EXCLUSIVE: Kane - Once a Gunner, always join a better London club

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, January 9, 2015.

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  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    In an exclusive interview, Harry Kane was quick to explain the reasons why he started his career at our most-hated rivals, Arsenal. “It all happened very quickly, but I remember it ever so well,” says Kane recalling that very picture.

    He went on: “A few weeks earlier, Arsenal scouts had watched me score a few goals for my local team Ridgeway Rovers. They approached me with a very tempting offer, one that I couldn’t really refuse. At first they said I’d have a chance to meet some of the players. They thought I’d like to meet their star strikers such as Thierry Henry or Dennis Berkamp.

    But Kane took no interest in the original offer, so he did a bit of haggling: “I wasn’t really of fan of either player at the time, it was really Serhiy Rebrov who I was basing my game on back in 2001.

    So what made you sign in the end? Kane was asked - to which he replied: “I saw Liam Brady was wearing an Arsenal training jumper during our chat, which had the word ‘Dreamcast’ across the front. Brady saw me staring in awe at the club’s sponsor and asked if I a SEGA Dreamcast console would tempt me to sign. It’s truly amazing what an 8-year-old boy would do for a SEGA Dreamcast, so I signed there and then!

    From Gunner to goner

    What had held so much promise and potential for Kane quickly turned sour, as he left the club by mutual consent a year later just after his ninth birthday. The problems, it seemed, were racking up for Kane, who went on to reveal all, saying: “It all started one day after training. I was just about to take off my gear when the smoke alarms went off. This may seem like nothing, but this then went on to happen on a daily basis to the point where the fire brigade were on speed dial!

    “It was only when I was in the showers one day, I noticed cigarette butts all over the shower floor. Youth players were obviously smoking after matches! I told the coaches, but they told me to leave the matter alone, telling me – ‘sometimes, when a keeper concedes a few howlers, he needs to distress with a Marlboro’ – that was the first time I truly thought about leaving Arsenal.

    The troubles doubled, as Kane went on to add: “There was also this annoying kid, he was a few years older than me and was known as mini-Gascoigne by the coaching staff. He was much smaller than me and always angry. He would always wear a West Ham kit to training and say how much he hated Spurs. What upset me was that the guy was always injured, never assisted or scored goals – but always was the first name on the youth team-sheet! I felt undervalued.

    And for Kane, the problems didn’t end there: “It’s easy for me to say this now looking back, but I never felt supported during my year at Arsenal. Our Under-8’s side had a few followers who came to watch us – but they never sang, it was like playing football in a library!

    “Out of the people who came to watch us there was this one fan who made a bit of noise at least. I think his name was Clause or Claude, or something like that. Every game he’d come to watch us, but what would he shout and sing about? Stale milk! I couldn’t believe it. I thought – I don’t even like milk!

    The Lilywhite light came calling

    Kane obviously holds some regret for being on Arsenal’s books before making the switch to the white side of North London. He does, however, think of himself as no-Judas – a nametag given to former Spurs captain Sol Campbell, who swapped clubs in the opposite direction taken by the 21-year-old striker.

    Kane concluded: “All I’ve ever wanted to do was improve my game, and by coming to a club like Spurs I’ve been able to do that. I’m a much better player now, than I was when I was at Arsenal. Hopefully the Spurs fans can forgive me for what happened back in 2001. If it means running the full length of the pitch to celebrate in front of the Arsenal fans when I score a hat-trick in February’s North London derby - then so be it!

    I wouldn’t consider myself a traitor, no never. As I said, this move was all about improving and playing at a higher standard – I’m not the first to have done it and I won’t be the last. The likes of Robin van Persie, Samir Nasri and Ashley Cole have proved it’s the right thing to do, over time.

    You only have to look at Cesc Fabregas to see the situation is the same across the board for players like myself. Once you’re Gunner, you take hope in the fact that you’ll always leave to join a better side in London.
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Love that last comment hahaha
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  3. Better London club? When's the last time Spuds were "better" than Arsenal. It takes a lot of scrolling through the record books to get to a year that happened. Delusional young man
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  4. VegaMatiz Guest

    Only Arseanal would brag about not being able to recognize talent...
  5. Tom Guest

    Everything about arsenal is just wrong
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  6. lmao Guest

    Looool hes better now, hes how old than when he was 7 yeap u have improved.These comments will come back to haunt you and you will say I was only young than the most important thing is ive improved 5 yrs on loool hatrick in derby? Bet any money not only will you not score a hatrick in the NLD but you wont score another hatrick again this season! Your as good as a player mellor was at liverpool all hype!if Soldadonkey wasnt as bad as he is u wouldnt get a sniff....lool I told the trainers the young boys are smoking in the showers looooool
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  7. neil sach Guest

    And the first touchy gooner bites....go on harry!!
  8. sachy Guest

    What gooner fans must agree with is the players that gave left, have all done better....fact!!
  9. Norris Guest

    Good satire from an arsenal fan, fair play and to be honest I'm actually glad we missed out on Kane because with him being a spurs fan (think he had season tickets with his dad?) he only would have done what Jamie O'Hara did eventually. Last thing I'd want is the club to have done all the hard work developing the player and then lose him to Spurs on a free in his 20's...

    He looks a serious prospect to be fair - Kane and Welbeck pairing for England anyone ?
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  10. Spurs fan Guest

    OMG I think this utter ***** actually thinks this article has real quotes from Kane!!

    haha just for you mate, its all made up in jest looooooool :)
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  11. RedCurrant Guest

    1961...closer in time to the sinking of RMS Titanic than to the present day.

    Forever in our shadow.

    Josh Bolton likes this.
  12. Spurs fan Guest

    What date can I put up for arsenal winning a European trophy? oh I cant cos they have never won an existing major European trophy loooooool. 128 years without winning a major existing European trophy LMFAO :D
  13. thfc forever Guest

    ARSENAL!!!! laughed when modric left, then Bale and we still keep producing star quality footballers. We've got a great goal keeper you've got a donkey, we bought Erikson you bought Ozil for 4 times the money, Who's better ?, You bought sanches for -£HOW MUCH!! and we got Kane for the price of a bag of sugar and Kane is the better all rounder by far. Sure you've pipped us to the post over the last few years but really come on, youre not any better and you're certainly not in the world top 20 world elite clubs never mind anything else despite all your rants you're not any better than us at all just slightly more deluded. On your way down boys, hope you enjoyed the ride HAHA
  14. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Harry's already come a long way in his short career by making smart decisions and playing for the better London club. Nice article and all a bit of a laugh. He's a great lad with a massive future at this club and he's definitly one of our own.
  15. harrymonk Guest

    Brilliant.......and the inbreds bit.
  16. Adam Guest

    harry kane he's one of our own
  17. Doubletop Guest

    When the Stink moved from Woolwich to Highbury ,not only did they pollute the atmosphere but their original name Arsenhole was misinterpreted ,giving rise to their current name Arsenal !
    Keep wearing the gasmasks lads !
    Even got a manager ARSEne Whinger too!
  18. yid-old-boy Guest

    Right now you Mug.

    The table does not lie !
  19. lool Guest

    Arsenal won the fairs cup in 71 and the cup winners cup in 94 you total prick
  20. SidYid

    SidYid New Member

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    That was in his wilderness years, he has grown up and seen the light!

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