Hard to take only 1 point at Goodison

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, January 3, 2016.

  1. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Thought we were great in the 1st half, so nothing new there.
    Outclassed them, went behind, recovered it, looked quality, had little luck, so nothing new there.
    Tom looked out of his depth and Harry looked weary, so nothing new there.
    9 draws....nothing new there and a real worry, as those dropped points are going to really work against us...a better conversion and we would have been alongside the Gooners....that's something new.
    I feel we desperately need a fast, young, mobile striker, a central midfield player ( Bojan...apparently a £10m release clause) and a winger....in that order of priority. Surely with the new Sky deal not far away some money to help secure top 4 is a no brainer.....
    Except to DL.....nothing new there.
    notnats and Felon82 like this.
  2. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Bojan is not a bad shout as a back up to Harry.
    Last edited: January 4, 2016
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Charlie Austin is still viable in my opinion.
    And Shane long.
    Bazza47 and notnats like this.
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Im actually quite baffled that many fans are happy and think its acceptable to 'make do' with make shift 'strikers', surely after all this 'off field' success weve been dining out on we deserve to have a proper back up Striker???

    Notnats hit the nail on the head about
    'every other club on the planet'
    And the whole second fiddle cant be a quality striker is nonsense we need competition/cover/rotation/rest in all positions.
    Harry is a monster fresh but was evidently tired yesterday and with 18 more Prem games ahead and if we're serious about the cups there has to be some give.
    The draws are mounting up because we are not able to make our dominence count, we nick a goal then struggle because the opposing defence shuts up and works out how to close our threat down.
    We are not cutting defences up and creating chance after chance theres only 2 players who regularly get into threatening positions Kane and Alli, after that the dangerous forward movement is very sparce from the rest and this is where it all becomes stale.
    We need direct hungry pace/power to introduce in attack not players that hold onto the ball too long or choose the safer ball every time.
    We also need a striker either big and powerful or like a relentless terrier to alter our dimension when going forward.
    They dont have to be 30mil + players they just have to have them type atributes and be competent at them.
    Nomadico and notnats like this.
  5. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Who's up for a game of 'The Ram Told ya so, then!'?:cool:... lol

    Nah, we'll save that for the next time I'm in town, eh!?

    What I did want to say though is that anyone criticizing the performance of young Tommy Carroll CLEARLY did NOT study, analyze or even ,merely, pay attention to the game.

    Because up until the point where he got booked and appeared to physically tire, at around the 65th - 70th minute mark he was absolutely OUTSTANDING in the midfield and, for me, was Spurs' BEST player.

    I mean, in that 1st half, in particular, Carroll put on the kind of display that had The Ram purring.

    Listen, I too doubted Tommy could cope with the physical demands of the EPL, and he still has much to prove, but the thing is playing in Pochettino system does NOT require you to be of large stature, as long as you are mobile, intelligent, hardworking and tactically aware.

    Putting on a display that oozed class, composure and intellect, Tom dictated the game with almost effortless ease. Yes, he was afforded too much space, at times, by an Everton side unsure of how to cope with the fluidity and frequent interchanges within Spurs' system, but he still had to make the most of it...and my word did he!

    Head CONSTANTLY on the swivel after EVERY pass, the young midfielder probed an Everton defensive line, from various areas of the pitch, with both purpose and menace, making each distribution of the ball mean something.

    Like I said, playing in Pochettino's style is more about nicking the ball, interceptions and forcing errors by apply intense pressure ( on the ball) rather than too many over indulged physical duels.

    And in that regard, Tom did a SUPERB job in winning the ball back for Spurs on PLENTY of occasions.

    I even remember one incident where Lukaku was racing away after a break from a coner only to be tracked stride for stride and easily shrugged of the ball by no other than TC, himself.

    The kid was, and has been, VERY, VERY impressive in recent games and it is no wonder that Poch decided to leave him out for there for 90 mins, despite him apparently suffering from fatigue, and already being a booking. Because although I would have taken the kid off after 70 mins, he deserved to try and finish of the job. He'd earned it!

    Look, I could rave for hours about that performance from the young English man yesterday - The pass & movement, the appreciation of space, the vision, the awareness, etc - but I won't.

    What I will say though is, is that Poch WON'T be rushing Mousa or anyone else back IF Tom can maintain, and even exceed, that level of display.

    It REALLY was top-class from a guy who probably hasn't even got 30 apps in the English top-flight, and only goes to further highlight the depth and options Mauricio Pochettino now has at his disposal.

    One of the reasons I stated that Pochettino was 'SPURSFECT' for Tottenham job was that he has a PROVEN track-record of improving players, and I think Tom is just the latest in a LONG line of players to have benefitted from the Argentines arrival.

    Brief insight into what I felt about the game, and what I told the lads via Twitter:

    Very impressive AWAY display in which we made a good Everton side look ordinary.After 3 straight wins, its a good point...

    ...We must be aware not to over commit (players) looking for 3 pts after working so hard to level the match, at a tough ground.

    ..Everton ONLY got their chances when we did this. Ambition is needed, but so is the nous to know how to leave with something.

    ...Very good display though, in which the team showed we have a bit of everything! Technically, physically & mentally. #COYS

    ....The Ram, has returned... :cool:
    Last edited: January 5, 2016
    Nomadico and Mattj78 like this.
  6. 71yid

    71yid Member

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    Agree wiv most of the comments here. Spurs very unlucky 2 only come away wiv a draw against an Everton side there 4 the takin on current form... Especially wiv Martinez (Wigan like) defendin. A quality or indeed decent striker playin alongside Harry wud, i think, have fin the job 4 us on this team performance...so many chances n yet again we struggle 2 kill teams off. Mite make the differance between where we r now n where we cud....jus cud...possibly b come may. Like i said b4 in previous comment, there prob wont b a betta chance 2 achieve sumthing very special this season. Leicester games both cup n league will b interestin especially squad selection. Keep the faith anyway.. COYS
  7. guesty Guest

    I think you mean to replace Harry....rather than play alongside him.....as it is clear Pochy only plays with one up top
    I don't think Pochy would have taken off one of the 3 to put on another striker.

    I still don't think Pochy will be too bothered if we don't get another striker.....as long as Son can fill the place...and Njie when he is fit. ....for me though we need another quality one....as I agree.....Harry needs a rest
    Ramos43 and Mattj78 like this.
  8. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I believe poch will want someone who can play alongside Kane as well as back up. He is not rotating much and it is clear he believes in a winning team being kept together with only the odd change required.

    Now, at the risk of saying that my friend had a point, I have been back and watched the Everton game again, paying particular attention to young Tom Carrol. Watching the game initially, I felt Carrol was not great although I don't agree that he was as bad as some are saying.

    Having been back over the game, he actually played very well. He did give the ball away but when he did he tackled back, won the ball back and got us moving again. Remember, he had had little game time.
    He also came back in front of the back 3 , collected several balls and played some delightful passes out to Walker and linked the back to the front really well.
    He marshalled Barry well and he really did have a good game. Yes he made errors but he rectified them showing desire and commitment.
    He kept Barkley quiet for the most part with clever positonal play and it was only when Everton changed the set up with Belic that Everton grew into the game.

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing but Iam glad I went back over the match again.
    Not every youngster can be Delle Alli. And nor should we expect them to be.

    Carrol played well. If you don't believe me, go back and take a look , because in that wonderful hindsight, I think Carrol was at the centre of our best play and our attacking intent came through him and his desire to get on the ball.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  9. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    I will take your word for it Matt,I slated Carroll and if I was wrong I'll hold my hand up,I really hope Poch will rotate for the cup match,Kane and company need a break...COYS..
    Ramos43 and Mattj78 like this.
  10. Big fran Guest

    In regards to Tom Carroll who I have long been a fan of (shades of modders) every team needs a scapegoat which was previously Lennon how that came to bite some on the ass ha ha!!
    People especially the uneducated will always hate I'm afraid.
    Ramos43 and Mattj78 like this.
  11. Big fran Guest

    On the contrary I definitely meant play alongside(in some games and scenarios) ie teams that play 442 Leicester Watford palace. Games like Everton where u throw an extra forward on to stem the flow of Everton in the last 20mins perhaps drop Kane into the no 10.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  12. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Responding to many of the faces here, whilst I don't have the benefit of re-running the match to see how Tommy played, I would give you my perspective on him.
    I always look for the best from our young, home grown players, for positive signs that they can make the grade. From Harlow originally I remember a young lad who played for my next door neighbours team. Ron Underwood was the manager, Glenn Hoddle was his name.
    I look for signs, signs that show that he can perform with the best, at a standard we aspire to as a club and as their supporters. Top 4 PL standard. He doesn't have to be like the Messiah.
    The difficulty is how do you give him time to become better, and stronger, in the cut and thrust of our first 11....I'm not sure we've got the time to develop him through the PL. Cup comps, sure, but with our inability to convert scarce chances into extra goals means we can only really get into the top 4 with our very strongest squad playing EVERY week. Not realistic of course, which is why we need probably three extra players in the window. We can then allow Tommy, Onomoah and the like to develop as squad players, but not as starters.
    In truth I'm not sure Tom is ready for a regular spot, not yet anyway. I truly hope he makes the grade - he a lefty, like me, and I always felt that there is real benefit of having capable left footers on the left side. Bale was not an athlete when he joined us, but he sure as hell was when he left. Tom's not got time on his side, certainly when compared to GB....
    Anyway, capture Bolasie, Bojan, and a young, fit, hungry African or Eastern European striker and there will be room in the squad for Tom to develop...
    Nomadico and Mattj78 like this.
  13. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    With it just having been Xmas and all, I have decided to come bearing gifts in the form of a website where you can re-watch EVERY Spurs game (in full) this season.


    Don't say The Ram doesn't do anything for ya, eh! ;)

    Anyway, just so we're clear, I am NOT in any way saying that Tom should now be a regular 1st team member by any stretch, just that he has been given a chance and, up until this point, has managed to grasp it with both hands!

    Impressed that you went back and watched the game again, paying special attention to performance of TC, Matthew. After all, it is amazing what you can miss at 1st glance! ;)

    The bottom line is the kid can play. It's as simple as that! Now, whether he has the OTHER attributes required to complete an entire EPL season, whilst CONSISTENTLY performing at a high level, is another matter all together.

    Listen, there is MUCH to admire about Carroll's game, but like with any young/ inexperienced player, there is also PLENTY of room to improve. But like I said, going off the games I have seen him play this season, it appears that young Tom has already done a fair bit of improving under the tutelage of MP.

    Anyone else drooling of the displays of Mr Alderwerield (you know who I mean)? lol

    What an impact that guy has made!...Not only to the defence, but to the balance and overall mentality of the team.

    He has this quiet sense of authority, a high degree of maturity and a composure to settle the most nervous of teams.

    Clean tackler, excellent reader of the game, aggressive, mobile, can play, good aerially (especially attacking corners), positionally aware ( I could go on but I won't), I mean the kid has got more or less everything you want from a modern defender... and he's only 26.

    There is no question that he is a leader within this particular group, and the fact that we now have THE best defensive record in EPL tells you just how big an impression Toby has made.

    Now, ofcourse, credit must go to whole team, as well as the back 5/6 (including Dier) and Pochettino, but there is no denying, as far as I'm concerned, that TA has been a SUPERB piece of business by the club.

    I mean such has been the impact Toby has made, Jan Vertonghen looks like a COMPLETELY different player!

  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    For me its between Toby and Alli for player of the season so far, 2 brilliant signings.
    Ramos43 and Mattj78 like this.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Toby is a future captain surely. Leading from the back. Excellent. Composure and guile, strength and superb positional sense.
    Absolute pleasure to watch this lad play.
    Ramos43 and Nomadico like this.
  16. guesty Guest

    How many times has Pochy played 2 up top this season? ...yes he might ask his fitter players.....Alli for example...to get up and support Kane when we are on the break......but playing 2 forwards I don't see it. (NOt that I don;t think we should. I think there is certianly a time for 442.....I just don;t think Pochy does)
    At Everton.....at 1-1.....do you think Pochy would have taken off a midfielder to play another attacker??
    Yes...when we are losing the game with 15 (or so) to go...I can see another forward coming on......but hopefully that won't be too often!
  17. johnnyhrvat Guest

    Totally agree, it's always good to watch a game for a second time, when the blood pressure is not spiralling, and one can analyse the performances better. All the negativity about Tom was in the early comments on this thread. He actually reminded me of Modrić at times on Sunday, coming back, collecting the ball from our defenders and then starting the passing move forward whilst always looking for the return pass.
    As for Toby - he is undoubtedly the biggest positive influence on the team this season - currently one of the best defenders in the world.
    Mattj78 and Nomadico like this.
  18. Big fran Guest

    Yeah to be fair yeah I think had we had another forward on the bench I feel Pochy may just have thrown one into the mix. And remember to do is to dare especially if you wanna win title's. ..
    Remember also you don't always have to play strikers upfront it's about getting finishers in and around the box. I remember an arsenal side finishing games with Henry kanu bergkamp wiltord in what was almost a 424 system.
  19. guesty Guest

    to be honest....we play that way most of the time.....relying on our holding 2 to win the ball...as it is behind our 4 (3+1)!!
  20. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Yes but the 3 are not doing their job properly as it is only Kane and Alli providing any consistent goal threat.

    The reason Alli gets goals because he gambles with intelligent running into the danger area, only Son id say does this aswell but hes been very bit part, other than that whos genuinely threatening opposing defences?

    Its almost as if theres an invisible force field in the final 3rd that stops the supporting 3 entering it.

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