Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

  1. Guesty Guest

    FFP will never affect those teams that regularly play in the Champions League……
  2. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Big day today.If rice and Odegard don’t play then we should be able to win today but we all know that we will concede at a set piece and then squander chances and get beat,if this scenario happens then we will be bottom half and serious questions will be asked.On the other hand a win puts us top six and sets us up for a sustained push.I believe that this match although early could define our season and a win is essential.My fear is Romero getting red carded.Funny how this fixture has always played with my feelings over sixty years and still is the one game that can lift the spirits or spoil the whole weekend.Come on you Spurs win for us today please and also spoil the experts tipping Arsenal to win the league
  3. Angelos Guest

    I agree. While we most certainly will play for the win, anything less than a draw here will be a disaster.

    I think we will play well enough to deservedly win, but then we did so at Newcastle and still lost there again.

    So yes, a very important fixture in more ways than one.
  4. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Not only do Arsenal have injury concerns but also they are coming off of their first dropped points in the season.
    If we can get a quick start and score early then I think this could be their equivalent of our game against Chelsea last season:)
  5. Angelos Guest

    I like your vibe. All in on Spurs to win.
  6. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Optimists are always welcome
  7. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    First half a repeat of everything so far this year .failure to get shots away and on target and the defence looking shaky.I hope Ange gets into them at half time and particularly Maddison who is producing nothing.Solanke looks too slow in reaction for me but maybe needs more fitness after injury.we need more energy in midfield or arsenal will wear us down and catch us on break.Ange needs to show he can inspire or questions will start this early
  8. Angelos Guest

    Can anyone from Spurs actually put the ball in the net?
  9. Anyone shoot Guest

    Disgraceful. Look like an amateur team at times when defending and crossing. And someone please explain why no one will shoot anytime we are in front of goal. No improvement at all despite the squad changes and Solanke looks like a CB playing as a striker. You know it’s going to be bad when Johnson starts and Werner comes on. Ange needs to adapt how we play or he will be gone
  10. Angelos Guest

    Another pathetic result. Dictate the pace of the game but offer less than zero in the final third. Then concede from a free header 5 yards out … off a corner no less.

    I might have to reassess my prediction for this team. We have an awful lot of **** players. Take away Ange’s first 10 fixtures and we’ve won 40% since. That’s Juande Ramos territory.

    Maddison … Johnson … **** players. Son overrated. Kulusevski so painfully slow. Solanke looks like the new Bobby Soldado. Vicario both cheap and weak.
  11. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Please get rid of Ange now.He will never be good enough for the premiership.We have mediocre players who he helped pick and he will never change his way of playing.Do you think he watched the arsenal back four on how to defend today because they are unfortunately the example on how to defend .Romero should be dropped as he has been responsible for at least 3 goals conceded at set pieces Arsenal do not concede .We need another way of playing as the first sign of madness is repeating the same thing over and over and getting the same result.If we are to get anything from Solanke he needs service and he ain’t getting it from Johnston or Son.A manager with some imagination would perhaps try Porro on the right attacking .Udogie has now become a liability and needs resting or a change of system which won’t happen under this pretender..Top 4 already a pipe dream
  12. Genevaspurs Guest

    The reasons for the defeat are multiple! It's not just Ange's fault.... First, it must be admitted that Arsenal's defense is excellent and is complicated to move. Then, apart from the weakness of Jonhson who is tiring by not offering anything good, it is with our full-backs and our midfielders that the problem comes! No power or creation or shots on goal which put the opponent in difficulty. Kulu in midfield is useless! There is clearly a lack of a powerful midfielder like Ederson from Atlanta who could have come this summer. In addition, players like Udogie and Porro brought much more offensively last season because when they came up, they were covered by the two central midfielders (Sarr or Bissouma). Today, with so many attacking and uninspired midfielders, it was almost impossible for them to leave their position to bring excess and surprise into the game. Ange must act in the management of his team and quickly!

    PS. For me, Gabriel pushes Romero on his goal with both hands and the VAR should logically have canceled the goal
  13. Angelos Guest

    The keeper was at fault for the goal … as Hoddle pointed out. Too afraid to contest a ball 5 yards out from his goal line … and not for the first time. He’s a real liability.

    You know I’m a big fan of Ange but if he keeps starting Johnson he should be fired. Either way, nothing is going to change. We don’t pay wages, which is why we only buy players from small clubs.
  14. Angelos Guest

    Today was no different to other games this season …

    Leicester … 15 shots to 7 … draw
    Newcastle … 20 shots to 9 … loss
    Today … 15 shots to 7 … loss … and that’s not counting the numerous shots we passed up time and again in the first half

    The system is good … the talent up front is utterly woeful
  15. Angelos Guest

    I’ll end by just clarifying something. While we don’t pay top wages, I am in disbelief by the amount of money some of our guys make.

    Johnson is on 70K pounds per week … 70K! I’m stunned such a hopeless footballer could make so much … only in the UK I guess.
  16. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I am in disbelief at the teams Ange is picking.We buy 2 very talented youngsters and sit them on the bench while 50 million waste of money Johnson gets picked every week.Gray was superb in preseason and played nearly all games at Leeds so give him a go he can’t be worse than our midfield and front 3.I was convinced we would at last turn these scumbags over but as usual we flatter to deceive.i know I will get the Lilly rose spectacles coming on for me but I believe myself and Felon both said Ange was never the answer.If you take away the first 10 games from last season we have been in bottom six form ever since.i criticise our defending but we are so weak I midfield and attack where every 50/50 ball is lost..I don’t know who could come in and change this mess but we need a new buyer who will pay wages to attract top players not championship standard.Can any one tell me when Maddison looked like the international footballer he once was.As you can tell from my rant I am so pissed off with this continuing rubbish being accepted by the Tottenham fans.
  17. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just had to listen to the experts on sky and I hate to say it but Merson was the only one talking sense .He was asked if spurs would win anything this season and he said no not with the crossing we do or don’t do.All the expert said that spurs crossing was the worst they have seen.I can’t believe Les Ferdinand is still saying Ange is the right man.We had at least 15 dead balls and not one was ever dangerous to the opposition.I suppose we will now make ten changes for Europe and the caribo and get stuffed in both.I will say again to those who still think we have improved our form over the last 28 games last year and the first four this year would have us in bottom 6.stop judging on the ten games last year when we played mostly dross to give you the impression that we are a top team.We are not and won’t be until Enic go .
  18. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    For all the faults in our team the one thing that really disappoints me is Vicario who I saw as a great keeper.He is a great shot stopper but so weak at set pieces.He is so easily blocked and is rooted to his line and that ain’t good enough for the premier league and not helped by lack of help from our so called defence.we have 4 internationals at the back but they do not have any organisation.Get a set piece expert in now Ange or suffer the consequences.
  19. Big Flange Guest

    But Vicario was cheap both in fee and wages. That's all that matters in Levyworld. The anchor tenants is now about the right place in the table.
  20. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Was Johnson cheap or gray.The answer is no .Gray was the fourth most expensive 18 year old and Johnson was way over the price for his ability as is Solanke.The fault lies with Ange and the director of football for buying sub standard players.We have paid good money for Van and Romero and Udogie.Dont get me wrong I am no lover of ENIC and would love to see them gone but the football being produced is down to the Managers poor handling of the players.I almost forgot we signed Maddison who had the supporters drooling but he is now one of the biggest disappointments.Levy can be blamed for the lack of investment in the team over the years but the last 18 months he has given Ange what he apparantly wanted.Maybe if we paid higher wages we might have got better quality who knows but I don’t think Tottenham put enough thought into their transfer policy as other clubs who seem to vet players who will fit in their system.I agree that Vicario was cheap and other clubs have better keepers on their bench.Finally can someone tell me which players have improved under Anges coaching cause I can’t think of one

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