Kane gives Levy unfortunate New Year present

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, January 2, 2015.

  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    What a win! If yesterday’s conquering of Chelsea proved numerous things, one must be that old saying of how quickly things can change in the world of football. The back end of 2014 was a topsy-turvy rollercoaster, but a huge victory against title favourites Chelsea has brought about renewed optimism for 2015.

    Whether it was for Christmas or New Years – or maybe simply because we’ve suffered enough in 2014, what a present yesterday’s result was for us. But what was undoubtedly a joyous gift for Spurs fans across the globe, may turn out to be a somewhat, unfortunate present for not only the Spurs playing staff, but also Daniel Levy.

    The present of pressure

    We are currently in 5th position in the league, three points off United who are in third and still in with a chance of winning all three cups – while this is topped off by the belief that we are finally blossoming under Mauricio Pochettino’s management.

    So where’s the catch in this I hear you ask? The minor problem that lies within the upturn of our fortunes is what surrounds any football side who are in the midst of a good run – added pressure. Already, after our 5-3 win, fans are demanding more from the side in 2015 and are expecting us to push on.

    Many of us were in the mind-set of being content with a top eight finish at the start of the season. Now, with us being unbeaten in six, added by the drop in form from those around us, we can be easily tempted back into that trail of thought of chasing a top four spot – a pursuit that often ends badly for us.

    Kane ‘s present pulls on Levy’s pocket

    Daniel Levy has come under a lot of criticism in the last year, but we would be foolish to think that his job has gotten easier after yesterday’s result – if anything, it’s made it even more difficult!

    The pressure that I have mentioned above that will be on Pochettino and his players, will be just as intense as the pressure now put on Daniel Levy and the board. It seems that timing is everything, as yesterday not only brought about an impressive three points, but also the opening of the January transfer window.

    Pochettino has been in charge of our club for just over six months and for many, the win yesterday should be enough to convince the board that he deserves to be backed in this window.

    I have already discussed that in January player prices inflate, causing clubs to be hesitant in entering the market – even Pochettino himself said he didn’t want his chairman to do unnecessary business. But with renewed optimism and increased expectation, fans have a point in suggesting that we are merely one or two positive January buys away from evolving into a team who could mount a serious challenge on the top four.

    Pressure causes you to prove your worth

    A Harry Kane masterclass against Mourinho’s men has not only wowed all involved in the game, but has maybe added an element of needless pressure on our manager, team and chairman. Of course we should be delighted with such a result as the one achieved yesterday, but it will be interesting to see how the entire club react from this pressure.

    Will Daniel Levy break suit and back his manager this window in order to live up to this pressure, or will we be left to rue another bland January window come May? Either way, the very notion of pressure in football causes sides to prove their strong nature and worth – an aspect that has been lacking from our side in recent years.

    However, if we are able to resist that voice inside of our heads that speaks words of success and grandeur – the end of the season could bring about an overwhelming feeling of content, rather that underwhelming disappointment.

    We are often flooded with quotes from Bill Nicholson and Danny Blaunchflower telling us how good our club should be. But if we are able to brush them under the carpet and keep the pressure off, added with a little bit of Spursy sunshine – then maybe this team could go on and grow to exceed any expectations that we could have ever predicted.
  2. This is Spurta! New Member

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    Its a tricky one as we don't want to upset the slowly gelling team and the balance of the ever growing familiarity that is creeping amongst the players ,but we would be foolish if we didn't add some new zest.With DeYedlin stepping off the plane soon..we should see the back of BAE, Naughton,Paulinho and Adebayor.I'll be surprised if we don't put a cheeky bid in for Austin as Harry would take the money plus Lennon or Naughton.The thought of Kane and Austin upfront is quite a prospect.Maybe take some experience like Micah Richards whom is rotting somewhere.. What a waste.. Whatever happens we don't need to panic buy as the team is really starting to show potential. T.T.I.D
  3. koz Guest

    this is spurta, I think yedlin was at whl yesterday
    This is Spurta! likes this.
  4. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    All I know is after beating Chelsea Newcastle had hard time to stop losing. I'd give it some time before become an optimist. Read some Felon82's posts, it will make you sober...
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. big fran Guest

    Going to be a very busy window I would imagine with far more going out than incoming. Maybe a few player plus deals. Can't see a striker coming in really with Harry's form and only playing the one up top. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see delph come in.
  6. This is Spurta! New Member

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    Delph?.. What makes you think him?..Cant see how a Ashley Young wannabe would enrich our squad.I just wish Bastian Schweinsteiger suddenly found out that his Dad was really Christian Ziege and made the move to the Lane ( its nice to dream).. You're right about changing fortunes. 2 months ago we were calling for Maurice to go..now we can't wait for the next match!!
  7. Uatu Guest

    There is no misfortune generated by Kane and his team-mates helping Tottenham win games.
    What is pressure? We cannot know what others are feeling in terms of this "pressure" or how they will manage it.
    Many will agree with the article that expectation brings pressure that will be detrimental to the players/manager/management. Each of them will manage themselves differently. I reckon that the likes of Pochettino can manage himself and will do a good job managing the players as and when Tottenham appear more successful.
    As for Daniel Levy, he has been around a long time. I reckon any pressure he is feeling is broadly at the same level he has felt over the seasons. A win, several wins, will not change that.
  8. Hotspur24 New Member

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    To coin a phrase -' Its a funny ole game'!! Only 1 month ago we lost 3-0 to chelski and then drew with Palace at home, and we thought this was the end of the world. Since then something has changed big style, whether its the fitness regime coming to fruition, or the fact that poch is sticking with a regime and team that is constant. I for one was behind poch, what would we have gained by sacking him? Its games like yesterdays that maybe, and time will tell, that we have found a quality manager. Hopefully the club will support him in the transfer window to push us top 4 or else we could lose the likes of eriksen and lloris - 2 match winners, along with Kane of course. I want us to keep Soldado, so he can prove is worth-im sure he would have got goals the way we played last night!!!! Ship out the dead wood and roll the sleeves up, and lets see how we do. Top4 and a cup treble will do for starters. COYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Jim Guest

    What? I'm not sure I understand this at all. So, basically, what you're saying is that beating Chelsea was a bad thing? We won, it's looking a lot better. Isn't that enough? Stop over analysing. It's Burnley next in the Cup. That's it.
  10. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    Levy should back Poch and whichever players he wants to bring in. Players like Morgan Schneiderlin or Jay Rodriguez fit his style and shouldn't though off the balance on this team. I'm starting to like our back 4, but I still do feel we need someone to command our defensive mid. Morgan would add such stability to our play and enhance our possession of the ball. In this window lets go for those players that can help this campaign, also try to offload some of the ones we don't need.

    Ade, Naughton, Paulinho, Lennon
  11. Michelle Guest

    I always find this sort of comment funny. But then after so many years of frustration I guess I can understand the fear. If winning causes high stress levels then please tell me what losing does? As the game is about winning(sorry Danny) I fail to see the point. Winning gives confidence and we have played the last 135 mins with such and it really did show as I have never(since the preFerguson days) seen MU panic as they did. The only reason Chelsea scored three was because Fazio wont run back even after a mistake(he merely jogged) and although hazard had a blinder, it was mistakes in defending, not great Chelsea teamship that gave them three.
  12. Crewey Guest

    I for one won't being getting all hyped up. We've played poorly during this run with the exception of Newcastle(cup) and yesterday's result against Chelsea. The most interesting thing for me is that if we conceed a goal our heads don't drop like last season. We seem to have a bit more steel about us, a willingness to roll up our sleeves and turn the result around.
    The rest of the contenders have been equally as poor which is why we find ourselves lying in 5th. I'm really excited to see what the rest of the season brings. were still in with a shout of the top 4. We won't bring anyone in during January that will improve the team we never do its not levys way. He certainly won't get all giddy about beating Chelsea 5-3.
  13. Spurs Nut Guest

    Agreed. One game at a time.
  14. Neil Guest

    Agree with this article. The first objective was to identify the right players. Make them fit to compete at the highest level as a team. With the Chelsea game we have achieved goal 1.
    However, to just waste money on a spending spree that may or may not enhance the current squad will only deter the likes of Levy in future from investing.
    Poch needs to prove himself with the resources at hand and what he can bring to the existing squad. Perhaps a cheap sticker in Jan i.e Austin or Ings or Ponce to take the pressure of.
    Sell more of the deadweight Lennon, Adi, Vlad, Kaboul, Paulinhio and maybe even Townsend to desperate clubs in Jan.
    But in Summer.
    With Poch I expected a three year project. I've waited 32 years, I surely can wait another 2!!
    Pickleman1967 likes this.
  15. Specialist Guest

    Probably the daftest post I've read this year (ba dum tish).

    Honestly though, why should we be afraid of the pressure of expectation? As it stands the players put that pressure on themselves. We didn't ask them to do so well. But they have. Should we now say "ok lads you've done well, ease up a bit so we don't expect so much out of you?". Or should we not be content with simply being ok and instead try to go back to those glory days that inspired not just a generation of Spurs fans, but football in general?

    "Kane gives levy unfortunate new years present". Bill Nic would be turning in his grave.
  16. Royalspur New Member

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    The only headache levy should have is how much to put Harry's wages up by, because we all like to think he's one of our own but sadly footballers are not fans , so get him on a fat contract now, hopefully moussa has now realised he can't just stroll around the park as we have options, coz when he's at his best he's top drawer too, feeling really good about this season COYS
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Right lets bring an air of realism to proceedings here-

    We will not be buying anyone of any note in this transfer window doesnt anyone remember Saha & Nelsen gate?

    We may pick up a freebie or contract rebel if Ming thinks he can turn a profit on it that will be it.

    IMO i think weve had some luck and have now stumbled into some form, the real reason were in with a chance of top 4 is Lloris, Kane, Eriksen and a very poor league this year.

    We need to trim the squad of some wage thieves as a main priority to free up space for players Poch actually wants to execute his Philosophy which will only be purchased in the dying moments of august this year.

    Come on people you should know how it rolls by now???
  18. johnnyhrvat Guest

    Pressure to get a top-four spot. Many fans now think we can go on and win the league, until our next poor performance, when they will be on here with the usual 'Poch out', 'Levy out', 'tea lady out' etc.
    There will be no good buys to be had in January - what club wants to sell their best players mid-season?
    We should be selling all our over-ripe excess at bargain prices just like down the high street. Sell, sell sell! Everything Togo - Africans, South Americans, even the odd European!
  19. GRIMBO Guest

    Been very impressed with poches tactics in the past few games, and our increased fitness levels are really beginning to pay dividends.
    I think we are a much more positive side without lamela playing, a lot more direct and forward thinking. Let's try and give that Chelsea beating team a consistent run of games, it finally looks like townsend, moussa and rose have realised they can't just stroll into the team with a half hearted performance.
    As for the transfer window it's easier not to read the media ****. I think we will get rid of 2 players and I would love to see us bring in another striker but I'm not sure that will happen.
    Upwards and onwards. COYS
  20. Hotchpoch Guest

    With Levy trying to mug off Swansea with a £5m sale price for Naughton. I can't see anything being negotiated for the others in this window. Gary Monk only has to look at Hull, Fulham and Portsmouth before them to see the true value and level of our cast offs.

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