In defence of Daniel Levy, Tottenham's ‘necessary evil’

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, November 22, 2019.

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  1. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    What party are you referring to spurporter this is a football club not a political party election.Why do you keep on about pochetino rebuilding which he didn’t do .He just improved the fitness of the existing players and changed the formation susccessfully for a time.Most of the players were already here under Sherwood who was the one who brought in Kane and it is no surprise that as Kane has tired results got worse.Kanes form hid so many deficiencies in the squad
    Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  2. Big fran Guest

    See the wolves are out already for Jose. Proper sad really I get the impression some actually want us to lose so they can say I told you so. Well they can't 3 wins out of 4 and goals galore. All the defiencies are still there, and there is no magic wand it will take time to re assemble this poor unbalanced squad. We will get there.
    Thomas and Felon82 like this.
  3. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Fran - my "wolves" aren't out and if your post is aimed at me then you're misreading badly; Of course Mourinho is only four games in, it'll take anyone, never mind him, a damn sight longer to sort the mess and I'm sure he can improve things. Posting that Wednesday night was awful - and it most certainly was - and Mourinho, not my ideal choice, has a lot of work to do hardly qualifies as a "Mourinho Out" moment. I don't think so anyway.
    Last edited: December 5, 2019
  4. Big fran Guest

    Not aimed at you my mate just in general that's all. No offence meant.
  5. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Common, Big fran, you cannot be serious WSLT!
  6. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    In Mou we trust!
    Until he lasts.
  7. THFC Guest

    I’m actually surprised at how difficult it is for some of our players to actually control/pass a football.

    These guys are paid thousands each week and are quite simply stealing a living. If they were employed somewhere else to do something else and performed their job as badly as they do, they would have been fired by now.

    Sanchez - complete liability
    Aurier - has no positional awareness/tackling ability
    Dier - can’t pass
    Rose - could be any player from the conference at left back

    it doesn’t matter what Poch/Mourinho try to do, unless we sell all of the above players and sign some defenders who can actually defend, we will be stuck in the position we are in now.

    The blame lies squarely with Levy & Enic.
  8. THFC Guest

    Oh and Sissoko is class...poor bloke gets played in every position possible and covers all of the gaps that everyone else leaves behind. He is one of the few players who gives 100% every single week and for me should start with Ndombele. The reason his touch let’s home down is because he usually ends up with the ball after he has chased 100 yards to win it.
    voiceofreason likes this.
  9. Jesper Active Member

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    In theory it is easy to own a club: Hire a great manager, hire a great scout, buy only great players, build an amazing stadium. In practice there are few owners who get great results.

    Which owners of clubs who either are in the EPL now or has been in the EPL during the past 10 years have done worse, the same or better?

    In my opinion the owners of Liverpool, Leicester, Wolves seem to at present have done well for their clubs. The owners of Arsenal, West Ham, Everton, Newcastle, Fulham, Watford, Man Utd not so well.

    Striving for better is good, settling might lead to mediocrity but chancing/risking it might lead to something really bad...

    & yes, I am also tired of waiting for a win of a cup or league. Hopefully it will happen soon :)
  10. palmover Active Member

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    Man.u have beat chavs, lester and drew with pool, they do well against teams who come at them allowing them to unleash their pacey front line on the counter, they struggle with the lesser teams who sit back.
    Man.u were the better team, however, the goals spurs conceded were non league standard.
    JM gave the reason why he played sisoko/ winks in the midfield, and it's likely sisoko won't play there again. Spurs need a Dm, Matic's name is being mentioned, i would like a young fresh player, however, as a stop gap it may help spurs get through this season.
    There is no shame losing away to Man.u, however, losing at home to burnley is another story. Spurs to win 3-0. Coys
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Take a bow Sonny

    What a goal !!!!!!!

    5 goals
    And a clean sheet ????

    More bus parking please
  12. voiceofreason Active Member

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    And who is this Sissoko making runs into the box, not afraid to shoot and also able to shoot on target
    Thomas, Remy Uwilin and Felon82 like this.
  13. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    What a great goal from Son and a good all round performance.Does anybody know what Mourino has against Decelso.5 -0 up and he doesn’t get on.If he doesn’t trust him he should cancel his loan and let him play somewhere else..Is it because he can’t play the defensive side of the game and we have a lot of attacking midfielders.If he could play defensively he could replace the non passer Dier but as I said a good win but we still look vulnerable in defence and hopefully given time Mourino will sort it out
    Bazza47 likes this.
  14. palmover Active Member

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    Jm had to stable the ship and stop the rot that had set in, and he has done that winning 3 out 0f 4 prem matches. Considering Jm hasn't had much time to train the players the improvement in how the players are performing is obvious.

    I like the way JM use's the players strengths, a few examples are: Toby's long passes. Son playing wider, Lucas playing wider, Dele closer to Kane, Kane told to shoot on site, Gaz kick early and long,

    Jm's most amazing feat is to transform the barn door hitting sisoko into a player who looks like he won't miss, he was unlucky not to score a brace.

    Jm has inherited an an balanced squad with a few injury prone players and a few who want out, it's nice to win 5-0 with CE not playing, hopefully spurs sell CE, lamela and wanyama in Jan should raise 40m, enough to buy a quality DM.

    Dier played better yesterday, however, he is the only player who fits the Dm profile and needs competition. Tanguy, sisoko, locelso, winks and skipp can all play cm, locelso can also play am. Depending on how Locelso and skipp get on spurs may cash in on winks in the summer.

    I am hopping that parrot can be a genuine back up to Kane, time will tell.

    I would keep toby and maybe verts, however, rose has to be moved on and replaced by a quality left sided defender.
    Felon82 likes this.
  15. Thomas Member

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    Levy vindicated. Four wins out of five. Players are beginning to play with enthusiasm again. Even Sissoko is scoring! I particularly like Jose starting Moura and playing quick attacking football which is delightful to watch.
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  16. Guesty Guest

    Nice gesture from Mouriho to give the match ball to Parrott.
    He's getting our buzz back
    Bazza47 likes this.
  17. Jesper Active Member

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  18. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    It seems to me; we can enjoy what JM has brought to our squad and also appreciate Poch for past memories. No need to put anyone down.

    That was a great win, nice bounce from midweek defeat. Let's keep this momentum as the games come thick and fast during this period!

  19. Cheshuntboy Guest

    I sincerely hope you're right, but the reaction to the United defeat shows how much some of the die-hard Pochettino fans want Mourinho to fail, regardless of the effect on the club. There are bound to be setbacks, but there are grounds for optimism that certainly were missing a few weeks back, so let's hope for a lot more Burnleys and no more Colchesters!
    Thomas and Remy Uwilin like this.
  20. Thomas Member

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    Sad that many choose to live in the past instead of the present, choosing to cast doubt on present to glorify the past.

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