It can't go on ......

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, November 11, 2019.

  1. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Sorry, but who exactly has Pochettino transformed into a top-class player in his five year stint? People used to credit him with making Kane into a world-beater, but the signs were already there under Sherwood, and what about Soldado and Janssen? No transformation there, obviously.
    Alli was better when he first arrived than now, while none of our defenders are as good as they used to be, even Sanchez at 23 being no better than when we paid not far short of a world record fee for a defender back in 2017. I suppose I have to concede Sissoko, but it took two years of total dross before an adequate player emerged, and he's already showing signs of reverting, so it's only half-a-mark there. If we're relying on Pochettino's highly questionable ability to transform our collection of sows' ears into silk purses, then the future is even bleaker than I feared!
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  2. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Totally bad example. Sissoko CAN beat opponents one-on-one. So he IS worth a premium price, although at the time he cost too much. Sissoko COULD leave a fullback on the floor. But that was it. As soon as the ball leaves his feet it goes into space. Sissoko cannot control his shooting or his crossing. Only ground passing he can do. Winger who cannot cross properly is one dimensional and easily predictable. With Sissoko everyone and their mothers know he will not shoot or cross and will try to go around the opponent. With Salah there are plenty of choices. But who knew that about Salah? Mourinho missed that talent. So Sissoko should have cost less, whilst Salah or Mane should have more. Mane price is 120 millions or more today, market has changed. If Mane out, so will be Liverpool.
  3. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Eriksen, Dier, Dembele, Bentaleb, Tobi, Sanchez, Trippier, Rose, Wanyama, Sissoco, Dele, Lamela, Son. Poch do not develop strikers. No one does , really.
    Last edited: November 12, 2019
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Dier bentaleb Wanyama Lamela rose trippier we’re at Tottenham when pochetino was appointed and he has not turned them into top class players .if anything he has made them worse as he is gradually doing to Kane. Please spurporter think about what you are saying before trying to justify your devotion to the tinker man
    Bazza47 likes this.
  5. Cheshuntboy Guest

    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this - the only one of those players who's better now than a few years ago is Son (and I certainly don't credit Pochettino with his development - he showed character by fighting for his place after being overlooked, or played out of position), while all the others were either better before they signed for Spurs (Dembele, Alli, Lamela), or had one or two good seasons and then regressed (just about all the rest), none of which reflects much credit on the manager whose job it is to get the best out of them. As I said, you've got your opinion, I've got mine and there's no common ground, clearly. I'm right, though!
    Bazza47 and Gordon Mc like this.
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    You been at the wacky backy or something ????

    Just having Lamela on that list completely loses any credibility let alone Bentaleb.

    Must be some potent sh;t
    Bazza47, Thomas and Gordon Mc like this.
  7. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the names on that list certainly makes me think that they've undergone changes alright, only not for the better. Some are shadows of former selves, others are no better than they originally were, so we have, basically, a squad worse than it was four years ago. Who knew, eh ?
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. Thomas Member

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    When Pochettino came to Spurs, we had the youngest starting eleven. Young players who get the chance to play will improve their game. While I can't say that Pochettino don't deserve any credit, I certainly don't believe he deserve all the credit.

    Sanchez came to Spurs and slotted right in and had a wonderful season. Bench him and look what happened? Continue doing that to Moura and we'll see Pochettino coming out publicly to say that for some reason unknown to him Moura has regressed.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  9. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Preed, Cheshuntboy, Felon82, and Cordon Mc, you all are making the same mistakes. Development of the player is an acquisition of new skills and abilities under the coach tutelage, whilst getting the best out of his players, is merely ability of the coach to maintain his players form. You mix the two in your comments. It is obvious that Poch doesn't get the best out of his players currently, but it doesn't negate the developing they all underwent under him. You are simply frustrated that Spurs are rubbish at the moment. and seem to be able to find a scapegoat in Pochettino.
    Bentaleb and Lamela are/were performing adequately in THFC and Shalke 04. They are top-class players, therefore, by definition. They are not a world class, however.
    Wantyama is currently not top-class, but was developed by Poch at Saints and Spurs and was top-class for awhile. The rest on my list were developed into top class, except for Son, who arrived as top class and became a world class player under Poch.
    Last edited: November 14, 2019

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