User's guide: WHY Pochettino is a SPURFECT fit for Tottenham

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Ramos43, May 15, 2014.

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  1. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    So that's it…. Finally a disappointing season, which in truth finished months ago, has reached it natural end. And focus can now switch, entirely, to who exactly will be leading the Spurs team out as manager, next season.

    Talk has been rife now for months as to who COULD, SHOULD and WILL get one of the biggest jobs in Europe, once had Tim Sherwood vacated his (interim) position as Head Coach.

    Names such as Louis Van Gaal, Frank De Boer, Michael Laudrup, David Moyes, Roberto Martinez and even Rafa Benitez, have been linked with the Spurs managerial hot seat.

    But, for me, the STANDOUT, and, OBVIOUS, candidate is the one that has arguably been linked with the role the most, and that is... the current manager of Southampton FC, Mauricio Pochettino.

    Mauricio Pochettino

    I think it's fair to say that we, as Spurs supporters, have enjoyed the games, the most, this season where we have seen the team playing with the FREEDOM, ADVENTURE and FLAIR most of us have come to associate with this great football club of ours. It is also when the team, to my mind, has had the most success, in terms of chances created, goals scored and results.

    Display's like Cardiff (away), (the opening 45mins of) Chelsea (home), Newcastle (away) and even the final game of the campaign against Villa, have all helped to serve as a reminder of exactly what this Spurs squad is capable of, when they appear organized, focused, and do the basics well.

    These were all traits displayed in the games I have mentioned, with the:
    • BALANCE OF THE SIDE (from a defensive, and offensive standpoint)
    • TEMPO (urgency in the teams passing, and pressing as a unit, whilst out of possession)
    • MOVEMENT (with, and without the ball)
    • AGGRESSION (tackles, harassing the opposition, and driving forward whilst on the ball)
    …all notable features in the teams performances.

    The problem Spurs have faced this season, for a number of reasons, has been replicating these attributes/qualities on a REGULAR basis, and that is exactly why the appointment of Pochettino would help, as these are attributes/qualities that have combined to form the blueprint, laid out by the Argentinian, in his managerial career so far.

    Mauricio, although having only managed two clubs, has amassed a considerable amount of experience, in relation to the highs and lows of football management. After taking over an Espanyol side languishing in the bottom 3 of La Liga, mid-season, the Argentine duly transformed the fortunes of the Spanish club, guiding them to a comfortable 10th placed finish.

    A similar league position was achieved in his first full campaign, the following term, before he MUTUALLY AGREED to leave the club a year later, after Espanyol encountered financial problems, which led to the president continually having to sell their best players, and changing tact, as far as his long-term vision of the side was concerned.

    Despite leaving Espanyol with 9 points from 13 games in what proved his last season with the club, Pochettino's stock remained high, particularly in Spain. With highly respected, football journalist Guillem Balague quoted as saying, as news broke ahead of his impending move to Southampton FC:

    'Pochettino is a very intelligent guy, with a vision, who is considered one of a few, real, managers in Spain. He is someone who knows what it takes to manage a club from top to bottom. Getting involved in everything from communication policies, to the academy. He DOES understand/speak a bit of English, but he will bring people with him that speak PERFECT English, including his physical trainer who helps take all of his training sessions'. Listen to full interview here


    Does anybody remember the outcry of disapproval, from those involved in English football, when Nigel Adkins was sacked in favour of Pochettino?

    Does anybody remember how quickly all of that, apparent, unrest was forgotten about once those same people began to see Mauricio’s work come to fruition, at the South Coast Club?

    Well, the speed of that discord dispersing was due to the OUTSTANDING job Pochettino had done in developing, and enhancing, Southampton has a football team.

    After inheriting a newly promoted side, that were just 3 points from safety in the EPL, Pochettino not only went on to redefine the teams playing style that very same season, but he also achieved a respectable 14th placed finish, in the process.

    With impressive victories against Man City (home 3-1) Liverpool (away 1-3) and Chelsea (home 2-1) highlights of that particular campaign.

    Pochettino was creating a FLUID, COHESIVE and HIGH TEMPO side, on a non-existent budget.

    Indeed, it wasn't until last summer that MP made his first signings as Southampton manager. Working alongside (the then) Director of Football, Nicola Cortese, the Argentine brought in the highly-regard young duo, Victor Wanyama and Dejan Lovren, alongside the talented, yet temperamental, Daniel Osvaldo.

    The fact that Pochettino felt comfortable enough in signing JUST 3 players for a club that finished 14th in the EPL, and just 6 points clear of relegation the year before, speaks volumes of Argentines, SELF-BELIEF, PHILOSOPHY and his COMMITMENT TO DEVELOPING/IMPROVING THE PLAYERS AT HIS DISPOSAL.

    And how he has developed his players….

    Rickie Lambert, a striker that was struggling to get a game under Nigel Adkins in the latter part of his tenure, as manager, is now preparing for a World Cup with England this summer.

    Adam Lallana, someone who has always been highly thought of by those connected to the South-Coast club, is now considered one of the hottest properties in the country after enjoying his best EVER season.

    Luke Shaw's star burns brighter than ever, with reports suggesting that the youngster has been subject to a £27m bid from Manchester Utd.

    And then there is Jay Rodriguez, a player who NOBODY was talking about before this season, enjoying a WONDERFUL campaign which has seen him crowned, behind Daniel Sturridge, and Wayne Rooney, as England’s third highest goal-scorer (in the EPL) with 15 league goals to his name. I think it’s probably safe to assume that had it not been for the unfortunate nature of his end-of-season injury, Jay would, too, be on his way to Brazil, to compete for his country, in this year’s World Cup.

    To be honest, the list goes on of players who have enjoyed excellent campaigns for Southampton this season, as the club went on to produced their highest points tally EVER, in the English top-flight. An 8th place finish, in ONLY Southampton’s second season back in the nation’s top division, above the likes of West Ham, Newcastle and Aston Villa, tells you all you need to know about the kind of job, this FORWARD-THINKING, AMBITIOUS and EXTREMELY TALENTED young manager, has done.


    Of course, some short-sighted people will no doubt talk about the lack of trophies won by the Argentine in his short career. But, I would ask them; what had the likes of Arsene Wenger (Arsenal) or Jose Mourinho (Porto) won, as managers, before they received their BIG break?

    The same applies to Manuel Pellegrini (Man City, who had previously managed Real Madrid), Brendan Rodgers (Liverpool) and Roberto Martinez (Everton)?

    Yes, Rogers secured a Championship promotion play-off cup win, with Swansea, and Martinez had won the FA cup with Wigan, but do those achievements, alone, REALLY merit the top job, at two of the biggest football clubs in the country?
    That being said, the work both have gone on to do, in their brief spells under there, respective, employers, speaks for itself. With Rodgers, and Martinez, now widely regarded as two of the best young, ‘up and coming’, managers in the game.

    And what of Pellegrini, a man renowned for playing attractive, free-flowing football, but yet to win anything since managing in Europe (a period of time spanning back 10 years), getting the opportunity to manage at, arguably, the richest club in world football. Did Sheikh Mansour batter an eyelash when considering what he desired, as a long-term vision, for Man City? No. And he has been rewarded for his foresight with a league and cup double, in the Chileans first season.
    My point is, given the right circumstances and environment the potential of a manager/player is, often, realized. And everything I have seen, and heard, of Mauricio Pochettino, so far, leads me to believe that Tottenham Hotspur would be the PERFECT setting for him to fulfil his potential…. Whilst getting the very best out of a talented, but underperforming squad.


    Like most jobs, when appointing a manager in football, there SHOULD be a clear list of criteria that need to be met before the candidate even is given an interview. But so confident am I that the Argentinian is the right man for the position, I would be urging Levy to narrow down any shortlist to one…(two at most).

    Because as far as I am concerned, the current Southampton manager ticks ALL of the boxes with regards to the kind of Head Coach Tottenham Hotspurs require at this stage of the clubs development. Think about it, Pochettino has:
    • Managed more than one club.
    • Experienced the highs and lows of football management. Which should stand him in good stead for any difficult moments he might encounter.
    • Ran a club from top to bottom, during his time in Spain.
    • Experienced management in two of the best leagues in Europe.
    • Produced a PHILOSOPHY that is PROVEN in the EPL, and in keeping with a brand of football associated with Tottenham Hotspur’s proud traditions.
    • A South American, and Latin, background which SHOULD (at least in theory) help him build relationships quickly with Spurs' South American contingent. i.e. Soldado, Lamela, Sandro, Paulinho and even Gomes.
    • The FAMILIAR factor. Spurs players will know more or less the kind of football they will be asked to play under the Argentine, having seen the way his Southampton team has performed under his tenure. Therefore putting minds, in the dressing room, at ease, and raising excitement levels within the squad.
    • A working knowledge of the Spurs squad, as it is, having no doubt scouted them on a number of different occasions, during his time in England. This will help him in being able to QUICKLY identify the players he wants to keep, and those he wishes to move on.
    • An understanding of the English leagues, culture within football, here, and what is required to succeed. Therefore when he enters the transfer market, for example, he will have a better understanding of the type of player, and personality, who has the best chance of succeeding in the EPL, than someone like De Boer.
    • Experienced life working under a DOF, and therefore knows what to expect.
    • Shown he doesn’t require a huge amount of finance to build and EFFECTIVE, ATTRACTIVE and COHESIVE team unit.
    • No baggage. Which is exactly what Spurs NEED after a difficult season. Unlike former Chelsea Boss Rafa Benitez, or Frank De Boer with Bergkamp in-toe, Pochettino would offer Spurs an opportunity to work quietly during the off-season WITHOUT all the inevitable headlines that the other two potential appointments would create.
    And, imagine the kind of work the Argentine could also do with the youngsters that Sherwood has unearthed this season, having developed a number of young players at Southampton. Instead of the prospect of the youth team being left dejected at losing a manager, who many of them would deem, most likely to give them their BIG BREAK. There will be renewed optimism through ALL of our youth-set ups, at someone like Pochettino, who has shown willingness to blood young talent like Chambers and Gallagher at St Mary's, walking through the door, at WHL. Players like Carroll, Bentaleb, Pritchard, Kane, Townsend, Fredericks and Fryers will all see this as a REALISTIC opportunity to establish themselves in the Spurs team/squad, should they impress.

    The appointment of Mauricio Pochettino would be a shrewd acquisition on MANY levels for, both, Daniel Levy, and Tottenham Hotspur.


    Obviously, hiring any manager would come with an element of risk because, as many of us long-serving Spurs supporters have found out over the years…NOTHING is GUARANTEED in football.

    But some managers just seem to fit certain clubs…. And, I am in no doubt, that Mauricio Pochettino is a PERFECT fit for Tottenham, right now.

    I just hope the Spurs board sees things the same way!!!

    (To learn more about Mauricio Pochettino’s style of management read a recent Victor Wanyama interview, with fourfourtwo here.)
    Kid-e1 likes this.
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Some well put points and sounds like a good fit.
    My concern is Levy this summer and his inevitable antics that will hamstring the team, either holding on to the wrong players, choosing who we buy himself based on 'investment' not what the team need, not get the new manager in quick enough to have a pre season, not get a complete balanced squad in time for start of the season.
    These things need to be got right this summer else who ever gets the job is once again on a hiding to nothing.
    We need a hungry proven striker that will score and terrorise defences with pace and power, the CB and FB situation needs addressing urgently, we need to keep Lloris, we need to trim the fat especially the high earners that have given little to nothing or have a bad atitude and think theyr too big to put a shift in.
    We deserve better than half hearted calamitous visionless football from an expensive squad of 'internationals' top manager or not. The club needs a good shake up with strong clear leadership from Levy down-
    This means clear directives set, and those directives backed realistically to make achievable. A clear understanding between Baldini and the new manager to work together closely on player recruitment. A clear set out plan between the board, the manager and the team so everyone knows whats expected and what they are buying into. There has to be an ending of this 'if' we can make top 4 to a we 'will' make top 4 if thats the real aim. We should also look to getting a cup fa and league are well obtainable pick 1 and have a proper go at it. The squad also needs a sensible rotation in tune with keeping key players fresh and bleeding in the youngsters/fringe players.
    There is so much chaos at the club and its down to no direction your either serious about success or your not dont mumble about it and 9 times out of 10 dont deliver, all were achieving at the moment is ffp and accounts champions thats not what sport is about!
    Kid-e1 likes this.
  3. DaveK Guest

    Completely disagree. Pochetinno has achieved nothing and has never managed at a top level.

    De Boer does tick all the boxes and has the experience to re-organise Spurs from top to bottom to achieve success.

    If Levy appoints Pochetinno it will show a lack of vision and ambition and confirm the depths to which we are sinking under his leadership.
  4. Chris Guest

    Some good points but South American players.....sold ado is Spanish and Gomes has left the club....FYI
  5. big fran Guest

    My preferred option would have been FdB but the more I see and hear of pochettino and the rumour gathers pace im getting very excited!! Would be great if he could bring one or two with him namely Shaw although I fear he's out of our price range and Rodriguez.. Not sure where Lallana could and would fit in with eriksen very similar and Lamela needing to have some faith and game time in him. A great alternative to Shaw would be Ashley Cole on a free as I believe he is still England's finest left back. Obviously a right sided centre half is needed and there ain't many that spring to mind really maybe one of the Dutch lads de vrij or vellman and a centre forward who can play out wide also ie Remy Lukaku. Apart from that I do not think we are a million miles away just need a manager who can put an arm round one or two soldado Townsend lamela paulinho all undoubtedly talented but never seem to be backed or knowing of thier role within the team and Pochettino seems to have this trait to his managerial attire. Money should be available due to the paltry NET spend over the last two seasons
    And high earners such as gomez king Keane bale vdv modric Defoe off the books and sales of rose naughton Dawson Livermore chadli holtby Kane adebayor to raise ample funds to build on top of an already strong squad with young talent coming thru. Coys..
  6. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Article was drafted BEFORE I knew Gomes had left the club, and in all my excitement about getting this piece of work published I overlooked that particular error (I'm sure there are a few more besides).

    As for the South American thing, I also state that Pochettino has a 'Latin background' having spent the MAJORITY of his career, playing and managing, in Spain, where he no doubt came across Roberto Soldado, in that time. That is where any potential connection between the two would be found.
  7. reto New Member

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    Fair play for putting a detailed case forward but I still don't think this is the man to turn us around. Another potential AVB with less track record. None of the players who are big names at Southampton were bought by him and those that have been brought in like the striker from Italy and the Uruguan Ramirez have been very poor. People will say he has a Director of Football who signed these players but if it was without his support/blessing then I wouldn't want him anywhere near our club. If Levy insists on having a DoF then we need somebody who has got the balls to make sure he gets the final say.

    De Boer is the man. Largely because he has a track record of 4 titles on the bounce so knows what it is like to win trophies and he also has a great relationship with two of the players (who along with Lloris) we need to build our side around in Eriksen and Vertonghen.

    We have signed too many players and appointed managers who had reputations like Pochettino where they have done well at smaller clubs without winning anything only to see them fail when they make what is seen as a step up to Spurs - Siggy, Rose (after returning from a good loan spell at Sunderland only to be really poor for us), Christian Gross, Gerry Francis etc.

    There are no guarantees with whoever we appoint but I don't think a guy who has impressed with teams who aim to finish mid-table is the man to take us forward. If not De Boer then I'd go for Rafa ahead of Pochettino who has a track record of getting teams to play and actually win trophies.
  8. Fatspurs Guest

    I totally agree with your article, pocchetino, Rodgers,Martinez are the new breed of managers that are tactically astute workaholics that have a vision that can change a club they don't have big mouths and most importantly are very intelligent. I am worried about the fans who are crying out for fdb a manager who has never managed in the premier league, in my book you have to be in the premier league to know what it takes. even Benitez ,he is a good manager but we know what we get, most fans want attacking football and Southampton at times played better than Man City,Liverpool Sherwood would never been able to do that so wouldn't Benitez. Get pocchetino please, spurs fans if we played like Southampton this year we would have been in the champions league that I'm sure of.
  9. Halabil Guest

    Well argued and articulated piece on MoPo. I have a few reservations:

    1) the lax defensive traits of Soton this year. They seem to do well when out in front but when they concede a goal, they seem to give up the ghost. There is something about the defensive organization or lack of concentration that has allowed many a team to come back and win against Soton after conceding a goal or 2 to them (I believe we were one of those teams).

    2) MoPo has done well in bringing teams down at the bottom of their respective leagues to mid table positions in Espanyol and Soton, which clearly are stressful environments to operate in. However, I suspect the profile of a team such as Spurs, where there is an immediate expectation of success from Day 1 is something that he has not had to deal with. The pressure from Levy, the press, opinionated and higher profile players present an altogether different set of pressures that MoPo has no experience dealing with.

    I would support any one of MoPo, FdB, or Rafa to come in and take the reigns. Each of them has their plusses and minuses but for me, the order is probably FdB, Rafa, and then MoPo. I will say that if we end up with any of these three, it will be a big improvement from what we have had in 2014 thus far!
  10. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    How are YOUNG, UP AND COMING, managers ever going to get experience at big clubs if they are not given opportunities?

    I alluded to it in my article. Wenger, Mourinho, Rodgers, etc. What had they achieved before getting there big break?

    How can you compare Poch with AVB?

    AVB was damaged goods when Spurs hired him. Someone who had struggled to come to terms with life in the EPL (tactically and culturally) and looking for redemption.

    Pochettino is a man who has so far EXCELLED in the English top-flight and his stock is only rising. His transition from La Liga to the EPL has been seamless, and his brand of football has been PROVEN on these shores.

    Gastón Ramírez was NOT his signing either!
    Last edited: July 16, 2014
  11. Jimbo Guest

    Everyone keeps going on about Frank De Boer and I must admit he was always my first choice, but just because he has won the dutch league 4 times doesn't mean he can cut it in the premier league. Steve Mclaren won the very same league with Twente but don't see anyone wanting us to get him. In my opinion I think FDB would be the same kind of appointment as AVB and we all know Levy hasn't got the patience so I just don't think it would work. I think whoever we get needs premier league experience not sure we will get Pochettino as I cannot see Levy paying the sort of money being banded about. So unfortunately I think it will be Benitez and although he has got plenty of experience his brand of football isn't as easy on the eye. So I to have to agree and hope we get Pochettino as he has premier league experience and will get us playing attractive football. You just know he will get the best out of Lamela too which is a bonus! Whoever we get you know this time next year we will probably looking for the next manager so does it really matter!
  12. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Nice article Ramos and a good read, although it does seem to have a few extra coats of gloss on it. I do think that Pochettino could be a very good manager and a very good fit at spurs. However at this stage all he has is potential to become a good manager at a higher level which makes him very high risk. Look I don't think that reputations, records and CVs are everything, if he's a good fit he might do very well but the cold truth is that up to now he has achieved nothing that is anything more than average. why is he a standout and obvious candidate ?
    Steve Clarke also guided WBA to 8th place last year. Experienced highs and lows of football ? they've all experienced highs and lows of football, look at Mark Hughes, I don't want Hughes or Clarke but they are just a few names of so many managers out there with EPL experience what about Tony Pullis or Gus Poyet, they both had fantastic seasons. Again why is Poch a standout ? Style of play, I thought they looked very impressive both times that we played them this season but both times they took the lead and gave it away, despite playing attractive football both times Poch was outwitted by TIM! they look good with the ball but make a lot of mistakes off the ball, slightly worse than us and our defensive mistakes were catastrophic by anyone's standards this year. Im not saying he cant be a great success at our club but there has to be some doubts about his ability to handle the type of pressure he will face at spurs and playing in four comps as well as achieving top four, in fact its a massive challenge for anyone to shake up this club and build a team with or without experience at this level.
  13. The Cockerel

    The Cockerel Member

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    Well done for putting such a strong case for Poch. I can't come to a decision about who our next gaffer should be ( unlike most fans ) but your piece has got me leaning Poch's way. FDB may have won the Eredivisie for the last 4 years but his subsequent exploits in Europe ( surely the true test of his management skills ) have been poor. Compare his record with that of Murat Yakin's Basel, for example. DL will never go for Rafa because he wants a manager who WILL make his name at the Lane and not one who has already achieved his best ( possibly ) elsewhere, LVG aside. DL wants his own Arsene Wenger. Someone like Rafa may end up thinking that he's bigger than the club when things get tough. These reasons are why Poch is now favourite to become our next manager, im my opinion. Let's hope your arguments are sound, they certainly read very well! COYS!
  14. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Notnats- I appreciate your comment, my friend, but this fixation you seem to have on finishing 8th, or enjoying one good season, in the EPL is REALLY starting to baffle me.

    I have CONTINUOUSLY listed a WHOLE HOST of reasons as to why I believe Pochettino is the ideal candidate for the Spurs role. And it is a COMBINATION of ALL these factors that make him such an appealing prospect. NOT one or two.

    I'm not sure we can judge Southampton,or Pochettino, solely, on their ability to beat the top 4/5 teams in the EPL. Instead we should focus on their form against the rest of the league, as that would be FAR fairer given the spending potential of the BIG BOYS.

    What I will say though about the Spurs games is that Tottenham Hotspur and S'hampton are MILES APART when you compare the two teams individually. And despite Spurs being a COMPLETE and UTTER shambles defensively, in both matches against the Saints, this season, Tottenham possess an attack that has the POTENTIAL to rip ANY team apart, if, and when, they click.

    Adebayor, Lennon, Soldado, Eriksen, Sigurdsson, Chadli and co, vs Rickie Lambert, Jay Rodriguez and Adam Lallana...Do me a favour, it's SUPPOSED to be a mismatch!!!

    Yet it has been Poch's ability to extract EVERY bit of quality from these individuals (as well as others), whilst moulding an EFFECTIVE TEAM UNIT around them that has seen Southampton be able to bridge the gap considerably.

    Let's get this straight, this was the same team that finished 14th last year, if you consider that Wanyama and Osvaldo played just 23 and 13 EPL games respectively ,this term. So BELITTLING their achievement of jumping 6 places in the league, and accumulating an extra 15 points, in ONLY their 2nd season in the league, does nothing for you.

    And all of that IMPROVEMENT whilst playing an EXTREMELY attractive brand of football.

    Lets remember that Rickie Lambert, Adam Lallana and Morgan Schneiderlin were plying their trade in League One not so long ago! Now look at them. The two English boys are heading to the WC and Schneiderlin is being linked with a £17m move to Arsenal or/and Napoli.

    Give Poch the dues he DESERVES!!! The proof is in the pudding...I am NOT making this stuff up!!!

    The BIGGEST compliment I can give MP for the job he has done is that people seem to think that Southampton SHOULD be finishing in the top 8 all of a sudden (since he arrived).
  15. x07 Guest

    FDB is like AVB. He has just managed a team with more resources and in a league with little competition. If I have to pick between the 3 top runners(FDB, Benitez and Pochettino), I have to go with Benitez. He has success in every club he managed. We have enough experiments of those upcoming and so-called talented managers(Ramos and AVB), it's time to choose someone who has really proved himself over the years. Benitez's football may not be the most beautiful at times but it's effective. Substance over style or style over substance? I will choose substance if it can get us results and into the CL.
  16. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Ramos I wouldn't say I have any kind of fixation with the saints finishing 8th, pehaps me pointing out that this is Pochettino's only notable achievement in the EPL irritates you. sorry about that. I have simply stated that, yes he has some potential to become a good manager, and maybe an appealing prospect but at this stage he has done nothing remarkable to say that he is the ideal candidate.
    Ramos - yes you have continuously listed a whole host of reasons why you believe that Poch is ideal, but not one of them hold any real weight other than just opinion. none of them make him a standout or obvious candidate. he's done nothing. There is no proof and there is no pudding !
    Im not trying to belittle Poch or Southampton, im just concerned that he's not ready for the step up and the enormous amount of pressure that will come with the job at spurs. The games against spurs were a perfect example, they looked fantastic on the ball taking the lead in both games but under pressure they fell apart and gave both games away. A worrying aspect of Poch's abilities to handle pressure, but still they were indeed very good in some games and 8th place was a fine achievement so im not sure what you mean with your assertion that its supposed to be a mismatch - rubbish, that's a cop out! we struggled against many teams much lower than us and couldn't break them down. Southampton and Poch proved that they can play good attractive football but they also showed they can fall apart under pressure which is something to be concerned about. Ill say it again, Poch has potential to become a good manager at the level required to take over at spurs, but that is all he's got which makes him high risk.
  17. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Notnats- Read my article again and you will see that Pochettino was involved in wins against Chelsea (chasing a top 4 spot), Liverpool (at Anfield) and Man City (who were challenging for the title) whilst being in a relegation dogfight!

    What part of that suggests he is a man that can't cope with pressure?

    Liverpool took Brendan Rogers from Swansea.
    What had he done to prove he was ready to lead a HUGE club like Liverpool? Answer me that! The same goes for Martinez who actually saw Wigan relegated, and win the FA cup, in his last season with the club. Was that proof that he was ready for Everton?

    Didn't David Dein acquire Arsene Wengers services from a Japanese based team?

    What about Pep Guardiola who was promoted from his position of Barca B team coach to manage the first-team? Now look at Pep, seen by many as one of the very best in the world.

    I understand your concerns but harping on about 8th placed finishes, or Pochettino not having 'achieved anything' is a LOAD of baloney, which carries VERY little weight when you considered what the names above have done or are doing!

    And you know, what they ALL have something in common with MP. Something that should excite more than it concerns but it is CLEAR to me that you either don't see it, or choose not to.

    The TRUTH is, ANY appointment revolves around POTENTIAL.

    Look, your right this is ONLY my opinion...but it IS an educated one, which is based upon an extensive understanding of the game. However, does any of that make my views right?Well, given my reasoning, you could answer either yes or no, but it all depends on the list of criteria you would want met by any potential manager.

    With that being said, what do YOU think Spurs should be looking for in a manager? And how does YOUR preferred candidate meet those requirements?
  18. Bobo New Member

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    Every managerial appointment is a risk.
    YES, you listed some very good reasons and I believe Pochettino should hire you as his agent in negotiations with Levy... but there is a chance that you could be wrong.
    Because you never know, there is no fool-proof educated or scientific approach in hiring a manager. It's a gamble.

    While respecting your opinion in the blog, I find notnats concerns have a right to exist. Only future will determine the winner of your argument. Or Levy by sacking Pochettino in his first season:)
  19. Neil Guest

    We can all argue and dispute until the cow's come home really but at present let's be honest we're not really spoilt for choice. Rafa not really for me I think I've seen about as much dull football as I can take let alone putting him at the helm, so Mopo or FDR bit of a gamble either way I suppose, who do we trust to work best with our squad and tweek where it needs it best, I think I am swaying towards Mopo a little purely because he's adapted to the Epl and knows its pressures and what type of player is needed but then if im saying that FDR isnt astute enough to know this already may be doing him an injustice, tough one for me but I think either would do well, FDR would no doubt have a wealth of EPL experience in some of his backroom staff and that might make the difference as well wow so many plus points for both you know what I might just sit on fence with this one haha COYS
  20. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Ramos - I always read your comments and like them very much, the capitals are also very helpful as I don't always read to well. Im not harping on about 8th place, you are so please stop mentioning 8th place. Look its easy to throw around names like Rodgers and Martinez because, yes they were hired without having achieved any notable success and have done well at their new clubs. but for every Rodgers and Martinez there is also a Laudrup and AVB. Im not saying that they are not good managers, they are. they were also up and coming young managers that unfortunately were unable to bring success to there clubs and were replaced. In fact if we were in this very same position this time last year you might have been singing the praises of Laudrup who was being touted as the next top manager and also a possible successor to Wenger.
    A lot can change in a year. Talking about Rodgers and Martinez lets see how they manage in four comp which includes Europe next season before we start heaping the praise and chanting their names coz its only gonner get tougher.
    As far as me saying that Pochettino hasn't achieved anything significant, it is not as you put it baloney, it is a fact. Look if he does become the next manager and proves himself then I will happily give credit and praise where due and that wont be about humble pie because all im saying is that a young manager who has achieved very little should be considered a risk.
    Deggsy56 likes this.

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