Bargain Hunt

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, August 2, 2017.

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  1. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    Unfortunately, Spurs aren't on that level yet. Can't compete in the transfer market with those teams, truthfully...buying half of the squad doesn't appeal to me. One or two addition is necessary but, I believe Poch wants to coach and develop a squad that will win...not buy trophies. I prefer the Spurs' way to that of City, Chelski, or United.
    Nomadico likes this.
  2. burnt Well-Known Member

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    I understand the frustration from some but the whole transfer business is completely insane right now ... It's been mentioned plenty of times over the last few years now and was always a worry but we are being totally left behind now in a financial sense ... Our model just has to be unsustainable in this modern game ... There's just no way we can keep paying these guys what we,re paying them at this moment ... For our sake I hope either Levy was right and the spending of fees and wages by others is unsustainable and goes belly up rather quickly or we move with the the times and change our philosophy or what we have put together over the last few years will come apart very quickly ... We can't afford to wait for the players to have their heads turned and then try and appease them by offering silly raises in wages , it will be too late then ... We are in a very precarious position right now ... Im personally not in any way confident we can keep this together .... I hate the way the game is right now , it's going to become more and more elitist in the coming years , there's only going to be a handful of clubs able to compete financially and our only hope if it stays going this way is getting a Sugar- Daddy ....
    Spurporter and Nomadico like this.
  3. Mick

    Mick Member

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    Very true even new stadium will not allow us to compete with City, PSG, Chelsea or any other clubs that are bankrolled .To be honest i would not want our club owned by Chinese, Middle East, American or any other foreign owners. Let us hope Levy is right and some kind of sanity returns.
  4. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    I've read all the comments above and share the frustrations and concerns of us all.

    To me it's not about what the senseless clubs do, the ones who have more money than sense, bottomless oil rich owners, or owners with more money than sound financial sense.

    To me it's about looking at our bench and seeing no game changers there. Whilst by definition any acquisition becomes a squad player, what we are looking for are players that will challenge our elite 12 or 13 outfield starters, and help us compete against PL opponents that are getting ever stronger, at the same time being better placed for this seasons CL campaign.

    We need a decent back up striker. We'd all like Vince to make it, but I'm not sure I've got that long to wait in my life. We need pace, and pace that plays on their right side, not inverted. We need a back right back. That is so very basic in terms of where we need to be.

    To me that is our 101 basic minimum need. Then think about adding quality to the squad. I simply can't see we can do that with youth, not yet, certainly not this season.

    Is DL going to time.....I fear not. Sad but true. To Dare Is To Do.....except it doesn't apply to him.

    Last edited: August 6, 2017
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. Manc_Spur Guest

    I think there is too much talk of holding Levy to account in our failure to strengthen our squad. Poch seems, to some fans, not accountable for our transfers. I personally think there is a larger element of blame that sits on Poch's shoulders. I read somewhere that during his tenure with us there has been a turnover of 30 players! IMO, being a young coach and strict with his philosophy, he is (and has always been) risk averse. Some say he prefers to coach youngsters who adapt to his philosophy more readily, but imo, having had a couple of expensive flops on his cv in PL, (Osvaldo at Saints and Sissoko) he is treading very carefully. He has stated he only wants players that will improve the squad (under his strict criteria) and tick various other boxes, including low cost. That imo is the stumbling block. His recent attempts have mostly failed. Levy can't be blamed for that. Levy gave AVB all of Bale money and we know what happened there. IMO, Poch inherited some super 'kids', added quality in the form of Toby and Wanyama. Son came good last season phew!)...and just as well as he was apparently lined up in the departure lounge. Considering Poch wants players that will improve the squad, then why did he buy Fazio, Stambouli, N'Jie, Sissoko, Jannsen, N'Koudou, etc, half of whom have already departed. What was the point of having Pau over on loan for a season, who seemingly got good reviews, for the signing not to materialise?

    We know there is a lot of transfer dosh sloshing about in the pot, but in Poch's risk averse price bracket, he is struggling to find the next Dele or Winks. We want 17 mill for Wimmer who apparently doesn't improve our squad but want to pay less for a player who can?!!

    After the Juventus game, Poch again said, we are actively looking to add quality to the squad. Less than a week to the opening match of the season, I wonder if we will be breaking another record of 1st PL team ever not to sign a player before the new season?!
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  6. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    I believe Poch is trying to operate within the parameters that Levy has set. Rather than spending ridiculous amounts of money in the inflated market; something we can't sustain, Poch would prefer to buy young undeveloped players and give them a chance. Yes you mentioned a lot that didn't pan out, how about Dier, Davis, Trippier, Dele, Winks, Kane, it's risky of course but when you have a manager whose good are developing players then you role the dice. By the way, Son's first season wasn't considered successful...I'd wait to see how Janssen and N'Koudou do this upcoming season. GK especially looks to be getting comfortable within the system.

    My only complaint with Levy is having to always wait until the very last week of the transfer window to get anything going. That fully falls on Levy, every manager would want their players coming in early. As a club, after Levy...stupidly dismissed Redknapp; those following season were dreadful. I'll always hold my judgement on Poch, we're lucky to have him. If he leaves, we'll lose all these young talented lads. Let's be a bit more appreciative.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  7. Manc_Spur Guest

    Please don't get me wrong. I wasn't meaning to be too critical of Poch. There is no denying in Poch we also have REAL talent. Remembering where he's come from and the limited experience on his cv. He has done wonders for us and deserves the due praise. But that does not mean he is infallible. It's very easy to point fingers at DL who sits silently in his ivory tower whist Poch is front of a microphone 24/7. I am not a Levy lover nor a Poch basher. As a fan, I am merely speculating why we have not addressed our squad a timely manner. Dier, Alli were imo, not entirely Poch signings but credit to Poch for grooming them and for giving Kane and Winks the opps.. The key issue I have with transfers is, having achieved 3rd and 2nd place finishes in successive seasons, we can not kick on with 'will come good in a year' type of signings and shouldn't be in a position to start a season with a blatantly shallow squad.
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    I don't disagree with your points, the last few season ought to be indicators that we need to complete our business and do it in a timely manner. That's where the core of my argument stands, DL's last minute penny pinching has always held us in a bind. No manager is above criticism just like no manager has a superb record in terms of their signings always panning out. I believe it is safe to say that, all managers would rather bring in their players early - for instance this Barkley situation; we want him to join and he wants to join - what's the hold up here? DL penny pinching again, I'd say.

    One credit I'll give to Poch is that, if he finds out that a player isn't up to par; Fazio, Stambouli, N'Jie - he'll let me go elsewhere as opposed to holding on to them as we did with Paulinho and Soldado for a couple of wasted seasons. Truthfully, when it comes to the likes of Sissoko; I've a hard time believing that was Poch's intended signing - when you've had to wait until the last minute, that's when those kind of signings take place.
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Whichever way you try to understand our position on no signings, it's either Levy, Poch or Both. Individually or collectively they decide and they've dictated the nil purchase strategy.

    I do understand the silly market price issue, but on one hand we want Top Dollar, on the other hand the Deal of The Century. Life's not like that is it!

    Here we are about to head out on Sunday with no regular right back. Injuries happen, we know that. That's why you have cover, except in this case we haven't. Our squad is thin. The best starting 11 - probably was last season. The best squad. Not last term, and far less so now. It's beginning to be a worry, for sure.
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Tripper, Son, Wanyama, Rose, Lamela are all injured, walker sold. If our bench looked weak last season while these were all fit what state will it be for at least the 1st 3 games of the season?

    If this supposed master plan/strategy doesn't produce anything of any note then it is bordering on Negligence!
    Bazza47 likes this.
  11. daveharmer New Member

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    Every body seems to think that we need quality signings.but who are they, we have paid moderate money for players in the transfer market to date and now all the top six would like them in there sides.Get the scouting system right have a top coach and success will follow.

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