Assessment of players form & my 11 to face Liverpool

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Bazza47, September 15, 2018.

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  1. Cheshuntboy Guest

    The result wasn't really a surprise, but the abysmal performance was - there seemed to be no positive reaction to the Watford display, and Pochettino appears to have no remedy for the physical and mental torpor which has engulfed virtually the entire team. I thought top four would be a struggle this season, but top six must be in doubt if this carries on much longer - time for a real shake-up, with no one too big to be dropped (and I do mean no one).
    bruski and Gordon Mc like this.
  2. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Yes Graham - to me, things are looking a tad dark at the moment. Not just a question of tired/ out-of-form players I feel, if that's any reason at all.
    Last edited: September 17, 2018
    bruski likes this.
  3. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    A good summation Bazz. Pray the CL is the key which unlocks SOMETHING in our talented team.
  4. P reed Guest

    Has anybody else seen pochs interview in Milan saying Spurs won't challenge for anything this season and the reason he has left aldy and tripper out of the squad.He rabbited on about a cow and a train which was total rubbish and I think he is losing the dressing room if this is his attempt to gee the players up.He looks like a drowning man at the moment and I believe although he seems to back levy he is not happy with his lot and I have never seen him look so miserable

    bruski and Felon82 like this.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Geezers lost the plot, has started more & more recently trying to talk in cryptic tongues.
    It's quite condascending really and untrustworthy imo.
    He was being so Brave and there was no one in world football that could've improved his squad , now he's at least at last admitted it - Spurs won't challenge for anything

    And the Truth shall set you free....
  6. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Yes Felon - I read some stuff with Poch wittering on about leaving Toby & Trippier behind for "technical reasons". Don't know what that's about, but I've a feeling technical reasons involves a "discussion" of some kind and they've been rewarded for it. AND on the point of Inter - two untried 17-year olds with the squad ? For a CL tie ? If this was the League Cup (or whatever it's called these days) I might see it, but it's the premier European Club competition. It's no place for two youngsters with only a few minutes PL experience for one and none at all for the other, unless they're real first team prospects right now and - if that's the case - if they're good enough to take to Italy then maybe they were good enough to sit on the bench this last two PL games, n'est pas ?
    Last edited: September 17, 2018
    bruski likes this.
  7. Big fran Guest

    Tactically it was an out and out horror show with the full bks playing far to high and wide offering zero protect to our centre halfs I felt so sorry for them. I hope Poch can turn this around because most managers life span at each club only last four or five years where the players get sick of the same voice so you have to recycle the squad or it becomes stale. It just looks like the tide is beginning to turn on the Argentina manager at present.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  8. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    Agree 100% with everything you said. Things are not right.

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