Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

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  1. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Well arsenal won so thank god we did not beat city.Any way all this talk about champions league is purely down to money because we would have struggled to get out of the group as will Villa
  2. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Probably true that we would struggle but I d still like to have had a chance to see. Also champions league puts more pressure on levy to make the squad stronger
    And personally although I would hate Arsenal to win the league, id rather of them won and we got 4th spot , I care how far we can go , not how the others do
  3. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Season over so no more useless chat about the best two teams in the league.Just pray that some time in the future we might be in that company
  4. Danlevy Guest

    Funny how people are still talking about City, the team who are top, the team fighting to win the league and the team in form that actually needed to win the game. We didn’t lay down, we played well and the result wasn’t unexpected in reality. Let’s forget about that game and focus on what we have done this season.

    We played really well today against a poor side. 5th place is exactly what we deserved from this season and we are now really well placed to compete in a European competition that we can actually have a go at. The football this season has been way better to watch and has hopefully helped Ange identify exactly what he needs in the summer. The key now is the club must give the manager the signings and funds he needs and we must also move on a fair few. I’m also hoping that Mason moves on for the upcoming season and we hire a set piece coach to plug the gaps they have created all season.
  5. Skippy Guest

    Will never happen under these owners..not in a million years.
    2 seasons ago ars% al finished below us. They cleared out deadwood made signings and challenged for the title in the last 2 seasons. They will spend whatever is needed to get a proper number 9 this summer and they will go for it again next season. Their ambition is to win titles. We have no ambition.
  6. Thank God that’s over. A dreadful end to the season on all fronts.

    Looking forward to the new European formats next year. Lots of games to play and lots of different opponents. We should have had Champions League, but at least the Europa finally has some credibility again after ridding itself of that ridiculous parachute.

    Will be a very interesting summer. The club has done very well in the market for the most part lately, but will need to continue in this manner. We have some good pieces in place already and a good manager to put it all together. We will only improve.
  7. Guesty Guest

    well it's all done...... let's hope for a good summer transfer window.

    In the last few weeks Ange has looked like a man with a serious face and plans to put in place....

    let's do what we fans always do................. hope

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