Manager, squad, owners

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Jesper, November 2, 2021.

  1. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    If you don’t think Kane is on the wane even after scoring goals galore in the bundeliga you are dreaming he no longer presses Angeball requires pressing England s problems startwith Kanes immobility
  2. England’s problems start with Southgate
  3. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Haven’t been here for awhile. I agree with preed about it being good business, otherwise we risk being like Portugal and shoe horning him in
    Also agree Hojbjerg is too good to go, not a starter but a great person to bring on- he won’t accept just that though- I love his 100% commitment

    anyway must dash, I need to contemplate agreeing with preed! :)
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Common sense at last ha ha
    voiceofreason likes this.
  5. No we need to move on the chuff … and bring in fresh blood, which seems to be what’s happening.

    Hjobjerg is a good footballer who can start in any of the top leagues. But he’s flatlined here a number of times when needed most. Time to move on!
  6. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Lo celso was good in the coppa America. I really rate him, Shame he has had some injury issues and then not pushed on. I’d like to see us keep him
  7. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    New season nearly here and we still don’t have a striker .We have done well in friendlies until today when Bayern out classed us.Fairly obvious we need striker now as Porro has scored more goals than our strikers.Please don’t get to day one with nothing happening as we will fall behind very quickly.Been impressed with bergvall and gray and Moore and lankspear look promising
  8. Angelos Guest

    Happy to see the club invest in good young talent. The future looks bright.

    But we need to strengthen the first team immediately with a couple of quality players. Otherwise it will be more of the same this season.
  9. Angelos Guest

    A rundown of our starting lineup and a prediction for the season ahead presented by Angelos

    GK Vicario … has talent … has weaknesses … ships a lot of goals … jury undecided

    RB Porro … quality fullback for the system … locked in

    CB Romero … temperamental at times but arguably the best centre back on the planet … locked in

    CB van de Ven … a physical marvel … still developing … locked in

    LB Udogie … see van de Ven … locked in

    CDM Bissouma … has talent … has weaknesses … mentality questionable … at his age … not good enough

    CDM Sarr … quality prospect … still developing … not top tier but maybe one day … decent enough

    CAM Maddison … has talent … but mercurial … good enough on any given day … jury undecided on his final level

    RW Kulusevski … has talent … great engine … but lacks quickness/agility … jury undecided … but doubtful will ever be world class

    LW Son … still quality on the edge … but approaching the end … best not used as an every day utility

    ST Richarlison … has talent … but mercurial … great engine … good enough if he can stay fit

    Some notable bench players:

    CB Dragusin … good backup … good buy

    CDM Bentancur … has talent … but mercurial … mentality questionable … decent squad player

    CDM Skipp … great engine … talent not good enough

    RW Johnson … great pace … talent middling … decent enough squad player

    LW Werner … has talent … great pace … mentality questionable … jury undecided

    ST Solanke … has talent … good fit for the system … but jury undecided

    Prediction (as things stand):

    An exciting season of gung ho attacking football with a fair share of ups and downs. Lineup will develop but is still not good enough to maximise the domineering philosophy of the coach.

    League: 4th
    Cups: None
  10. Big Flangr Guest

    Agree with most of yout summary apart from
    1, there is no chance this mediocre squad is getting anywhere near 4th. 6th at best imo. We cannot compete with no central midfielders.
    2. The football is not gung ho or exciting. Unless lack of movement, aimless possession and constantly giving the ball away.
    3. Sarr is 22. Not good enough. Doesn't score goals or create chances often enough can't pass and constantly out of position. Would not be anywhere near starting at a top 4 club or even a top 6 club with ambition.
  11. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Must agree that I am amazed that we look to strengthen at the back and upfront but ignore the engine room of midfield.Arsenal Rice and Odegard Man City Rodri and de bruyne us Sarr and and Bissouma chalk and cheese
  12. Guesty Guest

    we could certainly do with a proper CM before another Brazilian RB
  13. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Why is it all fans see this but the club do nothing.Is it poor management from Ange or lack of ambition from Levy.We could easily have got Gallagher and it looks like Locatelli is available with the right offer.Our defence quite rightly are criticised for its performances at times but a class holding midfielder could make a difference
  14. Angelos Guest

    I see no reason for this team to regress. It’s a young squad, and the manager is beginning his second season now.

    Apart from the two front runners last year, I don’t see too any great teams in the EPL. Either United or Chelsea may rebound, but I think Liverpool will slide. Villa and Newcastle are decent but still a step behind. So 4th may well be a conservative estimation.

    As for Sarr, he will turn 22 next month. He is still young. Is he the next Patrick Vieira? No. But he has talent, and perhaps more importantly, great athleticism, which we mostly lack. Give him another season before you hang him on the clothesline. He’s shown enough to deserve that.

    And yes the football is gung ho, which is a part of the reason we ship a lot of goals. The players are the ones not up to scratch.
  15. Guesty Guest

    I would get both of them in
  16. voiceofreason Active Member

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    It’s funny , most of us would agree with the defence assessment, although I think it’s harsh on Vicario, I think he had a great first season, needs to work on the being bullied from corners though!
    Having said that, lots of us have said we need a new defensive coach, certainly shouldn’t be Ryan, so is it just the coaching or is it more defensive help from ahead that’s needed? Bizarrely I think one part of Kanes game we miss, is his help defending corners, hopefully Solanke will do that as well.
    Not sure I agree with Sarr and Bussouma being the starting midfield, I still believe Bentacur is real class, hopefully he has got over the scars of the injuries and pushes on as the main pivot in there.
  17. Angelos Guest

    When you say a new defensive coach, what do you mean? A set piece coach? There could be some truth in that. Otherwise, the system is based on total football from what I can see, i.e., everyone plays a role in defence, everyone plays a role in attack … so defending is a collective responsibility as you intimated.

    My concern with Vicario is his lack of physicality, which is a must in the EPL. He’s a good shot stopper and his distribution is good but I’m not 100% sold yet.

    As for Sarr, we’ll have to see. I think he’s first choice because of his athleticism, which is a major plus in the centre of the park. I once rated Bentancur high but he’s had some serious setbacks. And honestly, shown himself to be a bit of a fool in the off-season. So for me the jury is out with him presently.
  18. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I see we have signed. Odobert from Burnley today.Not seen a lot of him but he did play for france at olympics.He is only young but apparently is a genuine winger and will pressure Johnson and Kulu.A lot of money for a young player when I still think we should be spending this money o n Locatelli.Wish the boy all the luck in the world maybe another Ginola
  19. voiceofreason Active Member

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    I thought I read that he is left winger, so pressure on son Werner and Solomon? Or did I read that wrong?
  20. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I think your right but he apparently can play both sides like a professional should be able to do

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