Would Levy really Kane it for cash....again?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, March 26, 2015.

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  1. Big Mal Guest

    VA Spur - spot on. Nothing more to add. COYS
  2. big fran Guest

    Will harry Kane leave the club one day? Absolutely. Yes. Will it be anytime soon. I'd say probably no. Let's be realistic here every player in world football bar messi has a price. If someone waives an obscene amount of money for HK and its a bigger club (and there are a lot of bigger clubs by the way) like it or not he will want to go and will go. That's football and that's business deal with it. Levy has many faults I'm sure but selling players that clearly wanted to leave for ridiculously high transfer fees isn't one of them..
    Now last summer he made all the bale money available for transfers whether be it baldini or avb signed them or not. The fact most flopped is not his fault. All the signings looked exciting and anyone who said they for saw them struggling frankly are lying. He offered Sherwood money to also buy in the Jan window which he refused. What more could he do.
    Why felon and other spurs supporters feel we have a given right of top four football and regular CL glory when operating with 35;00 capacity is beyond me. Factoring into the equation city n Chelsea have billionaire owners arsenal earn more match day revenue than any other club and the other two sides are massive world branded clubs in man utd and Liverpool that we are supposed to be rubbing shoulders with. Its ridiculous really.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Because we have gone from CL and moved backwards is my point, and at least 3/4 seasons CL has been more than achievable with a little more investment, NOTE I SAY A LITTLE MORE INVESTMENT not billions trillions Messis Ronaldos etc but a couple of quality additions in positions quite obvious to everyone which Mr Levy didn't do and in the long run it has cost us. Sometimes you have to speculate to accumulate why when the mention of a bit more investment in the 1st team is raised every happy clapper in the world comes in screaming about Leeds Portsmouth and happily saying we can't compete and shouldn't even try because we're so little is beyond me.
    We have been in touching distance for a while but are not making it what do we do differently to try rectify this? Just accept were nearly men and clap more of our genuine talent out the door? Or ask for our board to be a bit more ambitious and sensible in the market, every year we have glowing financial reports (which don't get me wrong is good to hear) but at the same time no one here can say they are happy with a number of clueless sub standard players that are not 'squaddies' they actually prop up our starting 11 while we have high earners sitting around contributing nothing! That is p;ss poor team management if you ask me re players and squad.
    To bloat us to a point our hands are tied in ins and outs is poor, to have a number of higher end earners sitting on the bench contributing zilch is poor, to have a number of our most recent purchases sitting on the bench because they don't fit the managers system is poor, to have potential and inexperience out numbering the reliable and experienced in the first team starting 11 is poor.
    I have said on numerous occasions as a business it's all wonderful but as a footballing end product we are lacking badly, Can you applaud an account book at the end of the season?
    Seriously I want us to buy a better standard of player in certain positions that we could afford to help our cause in achieving our goals and possibly keeping hold of our better players how outrageous is that?
  4. big fran Guest

    I do agree with a lot u have to say in particular there were a couple of seasons under redknapp when we were a striker light and signed saha who did ok to be fair but yeah if we had signed at 20 goal striker would have reached the CL on a couple more seasons more than likely and in another season could have challenged for the title. However I think levy the last couple of years has backed his managers with investment whether it be profit from the bale sale or not so I think he deserves a break on that one and let's see what the summer brings. Top 5/6 will be a decent season to say poch inherited a squad lacking confidence balance and leadership. We now have a talisman in Kane and a few quality players youth coming thru and its time to see if he can reshape the squad to his own making in the summer !!
  5. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Been away from the exchanges between Felon82 and BigMal .....but got the gist. There is NO doubt that without the 32 points points earned by Kane and Eriksen along with the points saved by Lloris, we would have been deep, deep in the brown stuff. Imagine our striker return if we had no Kane and Soldado and Adeybayor to rely on, ffs. I, like so many of us on the terraces are chuffed to bits about Harry's year, true Roy of the Rovers stuff. Those same fans are also AMAZED that he's done it, because by any criteria they and me care to judge him by, you never would have said he had it in him.
    As for the Stadium, it's at least another year away, with no realistic chance of being in a new ground before August 2020. I'm a fan, always.....perhaps it's our fault that we expect too much from Enic....it's only us that want to see our team playing the best is it?

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