Why the new deadline day is brilliant news

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, September 8, 2017.

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  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Hallelujah, fourteen Premier League clubs (even us) agreed to moving the transfer Deadline Day to before the start of the Season. Manchester United, Manchester City, Watford, Swansea and Crystal Palace voted against, while Burnley abstained.

    This will come in to play for the start of next season and for me this news is brilliant restoring my faith in mankind and the belief that sometimes common sense prevails.

    But what does it mean for our club?
    Mr Levy the bargain hunter will actually have to have a whole rethink about his poker playing shenanigans.

    Just think he may actually have to give his managers the tools they need to do the job from the off!

    This has to be great news for all clubs - it quashes the Sagas, the unrest, it forces clubs to be more pro active in their recruitment, shortens the negotiation side of things and just has teams ready for the season ahead.

    Now all we need is the January window to be banned or shortened to a 1 emergency signing and things should be about right.

    Just wondering what my fellow fans think about this and how it will affect us?
    Bazza47 likes this.
  2. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    It is absolutely good news Felon. A pity they didn't have the balls to close it on the 31st July, that would have given managers time to develop some shape with the incoming players.
    As for the Levy.....mmmm.....he'll never change will he?
    I see Janssen looks like he's off to Turkey on loan - he's seen the light at last. Did he not realise what a lovely seaside town Brighton is.....now't as queer as folk 'eh!
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. silverspur

    silverspur New Member

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    A good idea in principal but strikes me as a tad one sided. Everything I've read on the subject points to the fact that English clubs won't be able to buy players once the season has started. Until that applies to all the other countries, we'll be at a major disadvantage as clubs from abroad will still be able to buy our players. As a Spurs fan, it worries me that the likes of Barcelona, Real, et al will have a whole extra month to target and unsettle Alli, Kane, Erikssen and anyone else they fancy.
    Feels a little like Brexit, good idea as long as you don't think about it!
    Fazinho likes this.
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I do get this point, but clubs such as Real/Barca/PSG/Bayern will cherry pick who they want regardless of when the deadline is.
    It's down to the selling club to set a price and keep to a deadline quite openly then if it is not met then it's off.
    Players can sulk after deadline day or they can pull their socks up and get on with it, by the time January comes round their character/club/interest should/can be resolved.
    The Premier leagues wages dwarf most of the continents other clubs so it's in their players and agents interests to secure moves to the Premier League and now it should speed up this process in regards to getting deals done.
  5. Big fran Guest

    Defo feel spurs will be one of the clubs that benefit from the new window. Well, at least the manager and his coaching staff will. Levy will probably continue just the same waiting til the last minute but at least the squad will be finalised and settled come kick off time the opening week.
    The way we work means that for the first two or three wks poch cannot concentrate solely on preparing his team for the next fixture. Every press conference he does getting hammered with questions over players leaving or new signings. We see yesterday the difference in a settled team. The improvement in trippier with aurier chasing his spot in the team. Its looking a strong 11 with rose dembele wanyama all to come bk in.

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