A Striker, my kingdom for a striker. ( or 2 )

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, July 19, 2015.

  1. Nobby 1882 Guest

    Bit worried about who we are going for, McCarthy? is he an better than Mason??? Moses has been rejected by Stoke so how is he good enough for us? bizarre! would rather put Yedlin or Pritchard on the right wing as i feel they are both better and another £8 million would not be wasted. We need a midfield general that can put his foot in, a decent winger if it's too early for Pritchard and Yedlin gets loaned out and obviously when Ade and Bobby go at least 2 strikers. Suarez from Athletico in Midfield, Shaquiri on the wing, Berihino and Hernandez.
    Felon82 likes this.
  2. big fran Guest

    At 32.5m I don't think benteke was ever an option at that price to sit on a bench or rotate and rest in place of Kane making him if not both squad players effectively. Same will apply to llorente Austin or any other like for like type striker. Were not in a position to sign a striker at 15m plus to not strengthen the immediate starting 11. The only options here and I know I'm repeatedly saying it are mirralles at 3m plus lennon. And berahino at 15-20m or cheaper if u throw in a dolloper like mason. Both can play as a cf in their own right or in the attacking 3 in behind Kane.
    Second option which I cannot see happening is to throw 35m at laczarette and make a statement of intent. We have the money with the increased TV money players already sold and the ones to follow shortly.
    Option 3 the most likely scenario is a young foreigner like bashuiyshi pardon the spelling who will be happy for a pay rise and will get a game here and there before either making the grade or sold on in 18 months time.
  3. DBrauwere New Member

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    I can only agree then. But like you said, 2 or 3 strikers is what we need. Strikers to get us into a top 4 spot. That's why I'm wondering I haven't heard anything about interests in Dzeko. He's such a good player and have proved he'll always make goals.
  4. ari-boy Guest

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Edin Dzeko at Man City. I hear £15-20 million might get him, and I feel sure if he was given a run of games, he'd start banging the goals in. PL proven too which has to be a bonus.
  5. Dublin Spur Guest

    I have yet to be convinced by Lamela, but it is worth mentioning that both he and Chadli, have played both wings and CF for their former clubs. We don't seemed to have tried to see what either might do as a second CF.
  6. Brian1042 Guest

    Yes, he has been excellent, being another 1 in 2 scorer. I do not know what happened last season as he went to being a 1 in 5 scorer. Maybe he did not play full games or something? Is he for sale? He has a contract till 2018.
    If the drop in his scoring rate last season can be explained reasonably, the only downside that I can see is that he is 29. Some of the other mentioned are 25 and under and may offer better value and longevity. Levy has had his fingers burnt and he does not like the feeling. He may shy away from spending more than £10 million on a player for whom he will not recoup the money. I do not know what Djeko would go for but I imagine at least £15 million.
  7. Dublin Spur Guest

    Not looking to dispute you, but if we "must play" the new striker, we would have to change from 4-2-3-1 to say 4-4-2 with two DM's , which suggests a potential lack of width.
  8. Fatspurs Guest

    We should be worried the season coming as Spurs fans it looks like we're on bringing in decent reliable players instead of star quality. we need players with a bit of spark,technical ability like shaqiri,Hernandez,enzo perez,yarmelenko. There's no chance of breaking the monopoly of the top four without special players. On our books we have lamela,Kane,eriksen,dembele these are the players who give us the extra quality if we were to swap dembele with mcarthy and lamela with Moses do you really believe we would be a better team, look at Everton and Southampton they have reliable players and they still finished below us. We need to spend that extra cash and be smart to get players like januzaj,dzeko off the Manchester clubs.
  9. DBrauwere New Member

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    Reports said that City could sell him for around £15 million. So I think Dzeko and Austin would be 2 great signings. I think the lak of goal scoring last season is explainable, he was always the second choice after Aguero and during the January window they bought Bony.

    Btw, what I just can't understand is that the very good player Dembélé had become a worser player (just because a lak of confidence) at our club. He was so good, just used in the wrong way! I'm from Belgium, I know him very well.. I'm following him since he was at Germinal Beerschot. Really hope that he's going to stay, getting his chances and finally will be used in the right way.
  10. Fatspurs Guest

    the pounds been up on the exchange rate so £100 million will equal over 120 million euros, meaning that it's a good time to buy foreign players . Players like alderwield and wimmer have cost us less take a few mill off their total transfer fee.
  11. Brian1042 Guest

    Not necessarily. I think 2 strikers might be an option in some games and could be very exciting. My main point was that with around 70 games Harry cannot take on all the burden. When we rotated and Adebayor or Soldado played it was an unfortunate let down. If we got someone like Austin I would see a more even split across games, plus, as mentioned, some games with two strikers. Right now if Harry Kane were to be injured and out for five or six games I would rather put one of the younger players in than Soldado or Adebayor.

    We cannot compete the top with just one decent striker.
  12. DBrauwere New Member

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    Plus, you can play a 4-2-3-1 with Kane as the "number 10" playing around the center forward in a free-roll.
  13. Butler Guest

    It's simple Austin and Hernandez £22 mill for the pair should do it both got premier league experience both score goals. Kane won't have as easy this season as he took a lot of teams by surprise would like to have seen cabye come think we missed a trick there still missing a player of that type .
  14. DBrauwere New Member

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    I really don't get it for Hernandez. Scored goals as a substitute, but never when he was starting. Austin wouldn't be bad. We do need a winger too, because Lamela isn't enough and Chadli has to bring more consistency in his games.
  15. Dublin Spur Guest

    In case I am misunderstood, I wasn't opposed to getting another striker. My query was about playing two strikers, which is what I would rather see, because there is a shortage of players who can lead the line as a sole striker (obviously Kane can do the biz). That being the case, I would play with just the one DM.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I think we must play 2 strikers to be honest but we shall see. kane is good enough to play behind Dzeko and with a decent winger that could be a great signing. As for the signing of Victor Moses, he is no better than Townsend so that would be a poor signing.
  17. MamatSpurs Guest

    Maybe this season we'll see another striker from our own academy?
  18. Deggsy56

    Deggsy56 Active Member

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    Like Like Like Like Like !!!!!! Exactly what i think !!
    TerryM likes this.
  19. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    What on earth do we need strikers for??
    Were financially stable what else do you want??
    Spurporter and Mattj78 like this.
  20. jod Guest

    You don't shore up the defence by buying more defenders, you do it by improving the organisation. If we defend the same way as we did last season we will get the same result no matter who we buy. Since we only play one way and only play with one striker I would have thought a striker who was similar to Kane was exactly what we wanted. That way we could rotate strikers without disturbing the pattern. Austin for me fits the bill pretty well.
    notnats and Felon82 like this.

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