Transfer talk & rumours

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Jesper, February 19, 2020.

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  1. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just seen on other websites we are in for a loan of timo verner Any body seen these rumours
  2. Werner is a very interesting acquisition … huge upside for us if he comes good

    Was a major force in Germany before flatlining at Chelsea … super fast

    Ange could be the one to get him humming again
  3. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    See Bayern have just rocked the boat by bidding for Dragusin.Lets see how Levy manages this
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Looks like levy has woken up and is listening to Ange as we are on verge of signing Dragusin.Long May it continue
  5. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Yes. The two main positions needed have been actioned. Defence should be good now with VDV back as well
    Let’s hope Werner does better than his first premier league stint
  6. Guesty Guest

    Werner..... I only know from his Chelsea days. He will provide legs.....lets see if he provides assist and goals
    Dragusin...... never heard of
    .....but hopefully both good additions

    Dier..... I assume this means he wins a league medal! ha ha (or at least certainly in with a good chance)
  7. So Perisic is off to the Euros.

    I said at the time, this was a big loss for us. Starting or off the bench, this guy is quality, even at 35.

    We will need to replace his level up front this off-season.
  8. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Can’t believe that we are negotiating to keep Verner for next season.Cant hit a barn door.This is not the start I expected for this window .Backward step and bargain bucket stuff again.He puts in a shift but goals win matches and he don’t get any
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
    Felon82 likes this.
  9. Considering the complete lack of numbers up front, bringing Werner back for a pittance was a good call that allows us to splurge elsewhere. His numbers for us were above average across Europe. And he has pace. Will he ever be a great goalscorer again? Maybe, maybe not, but he did score 28 in Germany once. The boy is a pretty good footballer, and he loves it at Spurs.
  10. voiceofreason Active Member

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    I think our number 1 left winger should be Son moving forward and keep him away from centre forward. That way Weber is a good back up for that position
  11. Danlevy Guest

    Werner and Johnson are both half decent impact subs, that’s about all for them though. We need to keep Sonny as you say, sign a CF and sign another winger. Toney and Hudson-Adoi would be a decent pair if we could get them with the two wingers capable of swapping sides

  12. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Any opinions on Gray, sounds good for the future and is home grown

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