Goodbye Charlie

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, April 7, 2014.

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  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    For now, let's just remember that the only news coming out of Spurs are media rumours, but if they are true, the news is far from surprising. Tim was a non-risk appointment for Levy and I think he knew that whatever happened, he was in a no lose situation. Tim isn't going to command a huge pay off and is unlikely to cause Levy too many problems.
    What I am surprised about is the timing of the news should it be true. Considering our recent performances, it is hardly going to help if the players know they are playing for a dead man walking. Just imagine having a team talk from someone who is leaving! The whole situation just seems to be a complete mess.

    Sherwood's future
    The Tottenham job is a big job. Sherwood had an opportunity to take it and no one can blame him for that.

    His shortcomings have been a lack of media savvy at times, and some of his comments have been ill advised. Having a pop at a Spurs legend in Hoddle was not a smart move and at times he has come across as immature.

    I do however think that he will learn from this and go on to be a decent manager. Not everyone will agree with that, but it is simply my opinion that if he can learn from his mistakes, he could do well somewhere else.

    Where next on the Spurs merry go round?
    As I have said, at this stage we are only dealing with rumours, but if they are true, Spurs are in need of another new manager. The next incumbent will be the 11th in ten years and that worries me.

    If you look at Spurs from the outside, you can hardly see a job that is secure can you?

    I love Spurs, but I am not sure I would want to a manage team who hire and fire at least once most seasons.

    Plenty of names will be bandied about and I am not sure which name would be the best fit. What we do need though is for a manager to come in who isn't about to retire, who has a long term plan and has FULL control of all aspects of the

    Football team. Levy can control the PLC but when it comes to the FC we need stability.

    As ever, Come on you Spurs!
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I cringe with every bit of news about spurs at the moment, Levy has turned us into a circus.
    bigfran likes this.
  3. bigfran

    bigfran Member

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    Tim was handed a dream first time job but ultimately failed and can only blame himself. Granted the players underperformed and the squad was unbalanced but after a good start he made some baffling team selections and formations and players out of position. Putting blind faith in bentaleb in front of senior pros and constantly picking underperforming naughton rose chadli done him no favours.. Hope he comes bk from this tho!!
  4. Marko Yea New Member

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    I hope he opens up now when he doesn't have job to protect. We dont need 10 defansive players. And try kids in last line cause they cant be worse then rose naughton dawson... Hope we hire LVG to fix this mess
  5. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Gary Neville & Jamie Carragher discuss rumoured Tim Sherwood sacking and Spurs situation
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I almost feel that Tim has just put two very big fingers up to a certain Daniel Levy.

    So that is what happens when you get a team talk from a departing manager!! More of the same until end of the season. Top four anyone???
    Last edited by a moderator: April 7, 2014
  7. neil blower New Member

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    why is it always the manager why not the person who bought theses remarkable players in with the bale money its about time the real owner stepped in and sorted all of this mess out because in my mind sacking redknapp was a big mistake

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