Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

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  1. Guest Guest

    Who appointed Levy? Board of Directors? Who appointed BOD? So the argument goes... So we should not comment on manager, players, etc. Just blame Levy. I guess that's your point. :)
  2. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Who would you blame Guest ??The club should have been strengthening when we reached the champions league final but did not .Whose fault is that .The players we have are not good enough and Conte knows that as did Mourino but they don’t control the purse strings and when we do bid for a player we offer insulting amounts.
  3. Genevaspurs Guest

    As usual

    Signed... D. Levy
  4. Guesty Guest

    same old same old as far as I can see. endless drivel of players named that we will never buy. And if we do buy them.... no-one will want them after us.
    good sell before you buy policy...... when no-one wants to buy our sh1t

    I have no issue with avoiding bancruptcy...... we wouldn't want to 'do a Leeds'..... but why bring in a manager like Conte if you have no intention of supporting his plan.
    stick with Nuno where no-one expected anything... and he wasn't going to interest any big name players. mud-table.

    I know we have a stadium to pay for...... but ffs at least give Conte a chance before you sack him for finishing outside the top 4.... or 6

    Conte will walk...... and Man U will pick him up and give him cash in the summer
  5. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    The latest diamond is kuluveski who Juve fans want gone.never heard of him
    Last edited: January 28, 2022
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure what all the bother is about transfers, these playersjust needed better coaching I was told.
  7. Guesty Guest

    sadly at least 11 of the 14 that I mentioned need replacing...... over past few seasons...... still need replacing.
    no management will help them.
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. THFC Guest

    Looks like we are close to signing Bentancur and Kulusevsk from Juventus. Two very good signings with Bentancur a DM and Kulusevsk anywhere upfront, both of which would be upgrades on what we have. Hopefully we can squeeze a CB in before the deadline too
  9. Genevaspurs Guest

    I am not totally convinced of the 60 million £ invested in these 2 players... My Italian friends clearly believe that Patrici did a bad job in Italy and that the major transfers from Juventus during his presence are not his. We weren't able to get Diaz or Kessie... we take 2 players who are average by default... In short, we absolutely need a central back and a right back before tomorrow evening!
  10. Guesty Guest

    I have to be honest and say I've never heard of them

    I'll reserve judgement for now
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Basically raiding other clubs benches to fund their signings of proper 1st team players.
    Typically lazy Tottenham purchases these, Kulusevskis stats don't look that impressive for a forward/AM.
  12. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Can someone tell me what use this man Paratici is and how much are we paying him for his expertise.So far he has recommended a total waste in a manager Nuno signed a full back who can’t play the position and spent 3 weeks chasing 2 players who were always going to go to their first choices then we get turned down by an Arsenal supporting non league player.We eventually do get 2 signings as Felon said who are on Juves bench .These two may be good I don’t know enough about them to judge but I do feel mr Paratici needs to produce a surprise or two tomorrow to justify his existence at our club
    Felon82 likes this.
  13. THFC Guest

    He has been at the club for 6 months? He has helped us get one of the top 5 coaches in the world? He has picked up 2 x players at very reasonable cost so far that have significant experience during January which is typically a time for transfer mistakes…note the permanent is Bentancur for €19m (who at 24 is better than Winks and PEH as CDM) yet that’s still not good enough? Kulisevski is on loan…if he isn’t suited to us, he will be back at Juve in the summer.

    I’ve read we are in for Bissouma now who would be a great signing and would be a major upgrade to our MF options along with the 2 x we have just signed

  14. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I don’t believe he had any thing to do with getting Conte although I may be wrong but 6 months of preparation for a mad rush over two days is not the way other clubs do business.I hope your correct about Bissouma but I doubt it.It’s a bad day when Newcastle get more players in than us
  15. THFC Guest

    It is odd why we wait until the last day of the window every time but I don’t blame Paratici. It seems to be Levy’s trick for transfers but fingers crossed we will pick up another one or two in the next 24 hours and will shift several and it won’t have been a bad window

  16. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    We will get rid of a couple but I guarantee no more in .Levy probably. thinks he has had a brilliant window.You don’t blame Paratici but he was hiredto change the way things were done and to make football decisions but it seems that nothing has changed.Who do you think chooses which players are bought at Liverpool and City
    Last edited: January 31, 2022
  17. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    At last the waste of space Ndombele has been moved on and although it’s only a loan I fully expect him to move on in the summer.Ali looks as though he is also moving on and this one leaves me sad because he was a player and maybe Lampard can get something from him again.Why are we not trying for Lingard who is an upgrade on what we have
  18. Genevaspurs Guest

    At this time. Lo Celso, Dele, Ndombele + Gil out for the rest of the season. Betancur + Kuzulevsky in....
    What a wonderful transfers window... !
  19. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Is any spurs fan really surprised by the shambolic nature of the transfer window by Levy it’s usual.I wonder what Conte really thinks or is he in agreement with what is going on until the summer.Trouble is by then we won’t be in Europe and won’t attract top players.Can anyone explain to me why a football club can get under your skin like nothing else.I have supported the club for 60 years and have lived with the joy and heartaches but never ever wavered in my love of this club but this chairman fills me with embarrassment and is making us a laughing stock
  20. THFC Guest

    To get rid of Alli, Ndombele, Lo Celso is good and hopefully in the summer Doherty and a couple more will follow.

    Hopefully we will act much quicker to pick up the players that we need in the summer window although I can’t understand why we didn’t go for Eriksen on a 6 month like Brentford as he would have been a perfect temporary creative player until the summer transfer window. We now don’t seem to have the creative midfielder that we have been lacking, which is a bit disappointing but hopefully we have enough going forward for now to get 4th place as no one else seems to have strengthened at all in January.

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