of doing it in multiple competitions, every 3 days. That will come, just needs patience and a little more zen from our hyper critical fans

  6. Lalalalamela Guest

    But there is a way of saying it and more often than not your way of saying it is that Ange needs to leave now or the imposter hasn’t got a clue. That doesn’t represent what bing bong said at all.

  7. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    That’s because I am not convinced he can change and play conservately when needed.i am on another website and the opinion on Ange on that one is 50’50 to go.So I am not alone as you try to make out I am unreasonable.We just have different opinions and that is fine as that’s what the web is for (discussion)
    Last edited: January 10, 2025
  8. The kickback is rather simple. The big Aussie cheddar is simply the best thing that has happened to this club in many a year.

    And that is no disrespect to the Conte. Speaking of, don’t lump him in with the father of modern football antiquity thanks. Conte’s football was Italian circumspect, ball to feet, no long ball ****. It was a perfectly acceptable balance.

    Unfortunately, for us and him, Conte’s time here was truly cursed. I respect him for falling on his own sword in the end.

    Speaking of curses, the big Aussie potato is wearing the club’s karma like a sleeve. Decimated by injury both seasons he’s been here. We’ll be on our third head of football science soon by the way.

    He doesn’t need to learn anything. That’s pure arrogance from you. It’s actually time for the club to catch up to him. The big cheeseburger is a top manager. As he’s already shown when he has a fit team and without an overload of games for his threadbare team. Don’t be disingenuous about this. You promote too much stupidity from the Spurs fanbase in the process, as evidenced here.
  9. Angelos Guest

    Pray tell … what is this website?

    Sounds to me like a pack of blowhards who wouldn’t know what’s good for them or the club. Are they all lobbying for Thomas Frank?

    The vast majority of fans I see online understand how important this current manager is in terms of changing the trajectory of the club long term.
  10. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    What sites I pray do tell
  11. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    You really are a rude person .Everybody is entitled to an opinion whether you agree or not.No need for personal insults
  12. You know what they say about opinions … they’re not all created equal.

    And yours is not objective.
  13. What’s this website chief? We’d all like to know. And then we can give our opinion on it.
  14. And don’t talk about rudeness. You’re on a public forum here every second day assassinating another person’s credentials. You should wear it too.
  15. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I never use personal insults unlike you .Apart from today saying your rude
  16. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    The fighting **** and I am not you chief
  17. You publically denigrate the manager every day. Like at age 61 he’s somehow some f*cking *****. His experience/knowledge of football goes way beyond your ken. And he’s busting his arse every day for the club. So I consider your opinion very rude.
  18. Guesty Guest

    there's a game going on today.....
  19. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Gotta stick up for Preed here. I disagree with him 90% of the time but he is respectful with his comments to others. Yes critical of Ange but not in an abusive way.
    Let’s make the arguments more considered ?
  20. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Hope we don’t get more injuries today as theground is.a mess

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