Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

  1. Guesty Guest

    we don't have good enough FBs to play 4 at the back
    we don't have good enough WBs to play 5 at the back
  2. Hurrikane Harry Member

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    Glad to see Davies back, but prefer to see him and Emerson as WBs, when those two are fully fit
    Doesnt seem Mason has solved the Porro question, so going for a Liverpool win.
    I think we will show some but that back 8 looks too fragile. Will need our front 3 to put on a wonder show to get a draw I reckon
  3. Hurrikane Harry Member

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    As I said doesnt look like Mason has solved the Porro question. Hurry back Emerson
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Mason gone tonight and the tea lady in charge for rest of season
  6. Genevaspurs Guest

    Dier is a calamity and he doesn't deserve to wear the Spurs shirt! If Levy can't see that, it's either he's blind or Dier's girlfriend su@ks a lot of board members...
  7. Guesty Guest

    or board members members
  8. Hurrikane Harry Member

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    The attacking football is better under Mason, hope we can start to win games now.
    I expected zero points this week, so one is a start and we deserved two
  9. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Ignore the come back to 3-3 because it would hide the absolute CR** defending for the first15 minutes and the inability once again to defend for 5 minutes at the end as per Southampton.The only thing to really disgust me is that the goalscorer should not have been on pitch after his assault on Skipp.Please don’t start with the platitudes that Mason has shown he should get the job because he inspired a couple of comebacks because he ain’t up to it
  10. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    We need Levy to make a decision now about a manager who can assess this tripe and make plans for who goes and who stays.We must not offer Dier a new contract and we should not be wasting 35 million on Kulu who has reverted to his Juventus form.we should only take Lenglet at a cut price deal as a back up.I believe Kane will go and if he does we should try to tempt Brentford to let their prize striker join us.I am sure that there are far better defenders in the championship than what we have it just needs a recruiting policy run by someone who understands football not Levy
  11. Hurrikane Harry Member

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    I dont know if Mason is up to it, but hes got us playing good attacking football, which Im delighted to see
    If we win our last 4 then I will be hoping he gets the job permanently
  12. Hurrikane Harry Member

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    I thought Paratic was running our recruitment policy, doubtless in conjunction with others
    For me we should go back to our strategy of 10 years ago of looking for bargains.
    We cant keep wasting fortunes on players who are flops or mid table level
    I think Richie and Porro can come good in the right system, maybe 3 5 2
  13. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Why isn't Mason coaching these defenders better?
  14. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    God all we need is a few more like Hurrikane Harry to want Mason and Levy will probably give him the job.Why did the tactical genius put the useless Moura on to help defend.I understand Masons fury with Jota being on the field after his horrendous tackle on Skipp but no mention of Skipp being lucky for his first half leg breaker.Yes spurs look better in attack but that ain’t the problem .It’s the rest of the dross
  15. Hurrikane Harry Member

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    I never knew I had such power over the Spurs hierarchy. Maybe I should get a salary.
    I repeat if Mason wins our next four I'd be happy if he got the job, but I very much doubt I'll be on the interview panel
  16. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I take it you think we have a chance of winning 4 games in a row with our pourous defence.Mason would probably recall Winks.Please Levy grow a pair and make a decision now.He will wait until the season tickets are sold in case the supporters don’t want his choice.Please don’t give it to Mason nice lad not enough experience yet.
  17. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just an aside as I take an interest in how our women are doing and they also are cr**.I don’t see any posts from females on here and surely we have a lot of female supporters so why the lack of interest,All the other top teams seem to have an interest in a women’s team why are we behind as usual.LEVY
  18. The Conte Guest

    Another noble defeat? another noble draw at home?

    These are results against teams immediately in our wheelhouse… there is nothing to commend about them

    We give up goals like a relegation side… just when Spurs as a club should now be accelerating

    Some want to go back to the bargain bin? So we can nail down top 6 every year? This is the definition of institutionalised
  19. The Conte Guest

    Lucas will go down as a pretty good Spur… never quite lived up to his potential as a footballer but has a fair bit of talent

    Will also always have that night in Amsterdam

    But what an ignominious way to depart the club… for the love of God
  20. The Conte Guest

    Mason should not be given the job at this club!

    Nothing personal against him… but do we have any ambition for people to suggest this?

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